Stage IV MBC Fitness



  • Scwilly
    Scwilly Member Posts: 232
    edited August 2018

    Having spent the last few weeks/months feeling quite without motivation and energy, I have decided I must follow this thread and try to be more active. I can report I have swam in our pool on the last two days, and hope to do so at least 4-5 times per week. I am working myself up to taking the pups out for a walk (two sweet border collies). Looking forward to reading about all your activities.

  • KatyK
    KatyK Member Posts: 206
    edited August 2018
    Hi Scwilly. It can be hard to find motivation and I’m hoping this thread will help to inspire each other. I know for me any exercise or moving really helps my mental state when I can get some of those endorphins going! I have always admired swimmers. I know how to swim but I don’t do laps. I’m still feeling the effects of the zomata but it’s getting better. Had the grandkids over so we took them to a park in the morning and also played some kan jam (frisbee game). Was not a lot of exercise but was good to get out, fresh air, and watch kids play. Put a smile on my face. And dogs can make sure you get out! Keep swimming! I’ll get out tomorrow for bike, walk or gym, see how I feel in the morning. What have others been up to?
  • MuddlingThrough
    MuddlingThrough Member Posts: 655
    edited August 2018

    Scwilly and KatyK, I house walk. I walk up and down the hall and around the dining room table to the front door and start again LOL. It's a small house so I'm like a hamster on a wheel. I tell Alexa to play "Love Shack" but I don't try to step with the beat, it's too fast. I just walk, and sing (badly) and get warmed up. Then I tell her to play "Double Dutch Bus" and I do step to that beat. Last I order "Uptown Funk", again walking to the beat. That's about fifteen minutes so if I'm tired I stop or I get other songs and keep going. Before I walk I use my hand weights for a gentle set of arm and shoulder exercises, gentle because of bone mets and compression fracture in T11. I try to do some laps throughout the day, while I'm waiting on something in the microwave or during a tv commercial. Some days I do better than others! Earlier this summer I started walking my rural road like I used to do. That was fine until I got a tick bitten into the back of my shoulder. So far so good but Lyme disease is not in my plan. I stay inside!

  • KatyK
    KatyK Member Posts: 206
    edited August 2018

    MuddlingThrough - what a way to make it work! Music can sure be inspiring! Nasty ticks, no you don’t need Lyme disease! Keep moving and grooving! Good for you!

    I’m heading to the gym. I go to the gym for weights. Did not get a great nights sleep but I’ll go do a light work out. I feel the need to do a gym work out and I also do my best stretching and some yoga when I’m there. Then meeting a friend for lunch. It’s actually raining here today - first time in months. Actually quite nice but glad I decided for an indoor routine today. Walk or bike tomorrow.

    Keep moving ladies!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,746
    edited August 2018

    Today was day 1 of Physical Therapy for a knee injury. Now that I know the exercises, I can get back to the gym. As Z says, keep moving!

  • KatyK
    KatyK Member Posts: 206
    edited August 2018

    Illimae- take care of your knee. Hope it goes well for you back in the gym. Let us know.

    I got to the gym this morning. Got in a weight work out with some stretching and yoga too. Not a big work out as I’m still feeling zomata effects but did feel good to go.

  • MuddlingThrough
    MuddlingThrough Member Posts: 655
    edited August 2018

    illimae, sorry you have a knee injury. Hope it gets better very soon.

  • Andi67
    Andi67 Member Posts: 314
    edited August 2018

    Hello again everybody... just checking in. Welcome to TwinkleCats…. I was also a marathon runner before being diagnosed Stage IV 6 years ago. I still run but have been down to half marathons. I would LOVE to do a full one again... even just one. Which one are you doing in Dec? I've done both Tucson and the California marathon in Sacramento - both the first weekend of Dec - and loved them. I am planning to do the Monterey Bay half marathon in November, but really need to get myself in gear and step up the running. I have been doing a lot of hiking, and playing in a tennis league.  Also good exercise, and the social hour with wine afterwards is always fun. 

    HeidiHill - so glad to see you! I am definitely going to check out the Wednesday Weigh In or whatever you called it. In spite of the fact that I do stay very active and have a very ( I think ) healthy diet, I am still about 10-15 pounds over where I would like to be..... I am on a low dose of Lyrica for the neuropathy in my feet from chemo six years ago, and I am sure that is what is doing it. (that, and possibly my age.... although I prefer to blame the drugs) Maybe holding myself accountable would help.  That, and ADDING YOGA TO MY ROUTINE!!!!! 

    Have a great week!



  • twinklecat
    twinklecat Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2018

    Hi Andi -- I am doing the California International Marathon in December! I am so excited!

  • KatyK
    KatyK Member Posts: 206
    edited August 2018
    Inspirational to me, Andi67 that you were diagnosed stage IV six years ago and still active. Amazing!
    Been a year for me and I feel pretty good but not quite the same on mtn bike.

    Great to hear from some long distance runners! Keep us posted on your training and events! Just awesome! I had to give up running a few years ago due to knee issues but had a long run (pun intended) of close to 40 years of running. Meeting a friend for a nice long walk this morning. Nice blue sky and cool weather after a summer of heat and smoke. Makes me want to get out!

    What did others do to move today?
  • KatyK
    KatyK Member Posts: 206
    edited August 2018

    Walk with friends this morning was just what I needed. Sky is back to blue ( was smokey) and cool temperature. Made the two hours go by so quickly while sharing with friend

  • Scwilly
    Scwilly Member Posts: 232
    edited August 2018

    Lovely swim today. My pups have learnt to hang around and get some fun rolling a ball into the water (leart to do this just ahead of my swim path) for me to throw. So we all get some exercise.

  • iwrite
    iwrite Member Posts: 746
    edited August 2018

    Went walking with DD2 and baby this morning. 2.8 miles. Lost her phone and walked bac trying to find it. (Love the find my phone app- my faith in strangers has been restored.)

    Then an hour of yoga and 90 minutes of weightlifting. Too tired to take a shower. Ate two brownies :)

  • Andi67
    Andi67 Member Posts: 314
    edited August 2018

    KatyK - I walked today too.... also a nice cool day and blue sky here in Colorado, and we have also had a hot summer and lots of heat.

    TwinkleCat - you will love that marathon! So beautiful and lots of downhill, which is a plus in my book, although a little hard to walk the next day. (actually, always hard for me to walk after a marathon.... ) Good for you... that is amazing! I do feel very lucky that I have been able to keep running. I enjoy so many outdoor things, but running has always been both an escape and a social connection for me. Most of the marathons I have done have been with friends. Do keep us posted on all of your training. You will be an inspiration to me! 

    And as people that have known me on this thread for a while know, anyone that either swims or does yoga is amazing to me. I really need to do both... it would be good for my spine and my muscles, but since both are hard for me I do neither! I keep saying that I will and I don't. :( 



  • KatyK
    KatyK Member Posts: 206
    edited August 2018


    Mother- daughter ride today. Sweet! Did an 8 mile mtn bike ride from the house, so nice to have trails nearby. Check out the blue sky! If you live in the west (I’m in Idaho) you are sick of smoke! O.k. , didn’t really show much sky in this picture, but it’s blue! This ride is pretty much all uphill and then super fun downhill on the return! This ride really boosted my mental state to be out doing something I love and sharing it with my daughter. Got my blood work for the tumor marker and it has gone up some so put me in a bit of a funk. But I see the oncologist at Huntsman tomorrow and see what she thinks. I know they can fluctuate. Hope to hike after the appointment in the nearby mountains.

    Andi67, I have a lot of friends who like to walk, and I do too. Always a good way to exercise and get a boost from friends. I have one friend that we sometimes read the same book and then we have our own little book club while we walk. Kind of fun.

    I write- you did a lot yesterday. I’m impressed! Mmm, brownies. I had one the other night with mint chip ice Cream! Yum!

    What have the rest of you been up too? Post it here and help keep us all inspired! I love reading your posts! Have a good day

  • KatyK
    KatyK Member Posts: 206
    edited August 2018

    Long drive for me today to Salt Lake City, so lots of sitting. I will try to get out for a little walk when we get there.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,746
    edited August 2018

    Wow, katyk, sounds like a great but exhausting bike ride.

    I suspect it’s still too hot in many places for most of us to get outside much. I’m working on scheduling gym days with PT but mainly relaxing for a few days, treatment and quarterly scans next week.

  • GracieM2007
    GracieM2007 Member Posts: 1,255
    edited August 2018

    I sooo wish I had the energy and breath to exercise! I just have no energy, and rbc are low enough that I can’t get enough air, just a walk down the hall makes me stop to catch my breath!!! Hate that feeling

  • MuddlingThrough
    MuddlingThrough Member Posts: 655
    edited August 2018

    GracieM2007, did you tell your MO about this shortness of breath? Maybe they need to give you some blood? Maybe oxygen at home for a while? Please find out how they can help you and make them do it!

  • dghoff
    dghoff Member Posts: 237
    edited August 2018

    Hi All! Nice to catch up with old friends and greet new ones! Great to see all your activity! I've gone in spurts with exercise but had a great weekend backpacking on the Superior Hiking Trail last weekend in northern Minnesota. Beautiful!

    Had scans this week and still stable! Hooray! But my port tube has gotten exposed as the incision site seems to have split, so I have to get my port removed next week. I'm ok with this as it always gets in my way, especially when carrying a backpack! I will just have to get my herceptin and perjeta through a regular iv access from here on out.

    Anyway, here's a pic from the weekend atop Round Mountain!image

  • KatyK
    KatyK Member Posts: 206
    edited August 2018

    DGHoff, nice picture! So glad you got out for a backpack. I enjoying backing too but I’m finding 1-2 nights is plenty no more long ones for me. Hope you get all figured out with port.

    GracieM2007- I hope you can get help with the breathing. Will be thinking of you. Hugs!

    I’m in SLC and had my appointment at Huntsman. It went well, I really like this MO, a lot! Things are looking stable and will continue current treatment. But I’m exhausted now! Didn’t sleep great last night, nervous about appointment. My DH and I walked to get some lunch and did a little walk around the city but that’s all for today. It’s hot out and I’m tired. May be a nap afternoon!

  • KatyK
    KatyK Member Posts: 206
    edited September 2018

    Good to be home. Not too much exercise the last few days with being in SLC for appointment. Did some walking around the city is all. But my bike told me it wants to get out tomorrow morning so I think I had better listen to it!😀 I named my bike Red Flame - anyone else have a name for their bike

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,746
    edited September 2018

    katyk, I do not have a name for my bike but I did get a bell for it recently. I was super excited and biked around the driveway ringing it about 30 times much to the amusement of DH. I'm waiting for cooler weather for riding. It's still 80 degrees here at 6am, maybe next month. For now, it's just PT and the gym.

  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019
    edited September 2018

    Hi everyone how's it going? Just checking in! Been travelling quite a bit and taking many gorgeous hikes from west coast to east coast. Returned from Maine last night and did some awesome hiking up there :) Here is a pic from a 5.5 hike on Blue Hill Trail in Blue Hill, Maine. Beautiful views from about 950 ft above sea level. We were SWEATING hard. Here is a pic of me inappropriately dressed for the hike (I didn't realize what I was getting myself into LOL!)


    I am really into Zumba right now - there is one teacher who is the most incredibly sparkly human I have ever met and spread love so much through dance, hugs, music, smiles. I am so grateful for his amazing uplifting energy. I feel transformed when I dance and forget about anything negative. Went to class today and will return tomorrow. I dance my arse off and it is amazing exercise (extra bonus!!!).

    Keep moving my friends! It helps us BC people so so much!!

  • KatyK
    KatyK Member Posts: 206
    edited September 2018

    Looks like a great hike LovefromPhilly. The east coast trails are always so rocky compared to many trails here in the west, until you get above tree line and it’s all rock. My DH and I did a day hi,e on the Long Trail in VT a few years ago and it kicked our butts - very different hiking. I have not done Zumba but I might try, you make it sound fun.

    Well that was needed! Got Red Flame (mtn bike) out for a ride this morning. Felt so good to be out after sitting and driving the last few days. A cool morning with blue sky. And it’s September, almost autumn which is my favorite season! Easier to get out in the cooler weather and beautiful foliage is always nice.

    What have others been doing

  • Andi67
    Andi67 Member Posts: 314
    edited September 2018

    Good morning everybody! KatyK - loved the mountain biking picture of you and your daughter!  I love the bike name - RedFlame. My husband and I are buying each other mountain bikes for our anniversary, which is in a few weeks. We both used to love mountain biking - before kids - but haven't done it much in the last 15+ years so we are really excited about it. It will be nice to have something else to do together, since he doesn't like to run and that's sort of my main activity. I am so glad your appt went well. I have heard great things about Huntsman.

    And DGHoff - beautiful picture of backpacking! So happy that you got to do that, and envious! We love to camp, and backpacking is another thing we did "pre-kids" and that I used to do growing up with my own parents, but we haven't managed to find the time to fit in it. I love Minnesota, and that picture is lovely. I'm also curious about your port coming out. I get Herceptin as well. My port is in my arm - it has been for six years - and I would really, really like to get it. No particular reason - I am just tired of it, which I know is dumb as it's been helping to keep me alive all this time. I wouldn't mind IV's every month, but I have heard it can be hard on your veins. (?)  

    Gracie - I would also suggest talking to your MO about your shortness of breathe. I went through that several years ago and it turned out that my lungs were filling up with fluid from the treatment I was getting (not cancerous fluid - just fluid) I literally couldn't walk down the hall without stopping to rest. It was terrible...please do ask about it because I know it's very scary and frustrating. 

    Thanks for the pictures, stories and motivation from everyone! Love seeing that everyone is outside. I went on a 6 mile run yesterday; I am supposed to be up to 9 (yikes) miles if I want to be on target for the half marathon in November so I am a little behind.... so far today it's just coffee in bed and catching up with BCO.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend! 



  • KatyK
    KatyK Member Posts: 206
    edited September 2018

    Good morning all! Just back from a nice mtn bike ride. Did a 14 mile loop from our house. Was a gorgeous morning. Wasn’t sure I could pull it out, a bit fatigued at first. But I used a visualization - I imagined I had energy meters, particularly in my lungs and legs with a gauge and every time I breathed in I imagined it was energy filling these energy meters and the gauge pointing higher. I have always used visualization and little head games to motivate myself, anyone else have one they want to share? Nice and quiet on the trails at first but as we neared the other trailhead it got busy! Everyone and their dog, horse, and bike were out today! No surprise since it’s a holiday. Glad to get in a nice ride today because we will be gone the next ten days or so and it’s a hiking/walking trip, no bikes.

    Illimae- I don’t have a bell on my bike but I kind of want one now! Cracked me up to picture you ringingthe bell repeatedly in your driveway! How’s the knee?

    Andi67- doing great on that running! Keep going! My DH and I love to mtn bike. We used to run but my knees and his back didn’t like it any more. When you go to buy a new mtn bike be prepared for sticker shock, maybe you already know this. But the new bikes are so nice. I got Red Flame last summer, right before my diagnosis. I’m glad I did because it helps me to keep riding, it’s very light. I’ll mtn bike as long as I can but have considered an ebike for “someday.”

    Stay, busy and active as much as you can. Great for the mental state! What have others been doing - post it here!

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited September 2018

    KatyK, great mother daughter and bikes pic. I have a mountain ebike as well a city ebike. Almost everyone I know is switching, because it is just a lot more fun. And we are all getting older (all over 60). But even my daughter loves it. 

    Andi, I neither swim nor do much yoga. But I somehow feel my body is really ready for yoga now, now or never. Lol.

    LovefromPhilly, great pic!

    DGHoff, congrats on stable! Love the pink sneakers.

  • KatyK
    KatyK Member Posts: 206
    edited September 2018

    Hello everyone. Well, best plans don’t always work out. My DH and I were driving to the OR coast yesterday and had to turn around due to me having tooth pain! Saw dentist today and need a root canal! Ugh! Pretty sure I’d rather go to OR coast. On the plus side I am not in pain now - dentist said pain may or may not come back. So after dentist we lifted weights at the gym. Think we will get in a mtn bike ride tomorrow if I’m not getting dental work! Not fair

  • iwrite
    iwrite Member Posts: 746
    edited September 2018

    KatyK- hope the dentist visit was stress-less. great news DG! Hi Illimae:)

    Back at the Y in the weight room today. I feel like jello afterwards and ache for days but it’s worth it to regain strength. Heading back into the mountains tomorrow for the weekend. Looking forward to being at 11,500 ft one last time this summer. Hope I can do the hike in...last year I made it half way.