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Starting Chemo June 2017



  • hhuey
    hhuey Member Posts: 121
    edited June 2017

    Susie, my doc has been telling me no restrictions unless I am not feeling well. I would ask your doctor but I went in the Gulf of Mexico a week after my treatment and have been fine. The water felt wonderful and the sunshine was amazing. I get the nuelasta shot so I'm not sure if that makes a difference or not but I would ask just in case. No sense in depriving yourself if you don't have to.

  • MsLin
    MsLin Member Posts: 64
    edited June 2017

    Tlralph - I'm not sure if you'd call the tips of my fingers numb per se. It's more like they're slightly swollen and the skin has gotten thicker. Especially on my index fingers and thumbs. Normally when my skin is dry it is scaly and like sandpaper. This is just odd. Last night I took a walk around the neighborhood and got hot and they felt like fat little sausages. Normally my fingers are very long and slender.

    Susie - My MO said no public pools or hot tubs. I'm inclined to listen to that as they're bacterial breeding grounds. I'd wade my feet/legs in the water at the beach given the opportunity (assuming no open sores on my legs). There's something so refreshing and relaxing about walking through the water. One would assume just a little bit of peace like that is good for our souls. Dang it... now I want to go to the beach

  • susie_2017
    susie_2017 Member Posts: 142
    edited June 2017

    Well I got a call back from MO, he said day #7 thru #12 post chemo are when our blood counts are at their lowest. Risk for infection very high. He said absolutely no ocean! But could try pool midweek but only for a short time. I think I'll be good and just avoid them both! My luck isn't great!

  • susie_2017
    susie_2017 Member Posts: 142
    edited June 2017

    HapB I'm definitely not depriving myself this week. For the first time since getting the cancer diagnosis. I'm taking this vacation to get as much rest as possible. Giving my body time to heal and not overdoing it. I will stay away from all waters simply because I don't want to have any setbacks. The risks simply outweigh any short term benefit in my grand scheme of things. My goal is to finish chemo on schedule in December. Keeping my head in the game!

  • LTWJ
    LTWJ Member Posts: 118
    edited June 2017
    Had my 2nd Dr apt a week after my 2nd chemo. Looks like the Nuelasta worked ( I was at .1) after my first chemo. this time I'm in normal range. Tumor is no longer palpable tne dr said so it's working. Problem is still eating, I cannot for tne life of me find any food that tastes even close to normal or good. Everything is extremely salty or bitter. I've tried so many things and I just choke down what I can. Even foods that I could eat last time are not good. I had diarrhea for 2 weeks last round and I expected that again. I've tried Imodium but it only delays the diarrhea giving me stomach cramps until I can finally go. Today was the first time that I threw up from not eating, I took a zofran and that helped but I still cannot eat. Dr is giving me a new prescription to help my appetite but that won't help tne taste. I'm choking down a carnation instant breakfast ina last ditch effort.i did have thrush but I think that is healing now. Anyone have any tips? I did have a great 3 rd week last round so I'm looking forward to that again but something has to give on this food front.
  • hhuey
    hhuey Member Posts: 121
    edited June 2017

    HapB I simply said check with her doctor to be sure and what my doctor told me. Everyone is different and our bodies all react differently. Her doctor informed her like mine did me. I understand fully well what chemo is and can do to our immune system. I chose to go I'm the water because my blood counts were good, my doctor at Moffitt said no restrictions unless I feel unwell, and I got to spend some great time with my 3 kids by my side.

    Susie I hope you enjoy your much needed vacation.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday

  • klt5817
    klt5817 Member Posts: 32
    edited June 2017

    Hi LTWJ,

    Did you try protein powder mix with a liquid of your choice?  I used Whey protein chocolate flavor, alternate with Vegan protein chocolate flavor.  I mixed them with a cup of Almond milk or Gatorate.  Up to 7 days after my first round chemo on June 15, my gum was so tender that chewing hurt in addition to dried mouth.  So I drank protein solutions twice a day & ate soft food in small portion.

    Hugs, KLT

  • hhuey
    hhuey Member Posts: 121
    edited June 2017


    Have you tried BRAT diet? It is just bland foods like rice, or maybe toast, maybe potatoes (I like french fries or fried potatoes), applesauce, my husband also got me hooked on the Oikos yogurt drinks for extra calories. Maybe a creamed soup, smoothies, ice cream even if it tastes good just to get some calories in. I hope your doctor can find something that can relieve your discomfort. Feel better soon

  • MsLin
    MsLin Member Posts: 64
    edited June 2017

    LTWJ - I second hhuey on the potatoes. OMG they taste so good right now. I suggest over seasoning everything. Obviously don't go crazy with the salt, but add a little more than you normally would. I find that acidic things or fruit taste the best. I've eaten so many nectarines it's not even funny. However, I'm at the point where if it sounds good I eat it. For mid-morning snack I ate 2 hotdogs without buns and potato chips. Don't judge. It was what sounded good. If it tastes like something I'll pretty much eat it

  • Tpralph
    Tpralph Member Posts: 281
    edited June 2017

    I had chemo two days ago and my neulasta last night. Today have neck and jaw pain. Anyone else ?

  • elainetherese
    elainetherese Member Posts: 1,636
    edited June 2017


    I swam through chemo, too. I swam in the lake at my parents' summer house, a public outdoor pool, and a public indoor pool. I didn't get sick. Your MO sounds just like mine -- no restrictions unless I felt too sick to do something. I also worked through chemo -- at a university with 25,000 germy students. I only got sick once during chemo, and I caught that from one of my sons (everyone in the family got that nasty virus). So, everyone IS different, and different MOs have different recommendations. I did stop swimming during radiation -- my RO believes that chlorine can damage the fragile, radiated skin. I was pretty red during rads, so I definitely followed that advice.

  • LTWJ
    LTWJ Member Posts: 118
    edited June 2017

    I had my nuelesta shot on Saturday and took Claritin from the Friday before until Wednesday. No pain until Thursday pm and it's my lower spine and it pulses up through my back. I took another Claritin and some Tylenol which seem d to help. Took Claritin this morning and only had 2 pain pulsing episodes today. But my #s were awesome today at my check so it worked. My pain can be all encompassing so I just try to lay down or reposition until it stops but that's all i had

  • LTWJ
    LTWJ Member Posts: 118
    edited June 2017

    I was able to eat a sweet potato but reg potatoes whether they are baked or fried or chips are soooooo bitter. I'm thinking maybe the thrush is part of the problem,I ate some soup and crackers. Just to have 1 thing taste good

  • Teese
    Teese Member Posts: 355
    edited June 2017

    LTWJ - I started following this tread to get ready for when my chemo stars in July. I found this book "the cancer fighting kitchen" and it has a lot of great tips. Here are some "fixes" the author made for taste bud troubles during chemo. Have no idea if they work but hope they do:

    Too sweet - start by adding six drops of lemon or lime juice. Keep adding it in small increments until the sweet taste becomes muted

    Too salty - add a 1/4 tsp of lemon juice. It erases the taste of salt

    Too bitter - add a little sweetener such as maple syrup

    Tastes like cardboard- add sea salt until the flavor of the dish moves to the front of the mouth. A spritz of lemon juice also helps.

    Metallic - add a little sweetener such as maple syrup, and a squeeze of lemon. You could also try adding fat, such as a nut cream or butter.

    Hope that helps.


  • pink_is_my_colour
    pink_is_my_colour Member Posts: 265
    edited July 2017

    Wow LTWJ sorry about all the troubles you're having. It's important to keep your strength up.

    Tpralph I woke up with a very sore foot and neck. Both have arthritis. Not sure if it's all related but normally they don't bother me.

    I'm on day fifteen of my three week cycle. Just starting to feel more like myself. Yesterday and today are the first days I haven't had to nap or rest during the day. One week from today is my next treatment. Oh joy!!

    Still waiting for the hair fall out to happen. Complexion is still looking kind of yellow but at least I have some colour coming back. Only half dead looking.

    Have a good one.

  • castigame
    castigame Member Posts: 336
    edited July 2017


    I had BMX and chemo done at Moffitt tampa.

    Love love my BS, John Kiluk, MD. Going back for scans and post chemo follow up on 10th and 11th in July. If there is anything, I can contribute please let me know. Did 4DD AC and 4 DD Taxol


  • hhuey
    hhuey Member Posts: 121
    edited July 2017


    My chemo doctor is Dr Kong but my surgeon will be Dr. Hoover. She is a survivor herself and in spite of my diagnosis was very positive. I just finished round 3 of 4 DD AC. Will have the 4th on the 13th. Then on the 28th I will begin a long weekly Taxol regimen with perjeta and herceptin. I will certainly reach out if I have any questions. Last night I was super tired and achy from sitting around at the McKinley office for about 8 hours but after taking a compazine, and Claratin had a good night sleep and feel pretty good this morning.


    If you still have thrush you can always try a liquid probiotic. You can probably get it at any health food store. Just sort of gargle with it and coat your tongue a few tims a day. Usually clears mine up pretty quickly

  • castigame
    castigame Member Posts: 336
    edited July 2017


    My onco at McKinley office has no manners period. How is Dr Kong?


  • legomaster225
    legomaster225 Member Posts: 356
    edited July 2017

    I have been drinking extra high calorie Boost to help make sure I'm getting enough calories. It had 530 calories and 23 grams of protein. It is only 8 ounces which makes it easier to drink. I also use a large straw instead of the tiny one it dined with. I lost a lotof weight and I'm very thin to start with. I have only seen it online though and order through Amazon. That may help those that are struggling with eating.

    Biotene mouthwash and toothpaste worked for me during chemo. I sucked on ice during infusions (popcicles would be better). I had no mouth sores at all.

  • Tpralph
    Tpralph Member Posts: 281
    edited July 2017

    Nuelasta how long before you feel body aches? I seem to have gotten them about 24 hrs after shot

  • LTWJ
    LTWJ Member Posts: 118
    edited July 2017

    thank you! I will get that today :

  • hhuey
    hhuey Member Posts: 121
    edited July 2017


    He is okay..hasn't been there as long as some of the others but I agree with his and Dr hoover plan..he is pretty matter of fact but answers all of my questions..I also saw the nurse practitioner yesterday Laurie Sullivan and she was really nice too. I really like that office compared to's a lot quieter at mckinley.

  • hhuey
    hhuey Member Posts: 121
    edited July 2017


    Do you mind me asking what your diagnosis was as far as er - or + and your HER 2 - or +? Also if you had anything with the taxol like herceptin or projeta..if so any tips or hints for when I start that?

  • moodyblues
    moodyblues Member Posts: 393
    edited July 2017

    LTWJ.  Cream of Wheat worked for me when I was having a problem with everything else.  I added a bit of small brown sugar and a bit of milk.  My stomach felt full and it was nutritious as well.  Even though sweet things bothered me ALOT, the brown sugar tasted good with it.

  • castigame
    castigame Member Posts: 336
    edited July 2017


    Bilateral Stage 3A and 1A Highly ER PR HER2 - 4/17 pos nodes. BIRAD5 on 12/29/16 came out of no where because I have been tested every 13 to 15 mo since my early 30s.

    4 DD AC and 4 DD Taxol. I have been blessed w minimal SEs. The thing helped me was I found Epsom Salt. It helps w muscle aches and pains. Magnesium sufate is good for your body. It moisturizes and exfololiates skin. Chemo drugs are likely to brown your hands and feet. My hands and feet are pink because I have been scrubbing w epsom salt scrub. Last hypothesis of mine is I never got to ice my hands but no sign of neuropathy. I think the salt helped in that regards.

    Lastly, if you had lymph nodes removed, please check out flexitouch pump. It does wonders for my Lymphedema issues.


  • hhuey
    hhuey Member Posts: 121
    edited July 2017


    Thanks for the tips..i will keep the Epson salts in mind..also I will have nodes removed during my MX due the fact I have at least one positive node..that will be after my AC and 12 taxol rounds..

  • pink_is_my_colour
    pink_is_my_colour Member Posts: 265
    edited July 2017

    Well ladies, the hair is beginning to fall. Not handfuls but two or three strands at a time. If I run my hand through my hair three or four strands come out every time. I suppose there will have to be a small pity party for my hair sometime this week or at the very least a small ceremony to say goodbye to my hair.

    The fun just never stops!

  • pink_is_my_colour
    pink_is_my_colour Member Posts: 265
    edited July 2017

    Rebamacfan: am I to understand you had breast cancer in both breasts at the same time?

  • KimPossible818
    KimPossible818 Member Posts: 287
    edited July 2017

    LTWJ, I just had my 2nd round yesterday. Feeling great so far! They put on the on-body Neulasta yesterday. It's going off within about the next hour. It has worked fine so far. Glad they decided to do that, so I didn't have to make an extra trip today to another hospital that was open to do it. My counts rebounded beautifully, too, because of the 1st Neulasta. My med team thought I would continue to do very well throughout based on how I presented after my first treatment. Just think, after this pops, I am 50% done with A&C. That's how I want to look at it.

    Sorry you are having so many food issues. I was bad with that for only the Mon/Tues post my chemo. Anxiously awaiting if that will happen again. Then by Wed, I had rebounded, and this week I have enjoyed so many great foods. I am truly grateful that has been not so bad an issue. Hoping yours will improve grately!

    *Hair started coming out yesterday. Lots more coming out today. I do believe hubby will need to shave me by midweek. I freaked a little in the shower yesterday, but I have reacted calmly today. I knew it was coming. Not looking forward to my bald self, though, as I will not be pretty...ha

  • KimPossible818
    KimPossible818 Member Posts: 287
    edited July 2017

    Pink, Mine, too! My sister-in-law asked if it was by the handfuls and I replied, "By the strandfuls." I have shorter but thick hair, so it's got a ways to go. It started in the shower yesterday as I rinsed. It just stuck between the fingers. Lots more today in the shower, then I had to swipe the drain clear. It's probably as surreal as the diagnosis, but certainly not as devastating...I hope. It WILL grow back. When it does, I hope it gets rid of the difficult to style wave that has plagued me for decades. (At 49 and holding... I also hope it comes back my natural strawberry-blonde...just a few decades more, please.) :)