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Starting Chemo in December 2016



  • bareclaws
    bareclaws Posts: 246
    edited December 2016

    Shell72, nothing brave about it, I agree. You mentioned nose sores. I got up today with a new side effect-bloody nose. I was plagued with them as a child but rarely had them as an adult. My sinuses are always the worst this time of year, with mountain cedar allergies, dry heated house. So let's add this up. Can't sleep, can't eat, cant run,can't breathe. WTF chemo?

  • dizzygirl01
    dizzygirl01 Posts: 45
    edited December 2016

    My heart goes out to everyone suffering from all the side effects. I swear the closer I get to Thursday (my start date) the bigger the knot gets in my stomach. It is going to be along 18weeks. Like many of you I am trying to work through Chemo, but we will have to see.

    I have Look Good Feel Better class this afternoon. At least it will get my mind off of starting Chemo.


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,839
    edited December 2016

    DizzyGirl, we hope that you find some 'enjoyment' in the Look Good Feel Better class. Many women find it very helpful. SoCalAimee, maybe you could give all those well-intended friends another "job" in lieu of accompanying you (e.g. prepare a meal for you, or help with laundry). It's always difficult to balance your needs with those of caregivers. We are thinking of all you brave people, and are there for you! We get what you're going through! Medicating

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Posts: 582
    edited December 2016

    My first chemo treatment was on Dec 8th. I am doing ok so far.

  • Jezikah
    Jezikah Posts: 68
    edited December 2016

    I'm at work today and feeling pretty good, considering. Yesterday, my appetite came back, woohoo! I do have stomach/gas pains, so trying to take it easy on the eating, but it's so nice to actually want to eat something. I also have a Look Good, Feel Better class this afternoon. I still haven't cut my hair off... I know the clock is ticking, and my Dr and nurses keep telling me I want to cut it short before it starts falling out in big chunks. I have very thick hair that's about 4" below my shoulders. I just haven't decided if I want to keep it until Saturday for my daughter's birthday party or cut it before hand. I ordered a nice wig at a wig shop that they're supposed to get in tomorrow or Wed, so maybe I'll just buzz my head before picking up the wig. (I did talk to my 4 yr old daughter about the medicine I'm taking that will make me lose my hair, so now she asks me every morning why I still have my hair... )

    Regarding people sitting with you for treatment. The only person I really wanted there was my husband. He is the best at "reading" me and picking up on cues for when I do or don't want to talk or want interaction (and/or if I just need a hand squeeze and a smile). It was also good to have him at my first treatment because they go over a lot of information and it's good to have a second set of ears, especially if they're going to be with you during this whole thing. My mom sat with me in the afternoon and my sister came by for a little bit. I know they just wanted to be supportive, but I was mostly watching Netflix on my ipad anyway, after chatting for a little while. My best friend offered to take me to my next one, but we'll see how I feel when the time comes... I could definitely see myself going to most future treatments by myself, and probably driving myself because we only live about 5 minutes from the treatment center.

  • ThePinkRibbonEffect
    edited December 2016

    hi Angie,

    I will be starting chemo tomorrow and was curious how well the gel worked. Also, did you do a cold cap?

  • ThePinkRibbonEffect
    edited December 2016

    I'm so amazed you still ran your race!! I'm about to start my first chemo and reading something like this motivates me that it will all be ok. Think of how amazing you will feel finishing your first race post all of this!!!

  • scaredashell07
    scaredashell07 Posts: 143
    edited December 2016

    sorry to hear all the bad SEs. I am starting Friday and so nervous. Have two small kids and don't know how bill have energy to hang with them. I am starting to get depressed at the thought of the chemo not working. I am looking too far into the future. How do you manage the fear of it all?

  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Posts: 662
    edited December 2016


    When you feel helpless on things you dont have control of, have FAITH!

    You can do this! Think that you have a loving family who needs you as much asyou need them. That should motivate you.

    Sending positive thoughts and prayers for you and all the wonderful ladies on this thread.


  • Jezikah
    Jezikah Posts: 68
    edited December 2016

    Scaredashell07 - I was super nervous, too. I am still nervous about the side effects and that I have 5 more rounds to go! And especially nervous about it not working and having a recurrence. I have an (almost) 4 yr old daughter and it's hard to keep up with her, I don't know what I would do with 2 little ones! I keep thinking about my (hopefully!) last chemo treatment on March 22nd. Having that end in sight does help me put it in perspective. Also, I made an appointment with a counselor, I'll see her on Thursday for the first time. I'm hoping to get some good ideas with coping and how to handle it all without letting the fear get to me. Lastly, I try to stay positive and focus on the good things I have... I really think a positive attitude can go a long ways.

  • SoCalAimee
    SoCalAimee Posts: 3
    edited December 2016

    Moderators, Thank you for the suggestions!

  • logang
    logang Posts: 144
    edited December 2016

    Hello! I just wanted to stop in and let you all know how strong and beautiful you all are! Even when you think you can't do it, you can and will!

    I completed 4 rounds of dose dense Adriamycin and Cytoxan followed by 4 rounds of dose dense Taxol earlier this year. Remember, not everyone deals with the same side effects! Remember to drink plenty of water and get plenty of rest. Let others help when they offer with cleaning, cooking, babysitting, or hauling kids to and from activities! Don't be afraid to ask for help. Some of our loved ones just want to feel useful.

    If anyone is interested, I have a wig and care kit that I will part with for free. I will post pics in the proper topic.

  • StayMom
    StayMom Posts: 57
    edited December 2016

    hi ladies! I had my first treatment this afternoon. I feel ok but I feel the nausea coming in even after I took all the meds 😟 Any quick tips? I'm drinking water and having crackers, soup etc. I really hope it passes. Other than that it has been pretty painless.

    I've have been reading all the posts and it has been so helpful! Xo

  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Posts: 662
    edited December 2016

    Hi Staymom,

    Congrats on you first FEC infusion. Ive had mine twice already. What anti nausea drugs did you take on your chemo day? My onco nurse gave me Aloxi for nausea along with Dexamethasone steroid for pains. I felt the same as you, like the food is up to my neck. I did not take anything, i just tried to relax and meditate. Then I slept it off. When I woke up i feel much better and then I ate only little warm bland veggie soup and green tea to strengthen my tummy and prevent acid reflux, although the following day, I took Nexium in the morning on an empty stomach and ate breakfast an hour later. i am sure you have been prescribed medicines to continue at home and you should take all of them. Eat little but more frequent.

    Before mouthsores set in, dissolve 1 tsp baking soda and 1/8 tsp salt in a cup of water and gargle every three hours if possible. If you feel constipated, eat prunes or drink unsweetened prune juice. If you have metallic taste, suck on ginger candies or eat frozen fruits.

    I hope this helps you.

    Rest well and stay strong,


  • M0221
    M0221 Posts: 8
    edited December 2016

    Feeling overwhelmed and less brave today. More nervous about having my port put in tomorrow then I was before my bilateral mastectomy. I have put on a brave face and remained upbeat since my diagnosis, but I have realized that I have been acting for those around me. I'm tired, I'm anxious and I'm scared. I find myself looking for places to hide just so I can cry. First infusion isn't until December 28th.

  • CareyShay
    CareyShay Posts: 3
    edited December 2016

    I had my first infusion ten days ago. I have three more A/C every other week, then twelve weeks of taxol. I have been reading these forums since my diagnosis, so I figured I would finally join and post.

    Staymom- my nausea was really poorly controlled and nothing I did helped. I ended up calling the on-call Oncologist fellow at my hospital for a change in prescriptions three times before they finally sent me to the e.r for iv medication and hydration. I think sometimes there isn't anything you can do on your own until they figure out what medication works for you.

    ThePinkRibbonEffect- I am using cold caps. So far I have zero hair loss. But I do have weird, very dry hair. They hurt. I am unsure if I will continue, but I had a mohawk for seven years and am not overly attached to my hair. I feel like the pain and hassle could be more worth it to someone who is more attached to their hair than I am learning I am.

    M0221- I was awake for the entire time my port was placed. It was not a bad procedure. I had some pain for about two to three days after, and I have discomfort when my cats walk on it now. It has been in about a month and while I think its weird (I'm thin and can feel it and the catheter) it is a lot less weird than my tissue expanders, which is something.

  • SCGirl50
    SCGirl50 Posts: 30
    edited December 2016

    bareclaws I can't believe you tried to run. I have been in bed since Friday after 1st infusion Wed. Like you my guts are a mess. My kidneys are working overtime even though I don'the feel like I am drinking all that much. I am going to get IV fluids in the morning. And hopefully they can find something to help my stomach issues. I can't wrap my head around having to do this 7 more times. I had to call out of work today.

  • bareclaws
    bareclaws Posts: 246
    edited December 2016

    scgirl50, I feel your pain. Marginally better today. I'm about to go get more blood work to check for platelet drop as I had a 9-hour nosebleed yesterday. (In retrospect, I think it's likely that running had something to do with that.) Gas-X helped my gas pains at night issue a little, so you might try that. Also a heating pad over your abdomen. And middle of the night yoga moves in bed to help release trapped gas. Of course, no gassy foods for dinner-my hardest lesson to learn. As a vegetarian/pescatarian, I've depended on beans and legumes to anchor my menu. Not anymore.

  • chickensandgoats
    chickensandgoats Posts: 44
    edited December 2016

    Hello, everyone! I actually started my chemo on 11/30, but thought I would join this board since it was almost December! I am going for my second dense dose of A/C chemo tomorrow. I've noticed that my hair is starting to fall out. I'm still processing that I will be on my way to being bald for Christmas! Should make for some interesting family photos! Happy

  • waterdog
    waterdog Posts: 4
    edited December 2016

    Hi ladies. I don't come on the boards or post as much as I used to because I am trying to move past cancer and treatment and just trying to have my normal life. Three years ago I started chemo and had 15 total months of treatment and thought it would never end. And then it does. I was able to work throughout. Some don't. You're in the hard part. It will pass. Wishing you all gentle treatment. Life is really ok again despite my early fears

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,839
    edited December 2016

    BIG warm welcome to chickenandgoats and all the other newbies here! We're sending good wishes as you navigate your chemo journey. Looking forward to hearing more from you all soon!

    Waterdog -- what a nice, encouraging post! Thanks for the inspiration


    --The Mods

  • M0221
    M0221 Posts: 8
    edited December 2016

    Port placement was a breeze! Wish I hadn't stressed about that. My neck is a bit stiff but no pain at all. I plan on resting this evening and then hoping to be up and about tomorrow for a physical therapy appointment and then my chemo education appointment in the afternoon.

  • Jezikah
    Jezikah Posts: 68
    edited December 2016

    I had my worst SE yet at 2am this morning. Bone pain! I woke up in terrible pain - I could feel it in every bone of my body, even my cheeks. I took Tylenol and put a heating pad on my hips and back where it was the worst. The Tylenol didn't help at all, got up and walked around and that actually helped. Tried to lay down again and was crying from the pain, my husband woke up and made me take Hydrocodone. I hate taking Hydro - it makes me loopy and knocks me out. So I knew if I took it, I wouldn't be going to work this morning... But with that and the heating pad, I was able to finally fall asleep around 4:30. I slept in and then had a leisurely shower and didn't go to work until almost noon. I'm feeling OK now, still doing Tylenol and Advil and I have a constant headache, but moving around really does help with the pain.

    I just keep thinking this will pass, one day at a time, and looking forward to my last treatment on March 22nd... I know I've been through a lot already and there's lots more to come, but trying so hard to stay positive...

  • bareclaws
    bareclaws Posts: 246
    edited December 2016

    It appears my platelets dropped like a rock. I ended up at the hospital today getting a platelet transfusion and now am on prednisone to bring the counts up further. Back tomorrow for another blood draw. My right arm looks like an addict's. I have true admiration for you gals who work and/or take care of young children through chemo and treatment. You amaze me.

  • kmk40
    kmk40 Posts: 6
    edited December 2016

    Hi everyone! I start taxol/herceptin on 12/27. M0221, I can empathize with how you're feeling. I was less nervous about having surgery, twice, than chemo. I think it's the unknown of how I will react and how others will react to me when they see I look different. I couldn't sleep for a few days worrying and then just decided I needed to get through this day by day. Yes, I could worry that I'll get sick or people at work and school will look at me with pity, but I don't know what will happen until it does. Easier said than done, I know, but it's what's keeping me going at this point! We WILL get through this. Thanks to everyone for your posts, they are so helpful.

  • chickensandgoats
    chickensandgoats Posts: 44
    edited December 2016

    @kmk40 I completely agree that the unknown is my biggest fear. I really enjoy reading these boards. I lurked for several weeks before deciding to join. It is empowering to read the stories of so many others who have made it through or are going through this at the same time as me.

  • M0221
    M0221 Posts: 8
    edited December 2016

    kmk40 ...You are so right. I find it easier to stay strong for those around me, especially my family and closest friends. It's uplifting to know that people think I am strong. But at times it is nice to have people that are going through this that 'get it' There are times I would like to curl up in a ball and hide. Last Friday was a perfect best girlfriend is getting married this coming Sunday and I am her maid of honor. My cancer diagnosis delayed my getting a dress. Dress shopping without the double D's I had a month ago was fairly traumatic. I am doing delayed reconstruction and the prosthesis are not comfortable enough to wear yet. Still way too sensitive. I know my friend wouldn't care if I came wearing jeans and a gigantic sweatshirt, but it just made me sad. Decided on a very pretty tunic with a skirt. The tunic hides the fact that I am without breasts for now.

    Port update:My neck is getting incredibly sore now about 8 hours out of surgery. Mostly when I turn to the left or cough. Other then that it isn't bad.

  • StayMom
    StayMom Posts: 57
    edited December 2016

    Hi ladies, thanks for the tips on the nausea. It settled down by this morning and I have been more proactive with the "take as needed" medication. Felt good today and had a good appetite. 1 day down! Now bracing for any SEs from the immune booster shot I had.

    Jezikah sorry about the bone pain! I'm bracing for that. I too am counting the days until my last treatment on March 29!!

    MO221 wow the fact you are still able to go to your friend's wedding is wonderful. Not sure I could mentally handle that right now! Good for you.

  • M0221
    M0221 Posts: 8
    edited December 2016


    Glad you have found a way to control your nausea. I usually don't take anything that says take as needed because I have a very high pain tolerance. However, I learned with my bilateral mastectomy in October not to wait until you feel SE. It is difficult reprogramming myself and taking meds, but going forward I am going to be proactive. No need to experience SE if there is something prophylacticly that can help us. HANG IN THERE! You are already 1 infusion closer!

    The wedding...this is my friend that along with my husband held my hand mentally while I was in surgery for my bilateral mastectomy. If it were anyone else I may not find the mental strength. This is a long time coming and my heart is so happy for her. Hopefully this willbe very uplifting for me.

  • SoCalAimee
    SoCalAimee Posts: 3
    edited December 2016

    I had my first chemo blood draw done this week and the phlebotomist talked about how I would probably develop knots in my veins from all the activity the next few months. ????? Anyone experience this before or heard about it?