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Starting Chemo in December 2016



  • Carolg516
    Carolg516 Posts: 9
    edited December 2016

    Yesterday they put in my port. Last night, I regretted getting it. Took Tylenol and today feels much better. 

    Today was first cmf chemo treatment. Went fine. Feel ok. They gave me lots of meds for nausea!

    Tomorrow get neulasta and start Claritin.

    7 more cycles to go!

  • StayMom
    StayMom Posts: 57
    edited December 2016

    Good evening December chemo pals! I can't believe how busy it is leading to my first chemo now starting Dec 12. I had CT scan and heart scan (both normal thankfully!) tomorrow I am getting a fill-up in my expander and I am getting my hair cut. It's quite long so will take it up past my shoulders so I can get fitted for a wig next week. Happy to read that first time treatments are going well so far! Fingers crossed that it continues! Everything is info overload from the prescriptions to the side effects and to the prescreening tests and scans. Exhausted but finally feeling ready to do this. We can do this! Xo

  • Jezikah
    Jezikah Posts: 68
    edited December 2016

    I wasn't feeling great yesterday (recovering from port surgery), so stayed home from work. My shoulder was really sore and I was nauseous and had a headache/dizzy. Had Gatorade and saltines along with Zofran and feel much better today and am at work.

    Anyone else in our group HER2+ and going to be on Herceptin? Did you have a MUGA scan? I'm scheduled to start Herceptin next Wed with chemo and my Dr. hasn't ordered me one before treatment. I read somewhere that everyone on Herceptin should get one, but maybe because I'm young and otherwise healthy they don't think I need one? Going to call the office today just to make sure...

  • Jezikah
    Jezikah Posts: 68
    edited December 2016

    KB870 - Thanks! Did you do the echo the day of your first treatment or prior?

  • dcdrogers
    dcdrogers Posts: 42
    edited December 2016

    I'm schedule to have an Echo on December 7th followed by port placement on December 9th. No MUGA scan has been discussed. My assumption is that they'll do a MUGA scan after the Herceptin treatment to see how/if Herceptin is effecting the heart.

    My first chemo and Herceptin (TCHP) treatment is scheduled to start on December 15th.

  • Terriinsacto
    Terriinsacto Posts: 1
    edited December 2016

    I am HER2 positive also and I had a MUGA scan before my first treatment, I was told it was to see if your heart can handle the Herceptin, I was also told that I will have one every 3 months as long as I am getting Herceptin. I am doing the 12 week Taxol/ Herceptin and then continue with Herceptin for the remainder 9 months

  • kmk40
    kmk40 Posts: 6
    edited December 2016

    Hi everyone! I am HER-2 positive and have my ECHO scheduled next Tuesday, prior to Herceptin. The doc wants me to start chemo the following week (12 weeks Taxol/Herceptin), allowing 2 weeks for me to heal after my 2nd partial mastectomy and sentinel lymph node mapping, which was done 2 days ago. I also had my port placed since I was already under anesthesia. I was really hoping to wait until after Christmas to start chemo, but I've been told i may not have many side effects after only one session and that it's urgent to stop the HER-2 cancer cells asap. I look forward to hearing from all of you!

  • SCGirl50
    SCGirl50 Posts: 30
    edited December 2016

    Hey girls! Well I was supposed to have my port placed on the 1st but I had a fever from sinus and kidney infections. So now I have my port on the 6th and 1st chemo on the 7th. I think the warranty on this body is out because everything is going bad. But the Urologist was cute. SillyHeart

  • 4bearz
    4bearz Posts: 1
    edited December 2016

    Hey everyone!

    I start AC-T on December 16th.  Echo, blood work and port placement on the 14th.  Ready to start so I can get it over with (at least that's what I keep telling myself).  

    3 1/2 weeks post-op and beginning to feel like somewhat of a normal person (with the exception of the uncomfortable sleeping positioning).  So here's to enjoying this next week and a half before I meet the red devil. 

    These boards are so helpful for those of us preparing for this phase of our treatment.  Thank you for sharing information! 

  • TexasMom5
    TexasMom5 Posts: 3
    edited December 2016

    Hello All,

    I will start chemo on the 15th. It's hard to imagine. I am 3 weeks post-op, and feeling like my old self for the moment.

    No port for right now. We will see how it goes.

    I am nervous, and while trying to be strong and in control on the outside, having a mini pity party on the inside. Don't want to be sick for Christmas.

    Reading all the posts here is really helpful! It's nice to know I am not alone. Thank you all for sharing your stories!

  • Ms_Latte
    Ms_Latte Posts: 8
    edited December 2016

    For those just starting chemo...I recall the worst being a couple days after the treatment. I spent 14 hours staring at the ceiling unable to move. If someone had offered me $500 to raise my arm, I would have ignored them. I found out that it was the steroid pills for nausea that caused the sleeplessness, 3 times daily for 4 days if memory serves. I cut back, with doctor's approval to 1 a day for 3 days and did fine. I weigh under 120 pounds, so maybe it was just too much for my build.

    That's something that I wish someone had prepared me for. Hope that helps. Also, someone along the way recommended that I not shave my head, but instead have my hair cut to about an inch. Great advice! I had no itchy stubble during grow-back

    They're probably hard to find now, but there was an edition of a bald Barbie with wigs that were available for children of chemo patients

  • Irishmom3
    Irishmom3 Posts: 19
    edited December 2016

    I start dose dense AC/T 12/7/16, getting my port Tuesday. I'm glad to have found this thread. It's very hard when you don't know anyone else who has experienced what you are going through and just need to talk to someone who knows what you are experiencing

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,839
    edited December 2016

    Irishmom3, welcome to our community. Sorry to hear what you are going through, but happy you found us!

    Gentle hugs,
    The Mods

  • Pamlamb
    Pamlamb Posts: 10
    edited December 2016

    What wonderful encouragement! Thank you

  • Pamlamb
    Pamlamb Posts: 10
    edited December 2016

    A few days after I had my port installed I began to have terrible pain circling my neck shoulders chest and back. I ended up going to the emergency room because the muscle ligament, whatever it was, pain was so severe. I was in agony! It kept me awake the entire night. I waited until 5 AM to call a friend to take me to emergency. They did X-rays, said everything looks good, gave me a shot in the hip , talked to my surgeon, gave me some pills and sent me home. We were there for hours and hours and as the time went by with the shot the pain began to reside. I tell you going through what I did that night before was a little bit of hell. I still have soreness left. It is not all gone.

    Thank you NextStorm for sharing your soreness and pain with me lol.


  • Pamlamb
    Pamlamb Posts: 10
    edited December 2016

    Update from Pamamb - chemo postponed. New start date Monday Dec 5 8:15 AM. Will keep y'all posted.

    Love and great big gentle hugs go out out to all of you

  • Pamlamb
    Pamlamb Posts: 10
    edited December 2016

    StayMom - You said "One thing people say to me is that "my life is forever changed and/or will never be the same". "

    People have said that to me too. Next time I'm goin to be sure to ask the exactly what they mean by forever changed and never the same.


  • Pamlamb
    Pamlamb Posts: 10
    edited December 2016

    Great quote NextStorm

    My Frank Turner quote for the day is: "Every step you take forward is another step you never have to take again!"

  • OhHeyItsDeeDee
    OhHeyItsDeeDee Posts: 4
    edited December 2016

    Hi everyone,

    I've been a long time lurker (since Oct. 19th when I needed to know what BIRADS 5 meant on my ultrasound), but this is my first post. I was diagnosed with triple positive IDC on Oct. 27th and will be getting my first TCHP infusion Dec. 5th! It's been a whirlwind of tests, emotions and now that my first chemo session is so close, I'm excited but VERY nervous. I am glad to have my port already installed-my 12 year old son calls me the human cell phone and refers to chemo as getting charged up LOL This baby will come in handy with six cycles of chemo and a year of herceptin

    Thanks to everyone who has posted tips on how to manage chemo's side effects. It really has made me less afraid of the unknown. I've asked my husband to shave my head tonight because I can't bear the thought of losing my hair in clumps in the shower or my hairbrush. I had a mohawk once, so maybe being bald won't be so different.

    Good luck to all of us! I wouldn't want anyone to have to face this type of journey, but I am so grateful we have a place where we can lift each other up and help each other along.

  • lpgrms
    lpgrms Posts: 2
    edited December 2016

    check to see if you can take the day after shot home. When I had chemo in 2008 I was able to take it home. It depends on your insurance. Unfortunately, I get to make the chemo trip again on Dec. 19.

  • bareclaws
    bareclaws Posts: 246
    edited December 2016

    Starting tomorrow, TCH + Perjeta. Using the Dignicap. Let's get this show on the road...

  • bareclaws
    bareclaws Posts: 246
    edited December 2016

    I'm starting Herceptin tomorrow but didn't have that test, only the echo

  • M0221
    M0221 Posts: 8
    edited December 2016

    Starting chemo December 28th, Taxotere and Cytoxan. I will be able to have the Neulasta patch so I do not have to return for the shot the day following chemo. Having my port put in December 13th.

    Hate that anyone has to be here, but I am so thankful to have the insight from people that have gone through this or are going through it with me.

  • Summer2016
    Summer2016 Posts: 104
    edited December 2016

    Hi everyone. I am scheduled for a port Wed Dec 7th and Chemo (Taxotere/Cytoxan -4 rounds) Thurs Dec 8th. Along with Neulasta injections. And I will be trying the Dignicap----provided I can stand the 30 min prior, hour and half during then 2 hours after chemo of freezing my head!

    Also wanted to share that while my clinical markers were low such as 1.3cm, Stage IA, Grade 2. My biomarkers are ki67 30-40%, onco 26, mammaprint high risk luminal B. All three oncologist opinions from 3 different hospitals all said that I needed to do here I am. I appreciate being a part of this community for support----Wishing everyone the best during our journey. May we all be blessed!

  • ilsunrise
    ilsunrise Posts: 91
    edited December 2016

    Summer2016 - looks like we're having the same chemo cocktail and number of rounds. I had a similar situation where I had to choose whether or not to do chemo. My KI67 was 23 as well as my Oncotype. I start chemo on December 15. Since you're trying the Dignicap, if you're not already part of the community on Cold Capping - you may want to join that online support group too.

    M0221 - I see you're taking the same chemo as me too. You mentioned the Neulasta patch. Is that something that everyone getting chemo is prescribed whether in a patch or perhaps injection? I don't get my chemo "training" until the day of my first treatment so was just curious.

  • Melinda0628
    Melinda0628 Posts: 6
    edited December 2016

    Just met with my oncologist. Starting chemo on 12/30. I just lost it. So much has happened in the last month. Scared

  • Jezikah
    Jezikah Posts: 68
    edited December 2016

    Is anyone here doing counseling at all? I'm considering it. My work covers 6 free counseling visits a year, so I might be able to get in a couple this month and then do some next year as my treatment continues. I just am really struggling with anxiety about chemo. I haven't started yet and I'm becoming increasingly anxious and trying not to think about it makes me more anxious. And I'm one of the most calm, level-headed people I know. I went to have my port surgery done and I was as calm as could be about the whole thing. My sister who went with me had to take Xanax... I've gone through 3 surgeries and been relatively fine and didn't feel I needed help, but now I'm really feeling anxious about everything. Just wondering if anyone is doing counseling, what is the focus, and do you feel it's helping you cope with everything? Also are people in any in-person support groups? There's a BC one at my hospital that meets once a month. I haven't been as it's run by the "breast health navigator" who I'm not overly impressed with... but think it might be helpful to talk with local people in my situation...

  • StayMom
    StayMom Posts: 57
    edited December 2016

    Hi Melinda, it truly sucks to have to go through this. I have lost it many times. I still do but find I am distracted enough most days trying to keep appts and to do lists organized. The nights are the worst but I take Ativan if I feel like it will be a sleepless night and I also have stopped researching anything cancer related! My hope is that in a few months we will be over this stage and closer to getting our lives back!

    Jezikah I have thought about counselling. I met with a social worker at the hospital for one session. I found there were a few helpful pointers for communicating with my 7 year old son. I will go again if I am struggling. Like I mentioned above I am finding Ativan a big help. I'm like you and I have never been really anxious or needed a lot of support but these are extraordinary circumstances. I really find speaking to others like you guys the best support. I have been to a few info sessions at the hospital and talk to other ladies who have been through treatment as much as possible.

    Good luck to everyone with port surgery and or starting chemo this week! I'm anxious to start and get this over with. One week to gofor me. Going to get a wig and some hats on Friday. I want to make sure I am prepared in case I need to buzz off during the holidays. Good grief!!! Xoxo

  • Jezikah
    Jezikah Posts: 68
    edited December 2016

    Thanks for the input on counseling. I do think talking to a professional would be helpful and the more I think about it, I think I should just do it.

    I also realized over Thanksgiving that I'm mourning the pregnancy/baby I wish I had instead of this stupid disease. We had been planning for over a year to try and get pregnant with our second child this past summer. I was off birth control and trying to get pregnant when I found the lump. I'm thankful that I found the lump BEFORE I got pregnant, but it puts all those hopes and dreams of another child on hold while dealing with all this terrible crap. And then SIL announced at Thanksgiving that she is pregnant (with their third). I had to leave the room and have a good cry. As much as I tried, I couldn't be happy for them and I was mad at my SIL for announcing in front of everyone instead of telling me privately (we have always been very close). I just had my egg extraction procedure the day before several states away and then flew to be with them for Thanksgiving. I just couldn't deal with it...

  • Hanging_in_there
    Hanging_in_there Posts: 113
    edited December 2016

    PamLamb, I had pain after my port installed, glad things are looking up for you now.

    When I was talking to the surgeon about the port install, I introduced my husband as "my Uber Driver", and the surgeon believed it for more than a moment, it was pretty funny. Now I refer to my husband at appointments as "my Uber Driver". Trying to find humor where I can.