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Starting Chemo in December 2016



  • SCGirl50
    SCGirl50 Member Posts: 30
    edited February 2017

    I have chemo 7 of 8 this week. Last one only caused muscle soreness. I have a new issue with cording in my left arm. So off to PT so I can be ready for rads next month. I am determined to keep everything on schedule so whatever pain I have to go through so be it. Taxol has not been bad for me. But I know it can have delayed effects so I am not going to give it high marks yet.

    Keep up the good work gals!

  • NotVeryBrave
    NotVeryBrave Member Posts: 169
    edited February 2017

    Pamela23 - I hope radiation is going smoothly. That's on my radar for down the road. I'm intending to get a lumpectomy unless something changes radically. Good to hear that the menopause symptoms seem to be less for you now. I've about had it with these hot flashes. I wake up 5-6 times a night. And I get them during the day, too. I'm 50 and I'd be okay with not going back to periods, but this is crazy.

    Hopfull2 - Congratulations on finishing chemo. Way to go! I'm sure it's such a relief to be done. I had number 4 of 6 last week and feel so much better just being on the other side of halfway.

    I've decided that there is no real help anywhere for what we are all experiencing. Everything is just so damn individual. The MO's office can never seem to say if something is a SE or not. And the truth is - while it helps to be prepared for whatever - what happens to one person or helps one person most likely will not be the same for you. Keep posting your helpful suggestions since you never know!

  • ilsunrise
    ilsunrise Member Posts: 91
    edited February 2017

    Congrats to those who are finishing up chemo! For those who have are one step closer in the journey. Hang in there!

    Chemopause - the last time I had a period was right after my first chemo infusion in December. My period started, stopped and restarted again the same month and was pretty heavy. The hot flashes have definitely been affecting me all times of the day. I can't say that I'm a fan and feel lucky that this started during winter. I'm a little more concerned about how bad they'll be during the summer. Has anyone started Tamoxifen or AL's yet? I have a follow-up with my MO on March 16 and she is going to prescribe Tamoxifen then.

    I appreciate all the nutrition tips. I was a fairly healthy eater before and did exercise regularly too. My downfall was social drinking. Anyway, I have cut out most caffeine now (tea and soda) as well as alcohol. I've never been that much into sweets, but oddly find myself craving them more since starting chemo. I think maybe that's because I was eating more bread and some sweets because they seemed easier to digest. Anyway, I do need to really consider my overall diet and work more towards only eating whole foods.

    Has anyone else started rads yet? I have my simulation today and expect to start by mid-March.

  • Jezikah
    Jezikah Member Posts: 68
    edited February 2017

    Good Morning all,

    I'm feeling pretty good right now - I had a fun weekend get away for a friend's birthday at a hot springs about 2 hours away. We had booked this early last year and there were 22 of us there. Did some soaking in the warm/hot water - they are constantly cycling the water so don't use any chlorine or chemicals, just the hot spring mineral water in a big outdoor pool. It was wonderful and relaxing. We went to a nice dinner on Saturday night at the resort and I enjoyed a delicious steak and glass of wine - so happy to have my taste buds back for at least a few days before my next treatment. I still have a slight metallic taste on the back of my tongue when I eat or drink certain things, but it's not too bad.

    Pamela - thank you for asking about my hand - it is much better and mostly cleared up. Last time around, the MO did decrease my taxotere dose so that may have helped. I did get a rash area on my right wrist this time around, and my hands swelled up again, but not nearly as bad as last month. My finger tips still have some neuropathy, and it was at its worse the week after the last treatment, but feeling better almost 3 weeks out, so I'm hoping it's a SE that totally resolves itself when I'm done with Taxotere.

    T-minus 2 days to my next treatment and already getting the usual anxiety. This last one was hard on me, especially with the taste issues. I think I'll try sucking on ice this time, which I haven't done before, to see if that helps at all....

  • tsoebbin
    tsoebbin Member Posts: 199
    edited February 2017

    Jezikah... We're you are Quinn's or at Fairmont? Both places are pretty relaxing!

  • Jezikah
    Jezikah Member Posts: 68
    edited February 2017

    We were at Chico - south of Livingston on the way to Yellowstone. I haven't been to Fairmont since I was a kid. Never been to Quinn's. We live in Billings, so usually we go to Chico, Bozeman, or Thermopolis, WY for hot springs.

  • Pamela23
    Pamela23 Member Posts: 394
    edited February 2017

    SCGirl-I had chording too. Just finished 4 weeks (2x/week) of PT, it did wonders! My range of motion without pain has improved about 90%. My lymphedema has gotten worse though so just got approved to do another 4 weeks. Good luck!

    ILSunrise-today was day 5 of rads. As healthy of eater/exerciser that I was before diagnosis, sweets were my downfall. I've been reading a lot about food and breast cancer. The latest 2 things I think I'll incorporate into my diet is flaxseed and more raw broccoli. Here are a couple videos (each about 3-4 min) that refer to studies with these 2 foods and how they help reduce breast cancer: I looked at other studies that backed these up:

  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited February 2017

    Hi scaredashell. How are you? Are you done with chemo? I just finished mine last week. Except for constant bloodcount dips, I could say that I tolerated the treatment quite well. Bald head yes, but i did not lose my nails nor my eyebrows. A little body pain and itching but now they're gone.

    I will not do radiation anymore as my MO said I have less than 4 cm tumor and less than 4 positive lymph nodes. Those were her criteria for rads. However she prescribed me Tamoxfen 20mg for 300 days starting a month after chemo. My ER/PR are both weak positives at 5% and 3% respectively but my MO says I would benefit from Tamoxifen to prevent breast cancer recurrence.

    There are side effects and possible uterine cancer from Tamoxifen but she says these may occur from prolonged use which is usually 5 years and another 5 years after assessment, the reason why she only prescribed 300 days for me. I am still weighing my options and I will delay the Tamoxifen until I get the results of my follow up blood tests and PET scan scheduled in April.

    So, how about you? What's the progress of your treatment and your other plans?

    Take care,


  • ilsunrise
    ilsunrise Member Posts: 91
    edited February 2017

    Pamela23 - thanks for the information and videos. Sorry to hear you've developed lymphedema but hopefully the PT will help.

    SCGirl50 & Pamela23- What is cording? Is that something to do with the lymph nodes that were removed or related to the surgical site healing?

    Gingkoleaf12 - good for you booking a trip to Hawaii! Well deserved to treat yourself after going through this whole BC ordeal.

    For those of you who have had to cancel vacation plans (StayMom, Hopfull, Jezikah), I'm so sorry. Be sure to plan a new adventure that fits your time table between or after treatments. You deserve some well deserved pampering and celebration of kicking it to the cancer beast.

  • Pamela23
    Pamela23 Member Posts: 394
    edited March 2017

    Gmmiph--I'm just shy of 6 weeks PFC and my brows and lashes got worse the past 2 weeks,--have about 18 left on my upper left lid and just noticed in the past couple days some of my bottom ones have decided to take a hike too. Just a warning. I was on Cytoxan and Taxotere.

    IlSunrise--cording is when the lymphedema makes your arm feel like there is a cord in there the won't stretch as far as your reach. So when you reach for something, your range of motion is compromised and it hurts to stretch it out. this explains it: Mine is SO much better. She said she still feels one little cord but it's so minimal to what I was feeling. She works on it in PT.

    I lost 10 lbs of fluid in the past 2 days. I had gained 10 lbs in 6 days and my arm and legs looked gigantically puffy. That's how much lymph back up I had. It was SO painful. I found walking, drinking 2 qts of dandelion root tea and cutting out extra sugar along with a prescription diuretic made a world of difference!

  • ilsunrise
    ilsunrise Member Posts: 91
    edited March 2017

    Pamela23 - thanks for the information about cording. Yikes - that's is a crazy amount of fluid retention you had. So, glad it is better now. I have heard that sometimes the brown and eye lash loss occurs after chemo ends. My brows and lashes are pretty sparse. I'm just about two weeks past my last infusion.

  • Pamela23
    Pamela23 Member Posts: 394
    edited March 2017

    gmmiph--where are you based? I had a 3mm lesion and no lymph involved and I'm getting 6 weeks of rads I even question the RO, asking if I'm getting the same amount as if someone had a 2 cm lump and lymph node involves...yep, same protocol. It sucks these treatments aren;t individualized. But they go by the studies and that was the standard amount of rads in studies that show success.

  • Summer2016
    Summer2016 Member Posts: 104
    edited March 2017

    Pamela23---Great to hear you are feeling better and lost all that fluid! Thanks for the nutrition information on Broccoli and flaxseed. Had always been cooking broccoli will be eating raw now. As a vegetarian I struggle with balancing carbs and protein------usually end up with carb overload. Have to work on that too.

  • BG46TN
    BG46TN Member Posts: 23
    edited March 2017

    Pamela and gmmiph, I didn't think I was going to need radiation either since I fall into the category, according to everything I have read online, for not needing it (having a double mastectomy, no lymph node involvement, tumor smaller then 5cm) but my RO and MO both agreed that I fall into a "gray area" I'm right on the borderline of needing it/not needing since I am triple negative (more aggressive) and BARD1 positive that I should get it to take care of any stray cells..

    It sucks, I really didn't want to have it but since they said it will increase my no reoccurance rate by 10%, I think its worth it.....I always want to say that I fought this with everything possible.

    I won't start until probably June, since I haven't had surgery yet, and need to have my expanders totally full before radiation can start.

  • Irishmom3
    Irishmom3 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2017

    Congratulations on all who have finished! What an accomplishment!

    I wasn't able to have my treatment today and was so disappointed since I have only 2 left. I have noticed loss of hearing since my second dose of Taxol so my MO was very hesitant to give me another dose until I have a hearing test and evaluation by an ENT. They gave me a tuning fork test and failed it in the sense that I definitely have loss of hearing in 1 ear more than the other. My MO said pending the results of my ENT appointment I may have to forgo the last 2 treatments. Has anyone experienced this? Thoughts / suggestions? I have come this far I just want to finish but don't want permanent hearing loss either. My MO said since I got through the A/C which was the most important part of my treatment the Taxol is really just a bonus since I still am having rads and hormone treatment. Just confused and frustrated. Trying not to jump the gun, but it's hard not to

  • Summer2016
    Summer2016 Member Posts: 104
    edited March 2017

    KB870---thanks did not know about the thyroid problem!

    Irishmom3----I'm sorry you are battling hearing loss :( I do not know of anyone who has experienced this, however others on here may be able to shed some light on this issue. I have ringing in my ears with TC. --------Wishing you the best!

  • Hopfull2
    Hopfull2 Member Posts: 287
    edited March 2017

    Hi, hope everyone is doing well abd recovering ok. I'm still trying to get my taste back. My tongue feels like the way it feels when u burn your tongue with something hot and food taste like nothing still. Body still aches. Let's just feel normal again. Snooze

    Irishmom, I don't have hearing loss but I do have wooshing sound one ear. I'm on TC. I have heard we can loose our hearing just not sure if it's permanent. Hope not for you.

    Pamela ,hope your feeling better with you arm. Horrible u had to suffer through that and the cording.

    Hugs e

  • scaredashell07
    scaredashell07 Member Posts: 143
    edited March 2017

    Gmmip - I am two treatments away from end of chemo. March 10 and 24. Woohoo

    I expect to get rads even though only 1 positive mode. Doc said because I had LVI with the one node. I still don't know what that means probably because it's a more agressive Tumor. I have to see. My center seems to be very agressive not sure I want to put myself through the radiation. Glad you're doing well. I have lost all of my hair of course, but nit my eyebrows and getting thin on the eyelashes. Taxol had been relatively easy for me.

    Hang in there ladies. We're almost done.

  • StayMom
    StayMom Member Posts: 57
    edited March 2017

    Hello friends! Happy March! I was so happy to turn the page on February and leave it behind! I have two Taxotere treatments left on Mar 8 and Mar 29. Bring it on! I tolerated the first Taxotere fairly well. My eyelashes and brows are very thin now and my eyes water quite a bit. This just started! My tongue barely has any tastebuds. I have had some ringing in my ears and some pain in my neck which felt like my lymph nodes. I'm meeting with my MO on Monday. I'm also going through rads. My tumour was 2cm and I had 2 positive nodes. Not sure when it starts but I'm not having additional surgery until my final reconstruction surgery which could be a year from now.

    Anyone else going through rads with an expander(s)? I'm a bit nervous as there could be a lot of tightening etc and then a long wait until final implant placement.

    I'm just excited to get my hair back! Ugh I hate looking like a freaking alien. I have been researching and it seems that most people have hair growth about 4 weeks after finishing chemo. Fingers crossed!

    Congrats Hopfull2 and Gmmiph! All finished chemo. Amazing!! I suspect many of us will finish in March also. Yay!

    Pamela - glad your lymphedema is improving and your water retention is resolving. Thanks also for the diet info. I love steamed broccoli but will also try raw (even through I much prefer cooked!)

    Jezikah - glad you had a nice time away. Enjoy Vegas!!

    Irishmom - sorry about the hearing loss. That is really scary and I'm glad your MO is taking it so seriously. Can they reduce via eliminate your doses? Either way it's good to know you are through the most effective treatment and then you will have rads so any stray cells won't have a chance!

    Scaredashell I'm right behind you. I hope we continue to tolerate our last 2 treatments just aswell and can move on!!

  • Pamela23
    Pamela23 Member Posts: 394
    edited March 2017

    Irishmom--the hearing loss is so scary!Was that listed as a side effect of your chemo drugs? I hope they get it sorted out soon so you can put this stage behind you!

    KB870--thanks for the info on the broccoli! I'll look into that.

    Hopfull-- funny you mention the whooshing sound. When it's quiet and I concentrate on it, I hear something that is rhythmic and very faint but I could describe it as a whooshing more than a ringing, It was louder the few days after chemo each time. I thought it was all the drugs I'd been on the week after infusion and maybe it was the sound of a drug buzz. Has gotten so much better but I noticed it the other night when I was by myself reading.

    Staymom-- You are experiencing the classic side effects of that damn Taxotere! Hate to be the bearer of bad news but I'm 6 weeks PFC on Cytoxen and Taxotere all the side effects I've asked about are due to the Taxotere. Taxanes are just bad news! My lashes and brows have gotten worse in the past 2 weeks. I'm down to about 15 on 1 lid and maybe 30 on the other (my left side is worse with everything since it's the side of the BC). My brows have lost another 30% in the past couple weeks. Also, tastebuds are JUST sensing some flavors. I've been able to taste flavors for a couple weeks like salt/sweet/bitter but yesterday I tasted something raspberry--it was heaven! It took me a minute to compute why my yogurt drink tasted so good--it was because I could actually taste it. Nothing else, unfortunately but it's a start!! Hang in there!!

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 573
    edited March 2017

    StayMom- my eyes are watering a lot too. It is so much it will run down my cheeks if I don't have a tissue on hand to keep dabbling it. I thought it might be a combination of the chemo and pollen. I take Taxotere also.

    I had my 5th treatment yesterday and my 6th and last is scheduled for March 23rd. I will still have Herceptin until December, but a lot of the side effects should be gone and my hair can grow. I will have to have a lumpectomy and radiation. I don't know if I will need any reconstruction after my lumpectomy but I was worried if I did if the radiation will hinder that.

    My eyelashes are sparse, not completely gone. My daughter does permanent makeup and she did my eyebrows before I started chemo. My brows are not completely gone just thinner, but it is not noticeable because of the brows that my daughter gave me.

    This board helps me reading about all the side effects that you all experience and how you are dealing gives me ideas to help myself. The positivity here is such a mood lifter and knowing if anyone needs to vent - here is a place that you find people who know how you feel and what you are going through. A roomful of strong, courageous, beautiful people.

  • StayMom
    StayMom Member Posts: 57
    edited March 2017

    wow Pamela! I can't believe you still have so many side effects 6 weeks after!! I was hoping we would bounce back sooner. Ugh! This stuff better be working!!

    Mistyeyes you only have one treatment left! That's great. Hopefully this one and the next is also manageable. I find a lot of the side effects are annoying but manageable as long as we get back to normal at some point! Good call on the eyebrows. I find them difficult to draw every day!!

  • SCGirl50
    SCGirl50 Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2017

    StayMom I will be doing Rads with TE's as well. My PS told me I have to wait 1 month after completion to get Reconstruction. I have my 1st appt. March 9th with my RO.

    Pamela23 I haven'the had any lymphadema, only cording on the side that I am getting Rads. The cords originate at my SNB scar in my armpit and go to my elbow. It is like it came out of nowhere about 17 days ago. I went to my BS and she confirmed it but I am still waiting for an appt. With a PT. I got some stretching exercises from YouTube and I have increased my mobility. I am determined to start my Rads on schedule so whatever I can do it will be done.

    Irishmom sorry to hear about your SE's with Taxol. It is just crazy how different we all are with these drugs. I have never heard of someone's hearing being compromised. I hope the ENT can help you.

    I am 2 days past DD Taxol 3 of 4. I have to say my muscle soreness is more severe this time. It even hurts to swallow. I have been dipping into my leftover pain meds from surgery. TE's are especially painful right now. Luckily this only last about 3 days. My last treatment is March 15th, so just one more bad ride after this one.

  • StayMom
    StayMom Member Posts: 57
    edited March 2017

    SCGirl50 so great that you only have one more! Woo hoo! I hope your SEs ease up for you. Interesting how my plastic surgeon said I would not be able to do my final reconstruction surgery until 8-10 months after rads because of the impact to the skin and healing. She said it all depends on how my skin will hold up! I feel like I will be ready for a break at that time so I'm ok to wait a while but 10 months seems LONG!

    It feels so great to know we are either finished or so close to finishing chemo. Even though it has been manageable I just can't wait to be done!!

  • BG46TN
    BG46TN Member Posts: 23
    edited March 2017

    StayMom I"m going to be going through radiation with my expanders also...I have one more chemo left (march 27th) then I will have a double mastectomy with expanders in the end of RO said after the expanders are totally full, I can start radiation...then I'll have to wait 6 months after rads end to get my switch to implants...its such a long process! ugh!

    A good friend who went through this a few years ago said to get pure Aloe gel...and slather it on after radiation and bed time etc...she said it kept her skin in great shape during radiation and her drs couldn't believe how great her skin was! I'm definitely going to try it too!

    I also have a lot of the "classic" SE's for taxotere...taste buds are pretty much gone, but usually come back the week before my next chemo...eye lashes and brows are pretty much gone, I draw in the brows and just use eye liner to hide my no lashes LOL and yes myeyes water like crazy. Putting my contact lenses in is such a chore now! ugh other then that I've been handling taxotere pretty well, mostly tired and achy and my "new" symptom is getting the hiccups ALL THE TIME! so wierd..I read that it is probably from the steroids...but its weird I only started having it after my 2nd taxotere...they are just annoying, but I'll take it over some worse side effects LOL

  • pamaher
    pamaher Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2017

    Hi all -- I've been following along, and gotten a lot of great info here, but am posting for the first time. Muscle aches and fatigue are creeping up on me. Anyone else? I started TCH in December and have two treatments left. One thing I've noticed this week (next treatment this Friday) is a lot of muscle achiness -- primarily in my legs. They feel heavy sometimes, but also tight. Stretching helps. Usually by the third week after treatment, I feel pretty good, but the fatigue seems to be creeping up on me, and I'm pretty wiped out now. Hoping the next few weeks go quickly for everyone!

  • Irishmom3
    Irishmom3 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2017

    After seeing the ENT he feels my hearing should come back and he is going to closely monitor me. However when getting my dose of Taxol today I had a coughing fit. My MO gave me additional steroids and Benadryl but I continued coughing and he felt I was having an allergic reaction so he stopped my treatment after getting 1/3 of it. I'm so disappointed I'm so close to being done. Now I have to regroup after he presents me to tumor board. Trying to decide to forgo the last treatment or change meds and give me 2 more treatments, or just start my rads. I wish I had a crystal ball to help with these difficult decisions.

    Stay mom- I'm also doing rads with expanders. My plastic surgeon feels he gets better results with the final implants when he keeps the expanders in during rads and waits 9-12 months for final implant. He tells my he doesn't have as good results when he does the final implant before the rads such rejection as well as the contour and they often are not symmetrical. Hope this helps.

    May you all have a healthy week and getting closer to the end of chemo

  • Pamela23
    Pamela23 Member Posts: 394
    edited March 2017

    pamaher--I had the same problem. I was just thinking today that it's still there and even in my triceps. Like you said, tight. It feels almost like I lifted weights and the muscles are sore. I looked up myalgia and taxanes ( I was on taxotere). There's a correlation but I"m 7 weeks PFC. By night I can barely crouch without pain.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 573
    edited March 2017

    pamaher and Pamela 23 - I am on TCHP and I have the same problems with my legs. I was hoping it would go away after I am done. I try to walk to keep my body moving and help mentally, but some days I can hardly walk with it. Trying to keep positive and hoping life will once again feel normal....whatever that is.

  • Jezikah
    Jezikah Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2017

    Yes, I've had the same problems with muscles and especially my legs hurting. I tell everyone it feels like I ran a marathon and I have to sit down a lot. I was carrying my daughter upstairs (very slowly) the other day and my legs literally collapsed when I got up the stairs - I had to put her down and sit down on the floor they were burning and hurting so bad.