Medical marijuana

BulletproofLegs Posts: 17
edited March 2020 in Pain

hi everyone,

I'm going to get my medical marijuana card on Thursday and I'm wondering if anyone else has. What have your experiences been



  • jmayersf
    jmayersf Posts: 2
    edited May 2017
    I just got mine too! I live in San Francisco and there are apothecaries specializing in the medicinal aspects of marijuana. Namely, they had recommendations for nausea, for sleep, for pain, for appetite, and as well as recreational purposes. They did a great job of explaining the differences between tinctures, vape, conventional smoking, and edibles.I got a list from my medical provider and also heard recommendations in my chemo class. But finding the right place, can make a big difference. I have a friend who is a Palliative Care doc, and what she has said that Medical Marijuana is not a cure-all or magic bullet. But it can be useful.
  • tempusername123!
    tempusername123! Posts: 26
    edited May 2017

    I am all for medical marijuana! I cannot take opioids for pain, leaving me with Tylenol as my only go-to OTC drug. This was a real issue when I was on aromatase inhibitors. The chronic constant pain was unbearable. Because I live in CA, I was able to get a card for medical marijuana beginning in 2010. Now its legal as a recreational drug. It's still medicine to me. If you are going to use pot, educate yourself on the difference between indica and sativa strains, hybrids, edibles, topicals, oils, CBD, THC, vapes, etc., and how and when to use each product. They all have a place in successful treatment. I prefer indicas and high CBD for pain control or insomnia. It also helps ease my depression due to refractory lymphedema. Helps me feel more "normal." Overall, my experiences have all been positive, but like I mentioned, the key is educating yourself. If you live in the Sacramento, CA area, I can recommend a few dispensaries for quality products and expertise.

  • MamaEnki
    MamaEnki Posts: 1
    edited May 2017

    I am considering getting mine. I don't have bad side effects yet from chemo, but I feel it is better to be prepared.

    jmayersf- I am San Francisco as well. What apothecary did you go too?

  • jmayersf
    jmayersf Posts: 2
    edited May 2017

    The two that were recommended are: The Apothecarium (apothecariumsf DOT com) and SPARC (sparcsf DOT org). I went to the Apothecarium and was pleased with the service and advice.

  • BlueGirlRedState
    BlueGirlRedState Posts: 900
    edited August 2017

    Anyone out there have experience with Rick Simpson Oil (marijuana) vs CBDPure made from hemp. Pros-Cons. One Pro for me is that I can have CBDPure shipped to me, legally. With RSO, will need to find a seller and go out of state. Experiencing joint pain and stiffness (trigger thumb and fingers from AI hormonal therapy. Have occasional sleepless and found that sometimes cookies helped me sleep for soundly, but did not actually make me sleepy) I also posted this to forums on Alternative Medicine; Pain; Chemo-before, during, after; Complimentary and Holistic.

  • dtad
    dtad Posts: 771
    edited August 2017

    Hi everyone....I live in NJ where medical marijuana is legal but not recreational. I got a prescription from doc for pain and insomnia. He told me you can only smoke it, no edibles. I know very little about it and I'm looking to educate myself. Any feedback? Thanks. Good luck to all.

  • bareclaws
    bareclaws Posts: 246
    edited August 2017

    Smoking or vaping would definitely give the quickest relief from pain. Like immediate. Edibles are hard to dose (much stronger than you anticipate-ask me how I know) and take a LOT longer to kick in. Up to 90 minutes. You don't want to wait that long if you're in pain.

  • Freya
    Freya Posts: 329
    edited August 2017

    Does it help with appetite? I'm losing so much weight :( Tried some nutritional supplements, bleh, tasted like sweetened condensed milk mixed with sawdust.

    I'm in Australia and we have some half assed law, if you are stage IV you can register with the police, and they can use their discretion to charge you for having drugs or not. Mind you it is still illegal to buy it, but you can grow enough for personal use, maybe, once again discretionary.

    I'm more interested in an oil, but would have to work out how to distill it.

  • Metster-Mom
    Metster-Mom Posts: 18
    edited August 2017

    I'm in MA and have been taking CBD pills. It has helped with anxiety, appetite and pain. My only concern is that it will interact with the Ibrance once I start it at the end of the month. Anyone know anything about the interaction between Ibrance and cannabis?

  • bareclaws
    bareclaws Posts: 246
    edited August 2017

    Freya, it will definitely help with appetite. The munchies are real!

    It's all illegal where I live, which hasn't kept me from obtaining or using anything.

  • scaligirl
    scaligirl Posts: 37
    edited September 2017

    I don't have a medical mj card but will say that using mj has been tremendously helpful in managing my post-surgical pain. I was thinking I was going to give myself an ulcer for all the Advil I took this weekend. Mj is much more effective and it relaxes me so I can sleep too. If you can do it, by all means do it. I live in CA thank goodness.

  • jwoo
    jwoo Posts: 931
    edited September 2017

    mj is the only thing that stops my nerve pain from my surgeries. it's been a life saver.

  • BlueGirlRedState
    BlueGirlRedState Posts: 900
    edited September 2017

    ScaliGirl - any particular blends or products you would recommend? Issues are joint pain/stiffness and occasional sleeplessness (wake up). Joint pain/stiffness started coming on almost immediately with astrozole. I quit taking it about a week ago, hoping stiffness/pain will subside, and am looking into taking brand name Arimidex or a different AI. Marijuana is not legal where I am, 3 hr round trip to get anything. The store is "recreational", so that could limit what they have. Not interested in the "high". Prefer not vaping, and no smoking. Store recommended higher CBD vs THC. First time I got buds and made cani-butter for cookies or brewed gently and made tea. Second time I have tried two different products, one a "Tincture" the other a "tar". Buds seemed to help some with sleeplessness. "tar" and tincture no help at all, and sometimes leave me with a slight headache in the AM.

  • JammieGirl
    JammieGirl Posts: 1
    edited October 2017

    This is my first post - a warm hello to all you amazing warriors.

    JWoo,I've spent days reading posts in different forums and yours was the first that seemed to address my problem with a concrete suggestion - I'm hoping. I've had a R MX with node removal and TE a month ago. Since then, but increasingly, I've been suffering 24/7 with PMPS - unbearable stinging, burning, stabbing, needle, whole-body shivers, mostly in my R armpit, and also along the undersized of my arm, chest, and upper back. Is this was your experience? If mj helped you, what form did you take, how often - any details would be helpful. Thanks

  • amygil81
    amygil81 Posts: 42
    edited October 2017

    Jwoo, remind me again what surgeries you've had?

  • careforcancer-001
    edited November 2017

    Are there any risks to get addicted after the pain has been relieved?

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Posts: 337
    edited November 2017

    it's habit forming but not addictive

  • dtad
    dtad Posts: 771
    edited November 2017

    I agree marijuana is not physically addictive like narcotics. So much more benign!

  • baywitch
    baywitch Posts: 63
    edited January 2018

    Ladies ... have any of you had an issue with getting your MO to sign the forms necessary to get your card for medical marijuana? I am looking for something to help me sleep. Pain is now under control and limited side effects with treatment. But do not want to keep taking sleeping pills. Haven't approached my MO yet, but was wondering if they are usually agreeable.

  • Gwinnettgirl
    Gwinnettgirl Posts: 3
    edited January 2018

    I get a lot of great info from a closed FB group. Cannibas kills cancer. Seek out Donavon and Dana for help. They also make very reasonably priced tinctures from all vegan sources and I am using them in conjunction with chemo and my doctors have been very pleased with my blood.

    I also use CBD oil . 2 different kinds . Hope this was helpful

  • Luttece
    Luttece Posts: 4
    edited January 2018

    is this covered by insurance

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,368
    edited January 2018


    Marijuana, medical or otherwise, is illegal on the federal level in the US, although states can and have made it legal (medical, recreational or both). So, I doubt there is any insurance provider that will cover it. CBD products, without THC (the psychoactive ingredient) are legal and easy to obtain, but again, I doubt the cost would be covered by insurance

  • sljmyers
    sljmyers Posts: 2
    edited January 2018

    I am happy for you! I wish that I could get one. I am 4 years out from lumpectomy and lymph node removal (3). I still experience pain at the surgical site. I do yoga and keep ativan on hand. I pray that medical marijuana will be available soon to all of us. Good luck!

  • traveltext
    traveltext Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2018

    Freya, there are options for obtaining MM in Queensland.

  • seakorn235
    seakorn235 Posts: 2
    edited February 2018

    I am a huge fan! I found that for me I did not have to take antidepressants, anti anxiety and pain medication, I am mentally sharp and really get into arts and nature. It helps appetite and mood. I have liver Mets so anything will hurt my liver or other organs. I hope this helps

  • seakorn235
    seakorn235 Posts: 2
    edited February 2018

    I recently experienced horrific pain that Mary j was not going to help. Liver pushing on inside organs creating shooting and stabbing pains on right side shoulder and neck. At that moment I told myself I need a pain management plan. Morphine/ icy do not work for me. Ibuprofen was always my go to but can’t cause liver process. Tramadole is what they approved for me for pain and that just gave me added pain, headache~ bottom line get a pain plan and more than MJ when it gets real bad. Well wishes~

  • WorriedMe77
    WorriedMe77 Posts: 93
    edited February 2018

    I live in Louisiana where they haven’t made the medicine legal here YET.... However I do use cannabis on a daily regular basis... It helps with my extreme anxiety and panic attacks..I’m hoping that when I start chemo on Friday it will help with any SE I may have.. My MO is supportive but can’t legally encourage because it’s illegal... Only advice to me was vape instead of smoke..

  • Amelia01
    Amelia01 Posts: 178
    edited February 2018

    worriedMe- it is believed that thc fuels estrogen positive cancer. You need high cbd little to no thc. Save the thcuse for chemo SE because it certainly helps more than any medicine I was prescribed.

  • bareclaws
    bareclaws Posts: 246
    edited March 2018

    Has anyone here explored the benefits of THCV for bones? I’ve been reading about it for hunger control, but then saw that it may have a bone health benefit. Tomorrow I’m off to find Durban Poison. And also dialing up the temp on my vape pen as THCV comes out more at higher temperatures.

  • NBee
    NBee Posts: 4
    edited April 2018

    I have my medical marijuana card too and I'm so thankful that I do. It helps me the most with depression and appetite stimulation on regular days and helps with chemo side effects like dizziness and nausea on chemo days. I use edibles and a vaporizer for thc and I ingest cbd oil in a dropper daily. I can attest to the thc helping with the stuff mentioned above, but I'm not sure how much the cbd is helping with those things. I do notice that I seem to get sick more easily when I skip the cbd oil for a while (usually to save money), so it probably does have benefits. I still take small amounts of my rx pain medication daily for pains in my chest and occasionally in my back. I had hopes to get off of that medicine but I haven't found the right combination of cannabis medicine that completely treats my pain. Some strong thc cannabis strains help me to be able to skip a dose of my rx pain med, but I try to only use those at night, around bedtime, as I can't function well on that high a dose of thc during the daytime when I'm trying to get stuff done! I'm still experimenting with it. I'm glad I don't have to take antidepressants and that cannabis works for me instead because I've tried many antidepressants in the past and they never worked very well for me.