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August 2017 Surgery Group



  • MrsWinnie
    MrsWinnie Member Posts: 119
    edited April 2018

    nope no radiation for me. No need i was told. My nodes were clear and surgery was huge margins thanks to bmx.

    Hand ultra sound nurse said all looked good... But im still tender there and hot flashs have almost vanished... When i do get one its minor.. How strange. I am praying my cycle isnt returning. Grr. My next stage is to fight for full hysterectomy...

  • beach2beach
    beach2beach Member Posts: 246
    edited April 2018

    Bumping this up.

    Think of of my August surgery friends often and hope this finds you well. The closer it comes to summer...I can feel my anxiety levels rising as I know the date of my finding out I had bc will be here and the anniversary of surgery. Traded off worrying about mammo/sonos for Oncologist and blood tests visits.

    Hope you all have been getting on with life and hopefully feeling well. Wishing the fear of there being something lurking inside would just go!!!


  • pinkvictory
    pinkvictory Member Posts: 24
    edited May 2018

    hi everyone! Can't believe I'm coming up on a year since diagnosis. I've been doing great...until recently. I'm not sure what triggered anxiety. I had my first obgyn visit since diagnosis (worry)and my bc diagnosis date is the beginning of June(what will this year bring?). Glad to have the obgyn visit done with no additional bad news. I go for my official follow up with the plastic surgeon following my exchange surgery end of May. I think that while I was actively going thru surgeries etc that I have been so busy solving the problem, that I couldn't step back long enough to freak out. Now that things are quieting down, the emotions have been all over the place. Yikes! I don't regret my decision for a minute, but I wish I could go back to normal...the old normal. I never worried about my health before. Then,one day last June changed my whole perspective. I'm sure this will pass. This week is better than last far. Hopefully this will continue to improve. I thought I would be reassured by follow up doctors appointments and didn't expect it to bring this level of stress. Hope everyone is well .

  • beach2beach
    beach2beach Member Posts: 246
    edited June 2018

    Bumping this thread!

    Hi all....

    For many its almost the same time as last year when we were diagnosed. (I was in July)... I feel so apprehensive even though I just had my 6mth onco appt. and all is good. I thank God or whatever some may or may not choose to believe in, the powers that be or just plain lady luck, that we are here soon to be a year later. I hope you all are doing well and have had many positive experiences during the past year. My super senior eldest son finished college. Now to get him to get a job!! My daughter starting last year of college and my youngest last year of H.S.

    Been walking as much as possible. The gym doesn't seem to interest me, I've had membership on hold for eons. I have hand weights at home and I've used them. Even though I only had sentinel node armpit will hurt after using the weights. Also trying to eat cleaner, cut sugar but I'm such a snack person that chomping on nuts and veggies all day as a snack is not appealing. Thought I will make myself something lighter than what the kids want to eat.

    Hoping to make this summer a more memorable one that last with good things. Geez last summer sucked!...

    Hope to hear from some/all of you. Hugs....

  • MarilynIllinois
    MarilynIllinois Member Posts: 50
    edited June 2018

    Hi beach2beach and August friends,

    Beach, congratulations on your son finishing college!

    You are right, let's all make this a fun summer!

    Remember when many of us struggled with 2x4s under our skin? Mine is lots better, but is still somewhat bulgy. A constant reminder. I wear a bra and knitted knocker when I'm with my grandchildren (lots of cuddling and picking them up) or wearing a nice dress. Otherwise I just wear a soft cami. It's so comfortable. Even with a t-shirt, no one seems to stare.

    Right now I'm busy taking care of my husband who had knee replacement surgery, but later this summer we have a vacation at the Shore planned. I will be on the beach August 1st (my surgery date). How are you all planning to spend your one year anniversary?

    Best wishes to all. Thanks for your support last summer and beyond

  • MrsWinnie
    MrsWinnie Member Posts: 119
    edited July 2018

    big movement going on and few ladies fighting the system on going flat if you like to join the movement theres a survey here.. They collecting stories

    The facebook page is..

    Hope all is going well. And wishing you all a 1 year anniversary I know our dates are coming up fast!

  • kmb4
    kmb4 Member Posts: 20
    edited July 2018

    Hi Beach2beach,

    yes, last summer sucked!! My 1 yr anniversary of my diagnosis will be this Thursday. My surgery was 8/22 so coming up on the one year anniversary of being cancer free also. So far things have been going pretty well. Had my exchange surgery in February. I am still having some discomfort with those though and will discuss with my PS at my next appt in August. I have rippling when I bend over - she said it was due to the fact that I was thin on top. my skin still feels "tight" too. My implants are not big so I know I do not have to big in. I also notice that I must have some nerve pain as right above my implants my skin hurts a little when touched there. The AL's are not causing me to many side effects, some weight gain that I'm not happy with and recently some fatigue. we are planning a family vacation with most of my grown kids next month. We are going to Colorado to visit my youngest son who lives there. My husband and I are flying and my daughters are both driving out with their families. Hubby and I are taking one set of grandkids on the way out on the plane and then the other set of grandkids on the way home. this way the parents can have one way without kids in the car. We will see how that works out. LOL.

    MrsWinnie, hope your hubby is doing well with his replacement. I really have not thought much about what I was going to do to celebrate my 1 yr anniversary. Maybe my trip in August to see my son will be just that.

  • MrsWinnie
    MrsWinnie Member Posts: 119
    edited July 2018

    tomorrow is my diagnosed anniversay... 25th was my byopsy and 27th I was told... Feeling odd about it. Not sure how I feel... But for my surgery anniversary (cancer free date) we having a open house corn boil following a local car show.. So the idea is a car show at the house. With a professional photographer.. Trying to make it big deal. Heres hoping for good weather! And celebrating with friends.

  • beach2beach
    beach2beach Member Posts: 246
    edited July 2018

    Hi MrsWinnie,

    tommorow is my diagnosed anniversary..yesterday my biopsy tomorrow my dx. The anxiety is there, not sure whether to acknowledge the day or wish it by quickly. What an awful summer we had last year!!! You all were a great comfort, unfortunately we were all going through this but we remained pretty positive during it.

    Love to hear from everyone else!!!

  • rljes
    rljes Member Posts: 499
    edited July 2018

    Hi everyone. yes, its that time of year when most are having their anniversary.  I can't remember mine, I was thinking July/Aug, and after looking it up, it was back in June.  Fixed that issue! I'm not big on anniversary's anyway. 
    Whinnie - I'll check up on those websites on being flat.  I havn't had any regrets. Left side still hurts, and can't sleep on that side for very long.  No more 2x4's - just sticks now. 
      Had a good check up with BS - next visit will be a 'Sum it all UP' visit. Go over all procedures.  Hope no more paperwork - I need a new closet just for cancer stuff.  Can't wait to have a burning party.     Hair has stopped growing.  Its at a 1/4"  burr.  And my Heart Eco has stopped me from continuing my Herceptin. Very-Very Tired, Bone Pain, and My MO said it has nothing to do with Cancer, Herceptin, its just depression.  Huh. And you all know how I dislike my MO! 

    Good to hear from everybody.    Take care!  (gotta love snapchat) 



  • beach2beach
    beach2beach Member Posts: 246
    edited August 2018

    Hi Rljes!

    You look super! Sorry about the effect of Herceptin. I know my sister had some heart issues while being on it but was able to finish her year out. I hope you begin to feel better and some of those effects turn around now that you have stopped it. I'm behind the times...have not gotten into snapchat..I only just a year ago got an iphone...I was one of those let me hold onto my blackberry keyboard phone as long as I can. My daughter could not stand that I kept it until it comepletely fell apart lol..

    I'm hoping everyone is doing is a mixed emotion type of month for us. Glad we are here a year later but it's still raw, at least to me. I go on with everyday things but it's always there in my mind with every twinge...sigh. but I went Kayacking..always wanted to do that...geez did not realize how much work that was!...went to see Rod Steward in Atlantic city,,always wanted to see him.. Sort of getting my act together and not waiting saying I will do it someday or see it someday. Going to do it now..when I can.

    Hugs to all!!

  • rljes
    rljes Member Posts: 499
    edited September 2018

    Good to hear from you beach2beach! Glad to hear your going forth in life. Hi everybody!

  • beach2beach
    beach2beach Member Posts: 246
    edited December 2018

    Hello to my August 2017 friends!!!! I hope this finds everyone well or at least plugging along. ;)Winking A stressful time of year is upon us(for most of us who find it stressful lol). I hope everyone has had some positive experiences over the year, even among the angst of worry we still carry. I have made a lot of changes and think that .it finally has caught up to me. Had check up with breast surgeon last month, and set to see onco again next week. I find this totally stressful, worrying about the "what ifs". Just accepted a full time job, worry about the stress of that, going through with a formal separation at home, one more kid getting ready to graduate and head off to college..never ends!

    Would love to hear from my August friends and find out what you all have been up to.

    Happy Holidays and I wish us all on these boards a long, full happy and healthy life. xo

  • rljes
    rljes Member Posts: 499
    edited December 2018

    Hey August Friends - Beach 2 Beach! 
    I'm having to stay in seclusion because of my immune system (my oncologist swears it has nothing to do with cancer). You all know what I think of him!  I've been In the Hospital 3 times in the past 2 months because of developing Sepsis. Its terrifying. It comes on suddenly. So the rare times I do leave my house, I wear a mask and gloves.  Until my Dr's can find out why this keeps happening to me - I stay at home. No visitors allowed.  Behind in Herceptin treatments, not considering radiation, and dreading hormone therapy.  A year after my mastectomy I still find remaining "flat" was the right choice, though my left side where they took the lymph nodes is still pretty painful. (probably help if I did my exercises/stretching)    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays - take care, Rj

  • beach2beach
    beach2beach Member Posts: 246
    edited July 2019

    Bumping this thread back up! It's coming to that time again for us..another year. I hope it finds everyone well. Last year I think I felt elated that a year had passed pretty quietly,,,now I find the fear picking up again. Think it is just the dread of coming up to the anniversary date of being diagnosed and the actual surgery. Go for my 6mth checks to the onco and trying to not feel like I am just living between visits, but that I am living.

    Lots of personal changes have happened in the last year,,pushing through a separation to divorce, new job, new relationship.

    Any one who had implants considering a revision? I went direct to implants, and I could only go to a tiny size,,,skin too tight the PS had said. He said I was entitled to a revision..not that I could go much bigger..maybe a real B :) but not sure I want to go a surgery although he said it would not be too bad.

    Anyway....wishing all my August surgery friends a wonderful rest of the summer. (((hugs)) Heart

  • pinkvictory
    pinkvictory Member Posts: 24
    edited August 2019

    hi! I hope everyone is doing well! I feel the same way as beach2beach. First year I was happy and felt strong. more recently find the worry increasing. I’m sure it will pass once I get my next oncologist appointment behind me. Hope everyone is having a nice summer! Wishing everyone well

  • newnorm
    newnorm Member Posts: 54
    edited August 2019

    Hi, can I ask you all, how often do yo have scans? I’ve had a bone and CT scan 12 months after my chemo and surgery but since then only mammogram and ultrasound. What are others doing

  • beach2beach
    beach2beach Member Posts: 246
    edited August 2019

    Hi Newnorm,

    I did not have chemo. I had a double mastectomy. I've not had any scans just 6month visit to Onco with bloodwork. I am set to have an MRI at year 3 to check on implants I had put in at time of surgery, otherwise Onco doesnt request further tests unless there are symptoms to warrant it I think.