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Who is starting chemo in September 2016?

MFalabella Member Posts: 105

I thought I would be starting in August, but after an infection in my surgical incision, it looks like September it shall be. I will find out tomorrow from my MO what my treatment schedule will look like. I hope to meet some of you here, as I made tons of new friends in my August 2016 thread, lol




  • SandraDee
    SandraDee Member Posts: 2

    I will either be end of August or September. I just got my port placed yesterday.

  • MFalabella
    MFalabella Member Posts: 105

    Hi Sandra, I get my port on Aug 24th and start chemo on Sept 2. What a wild ride, that I never want to go on again!

    Best wishes.


  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270


    I get my port put in this Friday

    I don't know if I will start the end of August or September.

    I am stage 3. Treatment will be ACT

    Very nervous .. But reading the August thread gives me comfort. So happy to have this website to share this journey with one another.

  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594

    hi sept 16 gals from this sept 15 gal!

    I want to wish you all easy infusions. Know that although chemo is tough it is doeable. And by joining this group you will make some of the best support buddies that you will bond with for the next few months and even longer. I will say that my sept 15 group kept me from not feeling alone and scared. I took comfort in knowing I was not alone and someone else had the same feelings, reactions, symptoms, and thoughts. Even now a year later I still post to my group to update where I am at a year later in my recovery and survivorship.

    As for advice I would say read the chemo tips posts and follow the August group from this year. There is comfort in reading experiences of those that have started before you. If you have any questions please ask and I will try to answer as I will add this group to my fav topics. I encourage you to pay it forward next year and offer the same support and help to the 2017 sept group.

    Be fierce sept warriors

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    MFalabella, my chemo has also been delayed due to infection in the seroma. I'm starting a different antibiotic that will hopefully prove more effective. I plan to attend chemo class this week or next.

  • MFalabella
    MFalabella Member Posts: 105

    VLH, I hope your infection clears quickly. I found out I will be doing AC turbo doses 2x a week every three weeks than Taxol weekly for 12 weeks. I start on Sept 2nd. Fun Fun.....Not. I hope eveyone is well.


  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    I don't recall seeing the term "turbo dose." Is that different than dose dense?

    Unless something changes with the confusion about the triple negative status, the treatment plan is four cycles of dose dense AC every two weeks followed by twelve weeks of Taxol. I'd hoped for one of the shorter treatment courses, but with a high grade and proliferation rate, the MO wants to hit the cancer hard. I feel at high risk for adverse side effects, but am hoping I'll be one of those who says, " It really wasn't as bad as I expected"! Smile

  • SGDsmama
    SGDsmama Member Posts: 12

    I'll be starting a long chemo trip on 9/13. Dose-dense A/C ( 4 2-week cycles) followed by 12 weekly cycles of Taxol with Herceptin and Perjeta being dosedevery 3 weeks along with the Taxol. Followed by surgery and an additional year of Herceptin every 3 weeks.

    My biggest concern right now (other than side effects, duh) is work. I have a seasonally demanding/stressful office job - and that season is October-April. I have a very active son who will turn 4 in September. I can't decide if I should "try" to work for a while or just say "faggedaboudit" and go on leave. I can not see how it would be possible for me to be out for even 3 or 4 days every two weeks and be able to keep up, and still be a halfway decent mother. But I also don't want to shoot myself in the foot with leave, you know?

  • MFalabella
    MFalabella Member Posts: 105

    VLH< that is the term that the MO used when describing it to me, it probably does me dose dense/ At any rate I may have misunderstood, since I had my 7 year old with me at the time. Blessings,


  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270

    My Treatment Plan is 2 months of A/C( once every 2 weeks)...Then Taxol for 3 months( once a week). Then I have to have Surgery..Then maybe Radiation...Then I have to start taking a hormone blocking Onc. says my turmor is growing fast from my estrogen.

    @ SGDsmama I too am concerned about working while on chemo...i have an energetic 4 year old also...i started a thread on "just diagnosed"... Title "While Working On Chemo")...Some ladies posted their experiences while working on chemo...I want to keep working to stay active and busy...and to keep my mind off my situation...from what they say on that thread..that it really depends on you and how you react to the chemo...alot of ladies on there said they continued to work and some say that they didn't...Me I am going to continue to work..i know me if i stay home, i will be stressing over my situation.

    @VLH and MFalabella...I hope your infection clear...I am just ready to get started...I am nervous..but still ready to get this show on the

  • SGDsmama
    SGDsmama Member Posts: 12

    Nayda, you're like my twin! Just with more babies. Similar age, similar tumor (based on what I've read - are you HER2+?) similar regiment, similar concerns. Nice (for what it is!) to have someone who'slike me around.

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270

    Lol... Yes it is gr8! SGDsmama...i did genetic testing yesterday... So right now don't know if it's hereditary or it just happened...i get those results in 10 days I think.

  • MFalabella
    MFalabella Member Posts: 105

    My genetic testing came back showing no family mutations, just a random act of violence on my body. Good luck!


  • SGDsmama
    SGDsmama Member Posts: 12

    My genetic testing is this afternoon. Then "chemo class" whoop whoop!

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270

    @ @ random act of violence on my body...that is so true...thanks..i hope its not hereditary.

    @ SGDsmama..good luck lady!

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270

    Completed my Echo today....found out today that my chemo starts next friday....Still a September GalWinking

    I got a week to prepare...I get my port tmrw..i hope its not gonna be painful afterwards..crossing my fingers!

  • MFalabella
    MFalabella Member Posts: 105

    I have my port placement sometime next week, I am right there with you hoping it will be a cinch, Blessings to you.


    MLMSC Member Posts: 31

    Hi all. I will start the 12 week - weekly chemo August 30. I will have Taxol and Herceptin, followed by Herceptin every three weeks for the remainder of a year. I'll start radiation after the 12 weeks of weekly chemo. Having chemo class August 22, and getting a port on August 23.

    I was diagonised on July 5, had lumpectomy and node removal on July 29. Haven't done the signature part yet but for info I was diagonised with IDC, 1cm, nodes 0/3, ER/PR +, HER2+

    I would love to chat with others on a similar treatment plan. I understand the side effects may be a bit less severe with the weekly plan.

    Thanks all

  • misslil
    misslil Member Posts: 229

    Just got my port placed today, starting chemo late next week - close enough to September?  Will be 6 cycles of TCH-P for HER2+

    This is my second round with breast cancer after a DCIS diagnosis about 8 years back treated with mastectomy & radiation.

  • MFalabella
    MFalabella Member Posts: 105

    misslil, you are a September gal. Good luck to you, and we will keep in touch here.


  • MFalabella
    MFalabella Member Posts: 105

    misslil, did you experience any discomfort with the port placement? How was the experience??


  • misslil
    misslil Member Posts: 229

    Thank you for the interest. It pinches a bit but overall I'm up and about surprisingly well afterward taking nothing but a single Motrin every couple of hours. I was offered a prescription but haven't pursued that. Hope I won't regret that choice tomorrow ;)

  • MFalabella
    MFalabella Member Posts: 105

    Good to know Misslil, thanks for the info! I hope you are as pain free as possible,


  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Glad to hear the port insertion wasn't bad, Misslil.

    Michelle, I'm glad the genetic stuff could be ruled out. Since one sister and I have Fibromyalgia, I'm very glad that I never had kids. Since I was diagnosed with cancer just shy of my 62nd birthday and don't have a significant family history of BC, it's presumed I don't have a BRCA gene.

    Nayda, we're on the same plan except no hormones for me.

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270

    Hi Everyone:)

    Wow misslil we got our ports the same day.....My experience was

    I was taken back to the O.R. and slid on the other lie the anesthesiologist said I am going to give you some extra oxygen...i was like okay...and thats all i was knocked out ladies....i woke up as they were taking me to the recovery room....soon as i opened my eyes....i started shaking real bad...b/c it was super cold in there and then the pain in my shoulder and neck hit me hard...I said I am in Pain! nurse was like can you rate your pain for me..I said ...I am in Pain!!!....she started laughing and said okay..Imma get you something......don't know what she gave me but after 5 minutes the pain was gone...the doc wrote me a script for Norco...but the place where the port was put..i haven't had any pain there at all so far.

  • misslil
    misslil Member Posts: 229

    best wishes nayda985, sounds like that was quite more exciting than you wanted, and sorry it hurt so much

    I will say after I just changed clothes for the night, mine has quite a dramatic look to it with large-ish red area and blue veins showing sharply. still nothing hurting more than an OTC pill now and then can handle.

  • MFalabella
    MFalabella Member Posts: 105

    Nayda, so sorry you had that experience. It is night and day from misslil's. I guess it is true, we as patients are all unique. Feel better! sleep sweet.


  • MFalabella
    MFalabella Member Posts: 105

    I've had a rough day. financial assistance that I was told over the phone that I can get to help with copays for cancer treatment, told me I have to work full time. (Iam far too fatigued already to work full time) so that was a no go. Then the doctors office called and told me if they can't get me scheduled before the 30th for a Muga heart scan and port placement, chemo will be pushed back again. I am so frustrated and just over today.

    thanks for letting me vent, have a good evening,


  • misslil
    misslil Member Posts: 229

    MFalabella, sorry to hear you are having those issues. Could you try something in between if you'd feel able, like working "fulltime" but with short/off days through FMLA or any leave programs your employer may have?

    I'm hoping to work for a couple of weeks out of the 3-week cycles, but I'm sure I'm seriously underestimating the likely side effects. I live very close to work so at least there's not a big commute to contend with for however many days I may feel able to go into the office.

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270

    Thanks misslil and MFalabella.....i slept like a

    misslil they told me to leave the large white pad on the port site for five days....are you describing the red area around the port? sorry thats happening. it's just my shoulder and neck giving me a fit..hope this goes away this weekend..

    MFalabella...i filled out the financial assistance paperwork too(waiting to hear back)....what do they mean you have to work full-time in order to get help with copays? like misslil says your job should have (intermitten fmla)...that protects your job and your still "full time" status...where if you need to take a couple days off your just have to use like vacation or sick days or no pay.....your onc. office need to get it together and get the ball rolling...i am going to pray for you lady...i understand how frustrating that are ready to start your treatment.