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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,182

    Yay Mae !!! Enjoy the chicken and dumplings. Hugs.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    So happy you are making progress!

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    That is GREAT news! ThumbsUpHeart

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,597

    Mae, so happy to hear there is improvement and progress being had. Makes me happy for you. Want you to gain back the 30 lbs lost.

    I had a nice visit with DB and SIL, was sort of wanting them to come by and then he texted. They visited and then took me to a couple of grocery stores too. I sat around after and ate some junk and chocolate and then decided I wanted to take a walk. I left, thinking it would be a full hour, not to far from my house. I got probably 2/3 of the way there and felt very tired. I decided to turn back as I was afraid I would not make it home. Certainly did not want to call DB and SIL to rescue me. Moral of my story is, yes I can walk long distances BUT I have to have a good meal with carbs and protein before heading out. Glad I made it home. Will have supper and may try for a shorter walk or use the track at nearby high school to walk around. Glad I listened to my body instead of just continuing. I don't have to always walk long distances, just walk throughout the day. Might as well take advantage of the extra hour of daylight.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Go Mae! Enjoy DH’s cooking. Yummy

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,747

    I’ll take whatever progress I can get but I’m not planning on gaining the weight back. Honestly, I can easily afford to lose 50 more, so once I can really eat again, I’m going to do my best to maintain.

  • karenfizedbo15
    karenfizedbo15 Member Posts: 719

    Well done Mae...not the choice you would have made but effective all the same! Here’s to your continued recovery, albeit too slowly for you I’m sure!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,597

    I understand Mae. Good for you either way.

  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019

    that makes sense Mae! Whenever I get sick I always make lifestyle changes around my diet for the better! Ignore the milkshake comment!

    I am sick my friends! Ugh! Sore throat, temp (99.5), sneezing coughing all the fun of a cold. 😢

    I feel like this is my body’s way of dealing with the stress from all the Petscan shenanigans.

    I am supposed to go to Jamaica on Thursday and my family is asking me not to go. (This is appropriate to discuss in this thread).

    I am so torn! I don’t want to get stuck but I also REALLY want to go!

    Gonna call my MO tomorrow and talk to him. See what he thinks. All opinions on the matter all very welcome!

    Mel good luck tomorrow!!!! Thinking of Youn


  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Mae, glad to hear that you are incrementally better. What's that saying, baby...bites?

    LFPhil, I have no wisdom on to go or stay, but when I was typing your name just now I heard in my head the opening drumroll for some talk show, "And heeeeeere, we have Live From Philliy!!" No, I am not medicated. 

    One day I will get disciplined and start keeping a diary of what's happening to who because that's what it takes my addled brain to keep track of anything these days. Hub and I drove to a town about 30 minutes away a few days ago because we had to get something and once there do you think we could remember what it was we came to town to do? Good lord. Dumb and Dumber. Micmel and several others must have photographic memories to keep it all straight. But there is some very real and horrible suffering going on here these days and it saddens me to know that in their own living room, away from here, people are fighting real struggles with getting through the day. It is sad and sobering and I send up a prayer for everyone. 

  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019

    hahaha ruror - thanks for the good laugh!!! You totally nailed it!! I am a total ham!!!!

    And I hear ya about needing to keep a journal to remember everything. That’s a funny story about you and your hubby. This stuff seems to happen to me like 20 times a day! You are not alone! And at least it was both of you that forgot lol 😂!

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,703

    Mae - how exciting to see that progress! I bet that food tasted pretty darn good after all those liquids.

    Philly - I forgot about acupuncture (sorry!) and I need to get on that. I know they offer it free through the hospital, but I never got info. I can afford to see a private practitioner, however, so I may look into that and/or massage therapy too. Ive had PT and chiros stick me with needles in the past - ah, maybe Ill ask my PT tomorrow if she can recommend a good acupuncturist.

    Santa - I did start taking an Omega 3 capsule about two weeks ago and it really has helped. I do have curcumin tabs (with black pepper) in the house, but I haven't taken any as I thought I read somewhere that it wasn't good for highly E+ cancers. Do you know of any literature on that?

    I went to the pool yesterday after brunch and oh man fatigue city - guess Im not ready for two days in a row yet. I also figured out that my left leg hurts from a calf/achilles strain as the pool running I was doing (to give my shoulders a break) was setting it off again. Wrapping it overnight seemed to help quite a bit.

    Dad called last night to give me the update - brother will be fine with six weeks of radio/chemo and then surgery, but now my 70 yr old mother is stuck out in the West watching his three kids (one is 10 months old) and dad isn't sure when she will be flying home. Or she may fly home to the midwest and then drive back out so she has a car and they don't have to pay for a rental. Just concerned about her traveling so much and stress with all the germs floating around, even though she is really healthy. Sister in law is being a drama queen about all this on Facebook too and I wish she would just stop and get it under control.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,747

    Philly, if my MO had no problem with travel to Jamaica and you think you just have a normal cold, personally I’d go. But, I’ve always wanted to visit Jamaica and love beaches, so only something major could keep me away. Lots of “what if’s” though, you’ll make the best decision you can I’m sure.

    So, I finally tapered of the steroids from brain rads. Saturday was fine but I did throw up all the chicken and dumplings I ate last night. I’m hoping it was too much too fast (it was really good!) and not a daily puke fest.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    I can honestly say I’m not a big facebook fan. I don’t do it and I never will. What happens in my life. Stays in my life. Lol Sounds like that vegas commercial! Those who really mean the most know what’s going on. I don’t want to be the poor cancer woman. I’d rather not deal with it. But I know it’s a great tool for families to share over distances. But it’s just not for me It just seems like people don’t like to see other people happy. Some can be mean. Like keeping up with the Jones. They have no clue what a life like ours is. It sure would knock them a down a few levels. For sure. I hope everyone has a good day.
    philly wow. being asked not to go That is rough. They are concerned for you. I agree on MO opinion. Leaving the country. With the cork I iris around would be my issue. My son is sick now. Same thing you’re describing. Stuffed up, fever , coughing, fever All symptoms of this thing. Doctor bound for him today. He’s home from work. I told him stay the heck away from me. I just got better
    Mae~ I can match your 50! With pleasure!

    Sondra~sounds like your brother has a road ahead of him also. I hope that the radiation goes smoothly. I also hope your mother can stay germ free. This thing has me freaked out. I am freaked out about my already weakened immune system. Ugh! Like we need more to worry about. It’s supposed to be lovely out today I’m going to get out. Run an errand. Don’t feel like it. At all. Slllleeeeppp! Yup that’s what I want !

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Mae~I’m sorry about the dumplings. It could be heavy. And too much too soon! That sounds reasonable! I love beaches also. But if I had a fever I wouldn’t want to be out in the heat. You are a trooper so it most likely wouldn’t even phase you! Keep on keeping on.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,597

    Mae, sorry about the dumplings. I agree with Mel, most likely too much too fast after not having had much solid (or any) for a while. I am sure you will be all right but it is certainly been a long road for you. Your body is just not used to it. Hopefully smaller amounts at a time more frequently will help. Maybe digestive enzymes could ease the transition?

    It is beautiful here today. Going to take it easy on the super long walks until what feels like a cold goes away. Will do short bursts that add up to same amount. Take the bus to places that are further away. Exercising to a song at a time on the treadmill and doing laundry as well. That is all that is on my docket today. Slept well last night which surprised me because though it was 10 pm after the time change instead of 9pm, I was dead to the world quickly. That was nice.

    Sondra, glad to hear about your brother's treatment plan. I have a SIL (who I no longer speak to) who was overdoing it about her mother's death on facebook. Every few days, she would be posting about how much she missed her. If she had not treated her mother like crap while she was alive, I would have had more sympathy. I lost my own mother but only posted a couple of times. Nobody else knew her except family. I also did not want to keep grieving intensely. Have a memorial, observe a birthday, but remember your person more privately. Posting about it constantly will not allow you to heal and most people who are dying would not want their family or friends to be in pain forever. This is just my feeling. She just wanted people to give sympathy even though she was a shitty person.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,102

    Dear Philly-Can you hold off your decision until Wednesday? I know you really want to go but if you are still sick with a fever/sore throat, I think you should stay home for your own safety and the safety of those around you. I think nationally we are being told to stay home if we are sick just in case we might be spreading coronavirus. I hope that you can just stay in today and tomorrow and rest. Perhaps if it is just a mild cold or flu, it will run its course and you'll be good to go on Thursday. Best wishes.

    Mae-So sorry that the food didn't stay down but it sounds like you are making progress.

    Peace to everyone as we start this new week.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311


    I do not know of any contraindication for ER+, although I was TNBC...

    The Integrative Oncologist I got a consult from gives high doses of curcumin during chemo. He even does curcumin by IV (which I did not get as I did not physically go to him for treatment). I believe curcumin goes to all his patients but not certain. I took about 4000- 6000 mg of curcumin per day (in 2 doses) during treatment-- still taking now at slightly lower doses. It does not bother me at all. The brand I take is Theracumin by Integrative Therapeutics.

    I think most fine-point questions about supplements and treatment are better fielded by people who know about *both* oncology *and* nutrition/integrative therapies, as most MOs who are not experienced in this area just give supplements a blanket "no."

    Here are two links about the effects of curcumin on various aspects of BC proliferation and growth:

    Here is a powerpoint by the doctor I saw, explaining his approach

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    lovely day today my way! Hope everyone enjoys some fresh air. It’s a beautiful day outside, if you can stay away from people. My son is at the docs office right now. They immediately handed him a mask. Stores are running out of sanitizer. There was a case reported in a school system a few towns over from our town. It’s a pretty good distance. But it’s still pretty scary. I am a little freaked out about it. I’m the kind of person who has a constant sniffle. Daily. Always have. Now if I sniffle people want to spray me with Lysol! Why is this thing appearing all of a sudden? So weird Like is this somehow a biological thing going on ? Don’t hear of any cases in Russia.?!

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,546

    Philly I think Chicagoan gave the most prudent advice. Can you take something like zycam which can reduce the amount of time the cold lasts? Load up on vit c garlic and Honey; whatever else will Help you heal faster. I would want to go more than anything in the world just heal yourself bc being sick in Jamaica would be terrible and I know you don’t want to spread your cold either.

    Mae you’ll do betterwith the next meal. 30 lbs weight loss for me would make me so cute I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. New wardrobe for sure.


  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,703

    Ugh,decisions, decisions - saw a new place this afternoon and its hitting 95% of our requirements and yet I just don't feel excited about it. Maybe its the weather (more rain) and it took us an hour one way to cross town to see it. We need to find something this week or next and there is just no inventory in our price range and our size requirements. Tempted to take this place to eliminate stress from at least the unknown of where are we living in 7 weeks.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,597

    I do feel like I am coming down with what is most likely a cold. Think that is what tired me out on my walk yesterday. I could not stand to stay in the house due to feeling like I would obsess over stuffiness etc. It can just as likely be allergies for all I know.

    I did some walking on the treadmill in small 5 minute sessions and had to walk to the bus stop and on to the dollar store. Some fellow was coughing without covering his mouth. Quite a few people told him that was rude in this time of outbreak. I agreed though did not say anything. I am not coughing or sneezing, just extra tired with slight ear ache. No fever. I think the outdoors did make me feel better.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,747

    The constant cough I have from the paralyzed vocal cord works well to keep people away from me, lol. I cough into my elbow or tissue but after seeing or hearing me, they keep their distance.

    Fortunately, we have plenty of supplies for anything, growing up in California, we had earthquake food/water and here I have a huge disaster box including medical supplies.

    I hope this blows over soon though, I hate to see media reports cause undue anxiety.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,597

    Mae, totally agree with you about the media reports causing undue fear. In Canada, there was a stampede of people rushing to get toilet paper. It's like calm down. The number of cases will increase due to increased testing and reporting. The flu has still killed more people. The advice is the same, don't touch your face unless hands are washed. Wash hands when having been out. Use purell if no soap available. If you think you are sick, stay home if coughing and blowing your nose just in case if you can.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    I think I freak out about things like this more, because I only breathe on one lung. A complication from a surgery in 2011 took the ability away for my lung function. So anything respiratory scares me greatly. But I’m just going to keep watching my contact and wash my hands a lot! Good advice.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,597

    Mel, I can totally empathize with your feelings on the one lung. It is that much scarier for you for sure. I think it will all blow over and hopefully soon. The below graphic says it all. Be aware, try not to live in fear of it. Be more cautious if immune compromised. Don't shake hands.


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    very good point! My son came back from the doctors. I’ve never been so glad to hear it’s a sinus infection. (I knew it was) The place was packed with people in masks (doc rules)! He said it was creepy. I agree. That would be creepy. I would still like to to know if this virus has been found in Russia!

  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019

    Hi my friends

    Here's the latest:

    1) I spoke with American Airlines about flight, the woman was very kind and she said she just got back from Mexico with no issues at all. She said she is unaware of any restrictions for flights to and from philly to MoBay at this time. She was very relaxed and optimistic

    2) I called my oncologist office to ask what their thoughts were on everything and when they heard I am sick, they suggested I come in for some testing. So I went today and had bloodwork, throaty swab (for strep) and nose swab for viruses like cold and flu and I think corona virus!

    3) turns out I tested positive for influenza b. Oh boy! Still waiting on the strep results. And my WBCs are a low which means I am neutropenic and can't fight infections super well. Hence, probably catching the flu. The nurse practitioner said absolutely don't go to Jamaica.

    4) BUT then she spoke with my oncologist who said I absolutely cleared to go to Jamaica.


    Very wacky!

    5) they prescribed me tamiflu to help with getting over the flu more quickly, it's a 5 day course, so I start today and would be done on Friday. They also prescribed me a good antibiotic to bring just in case. They said that they don't think that I would be contagious any more by Thursday and to wear a mask on the plane.

    I am really really torn here and don't know what to do.

    What do you guys think?

    I don't want to bring buggies with me and it is also interesting to me that the docs think it's okay for me to go! (Selfishly it makes me very happy to know this but I also don't want to be selfish because there's other people at stake here.)

    I am about to start the tamiflu.

    Will you please let me know what you think?

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,597

    Philly, I would go to Jamaica. You have drugs to get you over the flu faster and they recommended a mask even though they think you would no longer be contagious. I understand you don't want to give any flu but by then you should be fine. Also, they would let you know if it was corona virus anyway.

  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019

    thank you Mara!!! I’m leaning on going. The idea of not going makes my heart sad and the idea of going makes my heart sing and burst open