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Anyone starting chemo August 2016?



  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Thanks, Dara. I would love my own pool, but have to traipse to the public pool. I didn't consider going during treatment since the skin would be vulnerable to any cooties from the dozens of people in the pool on any given day. I wondered about after treatment ends, but suppose that may depend on the condition of my skin.

    I didn't realize that the tech hadn't removed a piece of marker tape from my breast after the simulation yesterday. I'm allergic to adhesives and it was the pain that brought it to my attention. Nice to start my actual radiation treatment with small welts as well as multiple inches of reduction incisions. Doh! Shocked


  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    Good morning! I am on the other side of surgery (3 days) and feeling so releived! Surgery freaks me out more than just a little bit... Can't help but think about going to sleep and perhaps not waking up again. So, now it is done and I'm in some pain, but it's manageable. Each day is better than the last and the healing is going quick. I just came home yesterday after 2 nights in the hospital and was so nice to sleep in my own bed.

    Sounds like I will still be on tamoxifen for several more months. Not sure I understand that. Then a switch to AI's.

    So far, I really haven't noticed any difference in symptoms (from chemical menopause to surgical menopause.). Hopefully my body had already adjusted to the hot flashes brought on by tamoxifen. I am looking forward to building up my endurance again and not dread losing it every month.

    I plan to put my down time to good use and hope to get a photo album created from our summer trip. Also to get a start on collecting pictures and momentos for my son's graduation next year.

    Good job Cali on getting out to swim. Dara, I hope you get your pain managed soon. I'm very curious to know if it is from your AI's. also, haven't heard about your grandson lately. Is he still doing well at his school? Kelly, did your dr ever give you any idea on the low white blood count? Mine continues to be low... VLH, thanks for thinking of me. Sensitive, love your picture! You look healthy and beautiful! Sorry if I've missed anyone. Hard to go back to read once I've started writing.

    Love to all of you! Have a great day!!

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Kechla....glad you have that behind you and that your healing well. Glad you getting to that album. I use to love working on my scrapbook albums in the summer but after my diagnosis I haven't had the desire or energy to drag it all out and work on. I don't seem to have a lot of energy for much lately.

    Lyn... I'm lucky to have my own little lap pool in our back yard ... But then I need the energy to uncover it, clean out the leafs and get my growing buttin it each day.

  • AnnieTater
    AnnieTater Member Posts: 57

    Hello everyone! Loving the pictures of all these healthy ladies!

    Kechla - so glad your surgery went well!

    Dara - I am so sorry you are in so much pain. That stinks.

    Abjclan - That story takes the cake! I would have said something, too. I'm glad I had to get a new picture this year.

    Sensitiveheart - you look great! And yes, what a difference a year makes. A friend with cancer said felt like 365 years and 365 minutes all at once.

    Caligirl - love your happy pictures

    Sweetrain - SO good to hear from you! You seem so positive and happy.

    I have also put on some weight since chemo. Struggling with my sweet tooth although I am trying to eat healthy most of the time. Also can't find a good time to exercise. I know that is always the excuse - but I with w 5 year old and a 9 month old and a full time job I always feel behind! Any advice from experienced moms/busy ladies out there?

    My brother got married a couple of weeks ago and we all went to Seattle to enjoy the festivities. It was lovely! Then cmaping last weekend with friends. I am short of time off because of FMLA for baby and chemo/surgery

    Glad to see this little group active right now. I'll stop back in again soon!

    Much love to you all!


  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Hi Ladies! Kechla- so glad you're on the other side of surgery.... it's crazy how long this process can be. I know VLH is continuing treatment too. Kechla no word on the low counts. I have exchange surgery tomorrow, so had blood drawn again and still on the low side but I'm "stable for surgery". Ok people!

    What's so crazy is I'm continuing to run into and meet women going through this. Feels like an epidemic! Maybe it's where I live? Is it our environment?

    Love to you all...I'll post later in the week. I'm hoping for smooth surgery and no infections this time!

  • Chemist
    Chemist Member Posts: 9

    Hi there. I just wanted to mention something weird but good. Since (surgery+chemo+radiation), I no longer get headaches, nor do I suffer from motion sickness. Prior to BC treatments, both of those were BIG problems for me. I think it's most likely a result of the chemo, but I can't rule out other things like the anesthesia used for surgery. In any event, these are two side effects of BC treatment that will last, I hope! I'm wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar?

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Hi all. Kechla, so happy another surgery is behind you and so hope you can recover quickly. Cali, I feel your pain! I'm allergic to the adhesive also and know how really sore that skin can be.

    It was a rough week last week. My brother is in Florida and we were worried about him with the hurricane, but then we lost my sister-in-law last Thursday to brain cancer. She had a melanoma that metastasized to the brain and it progressed very rapidly. Such an insidious disease cancer is!

    Kechla, I went in for an MRI yesterday and will see my orthopedist in October so I guess I'll see if the AI is having any effect on my joints. Also, my grandson is doing super well. He is now at a new school, back to his neighborhood school in Carlsbad. He's been mainstreamed for 60% of the time in a regular 1st grade and is thriving. The teacher and class are so receptive to him, he has a new little best friend named Annabelle who has bright pink hair! The teachers met my daughter after school the first friday and said "thank you for giving us the gift of Camden in our class this year!" My daughter started to cry. The kids are so interested in Camden and sign language that his signing aide has been given permission to teach the whole class sign language twice a week. His teacher said they are just amazed at how intelligent his is and now they just need to find the best ways to tap into that. What a difference from a year ago when the first school said he was unteachable and couldn't be educated!!!

    I'm still doing lots of pottery and still totally enjoying it. Here are a couple of shots of my pots looking down on the center. I'm experimenting with new glazes.


  • Chemist
    Chemist Member Posts: 9

    Wow, what beautiful pieces! The photos make me want to reach out and pick them up. GORGEOUS!!

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Interesting and fabulous, Chemist! I had a period of time after my cancer diagnosis, but before any treatment, when the ugly cooties on my cancer side toenail disappeared and pink, healthy nail grew. During chemo the problem re-emerged. Now I have perhaps 1/4 inch of unaffected nail. The dermatologist diagnosed it as psoriasis, but I don't know if that's really accurate. I just know it's a nuisance because it doesn't respond to treatment and I find it difficult to do pedicures because of fine motor skill issues from fibromyalgia and now neuropathy in my dominant hand.

    Dara, I'm so sorry for your family's loss. I'm glad that your grandson is settling in to school. Keep up the good work on the pottery!

    I had my seventh of 16 radiation treatments today. So far, it's pink between the nipple and breast crease plus some on my chest, but nothing alarming. My blasted encapsulated shoulder is painful or the treatment wouldn't be bad at all. Because of the location and having to allow for traffic/construction, I do end up losing 2 to 2 1/2 hours per day. I wish the end of radiation would mark the end of treatment, but I'll probably end up getting a lymphedema pump so that will require an hour a day. Perhaps it will be a good chance to catch up on reading or find something fun on Netflix.

    Ajbclan, sending best wishes your way for an uneventful surgery and smooth recovery.


  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Lyn- keep plugging away at your radiation, wishing you smooth sailing through it, Lord knows you deserve some! Yesterday in talking with the nurse in pre-op, I held up the wrong arm when she went to do the blood pressure- oops! She actually is a BC survivor- same MO and PS as me lol. Geez! So she asked which arm and I was like- ugh! Then she got a fabric sleeve and sticker for that arm- can't trust the patient!

    Chemist- that's really a great silver lining that I hope sticks around! I guess early menopause is mine lol.

    Dara- wow, that happened fast with your sister in law. So devastating, I'm so sorry. But thank you for that update on your grandson. Wow, what a difference, it's just truly amazing! I love your pot pics too!!

    Surgery went quickly- At the surgery center at 6am and home by 10! No nausea this time (phew), pain in minimal- definitely do able. Makes me realize how "big" my last surgery was since I had nothing to compare it to.

    Hope everyone has a great week!!

  • barbarau55
    barbarau55 Member Posts: 14

    Hello Ladies. Wow, lots of changes for many of you. Good things happening and sad things. I don't know when I was on here last time. I apologize again for the lapses in my contributions to being your cheerleader. You all do amaze me, however. One thing: BC makes us all stronger!

    I have finished all treatments. I say that with complete confidence because, come what may, I will not do THIS again. I did not do chemo well. I did not do surgery well. And I did not do radiation well. So if there is a recurrence, so be it. I've told my SLGD (sweet little girl doctor--local), my children, my hubby, and my small circle of friends.

    During this 14 month process, I had complications with every stage, delaying the next one, so I know I'm more apt to face this again. But, as I said, so be it.

    I have lost two brothers. My baby brother Jan 21, 2017 and my next younger brother Aug 21, 2017. Heartache on heartache. Only those who have furr-babies will appreciate it, but we lost one of our miniature schnauzers on July 21, 2017, also. My boobs came off Dec 21, 2016. I think I hate the 21st, ladies.

    I've been deeply depressed but just in the last few days I am feeling some lifting of depression. The change of physical seasons seems to be bringing me a change of emotional seasons as well.

    I am doing some writing and I bake bread for a weekly meal served to Children's Ministry workers at my church so I'm trying to find ways to be more involved again. In early January 2018 we will become great grandparents for the first time. A little girl named Olivia is expected by our only granddaughter and her husband. So there are some bright sparkles in the future.

    My prayer for you all is that you stay strong in this fight, that your families are well and that whatever comes next, we have endured together and are better for it.

    blessings, barbara

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Barbara- all I can say is wow....any of that on it's own is more than most can deal with and BC and complications on top of it- too much. I'm glad you're starting to feel some "light"....sometimes its hard when its one crappy thing after another. I get the complications, but realized after meeting another local BC woman that I'm "thankful" my complications were what they were. Thanks for checking in here- I was just thinking wow, now we're heading into that pink month, and last year we were all talking about it while being bald and sick.

    I'm almost 2 weeks out from my exchange surgery. Funny- another interesting personal reaction I've found interesting is my reaction/response to people asking if I'm "happy" with my new boobs. I guess because this wasn't something I "wanted" like a boob job, I just respond that it's "fine". Sure the surgeons were good, and I know I look as normal as I can possibly look, but it's not "me" (even though me was a small A lol)......I feel like it's just part of this process and so it's hard to be excited by this lol.

    Hope you all are having a good weekend! Lots of hugs and love to each and every one of you....

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Sia- I'm Alive

    Ok Ladies- I've heard this song obviously before, but I was just in the car and the chorus made me think of all of us--------

    Take a quick listen to the chorus and hope it brings you some strength on this Saturday, as you ALL are amazing.


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Dara... Those are beautiful do good work. I can't remember what you MRI will be on? My left foot pain has gotten miserable. X-Ray showed no fracture so on to a podiatrist . Again I am tired of being tired. I met with my oncologist last week and he said its only been 6 months since treatment ended so not to beat myself up over it.

    Hope everyone is doing well..hugs

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    I wanted to share what my Ashley & I did ๐Ÿ’•


  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Cali look at you!! Too fun! By the way- your hair is adorable....mine is curly in the back, wavy/feathery on the sides and top and now I'm over it lol. Sorry about your foot pain....I do think we expect stuff to just be normal. Funny last night I had some weird feelings - thinking it felt like neuropathy. So stuff seems to come and go.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Thanks Kelly .... How are you feeling? Your right it comes and goes!

  • tobyholic
    tobyholic Member Posts: 53

    Hi, I just read your post about your feet. I am having the same problem. It started a year ago and I've been off of chemo since Oct 2014. My oncologist seems to think it may be from the Taxol, but my feet arent numb and they dont tingle. I havent went to a podiatrist yet, but thats my next option. I used to do a lot of walking but now, I can barely do my grocery shopping before I need to sit down. I would appreciate any advice or information

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    tobyholic....since my doctor never told me the results of the x-ray I had my PT explain it to me... It seems I have some bone spurs and arthritis ....strange.... My supervising nurse I work with just went to a workshop on children and chemo...they discussed foot pain and chemo and how it can effect these kids years later. Makes sense it could do the same to us. I can't see the podiatrist till the 19th... I'll keep y'all posted on that visit.

  • tobyholic
    tobyholic Member Posts: 53

    Great! After I hear your diagnosis, I may decide to go. My oncologist gave me a prescription for Gabapentin but I dont want to start on yet another medicine. And it scares me that this medication is used for people with seizures...........isn't that scarey? I had no issues with pain until a year ago but it didnt start slowly. I woke up one morning in pain and it hasnt stopped. Cancer is the disease that just keeps on giving...........gggrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Hi everyone-

    I just wanted to give you this link, thought it was a good article on her experience with AI's.

    Happy Hump Day.......Kelly

  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    Good afternoon everyone. It's been a while since I posted. I am now 6 weeks post hysterectomy and I am feeling good. I can still can feel unusual sensation when I twist or lay on my stomach, but each week has been better than the last. My endurance stinks, but it is getting better each week. And I will not be getting anemic each month anymore!!

    Too much of a good thing going on I guess. Both my dad and mother in law have recently been diagnosed with cancer. My dad is starting a very rigorous chemo regiment this Wednesday for lymphoma. I am sad for the months of chemo my dad is about to endure. My mother in law is very weak with a heart condition. She meets with her oncologist this Wednesday to determine what course of actions are available to her for her small cell lung cancer. Additionally, while in the hospital for her heart (when they found the spot on her lung) she was exposed to and contracted c diff. Ugh!! She is miserable and so weak and there is nothing I can do for her. Additionally, my dog is having surgery tomorrow for bladder stones. Hoping everything goes well and she feels so much better when she's done. Last, earlier this month, one of my son's classmates took his life. While they were not close friends, they have grown up together and we have known him and his family since 1st grade and were on the same baseball team for 6 years. His sister and my daughter are also good friends. I am in tears whenever I think of him or a picture of him pops up in my photo album or facebook. I am so sad for the life and experiences that he will not know and the people who will not get to know him. Enough! Life just needs to ease up on the bad news!

    To end this on a more positive note, my birthday is this Thursday and I am healthy and feeling good, so planning to go out for dinner and margaritas with friends and family! I am hoping to start a healthier eating plan this week (AFTER the margaritas and Mexican food!) and to start exercising more to lose some of these extra lbs I've put on this last year. My son's senior night for marching band is this week (happy and sad tears!) and my daughter will cheer at her last freshman football game this week also. They are such amazing kids and bring me so much joy!

    Best wishes and happy fall to you all!


  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    My gosh Kelly! I am just so sorry for all you and your family are going through. It does seem that lately there is some heavy karma sitting in the air! Go enjoy those margaritas and Mexican food. You certainly deserve them!

    I doing OK. I'm hoping I only have a couple more weeks and the cast on my arm can come off. We just got back from Florida . My sister-in-law passed away from melanoma brain cancer. The service was beautiful, but it was so humid and the cast was sweltering.

    I have my 3 month labs and ck next week and will get results of my bone scan so will see if any of my issues may be related to chemo/AIs.

    Hope everyone else is hanging in and getting ready for Halloween!

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Barbara, I was finishing radiation & missed your post. Boy, 2017 was a cruel, brutal year for you. I'm so very sorry. Congratulations on the great grandbaby-to-be.

    Cali, the matching tatts are great, definitely an upgrade from the pesky radiation tattoos. I'm dealing with foot pain, too. Not long after my reduction surgery in mid July, I started feeling like the bones in my feet were collapsing. I was determined to get through my long delayed radiation so haven't seen a podiatrist yet. I already had arthritis in my feet and have a buildup of bone spurs on top of both feet about an inch high.

    Kelly / Kechla, I'm glad that your recovery seems to be going well. How sad about the cancer in your family. My mother has been hospitalized a couple of times from c. Diff that developed after she got antibiotics for dental surgery. It's a nasty ailment and she doesn't seem receptive to the disgusting, but quite effective, fecal transplant option. I hope that all went well with your dog's surgery and that your birthday dinner was fabulous. I'm meeting a friend for Tex Mex tomorrow. She was amazing about providing transportation during my cancer treatments.

    Dara, I'm sorry for your family's loss. I hope you'll soon share news about perfect test results.

    Tobyholic, I've taken Lyrica for years for Fibromyalgia. It's a bit like Gabapentin and, knock on wood, I haven't had any adverse side effects. I should note that I take it at night it if I'm not going to drive just to be cautious.

    Ajbclan, I'll have to check out the song you shared!

    As for me, my skin held up quite well through radiation and is recovering nicely. One annoying side effect that I haven't heard others mention is what I can best describe as prickly heat. When I get the least bit warm, it feels like tiny pin pricks of heat on my torso. I think radiation worsened my lymphedema a bit. I need to make an appointment to see about a pump, but have just been too tired to address that. The neuropathy in my feet, shins & dominant hand continue. I saw the plastic surgeon this week. Medically, I consider my reduction surgery a success in terms of shoulder & neck pain related to hiking my breasts up from my waist. Aesthetically, less so. The skin flap / dog ear on my left side shrunk markedly from radiation but the one on the right still looks like a small extra breast that tends to escape my bra. My nipples, which looked perfectly placed immediately following surgery, look about an inch too high as my breasts have settled. The surgeon says it's due to skin laxity (63 years old & 100 pound weight loss). She said she could attempt a repair, but the skin would likely sag again in six months. I don't know if she's right or wanting to avoid another surgery and who would pay for it since the insurance payment was for the reduction aspect? The lack of volume in my upper beast makes bra buying a challenge. I didn't get nauseous after this surgery & no infection so do I take a chance given that I'm not planning any nude modeling? Probably not...

    I've probably missed someone, but the pups say they're done digesting dinner and want out of their crates right now!


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Lyn you had reduction surgery? How long did you have to wait? My cancer breast has become so odd shaped and much larger since radiation. The seroma on the side kind of gives off that 3rd boob look. It just looks ugly . I am like a boob sells person... Brown boob...white boob they are an odd duet. I don't want to be fussy but I'd like a normal size pair not sure if insurance would cover. I guess I would see my breast surgeon ..??

    Dara...cast on your arm? What did I miss? Sorry for you family loss. So thankful for how your grandsons schooling has become so positive ...what a praise.

    Kechla ...sorry about your family members being diagnosed. Stupid cancer strikes again. I am trying to help my teacher friend at work as she battles through her 6 chemo treatments. My uncle has bladder cancer and will finish his chemo this week and a good friend of ours was just diagnosed with prostate cancer and will have surgery this next's like cancer is every where.

    Tobyholic ...I have been on Gaberpentin for years for my herniated discs but was told it would help me through chemo and radiation. I only take at night. It has been a life saver for me and my back.

    Kelly hope your doing well.

    I spent my birthday last week in Nashville since my nephew was getting married. What a fun town. We enjoyed it ...hit the honky tonks ...went to the grand ole Oprey on my birthday. My husband called ahead and asked them about a birthday wish and cancer free 6 months. I got so many kind wishes from up on stage. It was fun.

    I keep all these newly diagnosed folks in my thoughts and prayers. I keep all of us in prayers as we try to deal with our new normal and try to figure what things are related to our chemo and what options we have.

    Y'all enjoy our ๐Ÿ fall weather ๐ŸŒป and Halloween activities ๐ŸŽƒ pumpkins are everywhere ๐ŸŽƒ

  • misslil
    misslil Member Posts: 229

    Cali, you may want a referral to a plastic surgeon if one wasn't previously part of your treatment team. If the issue is arising from your BC surgery and recovery it should fall under insurance coverage especially if the concerns are directly in the area where you had cancer treatment.

    I've had PS surgery in relation to my treatment plan after BC diagnoses twice now, on both sides. In reconstructing the L side where the issue was and getting it to a reasonable place cosmetically, and reduction on the R side for 'symmetry'. That was the case when I had a mastectomy years ago, and again this round after a new diagnosis summer of 2016.

    I'm having the new reduction on the R side later this week from the current diagnosis. Which I'll surely be happy about if all goes to plan -- currently, that side is close to twice as large as the L. Awkward!

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Nashville sounds like fun, CaliGirl! I ended up waiting for longer then preferred due to a delay in insurance approval. In my situation, insurance paid for the surgery as an option to reduce back, shoulder and neck pain rather than being coded as breast reconstruction. It was painful hoisting my F / G breasts up from my waist daily. Since radiation damages the skin, I felt compelled to get the reduction done before those treatments plus much smaller, less pendulous breasts meant much less tissue to be zapped. As Misslil said, if corrections are considered further modifications related to cancer reconstruction, I would expect insurance to pay. I need to be regaining endurance to get back to teaching dog obedience classes, which requires lifting heavy stuff, so doubt that I'll pursue more surgery. The results are somewhat disappointing, but choosing the lesser of the evils, I prefer my nipples too jauntily pointing to the sky rather toward my feet.


  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    I've saved so many emails, trying to read over and go back! Hope everyone is doing well this week. Kelly/Kechla it gets overwhelming when there's constant sadness and crap happening...especially with kids. I'm hoping your birthday dinner got you back on the upswing of life. Dara- let us know how your scans turned out etc.

    I've been riding the wave of teenage girl hormones...not all her fault lol, but it's exhausting. She's going to start going to a new therapist, so I met with the woman last week. About 45 min in I was like "oh yah, I had BC last year" lol...she was like yeah just a side note. I think she wants to talk to me about my issues, but I told her cancer was way easier than dealing with the ups and downs and health of my kid!

    I don't have any scans....just the routine blood work. Like some of you have mentioned, I realize I may need to do more reconstruction to get things back to "normal". I don't want to, and we just wait and see how things "settle" into next year. I do know unless the laws change, etc that if I need to replace implants 10 years down the line, it's covered all under this BC diagnosis.

  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    Thanks everyone. This was a very sad weekend. My mother in law passed away on Friday evening. She began chemo last Tuesday and we think it was just too much for her in her condition. She was an amazing woman and I will miss her terribly.

    My dad is about 10 days past his first treatment and feeling very bad. Hoping the next few days starts to bring him some relief. Did anyone on here deal with diabetes during their treatment and have any advice? He is diabetic and his blood sugar went up to 400 after treatment. It is down to 200 now. Still high, but manageable.


  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    I'm so sorry for your loss, Kelly. I hope that your dad's blood sugar stabilizes. How many treatments are planned?
