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Anyone starting chemo August 2016?



  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    Hi Cali. Your hair looks great! Annie, your kids are so cute! Glad to hear that everyone's checkups are continuing to be good ones! Since I had a BMX, I don't really have any technology to tell me that things look normal. My checkups are simply an appt with the MO nurse. She is great, but really wish there was something more substantial than just waiting to see.

    I am continuing to struggle with anemia and have gotten severely anemic 3 times in the past 5 months (nearly to the point of a blood transfusion). Each time, I pushed back on the transfusion (I've never had one before and it scares me a bit.) and struggled through it. 2 days I am a wreck and can barely leave the house. Then about the next 10 days, I am completely exhausted, dizzy, and an assorted handful of other symptoms. I'm up to 3 iron pills a day, which brings it's own fun side effects. My cycles seem to be about 2 months apart now, so just as I am starting to feel ok, the next one comes. Each time recovery has been a little longer. Pretty sure my next step is a hysterectomy, but holding out hope that my cycle will return to normal soon. This has been really wearing on me. I can't think straight and just tired of being tired most of the time.

    Despite that fun stuff, we've actually had a pretty amazing summer. We took a much awaited trip to London and Paris (with our 2 kids) and it was amazing. I miss it already and want to go back! We had a nice summer party last weekend and caught up with some friends. My mom moved to my city, so I am getting to hang out with her a lot. :) My kids have been keeping busy. My son is a senior this year, so already getting busy with senior stuff. We've got pictures scheduled for next month. I am happy for my son as he is looking forward to a great senior year and heading off to college. So much exciting stuff ahead! But also very sad. I love having my kids at home. I know it is just a blink away before he is moved out. My daughter is a freshman this year. How did they grow up so fast?

    My aunt was diagnosed with BC a couple months ago. She is now doing radiation after some difficulty with her wound healing. No chemo. Praying that the radiation goes well for her.

    I love to check in on everyone and so glad to hear you are all well! I don't post very often, but am thinking of you!

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Thank you for the sweet hair glad to have some.

    Kelly you are so funny I agree how bad was my hair before... I get comments like keep it like that it looks better...or this is stylish ...does that mean I was scraggly before?? Sounds like you have had some fun summer stuff to do.

    Kechla .. What a fun summer in Europe... Good to have these special memories because our kids grow up way too fast. Enjoy every moment. Sorry about your aunt. One of my teacher friends I work with starts chemo next week. She contacted me and I told her to get connected with this site. You ladies have been my lifeline. 💕💕💕

    Speaking of humidity we leave for Louisiana next week to see my husband's family...not sure what the hair will do??

  • AnnieTater
    AnnieTater Member Posts: 57

    Hi everyone.

    It is so fun to see all this hair growing.

    It was around this time last year that we found each other HeartWe have come such a long way!

    Kechla - I have also had an incredible summer. No trip to Europe (no vacation left at work, grrrr!), but a 40th birthday party, a girls' weekend, lots of friends and family and fun.

    I understand the annoyance with the trite "what I learned from having cancer" but I do think I am happier. I know how precious life is and how it can be snatched away at any moment. So I plan on enjoying it! I was eating cake and drinking beer, but I have been feeling a little rounder than I like so I am focusing on eating healthy. I knew I wanted to be more careful with my diet, but I wanted a little time to not ever say "no" to myself. But I am over that now! Still can have cake and beer - but as a treat not a whim Winking

    I have a mammo/ultrasound/CT scan today. Uggh. Scared silly my all my lumps and bumps. SOOO good to hear all of your good stories from your recent mammos. Hopefully all is well and then I have a nice long wait until my next mammo.

    All my love!!


  • roofcat59
    roofcat59 Member Posts: 33

    Hello again to everyone. Thank you for your responses to my recent post and the reassurances that I'm not the only one who approached their first mammogram "after BC" with trepidation. Annie: Good luck on the your scans today!

    Turns out they were able to do both sides on me, even the one with the port, although the mammo tech and I had considerable discussion over how and if they were going to do it. My port is pretty low and I wanted it kept patent for my last herceptin the week after. I also was expecting an ultrasound that ultimately didn't happen. The tech came back after a short wait and said that the radiologist who looked at the 3D images said there was nothing of concern that needed US follow-up. So good news, right? I have to admit I was surprised, since US seemed to be of such importance when they were making the initial diagnosis last April. The next procedure I have to anticipate is removal of my port August 17th. I am more than ready to get rid of that. I still find it to be of considerable irritation up where it inserts into my jugular. I'm thankful I had it, though, since it saved my arm veins.

    Hvalley: Welcome. I finished taxol last October. My fingernails are very slow in making a completely "normal" comeback. They still split and tear off in small layers on both thumbs, but they're getting there. Hair growth on my head is back to normal. It is coming in curly like practically everyone else on this board! I used to pay money for the perm and haircut that made my hair look like it does now. BUT, my hairdresser said I shouldn't expect the curl to last. Oh well . . . I have noticed remarkably slower growth on my face, underams and legs, thoughSmile. That I don't mind. I'm wondering if the herceptin has had anything to do with that and, now that I'm done with that (hooray!!), whether I'll have to go back to shaving my legs more often.

    DaraB, Cali, Kelly, Annie, Kechla: So nice to see pictures of you all with your curly/wavy hair and read of your adventures. I originally posted quite a bit on the July 2016 chemo board, but started "lurking" on the August board since my chemo started at the very end of July. All of you have been such a tight-knit group and so supportive of each other. You have all helped me out by your comments, observations and humor. I was sorry to read, Kechla, of your continuing struggle with anemia; sounds exhausting. Annie: your children are beautiful and little Josie is such a precious miracle. My prayers to you and your family for your continued health and recovery.

    Best wishes to everyone for the remainder of the summer. Hope everyone stays healthy and busy.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    I agree, roof cat, it's so nice to have people check in periodically. We've all added so much to our lives post chemo, and it's fun to see what everyone is doing. I'm totally involved with my pottery, I even bought my own used kiln, but haven't used it yet. I go to the studio (about 1/2 hour away) 3-4 times a week. It really is both a social and productive time for me. I'm learning about new glazes and techniques and just having fun.

    Annie, I too have to get back to being better about eating healthy. It's not that I'm eating unhealthy, but I do eat more carbs than I should. I had done so well maintaining weight throughout chemo, but now on the estrogen blockers (and my poor will power) I've put on about 15 pounds. That definitely needs to come off. I've read so much about the effect of weight on cancer.

    You all are in my thoughts daily and I'm glad we're all on the "other side" of treatment now. But I also know as those first test roll around (and the second and third) nerves get rattled. Hang in. We're all (or many) still here for you! (Sorry about all the parenthesis! LOL. I'm in one of those moods :-) )

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Ok I just typed a whole thing then accidentally hit the back button! I tried last week to post a pic and couldn't lol.

    I wanted to check in, I love all the fun things people are doing- trips, celebrations, pottery!!! Today's my "cancerversary", read that crappy word cancer on my file. How far we've come, and I'm so thankful that I had all of you to help me through this journey. Today I get my blood drawn for the MO appt next week. Yep Kechla I'm told the same as you- basically go by how I'm feeling, no scans (they don't want to risk the exposure).....but how I'm feeling is not the same and it's always hard to know now what's "normal" and what's not. Part of the journey I guess.

    Here's a pic from June with my and my 14 yr old on the right, my cousin and her daughter on the left. You can see the waves/curls going in my hair. I've had my eyelashes fall out, but was happy to be able to put mascara on this week. Going for my second clean up of the mop as I call it lol. Moving forward but couldn't have done it without all of you!!


  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    You look great, ajbclan! It's nice to see your smiling face.

    I recently had a CT scan because a small lesion was observed on my lung during my baseline scan back in September. No growth seen and my mammogram and biomarkers didn't show anything worrisome so I think I'll be in the same situation except for mammograms.

    Would you believe I'm STILL not done with treatment? I decided to have my breasts reduced before radiation and the insurance process, difficulty booking an OR, etc., delayed the surgery significantly. I have my radiation mapping on 8/28. Unfortunately, I'm having neuropathy issues, including balance problems. The oncologist offered physical and occupational therapy, but I just can't face that while dealing with daily radiation. I was so looking forward to being done with treatment, yet it drags on. Blech!


  • SweetRain52
    SweetRain52 Member Posts: 19

    I am 65, mother of a 28 year old daughter, and 40 years into my marriage.

    I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in my left breast. They tested my lymph nodes and found one that was had cancer cells. The surgeon decided to remove only the left breast as the right appeared cancer free. I have to say, I cried after he said that. I keep trying to feel like the same woman as before this started, but the removal of my left breast made me feel less a woman than before. I've come to accept this, but sometimes it hits me and I get depressed for a while.

    Well, I got through the Chemo and it went pretty good until the Nulasta failed on the last chemo dose. I live in Cleveland and we had this horrible cold going around, so as soon as my white blood cell count dropped, I naturally got it and coughed for three months. My husband said that that was the only time that he thought I might not make it. He has been an angel through this whole experience. I put off radiation until I thought I was over the cold. Radiation was not bad until the 4th week when the skin started to feel pretty tender. By the time my radiation treatment was over, well, the last two weeks were pretty painful. Then the healing started and it was about another two weeks before I really started to feel like I was going to be ok. It was worth the pain to think that I may just survive this to live several more years.

    My hair has grown about 4 inches. No more wigs! My husband and daughter said that the short hair was very attractive on me as well as a friend, so I have been considering keeping it short and maybe gray. Oh, don't be surprised that your hair grows back in curly or wavy when it used to be plain straight! It happened to me! I look in the mirror sometimes and ask myself, "Who are you?" LOL!

    After the radiation, they put me on anastrozole. My wrists have ached, I have a chronic stiff neck, I sometimes get leg cramps, but I am happy, alive and feeling well! We went camping with my 5 year old granddaughter this summer and had a great time!

    The only thing I have faced recently is a rash. I have no idea where it came from, but it itches pretty bad. I want to see my onocologist about it soon and maybe a dermatologist, but it is the only thing that is really bothering me now. I feel so very lucky to be alive. My mother died at 65 of a heart attack and every day I live past my 65th makes my heart sing.

    I just want to encourage everyone who is going through this, you can make it, you can endure, you can survive! God bless you all!


  • sensitivehrt
    sensitivehrt Member Posts: 310

    Hi ladies,

    Just wanted to pop in and say hello. It's hard to believe that our journey with chemo started a year ago.  Time is flying by for me. I treated myself to a nice vacation in July with friends, after my "chit" 2016 year. Doing ok. Taking the tamoxifen with some side effects. Other than that, working..... a lot at times (100 hours) on my last pay check.  Wears me out, but trying to get back to a normal life.

    Love reading the updates and seeing how you all are.

  • sensitivehrt
    sensitivehrt Member Posts: 310


    A pic from my recent vacation.
  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Love to catch up on everyone ... Always enjoy keeping up on each other's life's and the pictures are a bonus. I think we all have a special bond. I am still not feeling up to par with aches and pains that could just be age for me!! Last week was my anniversary for first chemo and I got kind of blue as I remembered the emotions of it all. I am walking through it with a teacher friend I work with who just started chemo the first of the month. It brings up so many of my memories of how hard it was some days. I sure hope she finds support like I do from y'alls.

    SweetRain...thanks for sharing your story with us.

    Unfortunately it's back to work for me now. I am hoping for one more year till I retire. I've lost my energy but I will not let anyone else know this... I will keep smiling and doing my job with love and care. I have 10 pounds of extra fluff I need to shed myself then maybe I'll have more energy.


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Got to spend my last summer fun visiting my son Tony & family in Vegas area this past weekend ❤️image

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Hi Everyone-

    I have my MO appt Thursday, but got my blood work results this am. White cell and platelets "low". Of course I google it and now I'm worried. Message to my MO and my primary care because I also am suppose to have dental work done tomorrow. Ugh, why can't this end.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Oh goodness not good ... I will say a prayer .. Let us know what your doctor says.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Thanks Cali. Both my primary and MO do not seem worried about it. My primary said to message her before googling...I told her I'm good at multi-tasking lol. My MO said she isn't worried but will be watching it. Both gave the green light for dental work this am. Of course when I googled, the Robyn Roberts (from Good Morning America) secondary disease came up. Its so nice to know I can throw my worry out here!! Hope you're all doing well.

    Love the pics! Sensitive so jealous of your vacation (not your work hours lol).

    OH! You'll all love we talked about dumb things people say when you're going through this. Grant it the poor girl had no idea, but still. I went to Costco last night....the gal about to check me out was looking at my card longer than usual and I was like what is she doing? She then says quite animated "WHY did you CUT YOUR HAIR?!!" Ok, really? I've already done my freak out this am, I'm exhausted and now this haha. I just said well actually I DIDN'T cut it, but had cancer, so it's growing back. Poor thing was a little frazzled after that. But what do you say?! I've had a couple random people tell me without knowing about people they know dealing with cancer and I just don't say anything but this I had to just answer lol.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Hi all. Everyone is looking great! Had my 1 year bone density test yesterday. Also had some labs as I've just been having excruciating foot, leg, hand cramps, especially at night. Seems my magnesium is low. So glad to get to the bottom of it. I have been awakened 4-5 times a night for two full weeks!

    Otherwise doing great. Enjoying the last of summer before grandkids go back to school. Can't believe some have already started! What ever happened to starting school after Labor Day? Just glad I don't have to go back to work!!:-)

  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    Hello all. So, I now have a hysterectomy scheduled... My cycle just will not get under control and I can't live being severely anemic all the time and I'm sure it's not healthy putting so much stress on my body all the time. I'm a bit scared because last time I had lap surgery for a hernia repair, I lost 5 pints of blood due to an unseen nicked vein when they inserted the first lap device. They have decided to NOT do laparoscopic but instead open surgery, so that calms that fear a little, but the recovery will be longer with the bigger incision. I look forward to being on the other side of this and feeling better again. We're also taking my ovaries since my cancer was estrogen positive. Not sure what to expect with that. Will it be the same as taking tamoxifen? Right now, I have some mild hot flashes, but that is about it. Once the surgery is done, they will switch me over to an AI for another 4 years. Please say a prayer for me that everything goes well. Surgery is 9/5.

    AJB, my white cell count has been low as well. So far, they are not concerned. The ratios of everything else seems to be in line. Hope you find that everything is ok.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Kechla ... So sorry you have to go through this too. I pray this will go smooth and be a piece of cakeafter all you have been through.

    Kelly ...we can only hope when the doctors aren't worried ...we shouldn't be worried. Love the Costco story. I have gotten so many parents this past week comment on my cute new hair do ... It's like ...hello did you not know what was up last school year??

    Dara..yes we are one of the school districts back in full force already. I do remember when we all went back after Labor Day!! Glad you are doing well now that they found out what was wrong.

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Kelly, had your white cells and count and platelets ever returned to normal after chemo? I agree that it's good the doctors aren't concerned. I think we'll all have these weird bobbles periodically as our bodies try to rebuild from the chemical assault. Regarding your Costco interaction, when I was fully bald, a cheerful young teller was trying to make conversation, but kept putting his foot in his mouth. For example, he said, "You're lucky that you don't have to go to work." After a meaningful pause, I said, "Actually, I would love to be going to work instead of dealing with cancer and chemo." The good natured kid was clueless because cancer obviously wasn't in his realm of experience. I hope he's lucky enough to remain naïve for a very long time.

    Kechla, another surgery? BOO! I was able to quell constant, heavy bleeding with a D&C many years ago, but know that's not successful for many women. I hope all goes smoothly and that you recover quickly. Keep us posted!

    Great photo, Caligirl! I ran across an article that mentioned many women gain as much as 5% of their body weight after breast cancer treatment so be gentle with yourself if you're holding the line at 10 pounds of fluff. I've been having extreme carb cravings. The article mentions that hormone receptor negative women tend to gain the most weight. Ugh! I'm sorry that you're still feeling fatigued. :-(

    As for me, I felt lower than a snake's belly last week. I was grateful that my biomarker tests were normal & my plastic surgeon approved moving forward with radiation therapy post-reduction. Unfortunately, neuropathy in my dominant hand in both feet hadn't improved since my final chemo in March. Trying to regain my endurance and deal with chronic back pain, I'd been doing my balance and core strengthening exercises I learned at PT. I thought the unsteadiness in my gait and odd posture were due to pain medications, but took none for a few days and was forced to acknowledge that it was the neuropathy. I have radiation remapping next week and thought I could finally complete treatment only to realize that PT and OT might be required. More medical appointments and the financial impact of further delaying my return to work left me feeling desolate. Luckily, I have seen some improvement in my balance in the past few days with continuing my self designed exercise plan.

    Howdy, Dara! I can't get back to your note without losing this post, but didn't want to miss acknowledging you. :-)

    Hang in there, ladies!


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Lyn .... Well that stinks ... I guess cancer is the gift that keeps giving...we just forgot to find out if it was gifts we want or don't want?? I am just totally exhausted now that I'm back at work. I don't think I've ever felt so out of shape. I'm just so tired ...and still chubby.. I won't complain but what if 10 pounds turn into 15 or more?? Yikes! Sorry you were feeling like a snakes belly ...haha I like that one....but I know that feeling 😳 Hope getting your balance in check will help everything else fall into place.

    Anybody else had enough of this heat? I guess it's better than flooding!!

  • sensitivehrt
    sensitivehrt Member Posts: 310



    So thankful to have had you ladies. What a difference a year makes

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Look at you, sensitivehrt! How goes the hormone therapy? One of the few good things about triple negative is we don't have lengthy treatment plans.

    Caligirl, I can't even imagine trying to work full-time. My wagon is draggin' and I'm not currently working at all. Can you perhaps get Amazon Fresh grocery delivery for a while, maid service, one of the task running services to at least help with stuff around the house?

    My radiation schedule is set up beginning next week. I'm dreading it, yet eager to finally be done with that step of treatment.


  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Hi all, I'll weigh in (lol)on the hormone therapy also. I've put on 12 pounds since chemo and know I'm not doing my best at cutting carbs, but it sure is frustrating. For 4 weeks now, I've had horrible leg cramps at night and really bad hip pain. I don't think it's the letrozole, but who knows. My right hip has been replaced twice and while it's not wearing the way it should, the dr can't tell if I have bursitis, psoriatic arthritis in it, or if the muscle has pulled away from the bone. I had a cortisone shot which helped for about a week, but will go in October for an MRI. I'm just really tired of not feeling 100%.

    Sensitive your hair looks wonderful! It is so true, I was just about two weeks into "bald" one year ago. My hair is growing really quite fast now... I know since I put a color on it and can now see gray roots growing out.

    Lyn, good luck with the radiation. Just remember to slather all the creams on several times a day from day 1.

    Hang in there Cali, cut yourself some slack when you're not at work and just pamper yourself.

    Kechla, good luck next week. Every good thought is being sent your way.

    Hi to anyone else, Kelly you still doing OK? Surviving the heat we're have? It was 115 when I got off the freeway this afternoon to go home, and then we've had thunder and lightening storms all afternoon. Just crazy!

    Take care all... Dara

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Hi Everyone!

    First I want to say to Kechla- even though we're not writing right away, definitely thinking of you and prayers to you on your surgery next week! I'm really hoping this finally gets you back on track to your new normal (because God knows we're never normal again).

    Dara- how frustrating to keep being in pain, I know I definitely have some PTSD so every little thing has my worry flag flying.

    Lyn- glad you're moving forward and getting the radiation done, and hopefully we all stay with that word DONE lol.

    Cali- I know I can do more to help myself with the fatigue (oh exercise more? uh lol). It's frustrating for sure, too tired to exercise, but I know that's what the Dr's will tell me to do. Working full time though has got to be exhausting. I know our bodies are still recovering from everything.

    My counts were better a couple of months back, I think that's why I panicked. I have surgery scheduled for the exchange of the TE's for the "real fakes" on the 18th. Pre-op next week and we'll see what they say. I just hope no more complications.

    Still dealing with my teen and her headaches. She had botox a week ago, Sunday finally a no headache day but then her first day of high school was Monday and we're back up on the pain scale. This is more exhausting to me than anything.

    Sensitive great hair pic!! All my love ladies- I'm thankful we are 1 year out from dealing with all those chemo side effects!!!!

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Good advice, Dara. I've been having to massage coconut oil into my reduction incisions so I'm in moisturized bosom mode already. :-D

    Fingers crossed for all to go well with the pre-op and subsequent surgery, Kelly. I feel so bad for your teen. I can't imagine dealing with chronic pain at such a young age.


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Thanks girls for the pep talk ... I finally got my rump out to the pool and swam... Stretched and just kept moving for 25 minutes so I felt good about that.

    Sensitivehr ....great hair picture

    Dara... I understand I have had foot pain all summer and I'm tired of not feeling 100% but I'm still so thankful to be here I hate to complain.

    Lyn...good luck this week ...keep us posted.

    We are finally going to cool down this week... Yay!!


  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Yay on the pool time, CaliGirl! I forgot to ask the RO when she thinks I'll be able to swim in a public pool. I'm looking forward to the impending cold front, too.


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Lyn .. I know with the radiation you were not suppose to do a hot spa or too extreme cold ... Someone told me the extreme cold can cause trouble with radiated breast also. I guess I am just cautious because I don't want any surprises 😳 My RO also said no sunbathing this year which gave me an excuse to remain pale this summer.. Lo

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Good point, CaliGirl. The city pool is kept quite warm; in fact, warmer than I would prefer when I was swimming laps.


  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Hi guys. My RO had told me no public pool for the entire treatment and until all effects were gone afterwards. I think they are most concerned with infection, plus the chlorine can dry and irritate skin. My friend, however, who saw the same RO went in her home pool every day and never had any problems. Good luck

    Kechla, when you check in, hope everything went well with surgery.