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Who is starting chemo in September 2016?



  • GonnaBePoz
    GonnaBePoz Member Posts: 20

    Well, I'm here for chemo treatment #2. It hasn't been as fun as the first treatment. The nurse had trouble finding my veins so I got stuck several times. She said I had not had enough water. She advised me to always drink a ton of water before any lab work.

    During infusion, I had a bad reaction to the Taxotere. About two minutes in, I had a strange feeling in my chest and thought I was having a heart attack. It was a sudden flush from chest up through my whole head. It scared my mom and she called the nurse. Every nurse on the floor came running to help. They took the Taxotere off and started it back more slowly later. I guess that may be a common reaction? The oncologist came by and said he will start giving me Decadron (steroids) the day before and after treatment to help with side effects.

    There is an older couple next to me on the other side of the curtain. They are evidently both hard of hearing so I get to hear everything about three times...and louder every time. Lol. Lucky me.

    Best wishes for all of you

  • Ware
    Ware Member Posts: 63

    Seq24 I will keep you posted. I bought too sided tape at the wig store for the wigs. It really works.

  • Sam13
    Sam13 Member Posts: 49

    Day 9 after Emily's second chemo round and she is doing really good. The SEs pretty-much have followed the same pattern as the first round, except her taste went south earlier and she hasn't been as fatigued or had much D to speak of. Let's hope the rest of them go this well!

    GonnaBePoz - Emily's doctors prescribe Decadron the day before, and 2 days after her infusions. So far, she hasn't had any reactions during her chemo sessions.

    Hope you all experience minimal SEs in the days ahead and have a great weekend!

    Are any of you in the path of that hurricane? We were, but it looks like it's going to miss us now. Whew!

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270 about your trash lady....i am finally doing ok..thank you for took 5 days for me to feel almost like myself...this third round of A/C was really hard on me...i am dreading the fourth and final one I have next friday...I understand now why they do the A/C bi-weekly..b/c me personally I wouldn't be able to do it weekly...I hope next week goes real slowwwwww.

  • HopefulYogi
    HopefulYogi Member Posts: 38

    chemo#1 day 7.... Stayed home from work yesterday and today. Lost my voice at the end of day 4- completely. Some mild D that Imodium controlled on day 5. But yesterday the D and the V hit at the same exact time! 3 times that night! Broke out in a full body sweat. Couldn't t manage to eat or drink much after that. Burning taste in my mouth & throat after vomiting. Exhausted, weak & miserable!

    So this morning I called in to the dr ( no work again) and she had me come in to get fluids, zofran,Pepcid, and do bloodwork. Blood work was great, and I felt better after fluids. Also discovered that I have now I am on diflucan pills. I have to go back tomorrow for hydration to make sure I get built up for the weekend. She mentioned maybe an appt with ENT if this voice doesn't come back soon. I don't really want to go looking for any more problems!

    To those in or near the path of this storm--stay safe, your're in my thoughts!

  • misslil
    misslil Member Posts: 229

    best thoughts to all as many of us are progressing to rounds 2 & 3.

    went in today for round 3, they needed to lab tests first - no joy with the port which was not a suprise given track record in recent weeks.  they ran the CathFlo agent, and did get some joy in that it started working after about an hour. I'll be even happier if it works again tomorrow when I go back for IV fluids and Neulasta.

    Uneventful otherwise today except there were two ladies in the room near me who each appeared to be getting the same regimen, and one of them was getting the talk about the 'tough regimen." The nurse added a comment I had not heard before, that this may be the only regimen for which my clinic has patients return for IV fluids the following day and then an additional day. Is that true for most of you not doing TCHP?

    I also asked what the point was of them giving me Tylenol and Benedryl in pill form during the series of drugs. R.N. said it was to help with the Herceptin which otherwise could cause fever? But she also said she had worked in other clinics that did not use this step at all so go figure.  I wonder if they would want to continue this once I go on Herceptin only, which would be a pain as they recommend you not drive for the Benadryl making you woozy.  I have felt some wonkiness after taking that. It wears off pretty fast, but no so fast that i'd expect that issue to be gone for a 1-hr session of Herceptin only.  In a pinch, I'd consider driving after the full regime which right now is running me around 3.5 hours of dosing with the anti-nausea, Benadryl/Tylenol, and the four drugs in series.

    have not had any nausea/vomiting thankfully since Friday, nor D issues.I have been noticing some weirdness in my fingers, feeling a little sensitive/rubbery. Hoping that is not the sign of something that will progress a lot worse.  Planning to take some precautionary anti-nausea next week to try and head that issue off at/before the first sign of trouble.

  • Ware
    Ware Member Posts: 63

    Day 2 after infusion #3....happy to report zero SE....I hope it continues and I wish I could take on some of you all's SE for you.

  • makeiki3
    makeiki3 Member Posts: 19

    Hi All! Just checking in. I'm at day 18/21. I've had some shedding for the past 3 days with today it coming on strong. I do believe that I'll go and get a buzz cut today. Tired of the shedding and painful scalp. Other than my suture abscesses healing I have next to no SE's. Just in time for round 2 on Tuesday. WooHooooo!

    Went to my 12 year old's cross country meet yesterday, and it was such a beautiful Fall day. A very dear friend of mine coaches a different team from my son's. My friend was wearing a pink ribbon and had his entire team wearing them on their uniforms...for me. I am still blown away by this act of support by so many who don't even know me. I truly appreciate the support and love.

    Mislil -- Have you tried taking vit. B6? It sounds like a bit of neuropathy is happening. I take 100mg of B6 everyday to try and prevent neurapathy from happening. All we can do is try:)

    For those of us who have expanders, has anyone else had the experience of having them deflated or inflated? I had mine deflated a few weeks ago. It was such a funny experience. I'm quite amused because my PS always asks me if I want them bigger or smaller. I figure I can tailor them to how I feel, wanting more or less. Finding it a rather hilarious situation to be in. Who else could possibly understand what we are going through except for each other. Still trying to find humor and/or silver lining in this whole crazy adventure we are on. Wishing everyone a great weekend with minimal SE's, lots of love and humor to keep us going.


  • AngelaKS
    AngelaKS Member Posts: 67


    I've been too sick (again) to be on here or do anything else. I went to ER yesterday for fluids and they gave me Zofran and Phenagren (someone asked, I take it for nausea) and then a GI cocktail that was Mylanta & Lidocaine and that really settled the pain in my stomach. It is just so irritated. Finally feeling a bit better today. I did notice that I did not have the bone pain like last time so that is something right?

    This has just been so awful, at times I cannot imagine doing it 4 more times, but I do what must be done. Hair is going, I wish it would just go already to be honest. I wear a scarf of some kind all the time now.

    I hope you are all doing better xoxo

  • seq24
    seq24 Member Posts: 451

    Ware--thats great news! I'm in the process of AC #3 as I type this. I'm hoping for the same results as you! Keep us posted.

    I did ask the nurse about my low potassium. She said it is likely caused from the chemo and the steroids. I can't believe those steroids are causing so many problems for me!

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Before I forget, did those of you doing AC+T, did you only ice for the T portion? I noticed nail changes mentioned as a Cytoxan SE so wasn't sure. I'll post this in another group & think I may have asked before, but only recall one response so apologies for any duplication. Did you take Ace bandages to hold the ice on your feet? I just laundered my oven mitts for my hands.

    Ware, YAY on no significant side effects!

    AngelaKS, I feel so bad for you! I hope your doctor can find the tight mix of medications to make your treatment more tolerable. Nausea and V are so horrible. Gentle hugs...

    Seg24, I hope your weekend goes OK post-treatment.

    Makeiki3, sorry to read that it's time to let the hair go. :-(


  • seq24
    seq24 Member Posts: 451

    VLH--I actually just asked the nurse about icing. She said that it is only for the Taxol portion of chemo. But she also told me there is some new study saying that there is no scientific evidence that icing prevents neuropathy and nail changes. I'm not taking any chances and will be icing anyway. I know someone who finished her Taxol a couple weeks ago and did not ice. She has neuropathy so bad in her feet she can barely walk and said it is getting worse.

    Almost done with AC #3. The headache from the Cytoxan is already starting.

  • AngelaKS
    AngelaKS Member Posts: 67

    I forgot to add that I showed my peeling hands to my chemo nurse and she said it is for sure from the chemo.

    I had a steroid shot because of the reaction to the Perjeta and that cleared it right up! It is not as bad this time and really is just starting now. I have however had this hard lumpy skin between my thumb and forefinger on my left hand since shortly after infusion 2. It seems to be getting a bit better but while not really painful, quite uncomfortable. Like when you try to open a soda bottle and the cap is on tight and it hurts that spot.

    Thankfully, feeling much better today but have only had some broth, nothing really sounds good and my taste is still off but not as bad as last time. I guess maybe some things might not be worse each time which is something.

    I forget if I mentioned that I did not have the pain from the Neulasta this time around. I was achy but that could have been from D&V and dehydration too.

  • smilethrupain
    smilethrupain Member Posts: 133

    Hi ladies, sorry about all the SE. Mine are compounded by a cold. So day 3 post infusion, and can't sleep well and have more nausea. I'm doing Accupuncture for neuropathy. They Have me take decadron the night before, 2x day of, 1 am after. This time they eliminated decadron from the premed iv, which actually helped not have too hard of a steroid crash. Hope y'all have minimal SE this weekend. So looking forward to getting rid of the cold

  • ACS74
    ACS74 Member Posts: 62

    Hello ladies,

    I've been reading through your posts and thought I would check in. One week past second infusion. Minimal SE's this time. Nothing major to report at all. My rash has not reappeared, no D, weakness/fatigue was the worst SE this time. I will be going back to work part time after talking with my boss. I don't think if he wasn't desperately short on staff that he would let me, but I told him I am more than capable and will communicate when I'm not. I'm excited to have some normalcy in my life for the first time since June. I hope that you all are safe with this hurricane and have minimal SE's.

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Thanks for the input, Seq24. I couldn't find anything one way or the other in a Google search focused on the last year although the small study from several years ago certainly suggested the Elasto Gel mittens helped preserve the nails. I don't recall if it spoke to neuropathy or just nail changes. On my one more AC, right? Can you tell the headache is from the Cytoxan rather than the Adriamycin because of the timing? I hope it doesn't last long and that you have a good weekend.

    AngelaKS, I hope you can eat some solid food over the weekend.

    Smilethrupain, BOO on getting a cold! Those are miserable any time, let alone when you're dealing with chemo. :-(


  • seq24
    seq24 Member Posts: 451

    VLH--Definitely the headache is from the Cytoxan. It is definitely not as bad with this round as #2 was. I was told in round 1 that it is a common side effect of the Cytoxan. Like a sinus headache. And that's exactly what it feels like. Mostly above my eyes. I timed it today. It started 20 minutes after they started the Cytoxan. I took ibuprofen at 7:00 this morning and have taken it every 4 hours since. It's helped a lot. Feeling very sleepy this time too. Have not experienced that. I think its from the Emend and Aloxi they gave in premeds. Waiting for the steroids to kick in and then I'll have plenty of energy. I cannot wait for this AC to be over with!!! One more to go on Oct. 21!!!

    Have a great weekend. Hope you are feeling well!

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Getting close, Seq24! I'm glad the headache wasn't as bad this time.


  • kdtheatre
    kdtheatre Member Posts: 145

    Angela-what do you think your SE/reaction is from...just the Perjeta? I can't recall, but are you the one that started your first treatment of chrmonwith herceptin & Perjeta too? Or did you do a different chemo for 4 weeks & are now doing herceptin/Perjeta with a new chemo cocktail?

    So to those doing Taxol for 12 weeks (or going to) you are going to ice at every treatment? I've not heard about this and already have some neuropathy (precancer discovery).

  • mrsmouse
    mrsmouse Member Posts: 4

    Hello all! I've just finally figured out how to work this website.... I'm not very computer literate... I also started chemo last month. Suffer from a lot of the same SE you all have described. Finally someone understands!! Hope you all will let me join your little group and chat. I could use the friendship. :-)

  • ACS74
    ACS74 Member Posts: 62

    welcome mrsmouse! Sorry that you too are on this journey, but you are certainly not alone.

  • mrsmouse
    mrsmouse Member Posts: 4

    Thank you ACS74. Im up in the middle of the night now with terrible stomach pains. Had them yesterday as well. The only thing different as far as SE this time was thrush. Any ideas? Not sure if this is par for the course.

  • Ware
    Ware Member Posts: 63

    Welcome mrsmouse! Great place to learn, vent and commiserate with like experience people.

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270

    KD...I am one of those Taxol ppl :(....I have one more dreadful A/C Treatment..then 12 Taxols...umm to Ice or not to Ice is the read the weekly Taxol thread and some ladies iced and some didn't and had mixed experiences...umm I think I am not going to ice...but if I start getting the neuropathy..then I will ice..just hope it won't be too late...on that thread also they say you can take glucosamine I think....I am definitely going to take that when I start the Taxol.....I hate being that's why I won't start out icing...:)

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270

    Welcome to the chemo train mrsmouseHappy

  • beebs2704
    beebs2704 Member Posts: 88

    nayda985, I'm icing for the taxotere portion of my cocktail (seems to a standard protocol at Canadian hospitals) and surprisingly it's not that cold. I hate being cold as well and I have to say my toes are uncomfortable but that's about it. I expected to be a shivering mess throughout and it's not too bad.

    Acupuncture update: because some were curious if it's helping. My diarrhea has stopped, I've returned to a regular diet, and all of my taste buds have returned. My shingles, whether the acupuncture helped that or whether it was the meds, have healed but I have ongoing fatigue and some lingering headaches.. Now the real test will be next week after my infusion on Tuesday to know if the acupuncture is truly helping.

  • Ware
    Ware Member Posts: 63

    I've run into a problem ladies...the mere thought of drinking water is starting to make me feel yucky. I made lemonade and is giving me indigestion. I do not like Gatorade so that's out. What do I drink? I know I need to hydrate so I won't get sick.

  • bagsharon
    bagsharon Member Posts: 142

    Ware, when my stomach is acting up, I go for ginger ale, chamomile tea and/or peppermint tea. If it is electrolytes you are looking for, coconut water might help or you can try those gels that runners use (found in sporting good stores) but be careful with those because they really should be used with a lot of water.

  • ACS74
    ACS74 Member Posts: 62

    mrsmouse-with thrush you will more than likely need a prescription. To prevent it next time, make sure you are gargling with the salt/baking soda mixture and also brushing your teeth at least 3 times a day and using mouthwash. I use a combination of biotine at night and listerine zero in the morning/day.

    Ware-Sharon had some awesome ideas. Also, popsicles, diluted gatorade/powerade, juice, or I'll give a recipe my pediatrician gave me 23 years ago to balance electrolytes. It's a homemade pedialyte. It kind of tastes like uncarbonated sprite when made properly.

    2 quarts water

    2 pinches of salt

    sugar to your tastebuds (usually around 1/3 cup)

    Real lemon (in the bottle) to taste.

    I usually taste and adjust as needed. This has always stopped my children's upset stomach and my two grown babies still ask for it when they are sick.

  • ACS74
    ACS74 Member Posts: 62

    For the neuropathy- My MO said the icing has not been proven. I have not seen anyone icing at my center, but I had considered it. She actually asked me not to, her concern was that a random cancer cell could get in the areas I'm icing and then the chemo would not kill it. With her persuasion I opted not to ice. I do suck on ice cubes during treatment. I have read that we should not go barefoot at anytime as it increases the risk. Massage of hands and feet is recommended and I do that daily. I've also continued taking 5000mcg of B12 and I have experienced very minor neuropathy.