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August 2017 Surgery Group



  • rljes
    rljes Posts: 499
    edited September 2017

    MommyErin - Question Plz. And Hi everyone. Would like a variety of answers please!  I will be taking Carboplatin & Taxotere at some point, probably in October/Nov.  

    Did you/Are you driving to your Chemo Sessions?  (Sorry,, I asked this before but can't find the post)  I don't have anyone to drive me so I am trying to be proactive. 

    -MrsWinnie-  Good for you going on a shopping spree. 

    Hope everyone is healing - take care

  • mommyerin
    mommyerin Posts: 102
    edited September 2017

    Rljessu- Absolutely not! My MO had me taking olanzapine (technically a drug for bipolar or schizophrenia, but works really well for nausea...also causes major drowsiness) and Benadryl as a premed on chemo day. Knocked me out. I slept through most of my treatments. No way could I drive myself home on chemo days. No problems with nausea, so it was well worth it though!I would definitely plan on getting a ride. Now that I'm just getting herceptin and perjeta and no premeds or anti-nausea meds, I drive myself no problem.

  • rljes
    rljes Posts: 499
    edited September 2017

    Thanks MommyErin for the heads up about NOT driving during chemo. 

    .  I think I have the Shingles AGAIN.  I am 4 1/2 weeks post surgery and still in a lot of pain.  I should not be in this much pain, this tired ect.  I was describing my symptoms,  how I felt to a friend, and it hit me : SHINGLES.  Under my arm (not arm pit) feels like road rash, so sensitive, I cannot touch it.  My Upper back (all on left side - Cancer side) feels like I've been hit by a baseball bat. my middle left of chest - cannot touch because pain is too great.  I thought all of this was just due to surgery.  Then Last night I couldn't wear the binder anymore.  It was too painful. This morning I saw the Spots on my middle left back - Red on Fire.  I've had the Shingles 3 times before - each time during an extremely stressful time in my life.

    I've been telling all my Dr's how I am not feeling well, and I should not be in so much pain.  They keep telling me "your fine".  Another sleepless night.   I'll call one of my Doctors in the morning and be tested.  Maybe its just my imagination. 


  • MrsWinnie
    MrsWinnie Posts: 119
    edited September 2017

    ohhhh no rljess when I was told I had cancer.. First thing I did was go get the Shingles vaccine. i had them 2 times in 2014... Didnt want to go there again. I so feel for you. Sending you losts of healing vibes.

  • IntegraGirl
    IntegraGirl Posts: 48
    edited September 2017

    Rljessu, I drove myself to all my treatments with no problems.

  • mommyerin
    mommyerin Posts: 102
    edited September 2017

    rljessu- I hope my post didn't seem harsh! When I wrote it, I was hyped up on cold medicine and flashing back to being knocked out in my chemo recliner ;-P So sorry to hear about the shingles! I hope you get some answers today! Xo

  • Dodes
    Dodes Posts: 18
    edited September 2017

    my shingles came back right after my diagnosis. i didn't think the vaccine worked if you already had outbreaks? is that not true?

    edited to add: my pcp, nor my BS ever suggested the vaccine, even though they both knew i was in an active flare, i guess that's why i thought it wouldn't make a difference.

  • DazzlingEagle
    DazzlingEagle Posts: 34
    edited September 2017

    rljessu: I had six rounds of carbo/taxotere. One round every three weeks. I drove myself to all rounds with no problem. I took steroids the day before, the day of and the day after chemo. All my chemo details are posted in the April 2017 chemo group.

  • DazzlingEagle
    DazzlingEagle Posts: 34
    edited September 2017

    If you need someone to take you, your chemo center might have transportation available. I think mine did but I didn't use it. The American Cancer Society also provides transportation to and from if you end up needing a ride.

  • rljes
    rljes Posts: 499
    edited September 2017

    Thanks DazzlingEag, and all.  Each person reacts diff.  I used to get IV infusions for my Dermatomycitis and they added Benadryl in the IV and it didn't make me sleepy at all. and I'm already on steroids.  Have been for years.  MommyErin - no sorrys needed.  Tell Me Like It IS! 

    Shingles.  I'll never know if I have them or not.  Its too late anyway.  I've had the symptoms for over a week. Have to ride it out. Taking Valacyclovir and upping my prednisone just in case.  I go to PT Wednesday, hopefully they can shed some light on why I'm not feeling better.  (I was told by my rheumatologist not to get the vaccine because of my immune deficiency - this was years ago) 

  • mommyerin
    mommyerin Posts: 102
    edited September 2017

    DazzlingEagle- That's great that you could drive yourself! I guess I must be more sensitive to Benadryl than some (plus the olanzapine).

    Rljessu- I guess if the Benadryl doesn't bother you, then you could drive yourself. Maybe get a ride for the first just in case and if you feel ok drive yourself for the rest.

  • MrsWinnie
    MrsWinnie Posts: 119
    edited September 2017

    well couple things.. Been tring to walk in the mornings with friend...did just over 5 miles today woot woot. And tonight my oncologist called.. Finally will find out whats next.. Friday morning *breaths*

  • rljes
    rljes Posts: 499
    edited September 2017

    MrsWhinnie, I know how you feel.  My 3rd visit with my MO is Tuesday. I think we are making out a plan. I am terrified of Chemo and what it will do to my system.  Will it make my chronic Migraines worse? Will I feel bone, muscle and joint pain worse than I already do? How much can I take? 

    Anybody else out there that went flat?  I'm DAY 37 Post Op and I feel I have 2x4's in each side of my chest. When I try to lay on my back and put my arms behind my head - stretching - then squeeze my elbows together it makes me nauseas with the feeling of thick sticks in chest. Trying to manipulate the area. I feel I'm Way behind everyone else. Maybe having Immune Disease DOES play into Breast Cancer. (which I believe  but my Doctors don't) Thanks for letting me vent.  

    Take care

  • AliceAgnes
    AliceAgnes Posts: 44
    edited September 2017

    rljessu, I went flat but only on my left side. I did not opt for a prophylactic removal of the right breast. I am able to do all the post-surgical exercises I was assigned without any pain. However, my next step will be radiation, and during my mapping session this week I did experience a flair of the arthritis I have in my right shoulder. It was difficult to hold my right arm behind my head while lying flat for an extended period of time. Fortunately the rads themselves will only take 15 minutes or so once I get started on them. Also, I have been told it will be OK to take an oral pain reliever before I leave home.

    I had chemo before surgery--TCHP. It wasn't easy, but it was doable. For me the worst effects were in my GI tract. My arthritis wasn't affected. Doctors kept working with me to minimize the side effects. Meds did help in most cases. Hang in there!

  • Dodes
    Dodes Posts: 18
    edited September 2017

    i'm flat on the left as well. i've had some cording, and i'm doing pt twice to 3 times a week. i've got fibro and sclerosing mesenteritis, and im having a heck of a time getting my energy back. i'm not healed enough in my PT's opionion to even start massage. she said at least another week or two. you're not behind rljessu, i'm right there with ya!

    my docs are just letting me go along at my own pace of healing. i was finally able to go take a walk this evening. got in a whole whopping mile, but i'll take it, lol.

    also, if any of you want/need a knitted knocker(s) and haven't gotten one, i'm happy to make one or a pair for any of you. i was knitting a bright orange one for myself pre-op, and my nurses thought they were the coolest thing. again, happy to knit 'em up for ya!

  • MarilynIllinois
    MarilynIllinois Posts: 50
    edited September 2017

    rljessu, I know exactly what you mean about the 2x4's! Me too! I'm 8 weeks out. It's definitely getting better. In the earlier weeks it felt so tight wearing the post-op cami (and it was loose when I bought it).

    Now I can wear the cami with my knitted knocker, but the 2x4 is still there. It doesn't stop me from picking up and holding my 1 year old granddaughter, though

  • MrsWinnie
    MrsWinnie Posts: 119
    edited September 2017

    yes the 2x4 think they call it the iron bra. Im 100% flat.. And the more pulling my shoulders back the better it gets. Theres a facebook page flat and Fabulous and im really enjoying it. They have 2 different pages. Im always aware i had surgery a pull there a tug there.. An electrical shock to wake you up lol. But saying that 5 weeks ago had hard time just getting in and out of bed. Today i did groceries alone. Woo.

  • rljes
    rljes Posts: 499
    edited September 2017

    Thanks AliceAgnes, Dodes & MarilynIll - thanks you all made me feel better.  amazing how each Dr and Phy Therapist all have a diff opinion.   So, Dodes, it the "cording" that I'm feeling like a 2x4? I've been told by my PT to get in there and rub, knead, grasp, roll, anything to get that area moving, or it won't. 

  • MrsWinnie
    MrsWinnie Posts: 119
    edited September 2017

    wellll lol i start chemo mid october dont have firm date. They want to do some tests on my heart first. Chemo ... 4 treatments. Then Herceptin. Then AI treatment.. So my thoughts.. One more period then im done with that for ever lol.

  • Dodes
    Dodes Posts: 18
    edited September 2017

    for me, the cording was preventing me from lifting my arm up. i could feel it from my wrist up into my underarm. it feels like a guitar string, or a piano string. is that what yours feels like? my pt can see it. she gave me specific stretches to do for it, and i'm almost to full ROM.

    i went fishing this morning! i was able to case, but got no bites, so couldn't tell if i'd be able to land a big one. :)

    MrsWinnie- i went through it naturally, and i can attest that for me, i don't miss them at all!

  • rljes
    rljes Posts: 499
    edited September 2017

    MrsWhinnie looks like we will probably start chemo the same time, tho I am pushing for Nov.   I had the stress test before surgery/ (injection not on a treadmill) Its not pleasant, but only last a few minutes and the Nurses are there talking you through it. The worst part was prior to injection was the ultrasound with my left arm raised above head for 20 minutes.    IRON Bra... Funny/ if it didn't hurt so much. 

    I thought Herceptin would be given at the same time chemo treatment. But I like the idea of one treatment at a time to see which SE go with what drug. 

    Dodes, it feels like a big stick in my chest - not cords.  Maybe next PT visit she can give me a visual whats going on under there - so I can be more effective in my 'kneading'   How does the knitted knockers work? stuff inside a bra or sports bra?  Hope you catch the big one! 

  • MrsWinnie
    MrsWinnie Posts: 119
    edited September 2017

    rljessu they are planning 1 treatment of chemo and if that goes well then can add in Herceptin. My heart has a bit of a extra beat flutter to it. But i think i always had it. So they will be watching me close on it. Theres also talk of ovaries out as well. Phew AI pills 5-10 years. Im still on info overload. Hugs to all hope you all have a good weekend

  • rljes
    rljes Posts: 499
    edited September 2017

    I have Phantom Nipple Pain... Help!

    MrsWinnie, Best of luck with your first chemo treatment.  Wishing no SE!  (I had an complete hysterectomy years ago.  Been on Hormone pills for 23 years. I should have known better)  Had to quit cold turkey, so I,m having hot flashes like crazy. Preparing me for the Real Hot Flashes when I start Anti Estrogen. 

  • MrsWinnie
    MrsWinnie Posts: 119
    edited September 2017

    i get nipple pain too.. Massage the area and think what nipple. Lol i laugh each time it happens.

    I have experienced the odd hot flash already so have an idea what Im about to go through.. I warned my family.. You think i was grumpy with PMS you just wait you haven't seen nothing yet. Lol. I have to do some research to what to choose. Ovaries out or the injection.. Sigh more choices. I told my MO i hate choices. Your my Doc tell me... Lol. She called for second opinion he suggested the same treatment. My numbers were good with out treatment.. So choosing treatment was hard.

  • beach2beach
    beach2beach Posts: 246
    edited September 2017

    MrsWinnie,, good luck with the first treatment. I hope it's easy or at the least doable for you. I've been thinking about the ovaries etc, also. At my first Onco appt. I didn't even think about asking about taking them out. I just took the script for Tamox and went with it. When I go back for 3mth check I'm going to ask pro's/cons of leaving them in, take out or do the shots and switch. Not sure if age has anything to do with it either.

  • mommyerin
    mommyerin Posts: 102
    edited September 2017

    MrsWinnie and Beach2beach- I'm receiving ovary suppression shots (zoladex) and femara (letrozole, and plan to have my ovaries out in November or December. I don't think the hot flashes are that bad, but maybe it's just me. I'm BRCA1+, which increases my risk for ovarian cancer, so that's my main reason for pusuing surgery at such a young age (31). My cancer is ER- and only slightly PR+. It's worth discussing the option with your MO.

    Welcome, Fanny. How are you doing?

  • rljes
    rljes Posts: 499
    edited September 2017

    Morning all - I have a friend that is taking Letrozole (BMX only) and is having horrible hand pain. So painful she had to stop.  Any suggestions? (like the helpful hint of Claritin before Neulasta?)  I'll cruise the Hormone posts as well.  Thx!  My friend has given me so much support, I was hoping to return the favor. 

  • MrsWinnie
    MrsWinnie Posts: 119
    edited September 2017

    no idea rljess maybe there s a forum for it. Welcome Franny. Sorry you are here. Im 43. And darlings call me Winnie lol xox

  • rljes
    rljes Posts: 499
    edited September 2017

    Whinnie, it is! When is your first chemo treatment?

  • MrsWinnie
    MrsWinnie Posts: 119
    edited October 2017

    no date yet.. Monday ill get my heart testa booked then chemo... Around oct 18.