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August 2017 Surgery Group

mommyerin Member Posts: 99

I wanted to start a thread for those of us going through surgery in August so we can support each other through the whole surgery process.

I'm scheduled for surgery August 8th (though that may change). Still in the process of finalizing my surgery and reconstruction plans. I meet with a plastic surgeon today. I'll be getting radiation after surgery, so that complicates things a bit. I'm BRCA1+ and will be having both breasts removed, but I haven't decided if I want to wait and do the prophylactic side when I do reconstruction, or take care of them both in my initial surgery.



  • Candyapple17
    Candyapple17 Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2017

    Hi MommyErin! I am scheduled for a SNLB and bilateral mastectomy 08/01. I've met with surgeon who scared the bejeebers out of me with the surgical risks and I meet with the plastic surgeon on Tuesday. At this point the SNLB and Oncotype test will determine whether I need chemo but it looks like radiation is off the table for now. Will be trying to enjoy the month of July without worrying too much. I'll be keeping ou in my prayers.This site is an amazing source of information and truly has helped me so much!

  • mommyerin
    mommyerin Member Posts: 99
    edited June 2017

    Hi Candyapple17,

    Sorry you're in this situation, but glad you found your way here! This site is definitely keeping me sane. Chemo hasn't been fun, but it's straight forward and I'm tolerating it well. And it seems like radiation will be the same. Hopefully you won't need either though! I'm finding surgery to be very overwhelming with all the different options and potential complications. It's hard to decide which approach is "right" Definitely enjoy the month of July and get your support system in place for surgery and recovery. Praying for you as welll.



  • MarilynIllinois
    MarilynIllinois Member Posts: 50
    edited June 2017

    Hello Ladies, my name is Marilyn and I am scheduled for a Mast w/o recon August 1. I was Dx with Pleomorphic LCIS in March. A nonmass area of enhancement was detected through a routine MRI. I have had 2 MRI guided breast biopsies. I also got a 2nd opinion. The 2nd opinion agreed with the first, but since I found the the atmosphere and staff at the second hospital to be more calming, I chose the second doctor.

  • mommyerin
    mommyerin Member Posts: 99
    edited June 2017

    Marilyn- Glad you found the right atmosphere and staff for your surgery! I'm currently scheduled for surgery two different places while I finalize surgery plans. Such a difficult decision to make (for me anyway).

    Candyapple17- Are you planning to have reconstruction done at the time of your surgery? That's been my biggest struggle in making surgery plans.

  • mommyerin
    mommyerin Member Posts: 99
    edited July 2017

    Just ordered some button up pajama sets for post surgery! My cousin (who had a BMX last year) said easy on/off tops are a must. Nothing like a little retail therapy to help me cope with a yucky situation!

  • MarilynIllinois
    MarilynIllinois Member Posts: 50
    edited June 2017

    MommyErin, yes! I bought a pair of silky pjs yesterday after I was fitted for and bought my post surgery cami. The nurse said I wouldn't need to bring pjs to the hospital since I would be wearing a hospital gown, but I am hoping to change to pjs as soon as I can stand up!

    Are you buying shirts with pockets for drains as well? If my cami has drain pockets I don't know if I would need additional shirts

  • mommyerin
    mommyerin Member Posts: 99
    edited June 2017

    MarilynIllinois, my cousin said she had an apron for her drains, so I'll probably go that route as well. Haven't really thought ahead to the not fun stuff yet :-P.

  • Candyapple17
    Candyapple17 Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2017

    MommyErin, Yes I am doing immediate reconstruction as long as everything goes as planned. It's a higher risk and longer recovery but for me, I'd rather just get it over and done with - I'm sorta - well not sorta - I am a ball of anxiety. The waiting has been difficult. I was diagnosed in mid April and don't have surgery until August because ofall the tests and surgeon availability.

  • mommyerin
    mommyerin Member Posts: 99
    edited June 2017

    Candyapple17- That is a long wait! My goodness! I'm a ball of anxiety without the wait, so I can only imagine. I'm in the same boat with reconstruction...not looking forward to the potential complications and longer recovery, but if I wait I'll be facing the same issues anyway when I do have it done. Cancer has already consumed the last 4 months of my life, so I just want it done and over with. I meet with radiation oncology today. Last piece of the puzzle! Hopefully the they'll ok reconstruction plans.

  • Lsunshine
    Lsunshine Member Posts: 24
    edited July 2017

    I am new to this group so please be patient with me. I have had fluid filled cysts for over 2 years. I have had mamo U/S had them drained etc. I had a cyst on my right breast that was the size of a small apricot that was pushing my nipple down and made me very self conscious so I decided to have a breast augmentation lift and remove that cyst. That is when we found out I have LCIS on April 17/2017. I have had MRI and U/S. I have seen 2 BS my options are every 6 months MRI/mamo take tamoxifen and wait and watch because my breasts look like Swiss cheese I would probably have biopsys every time also. Also when the specialist has a hard time doing a breast exam due to cysts how do they expect me to know the difference in lumps. Or second option BMX. My husband said it best "we can live without boobs we can't live without you." So I have decided for myself and my family bmx is the best option with reconstr. I am scheduled for aug 28. I just cannot go through test after test and being poked and the uncertainty. I am nervous about the surgery and recovery. I'm sure that there isn't a person out there that has said I really would like to have a bmx. Any help from someone who has been there is greatly appreciated. I am so impressed by the posts I have read and the support everyone has for each other on this board. It has helped me to just read all of the stories. So many strong people on this site

    truly just ready other posts

  • Candyapple17
    Candyapple17 Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2017

    Welcome Lsunshine..Sorry you have to be a part of this community but they are an amazing support!

  • Elkay7
    Elkay7 Member Posts: 95
    edited July 2017

    Lsunshine - welcome to the group, it's a lifesaver every step of the way.

    I can totally relate to your post. I was diagnosed with DCIS in March and decided on BMX as well. I discussed it with both my surgeons, my oncologist, and my family. We all agreed BMX was a reasonable decision for me. I, like you, did not want to go through this again and again. BTW, I had genetic testing done and I came back negative for BRCA 1 and 2.

    My surgery was April 18th with immediate reconstruction with TEs. I am 11 weeks post op and life is good. Not great will be great once I have my exchange surgery. But I have not regretted my decision.

    It's a personal decision, one that does not come lightly. Stay on the boards and keep reaching out!! You are NOT alone!


  • mommyerin
    mommyerin Member Posts: 99
    edited July 2017

    Lsunshine, sorry you're in this situation but glad you found your way here. Bing BRCA1+, I was being screened every 6 months. Now that I have cancer, I wish I had had the BMX years ago. I'm only 31 though, so had no idea I would get cancer so young. Getting a mastectomy is a very difficult decision, but I agree with your husband; we can live without our boobs.

    So, it looks like I'll be getting the BMX without reconstruction now. After meeting with a radiation oncologist, it's the best route for me to take. I'm looking forward to an easier recovery, but going a year+ without boobs is going to be an adjustment.

    How are you all doing? I have my last chemo infusion next week, so I'm reallyglad I'm almost done with that part.

  • Lsunshine
    Lsunshine Member Posts: 24
    edited July 2017

    thank you candyapple1, elkay and mommy Erin. I am so nervous, it is so nice to know that you have people you can talk to that can relate and answer questions.

  • Beachmama
    Beachmama Member Posts: 28
    edited July 2017

    Hi ladies,

    I'm totally new to posting, but I've been reading many posts and it has been so encouraging to not feel alone! I'm having a BMX and SNB on Aug. 8. I was diagnosed with DCIS on the left in April. I had a lumpectomy and a re-excision in May and still did not get clean margins. Nothing more had shown up on my imaging or MRI, so my surgeon wanted to do more diagnostics and regroup. After many mammograms and three more stereotactic biopsies, they found more exstensive DCIS on the left, and they found invasive tumors on the right (my "good" side). Every report has gotten worse, and what I thought would be a quick little treatment for early stage cancer has turned into quite a roller coaster. I'm not looking forward to more surgery or another pathology report, but I am so eager to finally get on the other side of all of this. It still does not feel real!

  • mommyerin
    mommyerin Member Posts: 99
    edited July 2017


    I'm so sorry you're getting a progressively worse diagnosis! I truly hope surgery will be the end of it for you. We're here to support you! I totally know what you mean by it not feeling real. Even after 5 chemo treatments, I still have moments where I'm in disbelief that this is really my life.

    Quick update, my surgery date has moved to August 9th and I've decided against reconstruction (for now) so it won't interfere with radiation and I can heal quickly. I have two young kiddos (4 and 2), so a quick recovery will be better for everyone. I'm not sure how I'll feel being flat for a year+ though. I've heard many women say that their reconstructed breasts feel like accessories more than a part of their body, so I know either way it's a big adjustment. Hoping you all are doing well and enjoying your last few weeks pre-surgery!

    Big hugs!


  • Beachmama
    Beachmama Member Posts: 28
    edited July 2017

    Thanks, MommyErin! It definitely does not seem like my real life. Especially since I have this 6 week window from last dx until surgery. Sometimes, it just pops in my head out of the blue and I have to deal with the reality of it all over again! But, thankfully, I get to go on my family beach vacation at the end of July. I have surgery 4 days after I come back. I am not having reconstruction either. It is a hard decision, and I did meet with a PS, but I just don't think that path is for me. My BS was surprised since I'm relatively young (43). But, I'm thin and barely an A cup normally, so I'm hoping flat won't be too different :) LOL. I am hoping for a quick recovery, too. Cancer has already taken over months of my life, I don't want to give it any more. Of course, the final pathology report could change the direction of my treatment after surgery. So far, they keep finding more surprises each time they take something out! I'm trying not to worry about that. There is nothing I can do about it now, anyway. I wanted to tell you that your earlier comment about retail therapy really stuck with me - I love the positive spin! I went outlet shopping with my mom, sister, and daughter this past weekend and shopped for my "post-bmx" look. It was weird having to think about that, but very therapeutic!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited July 2017

    Welcome, Beachmama! We're sorry you find yourself here, but we're glad you've found us, and hope you find this community to be a source of support! We wish you the best of luck on your upcoming surgery!

    The Mods

  • Candyapple17
    Candyapple17 Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2017

    Oh Beachmama, I feel your pain. The waiting is the worst. When I have my surgery on the 1st, it will have been 6 weeks since the last test and final was hard to find a date where both BS and PS could both be available. Now that I'm a couple weeks out, I'm getting more nervous but I have enjoyed being able to at least enjoy July. I just keep telling myself the only way out is through....


  • Beachmama
    Beachmama Member Posts: 28
    edited July 2017

    Thanks Candyapple!

    I really appreciate this community. I don't feel so alone. I am blessed and surrounded by loving family and friends, they are even all wearing pink wrist bands until I'm done to show their support. But, they just have no way of knowing what I'm going through and it's difficult to explain! Waiting is getting harder! And it is starting to feel less real as more days pass without tests and appointments. But, I am truly thankful to have July with my kids to just be kinda normal and go on vacation. But, it's always there in the back of my mind. We can do this though! All of these amazing woman (and men) have done it and we will, too. Prayers for you all to have peace and enjoy the rest of this month!

  • ladynicole
    ladynicole Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2017

    I've just found out today that I'm scheduled for a double mastectomy on August 7. I'm lucky in that I'm not nervous at all about the surgery, all I wanted to know was when he wanted to do the surgery and how soon would I be able to get back to work (photographer). :)

    Hubby has organised to work from home for a couple of weeks to help me do whatever I need help with when I come home which is a real blessing. Not knowing how much pain will come after the surgery is the only thing that gives me slight worry. With multiple surgeries under my belt for other problems and currently sporting pars fractures on my spine which is compressing my sciatic I think pain has become a life long friend.

    I'm not choosing reconstruction at this point so I hope it all goes well and recovery is quick.

  • Lsunshine
    Lsunshine Member Posts: 24
    edited July 2017

    I absolutely hate the waiting. I was diagnosed with lcis on April 22 my surgery is august 28. My period just finished and now I feel a big cyst on the outside of my right breast we had the last big one removed that's how we found lcis. I am just hoping and praying( not that anyone prays for lcis) but that it isn't invasive. Just want to go forward. It feels so stagnant waiting. Don't get me wrong I am so nervous and anxious. Mostly about recovery, but I can't say im not a little scared about the surgery also and then there are the pathology results. Then not knowing exactly how to prepare for bmx and expanders and recovery need to go shopping Big deep breaths and a day at a time right.

  • Beachmama
    Beachmama Member Posts: 28
    edited July 2017

    Welcome Ladynicole! Sorry you are part of the club, too. I'm having a BMX w/o recon the day after you. Wish you the best!

    LSunshine - I'm so sorry! The waiting and the unknowns have really been crowding my mind, too. I was 1st diagnosed in April - it feels like years ago. I'm just trying to live in the moment of each day and enjoy my family, but it's hard because it's always there in the back of my mind! I know we have some preparing and shopping to do, but i hope and pray we can relax and find peace, too! Deep breaths!

  • cyclegal
    cyclegal Member Posts: 49
    edited July 2017

    Add me to the group! I will have a prophylactic BMX w/recon (TEs) on Aug. 24. I originally wanted to have the surgery in the spring, but my BS didn't want me to rush into it since it wasn't time critical (wanted me to gather all info and have time to process everything), and then I wanted to wait until my kids are back in school. It was a good choice to wait, and I'm happy I've had time to be confident about my decision. In the meantime, I met with an oncologist who gave me peace of mind about doing the BMX with an LCIS diagnosis rather than going with the more recommended and conservative route of monitoring with Tamoxifin. She said both options are perfectly acceptable for me and that it's a personal decision. I've been able to put it out of my mind since I had an excisional biopsy in May to confirm only LCIS at original needle biopsy site and no invasive cancer or DCIS, but now that I am about a month out, I'm starting to let myself prepare mentally. While I wish none of us were here, it's nice to know we aren't alone.

  • Lsunshine
    Lsunshine Member Posts: 24
    edited July 2017

    sorry you are here on this board cyclegal. But welcome. I am also having a BMX w/recon and TE. I also have LCIS and was diagnosed in April. I also am scheduled on august 28. It's nice to have others who have similar stories who can relate to you

  • Lsunshine
    Lsunshine Member Posts: 24
    edited July 2017

    sorry you are here on this board cyclegal. But welcome. I am also having a BMX w/recon and TE. I also have LCIS and was diagnosed in April. I also am scheduled on august 28. It's nice to have others who have similar stories who can relate to you

  • mommyerin
    mommyerin Member Posts: 99
    edited July 2017

    Welcome Cyclegal. Glad you've had plenty of time to explore your options. Because of my gene mutation, I was planning to go the prophylactic BMX route next year, but cancer got me this year. Glad you're being proactive. It sucks to be doing this, but we'll get through it! The support on this site is truly wonderful!

    So, how's everyone doing? I've pretty much recovered from my last chemo, so I'm just trying to enjoy the next 2.5 weeks...lots of snuggles with my kiddos and gym time since I know both won't happen right after surgery. August will be here before we know it

  • Beachmama
    Beachmama Member Posts: 28
    edited July 2017

    I'm leaving this friday for a week at the beach with my family. When I come back, I have a few days before my BMX. Hoping to truly relax. MommyErin, I've been working out and getting extra snuggles in, too. Hope you all enjoy these next weeks and feel at peace! It is going fast!

  • cyclegal
    cyclegal Member Posts: 49
    edited July 2017

    Thank you for the warm welcome!

    Lsunshine, it sounds like we are on similar paths. There's not as much activity on the LCIS boards, so it's nice to have a fellow one here. I'm curious if you know whether your surgeon will remove any lymph nodes for your surgery? Mine is leaning against it because the excisional biopsy showed only LCIS, but she's leaving the option open depending on what she sees during the procedure. I'm hoping she doesn't take any, but I of course want to her to do what is necessary for the best outcome.

    MommyErin, I hear ya on the snuggles and gym time! I'm not looking forward to the time period that I have to tell my little ones that mommy can't give normal hugs. As you can tell from my username, I really enjoy cycling (indoor)'s my sanity, and I want to get as much in as I can before I have to take the time off. It will be hard for me not to exercise. I'm so sorry that cancer got to you first, but it sounds like you are putting up a strong fight!!!

    Beachmama, I hope you are able to relax and enjoy the peace of the sand and waves :) . I took my girls to the beach yesterday and it was so nice, even just for the day.

  • hannah2017
    hannah2017 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2017

    Hi, everybody. I will be having a bilateral mastectomy on August 1st without reconstruction. Although I'm still waiting for the results of a couple of tests, I am so very glad to have a plan for what happens next. It is easier to deal with this stage than it was to wait for the results of the core biopsy.

    My son is off to college three weeks after my surgery. I am hoping to have recovered enough to be there when he moves into his dorm room. :) Although he'll be about an 8-hour-drive away, my surgeon says she is OK with me going even if the drains are still in. (Do any of you know if this sounds at all feasible in reality?)

    I'm so glad to have found the support of this forum, and I'll be thinking good thoughts for all of you as you go through this process.