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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • AJ
    AJ Member Posts: 254

    @dodgersgirl , sending virtual hugs.

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    dodgersgirl, so sorry to read of the death of your husband and your own ill health ,my condolences. That old cliche ''It never rains, but it pours !'' seems to suit your situation at the moment. Hoping you get some sunshine in your life soon.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,666

    oh Dodgers, Im so very very sorry to read your update. Wow, what a storm of things coming together. I do try to find something positive in every bad hand and like you said, you were at least in the same hospital to be able to hold his hand when they removed ventilation. Ill be thinking of you and wishing you the best for these tough days ahead. Take care of yourself and lean on your support as needed, including all your friends here at BCO!

    Mom arrived - Delta/KLM managed to misroute her big luggage (AirTag says its at Heathrow at least) so she's happily gone off for a walk and a chance to buy some new pants and a sweater this morning. At least she had a carry on with meds, change of clothes, pjs, tech stuff and yet somehow didnt write down my address or phone number to give to the baggage handling guys (I managed to find the online interface to update). Oh well, itll show up eventually. Taking it easy today after two or three days of a lot of walking and standing!

  • eleanora
    eleanora Member Posts: 299


    So glad to hear the dynamo made it there safely. Wish I was wandering around London shopping with her. Take it easy and let her pamper and indulge you. It's how we show our love.

    It's 5:39 on the east coast and I'm up and watching the Women's World Cup. Have to root for my team!

    Hope everyone has a good Sunday.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,391
    edited August 2023

    Sondra, glad Mom made it with the essentials in her carryon, hopefully luggage located soon.

    Still thinking of Dodgers and Mel as well. I know she is here as well.

    I was sure today was monday so was cleaning up the house a little more than usual, found out it was Sunday so that is great. Soaking some laundry. Getting better at the bridge pose in bed, can hold up without as much effort. Also found a 10.00 Walmart electronic gift card in one of my gmail addresses. Will just put aside until time for another shop. I also decided instead of paying Amazon prime for the year,pay by the month and keep the money and put some earnings from surveys and games and get at least 1/2 paid off, make it inexpensive and around 5.00 out of my pocket.

    Food is going to be basic, an egg with cheese shreds mixed in and a sausage made in an english muffin. After, I am not sure. Planning some walking, probably up to the bus stop and back, both for my grocery store and the hospital, paratransit will take a while.

    I am in pockets for all needing support at this time and for everyone hoping for a good day.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,693

    Good morning all, DH spotted a porcupine in our dirt driveway last night, never seen one before but I call him Pete and hope he sticks around. Also, our herd of deer are off having babies, so I should have some great pics once the mamas bring them over.

    Thinking of you all 🙂

  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 419

    Good morning to you all. I want to respond to each and every one of you. This is a busy and caring and fast moving forum daily and I’m still getting to “know” each of you and your stories of joy & your struggles. Sending all of you gentle hugs and prayers for a good day today. @dodgersgirl @tanya_djamila @sf-cakes @mara51506 @elderberry @eleanora @irishlove @micmel @emac877 @illimae @keris113 @wren44 @trishyla1 @nkb @sunshine99 @intolight @cookie54 @candy-678 @seeq @chicagoan @goldensrbest ♥️💯

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Good morning, dear ladies. I had a sort-of rough night with coughing and insomnia again, but, oh well…

    Thinking of you all. I'm in the corner of the living room knitting. It calms my soul.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,323

    Sunshine, sorry for your rough night. I echo you in that I went to bed early with body and stomach aches like I had before when I was so sick. Hoping it passes quickly. I will stop my meds for a couple of days and see if that is the culprit. At least I slept pretty good last night! Most of my day is usually spent crocheting…it brings me peace. Praying for a better day for you today.

    Thinking of Dodgersgirl and you others who are struggling today. May today bring you peace and rest.

  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,561
    edited August 2023

    Oh Mel! I want this little doggy too! He reminds me so much of my old "terri-poo" that I had until she was 19. She looked just like that except the beige parts of Theo were black on Sally. I'm so glad you have little Theo. I'm sure he will bring you a world of joy. Congratulations!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Hi Theo!!! Don't tell your mom, but here in the living room we have lots of treats!

  • AJ
    AJ Member Posts: 254

    @micmel OMG! How adorable! Congratulations!

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,323

    Micmel, I think we found Theo's Sis…

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166

    Oh Mel, Theo is precious!!!! I am a cat person, I have never had a dog, but I would want a small, huggable dog like this one. And my cat is white, so I am partial to white ones. Give him a hug and a kiss from me.

  • eleanora
    eleanora Member Posts: 299

    Oh Mel

    He's adorable. I feel joy just looking at his picture. It must be incredible up close and personal.


  • eleanora
    eleanora Member Posts: 299

    Stupid site keeps cutting my messages off!


    I was hoping that you get a nap in to replace last night's lost sleep.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,920

    Mel, He is absolutely adorable!

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 806

    Mel Cuteness overload!!!!!!!! Absolutely previous, perfect timing to heal your soul. Enjoy!

  • irishlove
    irishlove Member Posts: 563

    @micmel Welcome Theo. What an adorable bundle of joy. I hope he brings you many, many years of joy and happiness. Just what the doctor ordered and oh, do post more pictures when you can. He makes me and I'm sure many others, smile.

    Hi everyone. Still dealing with jitters, some intercranial pressure but mostly anxiousness and numbness on face, chin, etc. Tomorrow no sugar, Tuesday Pet scan. I guess I'm trying to find the courage and fortitude to go thru with this. Sometimes I just feel too old to fight. Other times I look at that sweet 9 year old GD, and cry. I keep telling myself you can do this, but there's doubt. I wonder about radiation to the base of the skull. Mask?? Head screwed down?? I am so severely claustrophobic, can't imagine getting thru this. MO only gave me an rx of 10 atavain. At bedtime only. I can't wait for bedtime. Just want to close my eyes and sleep deep peaceful sleep.

    My head just keeps tremoring and ears keep ringing. Wish it would just go away. Maybe I could try crocheting? Haha. It'd be crooked with how I'm shaking. I gotta find faith again. It slips away at times. I kneeled and prayed last night for all that are suffering and for the joys that have come along with stable scans and good days. This sure isn't for the weak of mind or heart. I recall someone saying give it a good 6 months from diagnosis and it will settle. I seem to have gone backwards, rather than forewards. I do believe if we can get this pressure off my brain, the tremors and other neuro stuff would resolve and I could find some peace.

    Waving to all you lovely ladies and hoping for a peaceful, painfree day. @dodgersgirl Praying for you. Had anyone heard from @nopink2019 ? Or @nicolerod Praying for good clinical trials for Nicole as I believe August was the timeframe for the cell lines to mature?


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,026

    into light I totally agree with you. Wow!

  • irishlove
    irishlove Member Posts: 563

    @moderators Oh how I wish she had time for the cell lines to mature. I believe she had hoped to have time with her son and family in SC, was the last I had read. Still praying for a miracle..

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,464

    @irishlove Yes… it's so frustrating that waiting isn't an option for her at this point. 😔

    I think there's still hope that she might be able to make it to SC with her son and family. The hard part about goodbyes is we don't get to know. I think they were aiming for August if my memory is accurate.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,693

    Pretty easy to love Theo at first sight. Congrats 🎉

  • eleanora
    eleanora Member Posts: 299


    Do you have a GP or therapist who could prescribe Ativan for you? Can your MO give you an urgent referral for palliative care?

    You need and deserve more help than you're getting. Definitely crochet if you have yarn and hooks available. Who cares what it looks like? There have been studies done showing that crafts requiring the use of two hands, such as crocheting or knitting, give the brain bi-lateral stimulation which moves the focus away from the area that creates anxiety.

    I swear by the calming effect of my knitting (although sometimes I swear at it as well 🤣) I think Sunshine99 will also attest to the benefit.

    Sorry I talked about skull radiation. I truly didn't mean to upset you. It is totally doable. It was less than 5 minutes per session and they talk to you frequently. Tell them you are nervous and claustrophobic and they will go out of their way to help.

    I lay there covered by a warm blanket and clutching a small pillow that they give you so you have something to do with your hands. I focused on the fact that they were using a painless, invisible beam to kill the beast in my head. Very Star Trek.

    Just a shame that they don't have the technology to do that all over our bodies and cure us instantly.

    Wish I lived near you. I would go with you and talk you through it.



  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 419

    @micmel I’m so. Happy for you and Theo. Love the name. There’s nothing more healing than a cuddley little puppy. I hope you’ll feeel better each day, Mel. When you’re feeling better I’d love to hear “Theo stories” and how you found him.💗🐾

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 711

    Mel -that sweet little Theo face is just what we all needed to see. Congrats on your new addition - May the two of you have many happy years together🥰.

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 600

    Mel, that pup is so adorable! Like a teddy bear. So happy for you!

    Regarding anxiety/claustrophobia with scans/MRIs/radiation, it took me a little bit of time to ask the technicians for what I needed. At first, I was trying to be that "good", non-complaining type of patient, and then I realized, that's not helping me! So far, thankfully, the technicians I've had have been very supportive and willing to help, I've asked them to give my feet a pat when I'm in the MRI tube, and count down for me the number of minutes that the big square bone scan thingy is right in front of my nose, and my MO has been willing to prescribe what I need to get through it. Had one sweet young male tech stand on the opposite end of the MRI tube and we both made sure there weren't any spiders in there, he had me laughing and that helped me so much. My favorite techs have actually been the radiation techs, they explained everything every time, were right there and could see and hear everything happening, and gave me so much positive feedback. And they complimented my shoes.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,161

    Well, dang it! I just submitted a post and it vanished!

    Dodgersgirl- I am so very sorry about your husband. Small comfort that you were able to hold his hand at the end. Wrapping you in a warm virtual hug. Also hoping you can get out of the hospital soon.

    Irishlove- I wish I could will away your anxiety. Sitting here in Mel's Living Room breathing deep, calming breaths with you.

    Emac - it's good to hear you are in a better mindspace. I'm also happy you found people managing their LC that inspire you.

    Sunshine- I'm sorry you had another rough night coughing . I hope tonight is a better night.

    Mel! Theo is adorable!! I just want to scoop him up and snuggle him. I'm sorry you're still struggling with your mouth issues. It's it the cumulative effect of the Ibrance? Do they know?

    Quiet day here. I how to see some of you at the zoom call tomorrow. Which reminds me, I ordered a new Webcam to won't arrive later this week. I never thought I'd need another one, but it will be easier with our current set up - less moving things around every time.

    Good night, everyone.
