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Who is starting chemo in September 2016?



  • CC2016
    CC2016 Posts: 94

    Smile- you're the first to say the shots hurt! Thanks for the heads up.

    My update (and I don't remember what my last one was): Gyn oncologist did recommend ovary removal or at least suppression and to be on an AI rather than tamoxifen. I've been on tamoxifen since March with very little SE. I've decided to start getting the OS shot (first will be in a few weeks) and switch to an AI. I figure if all works well I can have the removal surgery by the end of the year. I kind of want to keep my opinions open in case the AIs don't agree with me and make life even crappier.

    I ditched my wig in April. Got an "even out" cut, chickened out and wore the wig one more week and then went short pixie. I even had to get a trim last month for the back. I like the short back but want the front to grow much longer. I've got weird waves and curls that are tough to manage. I finally found a product that is working in keeping it acceptable to me so am finally in a better place there. I gave my daughter permission to die her hair this summer and she chose a bright crimson. I was going to swipe a bit for fun but she chickened out. She's going to koolaid die instead but mine is way too short to make that work. She's telling me to style like Pink-still got a ways to go.

    Finally found out what my arm pain is! Two MOs and an RO didn't think lymphedema was the issue but finally got me to a physical therapist. After first session she's almost positive it is, "if it walks like a duck..." A light case but I won that prize too. Forever. And with just 2 SN removed! I'm so over all this... I have had medical professionals tell me "I doubt it's lymphedema" "I doubt you'll need chemo" "I doubt it's breast cancer" all in the past year. So over all of this!

    Still don't know why my other hand hurts. But the neuropathy is definitely easing up. I seem to be tired a lot still. Need to be more active but it's so much easier to be lazy. I really need to find some motivation but have been drawing blanks.

    Need a vacation too but just started working the day after rads finished. It's supposed to be temp to perm but am wondering if I'll make that transition. The contract will be over soon but communication is not something big at this company. My eldest daughter's soccer team is heading to Tulsa in a couple of weeks to play a regional tournament which is a huge deal-and expensive. She and her dad will go since I have a job now. That's pretty much our vacation budget, and beyond. (I typically can get some great deals but not when officially you MUST stay at a specific 4 star hotel, and wear specific clothes that she doesn't own for opening ceremonies and...ugh) I just hope they do well! My youngest just had sinus surgery on Thursday. The surgery took almost 2.5 hours and was terrifying for her parents. She did well and can breathe again out of both nostrils so we'll call that a success. She's still groggy though (asleep on my lap as I type) but with so much anesthesia it's going to take a bit to work it's way all the way out. Lots going on without trying to plan a vacation! Was wanting to make a beach day happen (I do live in Florida now!)but little can't submerge her head for about a month due to the surgery so there went that. Try taking a kid to the beach but don't go in the water... I will figure something out eventually. Or just loose my mind. Whichever comes first.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

  • ml1209
    ml1209 Posts: 153

    seq24 - do you mind sharing what you take? I have those dents as well. Looks like someone took a hammer to my nails. They just keep peeling.

  • ml1209
    ml1209 Posts: 153

    seq24 - do you mind sharing what you take? I have those dents as well. Looks like someone took a hammer to my nails. They just keep peeling.

  • seq24
    seq24 Posts: 451

    ML1209--I don't mind sharing at all. This is what I take. It is an amazon link but I usually buy it at Walgreens when it is buy 1 get 1 free. Good luck. Please keep me posted on how it works for you.

    Here's a new hair photo from today. I hope the supplement is making a difference.


  • docmama
    docmama Posts: 126

    Looking good seq24! I think you'll be glad your hair is so low maintenence on your vacation. Iknow I'm enjoying my wash and wear locks!!

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Posts: 270

    You look great Seq!!!!!

    I am also loving the low maintenance ...I just put olive oil and water on my hair and go!

  • seq24
    seq24 Posts: 451

    Aww thanks everyone. I definitely am enjoying not having to curl it. A little gel and I'm done but I sure do not like this look. I also don't appreciate the sympathetic stares I get. I've only been without the wig for a week. My family told me they didn't want to see me wearing it anymore.

  • ml1209
    ml1209 Posts: 153

    seq24 - thank you!! hair looks great! Mine is coming in too - very soft and dark with some gray :). I will keep you posted! my family says I need to keep wearing hats, etc. but I am just not ready yet. You are a little futher ahead of me. I had my LX 2 1/2 weeks ago. Still having trouble getting comfy to sleep.

  • Hypatia
    Hypatia Posts: 11

    Just wanted to touch base. The breast surgeon says everything looks good. The medical oncologist took blood and said that with the surgery and chemo, my chance of reoccurance is about 10%. I am optimistic, but know that I can't take my health for granted. Much of my energy has returned, but I still tire much easier than I'd like. Still have some chemo brain, but the lapses in memory seem to be filling in, albeit with a bit of a delay. My hair is growing back slowly, but surely (and wavy). It's growing unevenly and if I try to comb it back it's a bit too Christopher Walkenish. Hoping it won't take much longer until I can craft it into some type of style.

    This hasn't been an easy journey, but it would have been much harder without all the caring and support you all have shared. Thank you for that. You are AWESOME!

    P.S. My dermatologist recommended using Nailtiques. It's usually used by people who have damaged their nails with acrylics. It helped strengthen mine. Good luck.

  • Ware
    Ware Posts: 63

    Hello's been a while since I've been on here. I wanted to share that I got my port out today! It feels great and scares me at the same time. I keep questioning if it was removed prematurely...its been a year since my diagnosis but everyday I worry if today will be the day I find another spot...but I will celebrate today and be happy that today I did not find a new spot.

  • seq24
    seq24 Posts: 451

    Ware--congratulations!!! Isn't it a relief to have that port out!! I got mine out 2 weeks after I finished chemo. I didn't realize how annoying it was having it in there until it was gone. Having that port out, for me, marked the end of the very worst part of the treatment. I know we were going through treatment at the same time with the same chemo. How are you doing otherwise? Hows your hair coming? That continues to be my biggest frustration although I quit wearing the wig at the end of May.

  • bagsharon
    bagsharon Posts: 142

    Hi all,

    July 5th, 2016 is the day I got my positive biopsy results. A year later, it is the day I got my first mammogram since treatment. They realized that they haven't scanned the healthy breast since 2015. Fortunately, nothing showed up. (But then again nothing showed up on the bad boob back then, either.)

    I'm doing well. My hair is really starting to come in and the texture is going back to what it was before chemo. The ridges on my nails have finally grown out. My tumor was on the lower inside of my breast and it has really kind of caved in where the lumpectomy was. It has caused my nipple to become inverted and face a weird direction and the skin is very thick. I've been told to massage it and to wear compression bras with one of the little chicken cutlets to fill in the gap. I guess it's not bad enough for cosmetic surgery but even if it were, I don't know if I would want to put a foreign object in my breast or risk necrosis.

    The hormone therapy is rough. I wake up each morning my hands in claws and unable to bend my ankles but it goes away pretty quickly once I start moving. The night sweats are ridiculous. I look like a fountain at times. Sex is painful. Two of my docs are suggesting that I use estrogen cream but are deferring to my MO who I won't see again until August.

    I know most of my post has nothing to do with chemo but this really has become the only thread I feel comfortable on. The others seem to have a few regulars who just chat with each other and bully those who don't agree with their views. I know I don't talk to most of you directly but I do think about you once in a while since we went through this journey together. I hope you are all doing well.


  • seq24
    seq24 Posts: 451

    Hi Sharon! Good to hear from you! Glad you're doing well. We started this process about the same time. My one year anniversary of diagnosis is on July 22. I feel like It's been a tough year, no doubt, and an experience I never want to repeat. I am starting all of my one year follow up appointments. I have to go in August and have a revision on my port scar. It did not heal the way it should and is kind of lumpy and bumpy on one end due to an infection in it shortly after I got the port out. I'm on month 4 of anastrazole. Thankfully I have had few side effects from it. The worst is insomnia. If that's all I have I'll take it. I am so sorry you are in pain from this pill. Someone I'm in touch with calls it the catch 22 pill. Damned if you take it, damned if you don't. In my opinion anything is better than chemo and that's coming from someone who had no terrible reaction to chemo except for being scared out of my mind the whole time and losing my hair. I was at the dentist today. The hygienist was was asking me about my cancer treatment. Then she says "did you know that with chemo they poison you to within an inch of your life?". $%&* !!!!! I told my husband and he said that I should have told her that Cytoxan is a derivative of mustard gas (it really is) and would you expect any less from something like that being pumped into your body. Good grief!!!

    My hair is growing but not as fast as I hoped. It is about 2 inches along everywhere but the top. That is only about an inch or a little longer. Not much to show for being 25 weeks PFC. I have not trimmed it but have had it colored twice. I was hoping for some curls when it came back but no such luck. It seems a little wavy and sticks straight out above my ears. I look like the grandpa in the old Munsters tv show. LOL.

    I know what you mean about some of the other boards. There is one called Hair, Hair, Hair, Another Question. You will find some familiar friends on there that went through this when we did. Lots of photos of everyone's hair growth. Gives me hope that mine may look somewhat normal some day. I'm also part of a Facebook group that is a wonderful place of caring and support. I've made some great friends on there. I even had lunch with one of them and will be meeting another this fall. PM me if you'd like to know the name of it and I can get you connected.

    Take care and be in touch!!

  • Dennyj
    Dennyj Posts: 84

    Hi everyone! So many wonderful updates.

    Like many of you, my hair is continuing to grow back. I have always had really curly hair and so far it is coming in wavy and gray. I never really had gray hair but at this point, I am happy to have some hair.

    I am still continuing with Herceptin but I have 3 more rounds to go. September 13th is my last treatment....I stay focused on this bc it seems like it is the light at the end of a very long tunnel!

    My diagnosis date was 8/25/ family and I were camping when I received the phone call that completely changed our lives. So this year, I am throwing a party on 8/26 to thank all of the people that have helped and supported my family. Originally I called it a "life celebration" but my husband said that sounded like a living then I went with "Holy s&@- I am still alive" and he deemed that inappropriate and I went with a BBQ. I want to make a good memory of this date.

    Regarding ports...I was told that my port would most likely stay in for a while after treatment ends. Is that normal?

    Mentally, I am fine but pretty fearful of a reoccurrence. I continue to take Ativan for my anxious moments. I have noticed that I get anxious when I have to go back to the hospital. I have thought about counseling just to process this past year.

    I have taken the motto "Live today" when my mind starts to wander....

    I am still continuing PT to stretch out my arm / chest and for lymphatic massages.

    My exchange surgery is set for Nov.21st (talk about an insurance plan to get out of Thanksgiving duties).

    Well, I hope and pray that all of you are well and enjoying life. I was happy to see the group was active!!! Have a great summer

  • docmama
    docmama Posts: 126

    Hi everyone! I too am enjoying all the updates from the group. Dennyj, I also have 3 Herceptin treatments left, my next one this Friday. I have my last one on September 1, and then my exchange surgery on 9/11 (trying hard not to read too much into that date). My PS said he will remove my port during the exchange surgery as my MO says there is no need for it any more. I hadn't thought of doing anything to commemorate my day of diagnosis (August 23), but that sounds like a good idea. What my husband and I are doing is going to Spain in late October/early November with the vouchers I got a few months back on American Airlines for volunteering off of 2 flights in the same day (it was a business trip so i hadn't even paid for the ticket in the first place). I wound up with $1,200, enough to cover our flight!

    Enjoy your celebration Dennyj, whatever you call it (I like the Holy Sh*$ name myself). You kicked butt this year! We all did!! Woo Hoo!!!!!!

    I have a funny story from the other night that I think most of you will appreciate. My husband and I were at a restaurant and as our waitress approached our table (from behind me) she said loudly "Good evening Gentlemen!". She turned all shades of red when I turned to her and smiled sweetly! I laughed with my husband afterwards and told him that we are now officially a gay couple, lol! A few months ago this would have cut me to the bone, but now I can just laugh it off. It's not her fault, and I guess i really do look like a man from behind :)

    Besides, I kick butt remember? Winking

  • seq24
    seq24 Posts: 451

    Dennyj--in regard to port removal. I have heard too that some doctors like to leave them in for awhile after treatment. I finished chemo (no herceptin) on Jan 20. On Feb 3 my port was out. I have a friend who finished her herceptin at the end of May and had the port out in mid June. I think it's just the opinion of the doctors. I wanted mine out asap after chemo. And what a relief it was to be rid of that. After the surgeon was finished he handed me a small paper bag. I didn't open it until I got home. It was the port. I told my husband I was giving it to him to hang from his rear view mirror. LOL. On another note, I am going back to the surgeon for my one year follow up in August. He is going to do a revision on my port scar. I'm not happy with how it healed and my MO and PCP both agreed so he is going to fix it.

    Docmama--I love your story! I bet that waitress was so embarrassed! I find it interesting, and somewhat sad, how so many people's opinions are based on our looks--well, mostly our hair. When we were in Mexico in June there was a woman at our resort who I saw almost every day. She was completely bald, I'm assuming from chemo. I was watching other people's reactions to her and wanted to chase down some of them for laughing and pointing at her. If they only knew. She had more courage than I ever did. I wouldn't even go to the back yard without my wig let alone on vacation. I'm still embarrassed to go in public looking like this and my hair is about 2 inches long now.

    A year ago today I got news of a bad mammogram and was waiting for an ultrasound and later a biopsy to be scheduled. My official diagnosis was on July 22. I am finding that I am having some emotional struggles about this. I can't believe it's been a year. I feel like I missed so much of it because of cancer. Our 32nd wedding anniversary is on Thursday. We didn't even get to celebrate that last year as cancer was confirmed in the ultrasound the day before. My daughter's and husband's birthdays are both this week too--something else we didn't get to enjoy last year. My birthday in October went unnoticed because I was sick from my last AC chemo.

    It's so great to hear from everybody. Too bad we all don't live near one another. We could have a one year, end of cancer, or better yet a Holy S*** party. What I'm really doing on my one year anniversary of diagnosis on Saturday is having a garage sale to get rid of all of the junk that's accumulated this past year that I haven't had time to sort through and put away. LOL

  • Dennyj
    Dennyj Posts: 84

    Docmama....I laughed out loud when I read your "gay couple" story! That was pretty good. So you are done on Sept. 1st?? That is fantastic! That is awesome that you are going to Spain! That is going to be a great trip!

    seq24...I will have to look into the port removal. It made me nervous that they wanted to keep it in. Yes, I wish everyone could come to the "I am alive party"!!!! We deserve a good night of fun and laughter!

    To my Her+ people....have your doctors mentioned anything about Nerlynx? That will be one of my questions when I have my next appointment.

    This is happening don't have to live near Dana Farber to be part of it...The conference will be live streamed.

    Well, take care and stay in touch!!!!

  • CC2016
    CC2016 Posts: 94

    I'm jealous of the celebrations! I haven't been able to get to the celebratory spirit. My diagnosis was at the end of May last year - I had just quit my job, school was letting out (and all the "stuff" that goes with the end of year for kids) and we were moving to another state. This year I became permanent at a new job that I started the day after finishing rads, school was letting out (and all the "stuff" that goes with it still), new MO was beginning the process of shut down my ovaries and switching to an AI (and a sore/tweaked/weird feeling belly started) and... I felt another lump. This month was a year since LX and I celebrated by having a pretty painful mammo and ultrasound. (Lots of smushing and pushing and glopping since the lump was in a most inconvenient spot closer to my shoulder) A lot of worry, even though I kept telling myself it HAS to be scar tissue, it is very close to original tumor site. Okay news was that the lump is most likely fat necrosis and calcium something, I can't remember the official word. "Nothing serious, no need for a biopsy just yet, we'll keep an eye on it and see you again in 6 months. Let us know immediately if anything changes." It wasn't there in Feb at the last mammo, so things have changed. I've got a CT scan scheduled for my belly tomorrow to see if it might be ovarian cysts or appendix issues or something else. I had gone to the PCP last week with my belly concerns thinking its not an issue for the MO and the aches were becoming more constant. Let MO know (her PA actually, as she was on vacation) at my appointment monday and she basically dismissed any concerns I had with anything as it's not likely treatment related. Honey, if it's ovary related then it's most likely treatment related since we're screwing around with them unnaturally. And I've been getting bruises that I have no idea where they are coming from (I got 3 in 3 days this past weekend on my legs) and the response was basically an "oh well." Apparently she's trying to see if I'll grow horns as well. You're screwing with my hormones, I'm telling you flat out I don't feel good and you will probably act surprised if I'll become demonic...seriously?! Thinking about putting in not to see this chick again. I've got my next Z shot Monday (since they scheduled me a week early "by accident" or incompetence) so I get to go back, again, and hopefully not see her, just get the shot. If it hurts as bad as it did the last time I might be ditching this treatment option sooner than later. "It really shouldn't cause any pain" - then you try it chicky and let me knowhow it works for you.

    Yeah, the horns are starting to grow and I really don't care THAT much. I've been a good girl and did everything they told me to for a year. Their time is running out.

    I'm actually better mentally than I was a few weeks ago. The okay-ish mammo and the negative pregnancy test (PCP ordered "just to rule out" and I flipped out with all the drugs and scans I've had in the last few months) seems to have calmed me a bit. I've come to the realization that this journey is far from over even though I had really hoped I could start fresh this summer. One day at a time has got to stay in the forefront and dealing with what has to be dealt with is just part of life. I was dreaming of getting some kind of vacation in but finances are beyond tight so...maybe next summer. We're going to be hosting an international student for a few weeks starting tomorrow so we will be totally embracing a staycation and playing tourist while taking her around to many places we haven't gone to cheaply as possible.

    One of my new hair stories...had a customer in the other day that I guess I haven't seen him since I had the wig "You did something to your hair, got a cut?" - Had a few actually, guess it's been a while - "At least you still have hair" - .....yeah...

    Keep up the good work, ladies! I'll work to keep celebrating, promise.

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Posts: 270

    First Off Hello To All You Brave and Great Ladies!

    CC...I am so happy that lump you felt wasn't a tumor lady! and I agree about that Z injection...the first one I got the nurse knew what she was doing and I didn't feel a my second Injection I got I had a different nurse and it was her first time administering it and the nurse I used before was off (I asked for her again lol)...the nurse for the second injection was very nervous and I felt it this was painful and I bled a lot this time (only a little the first time)....I gave her a pass because she was doting on me and very apologetic....but next time I may not be so nice..haha....I say let the "horns" come out CC...mine was out when I got my diagnosis a year have every right...I wish your doctor team would get it together and stop causing you grief you know..."This too Shall Pass"..I am celebrating to be hearing from you all!

    Doc...funny hair! is great that your mammo went well lady!...I went on that "I want my mojo back" thread and it was very hubby and I tried to have sex after I finished radiation and it was painful...and my tumor was Estrogen dependent so I know I cant use some of those creams....I went on that thread and it mention a product called Astroglyde and its our best friend more pain...I also feel most comfortable on this thread also...there are a lot of bullies on those other threads. that hygienist story..."well no ish is right"...haha...we all know that that the chemo is poison..I also wish we could go to an "I am alive party!!"

    Denny...I too have taken that "live today" motto....mine is "I am happy to still be here" motto...when I have a regular bad day that doesn't have to do with cancer but just life...I just smile and say lord thank you for letting me still be here!...I too am on anxiety med(Ativan), I get high anxiety everytime I enter the cancer center...even when I go once a month to get that Z the back of my mind I keep thinking about reoccurence's like I can't get comfortable and just live you know...I gotta stay on my toes about this and everyday I am checking my body for a's just apart of my routine now I guess..."it is"...but we are all still here!


    I have been trying to get back in some kind of "new norm" life will never be same you know....I am just taking it one day at time and loving my family and trying to make a lot of memories with them and not take life for granted...I have had 2 of the Z injections...a month and and a half of the Arimidex generic...and that combo is a "bear"...haha...I am having the "hot flashes" and "cold flashes", dry eye, lower back and leg pain...I was scheduled for the bone density test a month after getting my first injection...which was ass backwards..the nurse apologized for that...just got my results back on my chart..don't know what all that mumbo jumbo mean, but saw osteopenia on the results...I see my MO the first week of August, so he is going to tell me whats going on with the bones...I take the calcium and vit D everyday(which is suppose to counteract the bone pain)..just very skin has grown back completely from radiation..which I honestly didn't think it hands and feet hurt when I go to bed...that Taxol has left a lasting gift I guess..gotta figure out what to do about that...but all in all...

    I am so Happy to still Be Here!

    I am to Happy to been able to go through all of this with all of you on this thread...and still go through this with you all!

    Keep being Brave and Great Women!

  • hahlyn
    hahlyn Posts: 128

    Hello Ladies

    Been awhile since I've been on this thread...been a little embarrassed because I am still going thru treatment. We all started around the same time and I am just starting radiation 2 down 28 more to go. I had a few setbacks to.include an infection which had me hospitalized for 6days and on an antibiotic pump for 3 weeks..and had to do 4 more rounds of chemo after that..been a rough ride and i am tired.

    Thanks to all you ladies who continue to come back and post they surely have been helping me.

    Praying for all of us to get back to our somewhat normal selves and start enjoying life the best we can.


  • docmama
    docmama Posts: 126

    Hi to all, and to Dennyj in response to her question regarding Nerlynx. My husband and I discussed it with my MO this morning. He has been involved with one of the studies that just concluded. He would prefer for me to wait to start it as there is still data coming out on the details regarding the exact protocol for prescribing. This data needs to be parceled out for each individual patient. For example, I'm hormone receptor negative but HER2+, node negative and I also received Perjeta in addition to Herceptin. The women in the trial had many different factors; about 52% were also hormone receptor positive and had positive nodes. Anyway, he wants to wait a couple of months before he makes a decision whether this would be good for me and doesn't want to jump right in. Apparently the diarrhea is a major issue with this medication. We have a window of 1 year following the last Herceptin infusion, so there is a bit of time to wait. I would rather take a breather anyway from all of this and enjoy my trip to Spain in November.

    Good news is that I thought I had 2 more Herceptin infusions after today, but it turns out that I only have one! I've been able to move my exchange surgery & port removal that was originally scheduled for 9/11 to 8/28.

    Blessings to all! We are all traveling this road together remember, and no matter what stage of the journey can all lean on each other for support. Have a wonderful weekend y'all!!

  • misslil
    misslil Posts: 229

    Glad to see so many checking in and progressing through this, with some struggles perhaps but still progressing. Hahlyn, don't feel embarrassed at all - we're all just trying to get through as best we can.

    I finished radiation in May, no lingering effects except the skin remains a little brown and rubber-y. Last two Herceptin treatments in August, and am taking Arimidex. No SEs from the Arimidex that I've noticed. Herceptin hasn't had any dramatic SEs but I've had periods of unusual fatigue/sleepiness off and on the past months.

    Read the news on Nerlynx, will be asking my MO. The SEs seem pretty nasty, I'd have to give that some thought but I suppose without trying it we can't guess how it will affect any of us individually?

    I also want to ask some of the medical team what they think as far as longer-term surveillance scans. Has anyone had their doctors advise that they should do periodic MRI or ultrasound screening vs. just annual mammograms? Having had BC twice now, and a gyn pre-cancer in between, feeling that I'd be more comfortable if there was a scan of some type every 3-6 months to try and catch any new excitement early again should it arise. So far my MO ordered a new annual mammogram (had that today (*), all clear thankfully - I was way more nervous about it than expected). The surgeon suggested a new "baseline" MRI, and the RO who is the most aggressive of the bunch suggested annual MRIs. So go figure. I'm planning to ask again, making it as clear as I can that I want a *medical* opinion, not what they think insurance will pay for.

    On the shallow side, not yet able to celebrate on the hair issue but improving at a very slow pace. I don't like taking pills, but caved a couple of weeks back to try Biotin - figured it can't hurt? Other SEs from chemo are mostly gone or fading. Neuropathy in my feet still noticeable but I think it's finally a little less. Anemia improved in the spring from severe to high-moderate and stuck there; expecting more blood tests soon. And (shallow warning again) gained back 8-10 lbs of the 15-20 lbs I lost from chemo - ugh! Will be trying to make it a goal to lose that weight again plus another 10+ lbs by September and have it stay stable before I have more PS surgery to re-balance everything.

    (*) ps - one thing I learned today, having a mammo compressing everything on the side with the port still in place is not any kind of fun at all.

  • Dennyj
    Dennyj Posts: 84


    We attended a baseball game that was supporting a local BC support foundation....


    Hi Ladies,

    So many topics!!! So, I have to ask, what is a z injection?

    Nayda985...I am right with you on always checking. I even find myself taking deep breathes to make sure all is good. I have heard so much about mets lately that it scares the daylights out of me (I guess that is where the ativan comes into play!)

    Hahlyn - I am sorry that you had some setbacks. Never feel embarrassed...we are all here for each other. I hope that you feel support with this group. Hang in there with sucks but you can do it! It goes by much faster than chemo...

    Docmama - Very interesting info on the Nerlynx. Pretty neat that your doctor was involved with the study. I am going to discuss the drug with my doctor next week. I am interested to hear her take on it. Awesome that you have 1 herceptin treatment remaining! I am really happy for you! It sounds as if things are going well!

    Misslil - I hear you on the whole weight thing. I have been exercising a lot more but there are just some days that I am just physically beat. I don't even know what to blame the fatigue

    Stay well everyone.

  • misslil
    misslil Posts: 229

    great photos Dennyj!

    I wasn't familiar with the z injection either, would be interested to hear

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Posts: 270

    Answering the what is the Z injection(another trying to killmetreatment haha)....Its the Zoladex Injection that I having to have once a month for the next 5 years in addition to the Arimidex I have to take...The way my MO explained it to me was that because I am 35 and my tumor was estrogen dependent...the goal is to knock me into menopause( :( ) so that I don't have a reoccurrence...which chemo pretty much started the process because I haven't had a period since Oct. of 2016.

    Great to hear from you both Hahlyn and Misslil!

    Denny you have a beautiful family!

    Docmama congrats on have only one infusion left!

  • CC2016
    CC2016 Posts: 94

    Super cute Denny! Here's a question that you're shirt makes me wonder...who considers themselves a survivor or warrior?

    I call it z shot because i can't ever remember the real name! #2 wasn't so bad, different nurse. Next one will be in a new office they're opening so we'll see what happens there. Really hoping it's not as "factory-ish" like where I've been going. I'm probably going to opt for a ovary removal by the end of the year and not deal with monthly shots. Five years is just...forever. I've been handling my ai pills better than the tamoxifen so think it should all be good. I blame the tamoxifen for complete exhaustion by the end of the day. It's summer in Florida so I'm struggling to figure out hot flashes or just hot. I do believe my core temp is higher as I'm not nearly as cold as usual. My energy level has been getting better little bit since dropping the tamoxifen. Enough to try a 7 day trail membership at a gym just to walk the treadmill and pretend I'm doing good. Day 1 was yesterday morning, yesterday evening the transmission got wonky so down to 1 car and much tighter schedule oh well.

    Nayda I have osteopenia too per the bone scan. My grandmother had osteoporosis though so wasn't too much of a shock. My last taxol was Christmas time. The neuropathy hung on until maybe last month when I realized I was doing a lot better. Still have weird twinges here and there but so much better. It will get there

  • Hi there ladies, How nice to read all your updates. I've missed you.
    My one year was June 29. I didn't celebrate . Didn't feel like. Though I am grateful for every day that I have. Sharon, glad your mammo was ok - I am scheduled for one next month. I had an MRI of the healthy breast - 6wks after exchange surgery. It was clean. To think that I've been under observation since 2000 for the calcifications in that breast ... Anywhooooo. Hair is doing ok, had a few hair cuts already, then decided to grow it out, but it was so thick and curly and puffy, and my stylist said, gotta last the "ugly stage" , well, I didn't. So, I had it cut again this week. It's so low maintenance - just wet and put a glaze/putty in and go :) My hair is thicker than before.

    My nails are a different story. The nail on my big toe had a stunted growth, all the toe nails were wacky, but that one ended up becoming painful. Saw a dermatologist, got treatment, now it has slowly started to grow - like I have not trimmed it since january. Other toe nails get clipped once a month. The nails on my hands look and are healthier and not as brittle. Perhaps Biotine is helping.

    I am on tamoxifen since March. It was hard at first, well, mostly I think because of the combination with the infamous Zolodex shots. Since those pushed me to menopause. Nightsweats and hot flushes ... A tip to those who get Z shots. Ask your nurse to put an ice pack for 5-10 min on the spot where they will inject the pellete. It's a trick most of the nurses are using in my clinic. Doesn't hurt much and not much bleeding. You can even ask them to give you one as you wait in the waiting room. In my case, they take me in, give me ice pack, and let me sit there and wait - no rush - and then check, if the skin on my belly under the ice pack is red, then they inject.

    Docmama, loved your story about hair. Glad you see humor in it. That means you are healing. I feel that the support we have provided each other, through encouragement and information or commiseration has been a very important part of our recovery. Continue to kick butt.

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Posts: 270

    CC...thanks for the heads up on the lasting effects on the last one was in January...hopefully soon the neuropathy will go away.

    Hi Smile!...on the nails toenails are still half black and slowly finger nails are still half like a greyish color...almost back to normal color...but they look a whole lot better than they did when I was doing chemo....I thought about having my ovaries removed also...because getting that shot for 5 years is such a long time...but I just absolutely hate, hate, and scared of surgery..thats one of the reasons I didn't opt to have my scaredy cat self will just deal with the 5 year once a month injections..haha.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend:)

  • Dennyj
    Dennyj Posts: 84

    CC2016, Thanks for the feedback. I am overly cautious to declare myself a survivor because to me that means that I have made it and it is all over. Seeing that I still have 3 treatments and surgery in my future...I would say I am "surviving"...Even if I am here 20 years from now, I will probably not declare myself a survivor (but that is just me...I have no problem with people declaring themselves a survivor). Warrior means (to me) someone that has made it though a mental and physical battle....a warrior is also strong and humble. I would say that we are all warriors because we have battled through some real serious shit this past year and we are still fighting through it. Again, just my opinion.

    Regarding finger nails are so brittle. I keep them cut short because they are constantly breaking. My feet, I keep getting hang nails. They hurt!

    I went to my first social event for the a local bc foundation near me. It was a bit overwhelming but it is a young survivor group (there's that word again) so it was nice to meet people that are close to my age. I am not going to lie....I cried all the way home. I think the tears were a mix of "how did I get here", "how is this my life", "dear god, please don't let it come back", and being tired. I have a long week of appointments next week and that always makes me anxious. I went for a very long walk today!