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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • mocogram
    mocogram Member Posts: 94
    Mel, I love your paintings, very soothing. Looking forward to seeing more. Is this the first time in your life that you've painted?

    Mae, the lake (?) where you went swimming is beautiful, amazingly clear water. Glad you are feeling better. Hope you continue to improve.
  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Sidney, my plan is TIPP (Texas income protection plan). It requires forms on your ability to function normally or assisted and a doctor completed medication form with details of your disability, prognosis, test results, etc. once approved, all sick/vacation leave was exhausted and I was no longer working, it paid out 66% of my salary as short term disability. STD was about 6 months, LTD at 60% kicked in after that with more forms, lots and lots of forms, the doctor completed one was required every 3 months with updated scan results.

    After two years on long term, I was moved the total disability, which I think only requires an annual update on scans/forms.

    Most people fill for social security disability too, as I did, and the TIPP plan deducted that payout from there’s, so I didn’t get extra money but together they paid out my previous net income. I didn’t find it too much trouble, just need to keep your paperwork handy and printed, I had no option to do this all electronically.

    I hope this helps, feel free to PM me, if you have additional questions.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    This drama with the new place will NEVER end and this part makes me so sad.

    There is a poor cat trapped in the walls, I've been hearing it for a few days thinking it was outside but it is not outside, I went downstairs and it is trapped. Emailed the property owner and called the emergency number too. I am on the edge of tears and other people are like shrugging their shoulders. Horrible. I cannot even call a wildlife removal company because I cannot get in and do not own the building.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    MoCo~my first one was the beach chair. It’s a kit easy to follow, and very very soothing. Seriously recommend trying it, if you’re looking for a hobby. I start at 800. Then I lookup and it’s 1130. That’s for me! Thanks for even caring about the painting, I just really enjoy it.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Your painting looks great Mel, glad it is providing you some much deserved enjoyments.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Update on the cat trapped in the walls of the construction. I did email the property manager and asked about the cat with one of the ladies working. She mentioned the property owner is aware. I could hear them trying to get the cat to come so it could be released. Got an email just a while earlier that stated, the cat was out of the walls. No more poor meowing cat.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Micmel, I’ve been enjoying your paintings too. Would you mind sharing the kit used?

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    just says ….paint by numbers on the box it came in.

    You can get them with or without the canvass the ones that aren’t canvas are like 11$ or so from Amazon. You be surprised how many come up.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    I am glad you told us it was a kit. I was about to call my local art gallery and tell them I know where their next new artist is coming from! Seriously though, I like the pictures/kits you’ve chosen, so I can’t wait to see the current one done. I think it’s a wonderful way to relax and calm your mind. I may also look into doing something similar.

    Mara, glad the cat was rescued. I doubt if I would be able to sleep if it was still in the walls.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    I had my ct and met with my MO today. The report wasn’t in at the time of my appointment with MO, but he had looked at the images and basically told me what the report said when it finally came in. The chemo isn’t doing much for me. My liver mets changed either up or down by very small amounts and the bone mets increased. I guess decent shrinkage is just a nice memory. A trial nurse came in to give me an overview of the trial MO was recommending and said he’d call me tomorrow to answer questions and set up next steps if I wanted to go ahead. I’m leaning toward going ahead. I put some more info in the clinical trial thread in case anyone wants to know more. Thanks for the pocket duty.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Mara now you’ve seen it all , thank goodness you heard the cat. Strange shit happens sometimes !

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    sending Rosie gentle hugs.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Rosie- I'm sorry the CT scan results are not headed in the right direction. Are you still on the Ibrance/Femara regime? Any kind of decisions we have to make are difficult.

    I also had my CT scan today but won't get the results for a few days. It is so nerve wracking!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Micmel, thanks for the tip! I ordered two that I’ll paint and put up in my beach bar. The shed (bar) will be delivered and installed next Monday 😀


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Mel, I know, it has been nothing but strange with these people, that is for sure.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mae- your she shed bar will be wonderful . Maybe I'll order one and start painting!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    go for it! It’s relaxing. I enjoy it a lot. Nice choices Mae. That will look good in your she bar!

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Rosie sorry to hear your results. I hope the trial works for you and has manageable side effects.


  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    At my oncology appt it was decided that IV chemo was likely not the next treatment. It really bother me that I was told that. Since I am bone only and progression was still only in the bone that one option might be adding a hormone blocker to the Xeloda. A request for an e-consult was sent to Mayo Rochester for ideas. It should take about a week to hear.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Living, I stopped Ibrance & Letrozole in December when I had liver progression. I need to update my details. Biopsy showed the liver Mets were flipped to triple negative so there’s a new challenge. I then had a spine met causing severe pain in January which led to excision surgery and radiation, and that biopsy showed it was still ER+. Had time off treatment due to surgery and radiation until April. So things went crazy during that time. I hope something can settle things down.

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Hi to everyone! Life has been busy and somewhat sad.

    Age and death seem to visit our circle of people more and more. Three funerals in the last 2 months.

    Hub has been having a bad time of it lately. Head xray and MRI for endless headaches. Advanced osteoarthritis in neck. Xray on ankles / feet due to excruciating pain led to surgical appt where surgeon said she has never seen damage that bad except in ankles that have been broken several times. She wants to fuse his ankle bones. We asked if delaying surgery would make it worse. She laughed and said, " Worse!? There is no way this can get worse! That he can walk at all is amazing." And then a psa test came back high so we're going down the prostate cancer medical hole. I have black thoughts of him dying . Most days I want to clobber him with a shovel. But thoughts of death, his or mine, flatten me. Yet as I inch closer to 60 you'd think I'd wrap my head around it. Nope. If my July ultrasound says this thing in my boob looks bad, I am throwing an all black themed Misery Party.

    Sending hello to all with much love.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Rosie, I'm so sorry. I hate the pain and worry this stupid disease causes us!

    Livingivlife, I hope you get your results sooner rather than later.

    Mae, I love those!

    Mel, you may have started a new trend.

    Mara, I hope today is a day filled with fun and laundry for you! Of course, for most people, a day filled with laundry wouldn't be a fun day – LOL. Hope the management (or should we say, "MISmanagement") people get their act together! Maybe it's not so much their ACT as their CONSCIENCE.

    Dutchiris, I hope your e-consult with Mayo Rochester brings you some answers.

    Runor, it's good to see you post here. I think it's been a while – or at least I haven't seen your posts. I'm sorry to hear about your DH. Some days denial is the best coping mechanism. Three funerals in two months is too many!

    Tanya, nice to see you, as always.

    Moth, thank you for updating on IG. I think of you often.

    Love and (((hugs))) to all.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Runor, I am sorry for both you and your husband going through all of this at the same time. I don't blame your feelings about possible death stopping you in your tracks. It is definitely a scary thing to have to consider. I hope there are outlets for stress you have so this extra stress does not weigh you down so. In all of your pockets.

    Rosie, I hope everything settles down for you too.

    I know I am missing people but in everyone's pocket who needs, hope everyone who is enjoying something like a trip or food are happy, creating art making those happy etc.

    I am not doing much right now. Have to go to Best Buy this afternoon to pick something up I ordered. Love electronics and had saved some to buy something I needed.

    Not planning to shop until either my older DB asks OR have saved enough to get Walmart ordered delivered. The delivery allows me to order more items.

    I did a weird breakfast today. I had some vegan crabcakes, tiny ones so cooked up three of those, let them cool and took them apart. I then took 3/4 cup beefless ground and a spoonful of the pasta I cooked to add to meals. Added all these ingredients to the fry pan and sprinkled with shredded cheese. Heated on low with a lid for about 7 or 8 minutes. Pulled it out and decided to just season with salt and put a spoonful of queso as well. I must say, the crabcakes were different but nice to taste in there. I will continue to get different pasta dishes in the frozen section as well to add to meals. I like the pasta with eggs as well.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    runor: I am truly sorry to hear about your DH. As the old joke goes "Men. Can't live with them. Can't shoot them" I guess in todays America that is a terrible joke. I hope the prostrate thing is just an old man thing and not cancer. I have known a few men who have had prostrate cancer and are doing really well years later so there is always hope. I hope July is good for oyu!

    rosie I am also sorry that things are not going well for you. It just sucks.

    LivingIVlife: the waiting is the worse thing. I wish they could just knock us out then wake us up with the results.

    Mel, Mae: I thought Paint By Numbers had gone the way of other art trends of the 50's/60's. The pictures are much nicer than the ones I remember from my childhood.

    I don't have IG. How to I link up to moth's?

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Elderberry, if someone on here has her instagram name, which I would be interested in as well, all you need do is make an account and find her name and request to follow her or if she is not private, just hit follow. Then you could keep up with what she is posting there.

    Well, nice day finally. Going shopping with DB and SIL so will not be going to Best buy until this evening and bonus, found a couple old grocery gift cards I forgot about which still have almost 50.00 between them, was happy for that. I can definitely get a few shopping trips out of those.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    elderberry, I’m not sure what you mean by link up to Moth but you could send a PM here or I could send a direct message to her on IG. I may do that anyway, haven’t seen her in a bit and I know it’s been difficult lately.

    Rosie, sorry about the scans but I’m hopeful for next steps.

    Runor, I’m hoping that the what if’s for you and DH turn out to be no big deal.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Mae: I avoid most social media things like FB and Instagram. I don't open accounts on most platforms. This is pretty much it. I have gone to moth's blog before and I think I can get her most recent IG post there before having to sign in on IG.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Mae - I love your idea of a beach bar in the mountains!

    Mel - Your paintings are wonderful. I'm so glad you've found a creative outlet for your talent.

    Runor - I sent you a PM.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    friends - again so much anguish on this board. I have no words - other than to say I wish comfort and peace to all. Mara - so glad the kitty situation was resolved. Nothing distresses me more than an animal that is suffering

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Thank you Goldens, I am relieved as well. Nice not to hear an animal sound so scared and not being able to help though help arrived soon after.

    I am still in everyone's pocket good and bad as well.

    I did go shopping with DB, SIL and niece. Gotta say, my niece is a whiz when it comes to stacking savings and loyalty points. She made enough points that her groceries were almost free plus she also earned a lot of points for purchases she made. I thought I was OK with money but the is amazing.

    Last thing, I get recommendations from Amazon on facebook on the daily and this recommendation makes me want to take up a new hobby. They recommended a yodelling pickle, I kid you not. May have to save some money for that one Winking