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January 2017 Surgery Group



  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    Cheers to chillin out!! Happy Friday girls!image

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    I just noticed there's a March 2017 surgery group. Don't think anyone started a Feb group. Those with surgeries in late Feb may also want to check in over there if we Jan. gals are too far along from where you're at right now. This group is clearly well into the post-surgery / treatment phase, where you'll be a month from now, but you may be also looking to connect with those where you're at right now...I think I would have felt overwhelmed thinking too far down the road while wondering what kind of reconstruction I was going to have & it really helped me to bond with those in the same phase of the BC process as I was.....hugs to all wherever you're at!

  • dcbc
    dcbc Member Posts: 122

    Shelly beans I am so very sorry ab your news... not what anyone wants to hear. Mourn the news -- have that margarita at the cabin too,if it helps. But then remember that we are all so lucky to be going down this road at a time where these distinctions matter, and treatment is tailored for them. I wish we could take the more aggressive treatment from you... but I also rejoice that it is there to beat the crap out of this thing. You are a warrior , woman, and you will weather this with tears, anger, grace and strength... we've got you.

    3bears, I've got half a mind to get in the car -- strep,fainting spells and all -- and literally beat some sense into y0ur friend. People are really so stupid some times.

    Xoxo ladies... warriors and loves

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    Michele/ Shellybeans: ugh, that sucks. I know you were preparing yourself for bad news, but I'm sure you're rocked by the reality of it. I felt a little of that when it turned out my tumor was 3x larger than what my MRI showed it to be. I'm still in the pre-treatment bubble of not knowing what's next & pretending I'm done (talk about denial!) but BeachBabyK & docmama have already had chemo & some of us in this group are starting to find out we're next. Giving you a big virtual hug & if you're having a pity party today, enjoy it, we'll be there with you & you can be strong again tomorrow....

    Dcbc: love your spirit! Your strength is contagious!! Now kick the crap out of that strep throat! Xoxo.

  • dcbc
    dcbc Member Posts: 122


  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    shelley, I'm so sorry about your news. Giving you a big boob sparing hug. we are with you through good times and bad. So take a moment and mourn and absorb the news, and when you are ready we will conquer the next step together. You are a strong fighter. This is a bump in the road but it's not going to stop you. I believe in you!! X

  • DaniCalifornia
    DaniCalifornia Member Posts: 45

    Vicwytch, congrats on your great news! I also developed some rashes in various places. I'm thinking it might be from the tape. Or even possibly from that orange stuff they put all over you. I'm just monitoring it to see if it goes away (and making sure it's not warm to the touch)

    3bears, that would piss me off too. I have a few of those know it all people in my life as well. I just have to shake my head at them and move on. I also had one "best" friend that I broke the news to (before surgery and all) then never heard from again. I have this small grade school part of me thinking "yeah, made it through surgery, I'm not going die just yet, doing ok...not that you care"

    Shellybeans, I am heartbroken at your news. I'm praying the the PET scan and echo come back good. Please do keep us posted. I wish I could give you a big hug. 😘 Just remember that you are strong and you can do this! 💪

  • DCISinAZ
    DCISinAZ Member Posts: 135

    Shellybeans - I am so sorry to didn't get the news you hoped for. Did they happen to say what your grade is? I know there are a loooooot of factors at play so try not to get too disheartened. Right now try to focus on you and your surgery recovery. We are here for you. xoxox

  • Cowboy-Up
    Cowboy-Up Member Posts: 161

    I'm so sorry to hear your news Shellybeans. Not what you want to hear but definitely doable. You have all the support of us girls here. You will get through this

  • Elem
    Elem Member Posts: 246

    oh Shellybeans , I am heartbroken about the news. I know you will need time to mourn it , grieve and then figure out the Next phase of your treatment. I know you have a lot on your plate. We will power through together as time moves on . The setbacks suck and cause us re navigate and decide which roads work best for us individually . But BC is still treatable and that is what has always kept me afloat. I am a frady cat about everything and I create my own anxiety so I am so grateful to all of you ladies who have been my inspiration.

    Love and Hugs to you 💪🏻💗❤💪🏻

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    Shellybeans, you are a survivor! You ran that race now it time to run this BC things into the ground! We will all be here ready to listen to you and cry with you to.

    3Bearw, OMG! I have a friend like that. My BEST friend. She always been a little out there with her thinking and inner peace stuff but I love her anyway. She will be my biggest support with my child to BUT....the other day she said...I open myself up to cancer because I think it's real. That cancer does not exist unless you believe in it.....REALLY????? she's said I shouldn't have surgery that I should try alternative methods. What the heck do you say to all that?!?! She also said I shouldn't spend so much time with this group because it is allowing the vibes of cancer to stay active in my mind and spirit. All the radiation and chemo is a huge don't do that with her to. So I'm sending you extra love because I get it!

    My BC is at 11 oclock in my right breast. I had a biopsy done on December 20 and according to that it's small. I didn't even bruise from the biopsy and the incision was gone in 2 days. I had just a fibroid removed from the same breast in 2006 It was actually bigger than what I have now. It would have been located about 3 o'clock. I guess I'm expecting to have the same after surgery results. ...sigh I didn't have my girl for 2 and half days. I had half my thyroid removed in 2010 (Elem you had a total thyroidectomy right) and I didn't have her for 4 days. Guess that's what I'm expecting this time to.

    To all you beautiful ladies...I want to hug you all have the we're going to be ok cry then celebrate at the bar with a sweet frosty drink and laugh and tell boob stories.. the ones that aren't going to believe this....Hug

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    awe Shellybeans, wish I could give you a hug. Let us be here for you...I can only imagine how you feel but be sad...feel your way through it but don't get comfortable there. Get back up when you are ready and be the fighter we all already know you to be from this past month. I'm sure my words are inadequate but know that I'm thinking of you and have so much love for you!

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    I'm blown away time and again by you ladies! For whatever reason...maybe because I was still on the last page...I thought I was the first to respond to Shellybeans and then I click away after submitting and here are all you wonderful girls already wrapping your arms around her! You are all Vargadoll, tell your friend she doesn't know what the hell she is talking about! Yesterday you all jumped in to support me and today there will be a need for others and tomorrow someone else may want to celebrate or be having a bad day and WE GET IT and that is what we do. The genuine love and support here is astounding and I love you all!

  • bccpa
    bccpa Member Posts: 8

    Shellybeans - I am so sorry for your news, I remember that day myself, really felt like the wind was knocked out of me. I know it is hard, but try to remember the magnificent road to health that so many woman before have paved for us in this journey, you can beat glad it was caught now and not 2 years from now when the journey is that much harder. Chemo of yesterday is so much better, believe me, 7 days into round 2 and I am feeling good, probably back 95% already. You can and will do this and lots of woman will be here supporting you, thru tears and laughter, we will help you. There is a private FB page for chemo ladies (chemo ladies january 2017) that you will have to join, it is more info and humor than you would believe. Give yourself time to mourn not being in the clean nodes club and then come join us in the chemo club and we will kick cancers a.... together! Virtual hugs to you!!!

    Vicwytch - I too had a rash, it was from the chloraprep, it was awful, had to get on steroids to fight it...all under my armpit and under my boob....actually took a picture of it, uploaded it and sent it to my dr to see if he wanted to see me for it, he didn't bring me in but called in a script....had to end up laying around with my pit up and a fan drying it out....very attractive! if it gets too bad, just call the dr!

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    Speaking of attractive armpits lol, I haven't shaved mine since my surgery because I'm totally numb on the axillary node removal side & I'm afraid that I might cut myself because it will be very hard for me to gauge the pressure of the razor on my skin. If I cut myself, I'll be afraid that it will trigger lymphedema. OMG! Thank goodness it's winter here! Lolol!!

  • Shellybeans
    Shellybeans Member Posts: 147

    I cannot thank you all individually but thank each of you so much. I will get through this. I will mourn my results. I'll get angry. And then I'll do what I always do - I'll kick ass.

    But for now - when you all have so much on your plate - can I ask for one more thing? In the name of all that is heavenly, powerful and good in this world PLEASE send the 💩💩💩💩fairy my way. Getting bad news, achy foobs, greasy hair, numb arms, stinky pits, and constipation is just cruel and unusual punishment.

    I just want one thing on my body to function normally. Other that my effing period that was so kind to show up.

    Thank you.

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    Sending 💩💩💩💩 prayers to Shellybeans!

  • Pyrrh
    Pyrrh Member Posts: 89

    Awwww, Shellybeans.

    Let's all figure out what would lure the poop-fairy .... we need bait, and a solid trap! Maybe if you go buy some glitter and sprinkle it in the water of your toilet the fairy will think it's fairy dust and come try to collect some, then help you out since it's convenient ....

    (sorry, trying to be light and hopefully pry a little giggle out of your afternoon. You know that even though I'm in the clean nodes club I may end up with you in the chemo club... can I join both clubs?)


    Thanks to all of hte ladies who rushed in to be supportive! This group rocks. So nice to have a place to vent and where people just understand.

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    PugsMama, going out to buy myself an electric razor today. They said no more shaving with razor for me. I have been so thankful to be wearing long sleeves also!

  • Cowboy-Up
    Cowboy-Up Member Posts: 161

    Pugsmama, I pulled out my electric razor for my armpit for the same reason. Much safer.

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    How scary is it that I'm so brain-dead that I didn't even think of an electric razor? I just ordered one...thx ladies!! I've heard of chemo brain...I have cancer brain! Lolol.

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    Cancer is brain is very real! The struggle is real Mama!

  • dcbc
    dcbc Member Posts: 122

    shellyveans... mirilax brought the poop fairy for me... and a few bites of fruit w my breakfast!

  • vicwytch
    vicwytch Member Posts: 18

    shellybeans -- so sorry to hear your outcome.

    And 3bears this cartoon is for you!! image

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    I feel like I'm in an alternate universe. I no longer understand the world and many people in it the same as I did before and they definitely don't understand me. Only you guys...only someone on this journey can know. My boss told me that anxiety pills are basically hiding...the problem is still there and I'm not facing it. Can we have a fairy to throw the smack down on some of these insensitive people please??

    Seriously, I have catheter placement followed by 10 rounds of radiation, meeting with oncologist to see if I need chemo, 6 physical therapy appointments all from Feb. 6th - Feb. 17th. What is that 17 appointments in 10 days? The medical bills are rolling in, I've been in a never ending virtual waiting room, my boobs have seen many needles, scans, and been cut into. I'm losing movement in my left arm, I can't remember simple words or even how to get home sometimes...and there is more to come...5-10 years of pills? I don't know...I'm still waiting to find all that shit out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So yes, I take lorazepam to keep from smacking you and ending up losing my job too!

  • Cowboy-Up
    Cowboy-Up Member Posts: 161

    Sorry Fightingirl. I had to laugh. I am thinking of a Hulk Hogan with fairy wings giving your boss a smack down. I hate people who give advice who haven't been there. He has no idea the fear and the anxiety that cancer bestows on us. Don't we deserve some down time to not think about it and relax. It is on our minds 24/7 and if a pill can help us relax and feel normal for awhile, what is the harm. We will find a new normal after we finish our treatments.

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    Amen Fightingirl! I feel like walking around with a sign that says, "no unsolicited or uninformed opinions please!" You can carry one too & hit your boss over the head with it! Lol.

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    Yes Cowboy-up! Now we have a poop fairy, the "shit" fairy (that comes at night) and now the HULK Fairy who takes down our non-cancerous haters! He will carry your sign PugsMama!

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    Amen! Cowboyup- you nailed it! I will have to adjust to a new normal. I had not truly thought about it that way but damn it...that's it!

    I sometimes want to say " wow.. I hadn't thought about that geezzzh..maybe I did wish myself cancer" or you are so right I do think about cancer to much. Just let me shake it off and get back to life. ..what was I thinking...oh and those bills ..I'm not going to open. They will just disappear with my thoughts.

    If there were another way to cure this life changing disease that had greater out comes and less invasive procedures we would all be in! My surgeon told me the cancer was slow growing I could wait if I didn't want to do surgery right away. I did wait almost 6 weeks. The only positive thing from that 6 weeks is this group. Plus of I waited a researched and did every holistic thing out there I would still need ultrasounds or some way to measure and monitor the tumor . So how do you get that done in this country without a doctor referral. I can't wait I want this out of my body!

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    On the poop fairy request...any of you girls like Kefir? Its works like magic for me. I love all the flavors and I make smoothies out of it with Greek Yogurt and organic milled flax seed TMI... If you look up constipation in the dictionary pretty sure you will see my picture lol!