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Starting Chemo June 2017



  • KimPossible818
    KimPossible818 Posts: 287
    edited June 2017

    HapB, Just be wise. Don't be a "hero" if your symptoms persist. I mean that in the kindest way. I truly am sorry you are still having so much port pain. Darn it! If you care to share, what was your other cancer six years ago?

    MsLin and Susie, We are on the same exact chemo protocol. I agree, too, that I felt the LX took care of the tumor - we got clear margins, but darn lymph nodes!

    I can't say I am truly fearful, per se, I just want to be at the end of all this. But that means wishing the next 9 months away, and my 50th birthday (ha) and the best time of year in Northern IL (summer). I just hate what cancer does to us, but I will press on one day at a time.

    BJI, WOWIE, Lady! Mowing your lawn for 2 hours?! I loved hopping on the riding mower, even though our yard is small, but when I got diagnosed we sold it to a neighbor, as I thought I would not be interested in that this summer. I didn't want it to sit there unused. (Looks better since DH uses the pushmower now, anyway.) I might just get on that horse after all and pretend it's my old riding mower! Happy

  • legomaster225
    legomaster225 Posts: 356
    edited June 2017

    My doctor wrote a prescription for Emla cream to put on my port about 45 min before chemo. It is a lidocaine cream that numbs the area. Just put a quarter size dollop on the port and cover with Saran Wrap. Infusion nurse just wiped it off before accessing my port. It worked great and I never felt theneedle.

  • susie_2017
    susie_2017 Posts: 142
    edited June 2017

    LegoMaster I got the Emla cream too, insurance didn't cover it, paid $52 for a tiny tube of it. Going to give it a try! When I go in for pet scan will they use the port? Should i apply cream just in case?

  • susie_2017
    susie_2017 Posts: 142
    edited June 2017

    KimPossible I'm happy to know we are on the same treatment course. You are one week ahead of me, please update us as soon as you can regarding the chemo and how you felt during and afterwards. I'm still working full time and want to know if I can do chemo in the morning and go to work the same days. Just trying to keep my life normal. I was supposed to start this friday but couldnt get echo done in time.

  • hhuey
    hhuey Posts: 121
    edited June 2017

    Hapb I am Her2+

  • pink_is_my_colour
    pink_is_my_colour Posts: 265
    edited June 2017

    I'll be starting my first round of FEC this Friday. Scared to death!!! I can only try.

  • KimPossible818
    KimPossible818 Posts: 287
    edited June 2017

    Susie, Will do! Hoping life can be as normal for all of us as feasibly possible.

  • bji
    bji Posts: 116
    edited June 2017

    HapB on film and US it was1.2 -1.5 cm. At surgery determined to be 1.9 cm.

  • bji
    bji Posts: 116
    edited June 2017

    There is so much of this stuff that is out of our control. Sometimes its sitting on the lawn mower, pretending everything is normal, something I can control, that makes it seem normal.

  • Smilingwifey40
    Smilingwifey40 Posts: 12
    edited June 2017

    Pink...I'm sending you good vibes and wishing you best of luck! Keep us updated on how it goes. I was quiet for the last few days for fear of being too negative. I'm convinced that dose dense AC is a b☆*¡@! It felt like four days of HELL post chemo! I'm just moving around now without gagging at every smell or running to the bathroom. I still can only stand bland foods or something tart. I'm craving lemon flavors a lot. Half of my soaps I now hate the smell of. Heartburn hasnt been this bad for me since I was pregnant! Many of my complaints are similar to my pregnancies. Anybody else like that after chemo?

    After my Neulasta I was expecting a lot of pain but unfortunately my pain was from my autoimmune disease that has been raging out of control. I was on Enbrel for practically five years and now my AS is doing whatever it pleases! I can't really tell the difference if there's more aches and pains from the injection. I started crying and thinking this is not going to work. I have to tweak some steps before my AC#2 which is the 22nd. I'm going to see if a few ideas for myself work.

  • legomaster225
    legomaster225 Posts: 356
    edited June 2017

    Susie, I did not have a pet scan yet so I'm not sure if they use will use your port. They did it use the port fir my MRI though. They used a vein. All my weekly blood draws have been through my veins as well. Port has only been used for chemo. My Elma cream was covered by insurance though and the one 30 gramtube got me through all 16 rounds.

  • MsLin
    MsLin Posts: 64
    edited June 2017

    HapB - I had a rather involved conversation with my MO regarding a few things I can't give up in life. 1 was gardening (as it's my job) and the other was my nails. I was lucky enough to find a place in my town last year that does dip polish. There is no cuticle cutting whatsoever. They use a drill to shape everything. I spoke with the manicurist and he told all the employees to be super careful with me. it takes a little longer for a manicure because they go slower than normal, but so worth it. I don't use any tips on my nails. The polish goes right onto my real nails. They grow out to be semi-long because the polish is so thick, but I'll file them down if they get too long. I am having a bit of an issue with separation from the skin at the tip end, but I think that is a result of stress and the other medications since it started before chemo.

    It just gives me one sense of being me so I held onto the habit

  • MsLin
    MsLin Posts: 64
    edited June 2017

    SmilingWife - The DD AC is rough, I agree. The past two days I've slept and slept and slept. I'm so sick of the bed. I'm lucky that most smells aren't bothering me, but liquids do. I've tried everything. I can get down plain lipton's tea as my coffee substitute, but coffee itself smells horrible. Water tastes like spit. I found yesterday that lemon flavored LaCroix water tasted good. I'd tried black cherry and cranberry-raspberry with no luck. I'm going to try the cranberry-raspberry LaCroix mixed with a little lemonade today. I did find that cranberry juice with a little club soda was a good "drink" when dining out with friends on account of no alcohol.

    I had heartburn really bad with round 1 too. I talked with the nurse and she said that's likely from the steriods. She said an OTC heartburn med works.

    I think it takes us all a while to find our "new normal." What I hate is that the first week after the round I feel horrible and then it starts to get better. Then the 2nd week I feel normal only to know I'm going to get knocked down again. It's a vicious cycle

  • LTWJ
    LTWJ Posts: 118
    edited June 2017

    i was diagnosed in May, triple positive, stage 2a,no lymph nodes or any other tumors. I started chemo TCHP on June 2. Chemo was fine, had a great weekend then crashed on a Monday. Sheer exhaustion and nausea, tried zofran but get little relief and the other med makes me a zombie. I had diarrhea W- Sat and took Imodium and brat diet. Fever on Monday and Tuesday so I'm on antibiotics now and tne diarrhea has returned. I am staying hydrated with pediolite but eating is a real challenge. I tried eating anything and everything today hoping to find something tasting good. People keep telling me it will be better before my next round( 6 rounds). I sure hope so

  • Vivianlu8
    Vivianlu8 Posts: 113
    edited June 2017

    hello i am sorry you have a lot of symptoms with the chemo. I had my first one last Wednesday FEC-D. I can tell that only the first day i was suffering from nausea. From there i was ok just feel a little weak and i need food. A lot of apetite. I don't have a port since i am having only 6. I took 5 days off and back to work yesterday. I hope the next 5 chemos are going to be like this one. I was scared but now, i feel better to know what is it.

    Sending my best wishes to all of you. Keep faith we are going to be ok. And this nightmare will end soon.


  • Sca
    Sca Posts: 3
    edited June 2017

    HapB, hang in there, this is tough sorry your family not understanding, we are here for each other.

    I didn't think I would have to go thru chemo, with ER+, PR+, until months later got a HER2+. I had multiple equivocal results for HER2 until one came back positive. I completed my 3rd and 4th is in the morning. Some of my friends and family are very understanding, while some think it should be no problem and why do I say I'm not feeling well or need to sleep during the day, like I'm making it up. We all going thru this totally understand, as we are experiencing it. My 3rd week was real tough, in first couple weeks had days felt almost normal mixed with not so good days. This week, in bed all one day, mixed with marginal days. I am learning as i go to eat right and sleep enough to have more good days

  • Smilingwifey40
    Smilingwifey40 Posts: 12
    edited June 2017

    Thank you for the words of encouragement! I had a great night's sleep, boy does that help everything. Yesterday I was so pleased to have finished my grilled chicken salad while I spent time with my boys. It felt good to sit out on the deck and just talk with them. And my appetite was good. My tastes for things are different though. Well, it's Wednesday ladies, halfway through another week! I'm hoping everyone has a good day!

  • DawnLee
    DawnLee Posts: 9
    edited June 2017

    Hi Ladies,

    Had my BMX and DIEP May 4 in New Orleans, and am approaching my six week mark. Still a little puny, a little ouchy.

    My chemo was supposed to start last Tuesday, but the NP was concerned about a 2-inch area of my ab incision, so a week of antibiotics later, yesterday was my first day. I have to tell you, I feared chemo more than my surgery. Still do.

    My regimen is adriamycin and cytoxan every other week for 8 weeks, then paclitaxel every week for 12 weeks. I'd love to hear from anyone on the same regimen, but I know all of your experiences will be a huge help.

    Dawn Lee

  • Tpralph
    Tpralph Posts: 281
    edited June 2017

    anyone who got a PICC line in how was that? Painful? I am supposed to be starting my chemo end of June. 8 cycles two weeks apart two types

  • Tpralph
    Tpralph Posts: 281
    edited June 2017

    anyone who got a PICC line in how was that? Painful? I am supposed to be starting my chemo end of June. 8 cycles two weeks apart two types

  • Wordlady
    Wordlady Posts: 20
    edited June 2017

    DawnLee, how are you feeling? I also had delay issues due to wound healing. I will be on the same regimen as you starting next Wednesday and I feel the exact same way, more scared about chemo than about the two surgeries I had so far!

    I've been reading through everyone's experiences and it seems like folks on AC say they feel their best in the second week, the last few days before the next treatment. Is that pretty much true? I know everybody will be different, but just trying to get a sense of when I may feel the most like doing anything.

  • KimPossible818
    KimPossible818 Posts: 287
    edited June 2017

    HapB, I have NO words for your sibling who spoke those words to you. I don't get it. Ugh. You stay strong.

    Wordlady, We have the same Stage, though my grade is a 2. I see your tumor was quite large, which I assume was why you had a MX. I had 6/7 lymph nodes involved, and my BS says after my chemo (say regimen as you), she is going to remove more. Have you been told you would need more lymph nodes removed? I don't want to stress about it quite yet, because it is 6 months out (5 months of chemo and then a month to recover, she says). Have you already had your rads to lymph nodes? BS says that will come post more surgery. She never even mentioned to me that was a possibility. I wonder if she could do that instead of more surgery. That SNB was harder to heal, but it's about 75% better, just a month out. Day after tomorrow, here comes the red devil (A&C)! I'd better be ready!

  • bji
    bji Posts: 116
    edited June 2017

    HapB - Can't believe someone could say that about stage 1, I know its hard but you can't have contact with people that make comments like that. You need to rely on positive people and thoughts, you will get through this. Praying #2 on Friday goes well.

    Taxol #3 went fine, no issues. My port was being kind of stingy giving blood, its very positional. Nurse had me leaning forward, lifting my arms, standing, laying down, finally got it going so we could it start. Always makes me a little nervous, but they always get it. She explained it probably gets to the side of the vessel and it takes a little coaxing to get it to move. Stopped to have supper after with my hubby. Still haven't lost any hair, expecting it any day. Have appt tomorrow with my sister to make a choice on wig and get it ready.. No neuropathy yet either. Hope I feel as good tomorrow, got lots planned, t-ball with grandson, groceries and get packed for the lake. Daughter and her twins coming for the weekend. Started my claritin and stool softeners tonight. Since I haven't been having any issues after my treatment, PA said she doesn't need to see me prior to next weeks infusion, just labs before. Plan on seeing MO the following week.

  • Sca
    Sca Posts: 3
    edited June 2017

    HapB, yes on Herceptin too, Taxol and Herceptin weekly for 12 weeks, also taking Anastrozole for 5yrs, started in April while waiting for the 3rd HER2 test.

    #4 done, they used a smaller needle to access port and went much better. I was having crying panic attacks as week 3 accessing port was super painful and was totally bruised afterwards. I was super worried for #4 and tried to explain my issues, requested smaller needle and it was just about painless this week.

    Slept during day after benedryl, I'm awake this evening, I sometimes take a sleeping pill, but it's rather late now. I'll sleep tomorrow afternoon, I guess. I never look forward to fridays anymore, it's my day 3 which has never been good. Hope Saturday is good, a friends girl is softball tournament, fun to watch 12yr old fast pitch.

  • hhuey
    hhuey Posts: 121
    edited June 2017

    Hapb because I have 2 lumps with calcification in between them in my right breast the plan is to do a round of AC (adriamycin, cytoxan) every other week for 8 weeks for a total of 4 then paclitaxel with herceptin and perjeta once a week for 12 weeks..then a mascectomy is planned and then I think herceptin every three weeks to the year mark from when I started. I started my first treatment on June 2nd and go for my second treatment tomorrow 6/16.

  • KimPossible818
    KimPossible818 Posts: 287
    edited June 2017

    HapB, I know that it is difficult for you, and I am sorry you are dealing with so much of it alone. My port is certainly a lot calmer on day 6 since it was placed, I am wondering if it is tender after they access it for each chemo? Guess I will find out tomorrow! Big hugs to you. May you never feel alone in this. Keep reaching out.

  • hhuey
    hhuey Posts: 121
    edited June 2017

    Hapb good luck to you too..have you noticed your hair changing yet? I pull out gray hair sometimes and found that it takes no effort to putt them out at soon as I grab the strand it just comes right out same with eyebrow's not falling out on its own but if I pull it does...luckily I got 2 hats yesterday

  • speedyteach
    speedyteach Posts: 8
    edited June 2017

    smilingwife-I am so sorry you are having such a hard time. I too am doing the dose dense AC and the first three days were tough, especially 1 and three. It definitely is no joke. I had my first one last Friday and finally feeling a little more like "normal" but still have this weird cloudy head feeling. I was very active prior to being diagnosed and ran quite a bit, so the neulasta pain felt very similar to when I trained for a half marathon, so I pretended I was recovering from that-LOL I think we will be doing what we can to make it through these treatments.

    hap b-Im sorry some of your family are being jerks. I have had quite a few people wondering the same about my treatment. Seems like most people lump breast cancer into one category. Everyone kept asking why I couldn't just go somewhere that does the lumpectomy/radiation therapy all at once. I tried to explain why mine was different but well you know, people can be very opinionated.

  • CurlyN
    CurlyN Posts: 18
    edited June 2017

    Hello all, it looks like I will be joining you in starting chemo sooner rather than later. I am 34 and was DXed last week with what appears to be two tumors close together in my left breast. I immediately chose a bilateral mastectomy and was assuming surgery would be scheduled first - I was surprised yesterday when meeting with the oncologist that they are advising I go through chemo first to shrink the tumors and "make surgery easier". Anyone else along this same route? I am scheduled to get a port late next week and probably start chemo the week of June 25.

    Also, if Upheld reads this - I see you went to the Lineberger Center. I live very close to Chapel Hill and am considering making an appointment there for a second opinion. Is that where you will be receiving your treatment?

    Thank you all so much for your information and support, especially during these overwhelming times.

  • Upheld
    Upheld Posts: 35
    edited June 2017

    CurlyN, I will send you a private message. Thanks for missing me HapB! I am feeling the best I felt as this is my third week. I am going to work the next three days for the first time. I typically work 12-hour shifts each day but am going to just see how I do. I still have diarrhea and food tastes off. Today, I went and got my hair buzzed off as it was falling out in pieces. Thankfully, it just started falling out yesterday and I had planned to do it today. As you can see from my picture, hair is a pretty major thing for me. So, with lots of prayer, I was able to do it, but it sure was a tiring day. My next chemo is on Tuesday, it is my second TCHP infusion. I'm glad I kept a journal, so we'll see how closely this second round mimics the first. Praying for each of you!