Who is starting chemo in September 2016?
CC...I am so tired of hearing the "Your Young" speech from all of them...they want to be aggressive with everything:(..if you don't mind me asking why do they want to remove your ovaries if your taking the hormone blockers? I see its just not me..feeling I am at the end..then get hit with another twist.
I am praying to God that there isn't a next time...I was excuse my French..pissy during chemo, my blood pressure stayed high..it didn't get back to normal til the end of chemo..i was so mad at my situation...then I think I am almost to the end..i felt like the wind was knocked out of me when the RO says he highly recommends radiation and started going over the percentages..i was screaming in my head..like here we go..more crap to go through...but I gotta do it...it is comforting to me that everyone is saying that radiation isn't as bad as chemo...so I am getting mentally ready for this next phase as I had to with chemo...I just pray the weeks go by fast..and after I finish I am not hit with anything else..just the hormone blockers which I am already mentally ready for...I just HATE going to the cancer center...then the RO says I have to come everyday..its just irritating to me...I thought I had it bad with the weekly Taxols...boy was I wrong...I already told my RO that everyday I come in I am going to be in a pissy mood and to don't take it personally...he just responded with that he and staff can handle it...they better...My MO and his staff handled it very well...lol
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Thanks, Kdtheatre. I'm sorry that chemo was so challenging for you and am glad that you're developing a new normal.
I feel so ungracious complaining when I think about women who were a higher stage than me at diagnosis or are facing this battle at a young age like Nayda & CC2016. I've always been very independent, self-sufficient and resilient and that's why this is hitting me so hard. I met a friend for lunch today and walked across the small parking lot without feeling like I needed oxygen so that was encouraging. ;-)
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You ladies are a couple months ahead of me, I did CT from Nov-Jan and I am doing my last week of rads next week. My question is--did any of you lose your taste and if so, how long until it returned? I'm 9.5 weeks PFC and can only distinguish between sweet/salty/spicy but no actual flavors yet. Starting to get concerned!
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I had a number of flavors that tasted weird and I felt like I had a coating or film in my mouth no matter how much I brushed my teeth and tongue. I'm 2 1/2 weeks out from my final chemo and most foods taste normal now. Good luck!
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I never lost my taste, but most foods didn't taste like what they should taste like. I ate a lot of fresh fruit because that is the only thing that tasted normal. My taste buds are back to normal now but I still eat lots of fruit.
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I start radiation on Wednesday...any tips or things I should know? I have been using a lotion but that's about it -
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Denny, you may want to check out the radiation group for March or April.
I started radiation today.
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Nayda - SO tired of the talk. I was never happy but have been trying to keep a decent attitude. All these folks have needles! And I would never want their job.
Funny story about the ovaries (not really but it's all amusing now, right?) annual gyn screening last August doc told me I would most likely be recommended, chemo MO never mentioned and actually at last visit when I was almost done with rads and gearing up for tamoxifen he said he didn't think it was necessary. And then told me his office is closing and I need to find a new MO. Decided to meet the new one before pill popping begins and she's recommending at least a consult about removal. I'm also chek2+ in the unknown category which made her highly recommend the consult since no one knows what that actually means. And permanent birth control. Doesn't hurt to take out the major estrogen makers to cut recurrence chances more. If they come out I'd get switched to an AI which more of her patients complain about SE of body pain.Don't think there's a winning option here. Again.
VLH - congrats on the walk! In the midst of AC my husband who has bad knees and metal in his back walked faster than me. Yesterday I went ice skating with my daughters and left him in bed with pain meds. Serves him right picking on me those months! What's crazy is I actually felt fine this morning which has never happened any other time we've skated. Maybe there is something to the exercise and movement helps the body. Hmmm...
And glad to know I wasn't the only one with the mouth film. Although mine went away for about a month and then came back! Still have it on my lips at times but hoping it is heading out for good.
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Dennij, I didn't do rads, but saw others on a different board recommend CorrectX from Doterra to reduce appearance of burns and acquaphore (though CorrectX is less greasy), and cortisone cream for itching . Good luck
As for taste buds, I was lucky, didn't have them for long - 3-4 days after each infusion, either metallic taste the 1-2nd time, or everything tasted salty later. I drank lots of water with lemon and Powerade with lemon lime and b6 during that time and rinsed my mouth with salt/soda rinse.
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Hi all,
Emily wanted me to show you a current picture of her hair 3 months post-chemo. Today was the first time she went out in public without any type of head cover. It is coming in nicely and is softer and finer than it was before.
She finished radiation about 3 weeks ago. She had some pretty bad burns, but it has mostly healed now and the discoloration is fading. She used Aquaphor for moisturizing at first, but was prescribed Silvadene after the burns got worse. She is back to Aquaphor now.
Her biggest complaint is still the neuropathy in her feet. Her hands are back to normal.
She is just down to Herceptin every three weeks till August now.
Stay strong, stay positive!
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Hi Sam, Emily looks great! I hope that she is feeling well!!!
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Hi Everybody:)
I never thought I would be happy to have fake boobs...I am so excited today that my bras and "prosthesis" aka fake boobs came in today.(insurance covered the whole thing...yay!!)...I go back to work tomorrow and so didn't want to go back flat..lol
I too still have neuropathy in my hands and feet...its worser in my feet and toes..my feet and toes hurt bad mostly in evenings when I getting ready for bed.
Everyone hair looks great! I am going to dye mine tonight.:)
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Happy Easter ladies!
I have had back pain since my surgery in Feb. and I told my MO. So I had pretty much a full body cat scan this past week. The anticipation of the test was tough...I tried to stay positive but there were moments that my mind took me to dark places. Fortunately, the scans came back with positive results. I have a bulging disc in my back (that I never knew I had) which added up for the pressure in my spinal cord. The internal mammary node was not even mentioned on the scan (which the nurse practitioner I spoke to thought was a good thing) which means radiation is working. I have 3 weeks of radiation remaining and the results gave me incentive to stay strong.
On the hair front.....it is coming back steadily. I used to have very curly hair but right now it appears straight. I cannot wait until my hair is long enough to style or go without a hat!
I hope that everyone is doing well.
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Had the consultation with the gyn oncology this morning. Recommended ovaries to be removed or at least the suppression monthly shot. Wish I could say it was unexpected but nothing is a surprise anymore. He has major opinions on tamoxifen and prefers AI instead which means shutting down the ovaries.
I just don't wanna do this anymore
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Good afternoon,
Emily & I went in for her 3-month follow-up with her MO on Tuesday. She also had her annual physical last week, so they did lots of blood tests. Her MO said everything looks good and to come back in 90 days. She is still doing the Herceptin of course, so he ordered a MUGA scan to check heart function. She is also doing a bone density scan on the same day, which was ordered as part of her physical. So far, everything is going great. Her hair is long enough to where she has put all the head gear away, she's feeling much better, the neuropathy appears to be fading, and her surgery scars are healing surprisingly well. She is spending more time in the garden too!
Hoping you all are feeling better. I know some of you are still dealing with some significant challenges.
Have a blessed weekend!
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Glad to.hear Emily is doing well Sam! Thanks for the update.
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Glad to hear Emily has done so well.
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I had my 3 month follow-up with my MO last week. Everything is good. My tumor markers are low. I almost hate bringing it up because it is so controversial but it provides me comfort. Doctor is pleased that I'm losing weight (WeightWatchers and running) but I still have a way to go. The running is helping with my joint paint from the Arimidex. My neuropathy, I just realized in the past couple weeks, is completely gone. My breast has kind of caved in where the tumor was removed. It doesn't look bad with clothes on but pretty unattractive when not covered. Meh, I'm old and married. I'm not going through another surgery to fix it. My biggest complaint right now is my hair. It grew in like crazy four months ago but then stopped. It has been the same length since and is super curly. Everybody thinks I've been getting it cut. I can't do anything with it.This is a head shot taken just a couple weeks ago for work.
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Bagsharon--congratulations on good news from your dr!! Great to hear. You look absolutely beautiful!! I love your curls. I am now 15 weeks PFC and don't have near the thickness that you have and absolutely no curls. It's stick straight. The back and one side are thicker than they were before. The top is very thin--with bare scalp showing and the other side is about half the thickness of the other. Did you do anything special to grow your hair back so thick and beautiful? How many weeks PFC are you? I am still finding that this hair ordeal is the absolute worst part of this. No doubt. We are scheduled to go on a beach vacation in June. The condition is that I have enough hair go to without a wig. Not sure if that's going to happen. I wouldn't be caught dead without it right now and definitely can't wear it in the heat and humidity of where we're going. I have now worn the wig for 7 months. I'm pretty sick of it.
Again, congratulations on wonderful news!!
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seq24, thank you for the compliment. I wish I had some secret to share but I don't. I never used any special scalp or hair treatment. In fact, when i was bald, i just used whatever soap was handy. I stopped counting weeks but I'm about five and a half months out from my last chemo treatment. I just wish it would grow out so I could do something with it. It's been about an inch long for three months now.
When I go to the beach, I wear a big floppy hat to try and protect my big schnoz from the sun. Maybe you could try that to ditch the wigs?
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Bagsharon! You look so lovely! I get the same question as you almost everyday: "I LOVE your haircut". I'm not sure if they're being nice or if they are truly paying me a compliment. One time I told a patient that it wasn't a haircut, it was from chemo and completely unintentional. She was so mortified that I felt awful, so now I just nod and say "Yes, I wanted a new look" or "I was tired of dyeing my hair", etc etc. As seq24 knows from the Hair thread, I used Rogaine and it got thick and grew back in quickly, but my growth has plateaued a bit just like yours has. I'm still getting Herceptin every 3 weeks, so that might have something to do with it. We belong to a special club now and I think a lot of my compliments either come from a fellow "member" or someone who is related to one. I want to walk up to every woman I see with hair like mine and give them a great big hug. Who knows, maybe I'll try that soon!
Have a wonderful weekend my beautiful sisters!!
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bagsharon, congratulations - you're looking great. I'm closing in on 5 mos from last chemo, nowhere near that much hair or even a fraction of that much. Hoping 'soon' but it's very slow despite my hopes for a sudden surge lol. At least in recent weeks it is making more visible progress.
Finished my radiation today, woo. Only major thing remaining other than Arimedex is the additional cycles of Herceptin through the summer.
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Love the pics! I wish my hair was that long, but so happy that it is growing in and covering my entire head. Glad to see that everyone is progressing along on their journey.
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ladies, I haven't checked in since April. Sharon- congrats on good results. You look good. I've had 2 haircuts since I ditched the wing in March. My hair stylist who has worked with chemo hair a lot, says that you need to cut the original hair to get to non chemo one that is more manageable. So I have been keeping it short. I only recently changed my FB profile picture so that people weren't shocked when they met me. Need to do that at work too.
CC2016 - I have been on OS since December . It's. It bad. Other than the ultimate benefit of shutting estrogen, you don't get periods !
As long as your nurse knows how to inject it pain free (it is a painful injection) by icing the spot for 5min in advance, it is not an unpleasant thing. Good luck
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Hi Ladies,
I love to read the updates! Bagsharon, the hair is looking great! My hair is coming in and I am finally comfortable enough to go without a hat.
My update...I am still on herceptin every 3 weeks. I have had some scans with positive results which was quite a relief. I finished radiation 3 weeks ago and my skin is healing pretty well (I had a wicked burn under my arm from the radiation). We went on a family trip to FL which was well needed. I pretty much stayed under a cabana the whole time but the kids had a blast and it was a great week. My period returned and that was absolutely crazy. It started off okay but turned very heavy...I was glad that I had one but I was glad to see it go. I started tamoxifen on May 17th...and so far I am doing fine. I am doing PT 2x a week to keep my arm loose and my lymphatic system moving. I plan on my exchange surgery sometime...I am seeing the surgeon on Wednesday so hopefully a date will be set. Overall, I am doing pretty well. I am trying to lose weight and stay in shape. I have been tired but I try to continue on....
Well, I hope everyone is well. Best wishes!
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HI ladies!
I just wanted to update also...I had my last radiation yesterday on 5/30...it completely sucked..just like chemo...I am hella burnt on my left breast side and under my surgery arm where I had lymph node removal...I didn't become burnt til they started those last 5 boaster rads...I am in constant pain ,I am always freakin tired and I screamed yesterday when I saw a piece of skin has came off my chest...wth!!!..I had a freakin meltdown at the cancer center last Friday...I am just so sick of all of these tryintokillmetreatments!!
my hair is growing back...it is very curly..like baby hair...everyone I see says why did you cut your hair...I give them the death glare and they shut up....and a lot of ppl just say your hair is beautiful..and I just reply with thank you.
my son is graduating from highschool this week..which has me in a better mood...so I am a very proud momma this week.
I need a much needed vacay like you Dennyj....I think I will feel better and be in better spirits...if I just get away..but that will have to wait...b/c I have to put my daughter in basketball for the summer, and help my son enroll in college and get him ready for August, and my car needs to go in the freakin shop...I have to renew both of my pharmacy license this and next month..we gotta pay the freakin dr. bills that won't stop stacking up...I am just so tired of all of this...I will have to take a vacay next year or the end of this year.
hope everyone is doing well:)
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Nayda--great to hear from you. Congratulations on finishing radiation. Your skin will heal fairly quickly and the fatigue should go away in a week or so. You'll be good as new. I was surprised that I flew through radiation with no problems then the following week I was so tired I could barely do anything. So happy your hair is growing back. I wish I had some of your curls. Mine is stick straight and about an inch or inch and a half long. I'm going today to get it colored and see if it can be trimmed into somewhat of a style. There's not much to work with. This is the first week I've gone without the wig. I look terrible without it but was so uncomfortable with it. The wig was really starting to look fake to me and my own hair, even though so short, seemed more natural. So here I am and people can take it or leave it. We are getting ready to go on vacation in about a week and a half. Cancer destroyed our vacation plans last year.
I hope all of us who went through treatment at the same time can continue to stay in touch. We've been through a lot together and I'd love to stay updated on everyone.0 -
Glad to see some checking in and doing well.
I'm about a month out from finishing radiation, skin is healing nicely. Other than some redness, I didn't notice much effect from the treatments until the last week when I was a bit more tired, and the following week or two. Also once I finished, for some reason the week or so after my last radiation session I was super-hungry and ate like a pig! Gained six pounds I now need to get rid of again, grrrh.
Can't say much on the hair front. It's been slowly growing a little more and a little more over time, but still not much length and very uneven coverage on the top and sides. Trying to keep the faith that sometime in the summer I will be able to get a baby haircut and start seeing how it grows out.
Still doing Herceptin through the summer, and likely some time with the PS to even things out where I had the lumpectomy and do a reduction on the other side so I don't tip over...
Hard to believe in a few weeks I will hit the one-year anniversary of my mammogram that kicked off all this fun last year.
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Hi ladies - I finished chemo in April. Wanted to check in with some that are further along. My nails are a mess since Taxol. Lost a toenail and abt to lose another one. Any advice or tips to promote healthy nail growth? Thanks in advance!
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ML1209--I took a hair skin and nails supplement as soon as I finished chemo. I had 2 nails that developed a dent in them during taxol, which I finished in January. The last dent finally just grew out and I was able to clip it off last week.