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Starting Chemo June 2017



  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited June 2017

    as one who was stage 0 in 08, did surgery rads and 5 years of aromasin, the recomendations at the time for dcis.....i know what you are saying but dang new stage 4 stuff is sure messing up my retirement

    Just changed mo and hospital

  • legomaster225
    legomaster225 Member Posts: 356
    edited June 2017

    Wordlady, allmy blood draws were in my arm vein as they normally are. I had my draws at the normal lab though not an infusion center or hospital. Doctor told me nobody was to access the port unless they were properly trained and only to administer chemo. They always flushed my port with saline prior and with heparin afterwards after any access. I would not want to have those extra steps for a simple blood draw.

  • hhuey
    hhuey Member Posts: 121
    edited June 2017

    My doctor told me to avoid sick people of course which is something we would do even when not going through chemotherapy but told me I can continue to work, go to church, go to movies whatever. I am not sure if it's because I am getting the Nuelesta on body injector to raise my white blood cell count or what but I will take it. As long as I feel up to it I'm going to do what I can. This second time around has been wonderful compared to last. Barely any nausea or fogginess. I really think a lot of my issues during my first round had to do with getting the port placed the same day. It's nice to feel productive and somewhat normal with the exception of my hair starting to come out. My brother is going to give me a cute boy cut this Tuesday. I wish you ladies all the best this week in our journey towards healthiness.

  • MsLin
    MsLin Member Posts: 64
    edited June 2017

    I have a story for all of you that prompted me to go out and buy a wig yesterday.

    I had a plan not to buy one. I was going to, and still plan to, wear scarves with a shaper underneath. It's what I wear to school. They look pretty. In addition, I have no problem being bald. I even went to our seniors assembly at school wearing just a flower crown on my head. Whole school got to see my bald head. However, on Friday the last remaining bit of stubble from the shave was driving me nuts. Thus the flower crown at the assembly. The top of my head was killing me. We decided to go out to dinner because I was having a serious craving for a cheeseburger. (My iron levels must be low). I didn't have the energy to fully wrap up my head and I don't really have hats that don't make me look like a cancer patient. Anyway. I quickly wrapped a scarf around my head. I looked tired and frankly rather cancer patienty. As we're sitting at dinner I notice this family across the restaurant. The husband and wife are talking and the wife turns around and looks at me. Right at me. She talks to her husband and turns around and looks at me again. This happened 3 times!

    My husband likes to give people the benefit of the doubt and he said maybe she was a survivor. I just made me feel like the object of someone's pity. Anyone who actually talks to me would see that I am nothing to be pitied. I'm strong, confident and determined to not let this illness slow me down. However, I realized that there are going to be times that I just want to be anonymous. I want to throw something on my head and blend in.

    I'm lucky in that my local cancer center has a store that is specifically designed for... well, cancer patients. It's nice. They do free head shaves for people, carry a large selection of hats and they also do wig consults. They have over 400 different wigs to try on. I tried on all kinds of them; long, short, straight, curly. I went with a medium blonde/brown asymmetrical short cut. It looks just like my old hair. Now I can be anonymous when I want to.

  • Lisaf124
    Lisaf124 Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2017


    I was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer. I had a mastectomy. During the surgery they biopsied my sentinel lymph node, and they thought it appeared clear. After pathology reports came back it had a trace of cancer. So that sent me to Stage 1b or early Stage 2. I am very nervous. My team has decided to give me 12 weeks of Taxol with Herceptin and Perjecta every 3rd week. I will then follow up with 6 weeks of radiation. I am triple positive. As I have been reading various blogs, I am always worried if this taxol will be strong enough to rid me of this cancer. I am handling taxol fine, except for fatigue and diarrhea. I will have my 6th treatment of Taxol this week. Hair was thinning a lot during week 4 so I just got it buzzed. Wondering if that was the best decision because a I read, some warriors have not lost hair with Taxol. Once mine started coming out in the shower, I just wanted it out. I would love to hair/hear from some of you. Pretty lonely feeling. Thank you! Good luck to all of you.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 132
    edited June 2017

    day 2 a little nauseous this morning..

    but OK...

    I think took too much Claritin... And Tylenol... Got my meds written down when to take,so hope that will help.

    eating OK. Got in 100 oz. Of water yesterday!

    walked up and down my driveway 3x once in the morning and then last night, it was nice.

    I think the Zofran is knocking me out!

    slept in my recliner 2 nights in a row.

    my Neulasta when off without a problem.

    my port is sore though.. I think it's because of sleeping in the recliner all curled up.

    when can I start sleeping on the same side as my port I wonder?

  • Wordlady
    Wordlady Member Posts: 20
    edited June 2017

    Thanks Legomaster and FImom for the input!

    DeniseT, good news it sounds like generally. A good reminder to write down a schedule for the meds...I will do that.

    MsLin, I love your explanation of your thought process and I feel the same way. I think the key word for me is "options." Whatever feels like it is going to work best for me that day, I want to know that I have what I need. I discovered that shopping around can save some money. For the price of the first wig I considered but didn't buy, I ended up getting a quite inexpensive decent wig as well as a halo (partial wig) for hats and two chemo caps from different online stores. I also ordered a couple of terry hat sizers from the Cancer Society online shop, so I can use some of the hats I already have. I already have a lot of scarves that a friend taught me to tie nicely (YouTube is helpful too). Since I'm crafty :-) I found some free patterns for different kinds of caps/turbans online and am making one today -- don't know if I will have much energy to make more in the near future, but maybe! Like you I expect to use the scarves most of the time along with the caps. But I just feel better knowing that I have choices.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 132
    edited June 2017

    today has been the day... My bouncing around 99.4 ...

    Was backed up bathroom wise got that took care of then went the other way.... Imodium to the rescue... Some bone pain... the neulast went off last night .

    Just tired mostly.... very weepy... Foggy from the anti nausa that knock s you out and from not sleeping with my c.pap machine the past couple of nights.

    Very scared about my temp tho . The Oncologist pharmacist said I might run a small temp after the neunesta...but now I'm paranoid taking my temp every hour .

    It's been a bugger of a day. Broke down crying... I think that helped lol.

  • KimPossible818
    KimPossible818 Member Posts: 287
    edited June 2017

    Y'all know this fiesty redhead (for now) doesn't like to be told she can't do something. I have felt so well two days after chemo, so I got on the horse! No effects from the Neulasta shot yesterday. Happy Trails!


  • KimPossible818
    KimPossible818 Member Posts: 287
    edited June 2017

    HapB, They pre-planned Neulasta after each A&C (not for Taxol). That's how my team does it here. Don't worry. I washed myself real good. :) I also didn't shake hands at church. I gave the Peace with actual peace signs. Some didn't get it at first, so I would then tap a few elbows. Once I lose all the hair, it will become clearer. :) Now, if I am sore tomorrow, I won't know if it is from "Slit" the horse or Neulasta. I'm going to soak in the tub tonight with some Epsom salts. Why chance it?!

    We've got to keep in mind that we are all LIVING with cancer!! Hug

  • JuliaJazz
    JuliaJazz Member Posts: 175
    edited June 2017

    You gal are all very inspiring.  Sorry I haven't had time to reply to each post but I am reading them.  I try to post if I have something to say that no one else has said.  We all handle the chemo differently and we will see how I do, but no matter what, I will get through it!

  • MsLin
    MsLin Member Posts: 64
    edited June 2017

    Denise - I started sleeping on the side of my port about 4 days after it was installed. I probably could have sooner, but I had a tissue expander fill the next day and was in horrible pain on that side for about 4 days after. I had my BMX first so I had muscle relaxers and took those. They work the best for pain for me.

    Kim - Good on you for getting on that horse! Live life. We can't just sit around waiting for our treatments to be over with.

    HapB - Thank you for the kind words about the blog. I've been writing it for the better part of 10 years. I've always been a writer and like to share stories. I'm glad it helps. I'm not sure I would equate not wanting to be the object of pity as pride. For me, it is strength. I don't want to be "the cancer friend." I want people to see that I'm stronger than this cancer. Sure, some days I'm not. I'm ok with admitting that too. I don't hide the fact that I have cancer most of the time. I just like the idea of having the option of being anonymous. I put the wig on this morning with the intent of trying it out while my son and I shopped for a Father's Day gift for my husband. I hemmed and hawed over it and eventually went with a scarf. I felt comfortable with that today

  • moodyblues
    moodyblues Member Posts: 393
    edited June 2017

    Denise, praying for you!

  • moodyblues
    moodyblues Member Posts: 393
    edited June 2017

    KimPossible  Yesssss, thanks for the uplifting picture!

  • KimPossible818
    KimPossible818 Member Posts: 287
    edited June 2017

    Denise, I hope today is better for you! I'm still having trouble sleeping on my port side, and it was put in 11 days ago. I am now actually sleeping a little on my right side. Still mostly back sleeping for me.

    I didn't take any anti-nausea meds last night, as I felt I didn't need any. I have had a sore tummy this morning. In the bathroom 3x, but it's soft, thanks to the Senna. It's like an ulcer-type feeling. I am sure all these meds tear up your stomach at some point. Today is day 4 post chemo, and I hear days 4-5 can be the worst. I had some blueberries and yogurt for breakfast. Hopefully, yogurt will help calm the stomach issues. I will keep food light today. I can possibly see a nap in my future today, because I woke at 5am. :) Overall, I feel fine other than that. My temps are all staying normal so far.

  • Wordlady
    Wordlady Member Posts: 20
    edited June 2017

    Kim, you are an inspiration!!

    Denise, hang in there. Are you taking the Claritin/is it helping at all with the Neulasta pain?

    I got my port 4 days ago and it is somewhat tender but much better than the first day. I have slept some on that side; I find if I can get the pillow scrunched just right I can avoid any contact with the sore area, so then it is just a matter of it waking me up when I go to turn over in my sleep. It looks good though, only very very minor bruising in a small spot and hardly any redness anymore.

    Tomorrow is the pre-beginning-chemo blood draw; I found out that this time they don't use the port because it is in the lab instead of the infusion area, so one of you ladies (Legomaster?) was right on that one! Same building and same waiting room, hence my confusion.

  • Smilingwifey40
    Smilingwifey40 Member Posts: 12
    edited June 2017

    Hi ladies! I've been having some very good days. The last time I posted I wasn't having the best of days. Well, that happens! As I've been living with chronic illness many years I have learned that my life does go on. I'm experimenting with new ways to keep myself feeling strong, healthy and at peace. MedicatingWhen I'm tired, I shut down and let my husband and boys take care of things. We're planning to see a movie as soon as I feel up to it. We renewed our membership to a couple of parks and botanical gardens. This gives us flexibility in just going when mama feels up to it! WinkingI have chemo (AC) Thursday again. I'm going to stay away from heavier meals the day before. My Injectafer (iron) infusions have been weekly. Not many problems except low blood pressure. Also, I didn't know it has a side effect of changes in taste. No wonder I'm rediscovering what I feel up to eating and drinking!

  • susie_2017
    susie_2017 Member Posts: 142
    edited June 2017

    My chemo starts this Friday if my PET scan and echo comes back good. However, I did not have any labs drawn. Will this be done right before chemo or should I call and see if it needs to be done a few days before?

    I read some of you are getting the Neulesta shot the day after chemo, since mine is on a Friday how will that work? Pretty sure they are closed on Saturdays. Will I give it to myself? I could.

    As for port and sleeping issues. I have to say since I got mine in my left arm, I was sleeping on that side within a week and I'm even able to lay on my chest. Today I had the pet scan and they used the port, I was scared to death since it would be the first time used. I used the emla cream, the nurse said I would feel a big pinch, I felt nothing! What a relief!

    What should I take medication wise before chemo? What should I take with me for chemo, a blanket, etc.? Are there any vitamins I should be taking? I read conflicting info regarding this subject.

  • Wendeez414
    Wendeez414 Member Posts: 40
    edited June 2017


    I've just started looking through this website today. You are the only person I have seen having the same treatment as I am. I get my Port next Tuesday then start Chemo 2 days later. How are you feeling? Any surprises? I hope you are doing well

  • MsLin
    MsLin Member Posts: 64
    edited June 2017

    Susie - Labs are usually drawn about an hour and a half before your infusion. For example my infusion this Friday is scheduled for 9:00 a.m., but I have to be to the lab at 8:00 for a blood draw. This allows them to make sure your WBC counts are adequate and gives them all the information to mix your chemo drugs. They are specifically mixed for you and your cancer.

    I get my Neulasta shot on the same day as my chemo. My MO doesn't feel that it is necessary to wait the 27 hours or whatever it is. That was just part of how the drug was approved for a different treatment. I do know many women who have given it to themselves. It's ridiculous how tiny the shot is for the price insurance is charged for it.

    My personal regimen for meds is colace and senna day before just to get my body prepared then 2 colace in the AM and senna at night for the first week after AC. Claritin day of and for 5 days after (haven't had bone pain yet). I take lorazepam every night, but add Compazine the first week. I can't take Zofran because it gives me a horrible headache. I also take the compazine any time I feel the slightest twinge of nausea.

    When I go to chemo I take a blanket my aunt made for me as a comfort item. My cancer center has a blanket warmer that we're encouraged to help ourselves from. I also take my iPad with the pencil and draw most of the time. I've taken a book, but I don't have the brain capacity to read. My cancer center has private rooms so my husband picks a playlist for us to listen to. Last time it was Sgt. Peppers then Macklemore. I do take lemon drop candy with me, but don't need it (beyond having a little sweet).

    Check with your MO on vitamins. They need to know of anything you are taking.

    Good luck! You'll do great. I have AC#3 on Saturday. 2 days after my birthday. Woohoo, what a way to spend a day that could otherwise be a birthday party

  • susie_2017
    susie_2017 Member Posts: 142
    edited June 2017

    Thank you both for answering. Just a few more questions. Do i need a script for Claritin or should I buy OTC? Do you think I will need Colace and Senna if i am not normally constipated. I take 2 imodium everyday due to my celiac so perhaps i could just stop those.

  • MsLin
    MsLin Member Posts: 64
    edited June 2017

    Susie - Claritin is just OTC. Get the plain stuff, not ClaritinD. Everyone is different in the intestinal department. Medicines tend to make me constipated. I have celiac too, but other than a gluten free diet I don't take anything for it. Give yourself the first round to figure your body out. Nobody gets it right the first time

  • pink_is_my_colour
    pink_is_my_colour Member Posts: 265
    edited June 2017

    Well day four has been a little rougher because of bad heartburn but took some Zantac and it seems to be working.

    Went to Good Will and got two scarves for $7. Not too sure I'll go the wig route but time will tell. For now it's one day at a time. I got my hair cut short and boy it's so much easier to take care of. I might just leave it short. Because my hair is pure white I've been putting in streaks of purple, pink, and blue. At least while I still have hair.

  • speedyteach
    speedyteach Member Posts: 8
    edited June 2017

    susie 2017-I had my blood drawn about 1-1.5 hours before my infusion. As for the neulasta-i have the on pro version and the nurse put it on my arm during my infusion towards the end last time. It felt like someone flipping a rubber band hard on my skin but didnt hurt. When the neulasta went of 27 hours later I felt nothing but it sticks really good to the skin so taking it off pulled my skin like crazy.

    I have felt really good since day 5 after my last infusion. My worst symptoms so far has been constipation (for abt 4 days post chemo), sleepiness (days 1 & 3 post chemo) and acid feeling in bottom of my throat. I'm grabbing some zantac to help with the acid and taking a stool softener twice a day when needed for constipation.

    Friday is my next infusion and hoping it goes more smoothly. Last time they had a hard time getting a vein (am I the only one that opted for no port??). If they have a hard time again im going to be rethinking the port. Also had a weird reaction to steroid but they are going to try to piggy back it this time to see if that helps.

  • JuliaJazz
    JuliaJazz Member Posts: 175
    edited June 2017

    Piink, went to a Look Good Feel better presentation at the ACS and the wig seemed too small for me.  I have a giant head.  They have free wigs though so I may go back when my hair falls out and try again.  It just gives you another option.  In the meantime I ordered a halo (they had a blond one there that I tried on (which is a circle of hair-- bangs and some in back--with nothing on top.  That fit me so I ordered one from     Once on their website look at the categories on the left and choose "hair for hats".  I got the short curly one in light frosted gray and they only cost $32.  It will look great with either a hat or scarf.

    SpeedyTeach, thanks for explaining how the Neulasta works.  I was wondering about that and forgot to ask my doc. Glad to hear you only had a few bad days after the infusion.

  • KimPossible818
    KimPossible818 Member Posts: 287
    edited June 2017

    I definitely think Day 4 was the toughest day thus far, post chemo. I just had little energy/appetite (def a BRAT diet yesterday) and that nagging pain high in my stomach. I never got sick, thankfully. Went to bed at 8:30pm. Woke at 4am. Felt hot, but my temp was normal, thankfully. I remember my BS thought this treatment would throw me into menopause.

    I was pretty groggy this morning, day 5, but the stomach pain is gone, and I think I'm going to get past this. Still sipping ginger ale and eating PB crackers, but I feel like I could enjoy a shake and maybe some of my DH's fried rice for dinner. ;)

    My blood draws are done the day of, but they told me I could do the day before, locally, and save about 45 mins on chemo day. As long as I feel ok, I'm probably going to do that. They get results back so fast. Love it.

    Susie, I was given a chart of meds to follow. Even if you typically have no digestive issues, follow their recommendation. All this is so harsh on our system. Maybe you will do just fine, but I'm not taking chances. I didn't take my Ativan last night, because I was totally tired anyway.

    I took my iPad, phone, prayer shawl my church made me, hard candies, notebook, magazine, etc for chemo. I never looked at the magazine and never turned on the TV in my treatment room. Drink a lot of water during treatment. My nurse brought crackers/cookies/juice, etc. Honestly, it was not bad during.

    Julia, I'm going to the LGFB class tomorrow. I thought itmight be a nice experience. I have my wig and ordered 9 hats yesterday. It feels like it won't be long before this hair falls out. My cute mother had prayed it won't, but she said this morning that maybe I'd like it even better when it grows back in. Bless her heart.

    Ladies, Stay strong! This is just a temporary hiccup in our lives. We are growing in strength and character. What lessons we are being taught and teaching to others with our endurance and strength!

  • hhuey
    hhuey Member Posts: 121
    edited June 2017

    Ugh so I was going to go to my brothers salon to get a cute boy cut today but after bathing I don't think I will even bother. I had two huge handfuls of hair come out and if I brush it just keeps coming...sort of sad because I wanted a cute cut but I'll be okay. I'm just going to start wearing my hats and will have my husband give me a buzz here in the next few days. I know it will grow back but just the sight of all that hair sort of freaked me out. Other then that 5 days out I'm feeling good except I got my period so now I have cramps replacing indigestion..I just have to remind myself this is only temporary and I am okay.

  • hhuey
    hhuey Member Posts: 121
    edited June 2017

    Ugh so I was going to go to my brothers salon to get a cute boy cut today but after bathing I don't think I will even bother. I had two huge handfuls of hair come out and if I brush it just keeps coming...sort of sad because I wanted a cute cut but I'll be okay. I'm just going to start wearing my hats and will have my husband give me a buzz here in the next few days. I know it will grow back but just the sight of all that hair sort of freaked me out. Other then that 5 days out I'm feeling good except I got my period so now I have cramps replacing indigestion..I just have to remind myself this is only temporary and I am okay.

  • Wordlady
    Wordlady Member Posts: 20
    edited June 2017

    Tomorrow is my first AC so I'm feeling a little anxious this evening...but I feel I am as prepared as I can possibly be, thanks to everything I've learned on this forum. Got my tote bag ready with stuff I probably won't need :-) . So we're off to the races!

  • KimPossible818
    KimPossible818 Member Posts: 287
    edited June 2017

    Wordlady, Thinking of you today! You can do this. I was SUPER tired the night of AC. Allow your body the rest it needs if you feel tired after. Peace to you today.