Dark sense of humor?

Is anyone out there cracking bald or death jokes or am I just the morbid one? For example, when I die, I want my husband to put this shirt on me before the coroner arrives.
Oh, yes. I crack jokes all the time with my family. Stuff like, Will you get me a beer? I'd get it myself, but I have cancer...
Love the shirt, by the way. The color, everything. I wouldn't wait till the end. I'd just wear it now.
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ninetwelve, I love that, I'm going to use it on my husband.
I made this one day at work for my amusement.
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So Dr, what is my diagnosis?
What is your star sign again?
Now there's a coincidence!
What doesn't kill you, gives you a dark sense of humour. I'm just grateful that people can't read my mind
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illimae- I love the Uncle Fester look, and I really love that you have the moxie to wear it at work. You go, girl!!
We had a work retreat a few weeks ago. Staff had to provide a "fun fact" about themselves for an icebreaker activity. I wanted to use "I currently have the most expensive hairdo ever." My DD told me in no uncertain terms that cancer was not funny. Whatever...
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Saw this on FB. I'm going to have one laminated and ready to play it if the situation fits
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I love it Illimae - I'm one of you. It's all good.
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illiemae- that is funny. I saw this thread and chuckled when I saw that you started it. I wish you lived near me! We could have fun together. I make comments at work about my cancer sometimes but it makes people uncomfortable. All except from my closest coworkers that would exoect nothing less.
My son is currently doing college acceptanceessays. I told him to use cancer as a topic if he needed to. He said "I'm not playing the cancer card". Why not? If we can get something positive out of this nightmare I'm all for it!! It's not like he's making it up.
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I think your son should totally use it to his advantage. I find the silver linings wherever I can. And we would have fun, we'd get into so much trouble and blame on cancer!
I'm doing a dia de los muertos 5k next month and although I don't have a joke for it yet, I am a bit amused by the idea of walking around with a skull painted face. I AM the walking dead, bitches!
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I like to add the phrase "or die trying" to a lot of things these days. Some aren't sure how to take it but I just giggle anyways
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Great thread! Love people with a sense of humour, even in the most dire of situations. I do a lot of word play along the line of 'when I died...' (cardiac arrest). I'm careful not to scare my husband with metaphorical 'my heart is going to stop', it's too close to home to be funny.
A friend's mother was dying of cancer. It was around month end. She told her husband: 'Let's hope I'll make it to the 1st so at least you'll get my pension'. Family was used to her dark sense of humour and had a good laugh about it!
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Loving this bitmoji, lmfao!
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Hey Illimae. I noticed your emoji grew hair! Hope you’re doing alright.
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Hey Lego, yup, I'm well! I did a 5k last weekend and partied this past Saturday. Just behaving (most of the time) and doing normal stuff. The hair is growing slow but I'm happy to have some
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Found the perfect necklace, lol
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I have found my people! Humor has been helpful in my coping with MBC and it seems to put others a little more at ease.
While I was in surgery to have a metastatic brain tumor removed and my family sat waiting until it was over my son and daughter-in- law shared a story of how one morning after my hair had just started to grow back after chemo I looked in the mirror and thought 'who is that. Reminds me of who... ' after a while I realized I looked like ventriloquist Jeff Dunham's puppet, Walter. Grumpy old man, baldish on top, fluffy short hair sticking out on sides, squinty eyes. I AM not an old man, however the other descriptions may have applied.
I was delighted to think of them sitting and sharing laughter and good memories as they waited.
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Status update, lol
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Love the status update. Hang in there Illimae! You are one tough cookie!
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illimae- when I was diagnosed, my husband said I get one "because I have cancer" card a day. Sometimes I used it unwisely and he would ask if I was sure because I wouldn't get one until the next day.
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Lego, thanks and Hi 👋
Dogmom, I do something similar with my DH but not too often, it sure is handy though, lol
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Bad Girl!! Love the T-shirt.
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illimae: I used your name to post. I love the pics you post. I am a whole lot older than you but, as the saying goes, I still feel like a teenager except on the stairs or in the mirror. Everyone is concerned about the elderly in this COVID 19 crisis. They aren't talking about ME. Surely not.
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As for being elderly, I was fortunate to have lunch with Illimae last year so she knows I'm well over the hill. Here's something to think about...
"When you grow up, who you were as a teenager either takes on a mythical importance of it's completely laughable." (Julie Buntin quote)
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MinusTwo: isn't that too true? I was a pretty nice teenager after I got past being 15. But I did have some pretty naive notions and I did some stupid things. I was, to my credit, never a Mean Girl. I was the one they picked on. I have gotten over that and wish them well. I am quite sure most of them did not grow up to star in one of the "Real Housewives of____________"
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Elderberry - how true. Maybe a year lor two ago, somebody commented at bookclub that we sounded like our parents. Talking about ailments.......
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minus, over the hill?, never!
As for age, I almost never feel my age (45), I usually feel 25 or 95, lol
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lol 😆
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You all crack me up I must say in this time especially. I not only have been fighting cancer but live with a transplant patient and I have dementia I am fighting as well right now with Primary Progressive Aphasia and will lose my words at some point. We have always felt if you can't laugh you cry. Thank you for finding these great things and sharing these and brightening my day.