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Starting chemo February 2018



  • Walden1
    Walden1 Member Posts: 110

    Jlove- I started getting hot flashes too. Really hate the idea of menopause during everything else we are dealing with now. Wish I had some tips to share but it's the one thing I have notresearched

  • Aanoliver
    Aanoliver Member Posts: 42

    Pbello- thank god its ok back to normal enough for chemo.. i always have lot of vomiting & nausea after chemo so this time i am getting some more meds hope it helps this time .. and this is my last FAC which is the red devil .. next on i have 3 sessions of docetaxol and i hope its gonna be mild with me :)

    jlove-even i get hot flashes .. i am pretty sure im getting chemopause but all this not concerning me even though its a major concern ..i just wanna get over the chemo be free .. all of us indeed ..

    Praying for all of u chemo girls hope all SEgoes easy

  • Walden1
    Walden1 Member Posts: 110

    Anyone having trouble sleeping? I fall asleep easily but don’t stay asleep past 1:00 on average. Spend the night in and out of sleep. My onco suggested sleeping pills, but I’ve read some new research links them to cancer with long term use. My onco also suggested melatonin. I should trust her but when I read more it seems there is a possibility of concern about antioxidants during chemo. Other cancer survivors I know suggest CBD oil. Not normally anything I would consider but I’m getting desperate.

    What solutions have you found? The route source of my issue is worrying about cancer, and that’s pretty tough to stop in the short term.

  • Aanoliver
    Aanoliver Member Posts: 42


    Yes dear even i have..If it concerns u sleeping pills is way to go .. even i have sleeping issues but if i dont sleep 2days.. ill sleep hardcore naturally on 3rd day so my onco said its fine since atleast i am getting my sleep.. all my sleepless night is due to all the chemo thoughts ..

    But if you aren’t getting sleep at all you must try some methods.. heard that milk can get you sleep.. Eucalyptus oil.. take care hun .. dont let lack of sleep affect you .. prayers and hugs

  • Jlove1821
    Jlove1821 Member Posts: 53

    walden- yes.. terrible sleeper,.. between racing thoughts( I wake up with them and can't get back to sleep), steroids, and hot flashes. I take Ativan and melatonin and that seems to help.. unfortunately I feel a bit groggy the next day when I wake up for kids early. I'm thinking it's either fatigue from chemo or I don't get enough sleep with meds( only 6/7 hours at most). Exercise is said to help, but I really havent had consistent exercise so I can't say if it really works. The last few days my eyes have been puffy and I've been squinty and my eyes feel so tired. Can't figure that out!

    Round 3 tomorrow for TC

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    for those of you with sleep problems, I just saw this :

    It's about "Sleep with me podcast" which is a podcast that apparently tells you a very boring story and helps people with insomnia fall asleep.

    I haven't used it myself as sleep has not really been a problem for me so far but this might be a low risk thing to try.

    But yeah, hot flashes here too. Fortunately I just roll over, cover/uncover as needed and go back to sleep.

  • indahood
    indahood Member Posts: 122

    Thanks CBOK for the explanation. I am guessing it's that I have a high expression of the Ki-67 protein then. I didn't do an ONCOTYPE test what I was offered was the PROSIGNA test and I came out in the high risk category for distal metastasis, should there be a recurrence as well as Luminal B. I was told all along that I would for sure NOT need chemo until this test came back then I was for sure TO NEED chemo, although my numbers for recurrence didn't change, the recurrence is just more likely to be a stage 4 recurrence, therefore the chemo.

    Almost done girls. I have one more chemo to do April 6 and then on to rads. I have to say my vibe has been a lot more positive since seeing the end in sight.

    Yesterday I felt great, did a lot and went out with friends, I even had a drink while out but last night I swear I got up over 10 times to pee and couldn't quench my thirst. A bit concerning, all I could think of was diabetes. Anyway, crazy to speculate when this chemo thing is the cause of so many strange physical experiences. Hopefully I don't have a UTI like you, MOMOFTWO. I really want to get my last one done on schedule.

    love and light to all the feb ladies.


  • Pbello
    Pbello Member Posts: 83

    I think I’m definitely going through chemopause! Haven’t had my period since I started chemo and I get hot flashes. I get hot and then cold and then hot and cold. It’s like a temperature rollercoaster! Especially at night. I wake up sweating, pull sheets off then wake up later shivering. Must be chemopause!!

    Also, I get naps during the day which are about 1-2hrs max per nap. At night I have trouble falling asleep. Once I do fall asleep, I keep waking up every couple hours either because of heat, cold, or I have to go pee. So it’s a very interrupted sleep. My sister, who’s a bit on the aternative side, gave me a vape pen with weed oil. During my second week after chemo I take a couple puffs before going to bed and it really helps!. I haven’t tried it during the first week post chemo as I’m taking nausea meds and I worry it may interfere. Also, not sure of the THC vc CBD levels of what she gave me.

    Day 3 after last round of AC... feeling like last time; tired & a bit nauseous. I should have stayed home this morning and rested but ended up going to my sons school Easter & egg hunt party. He cried and pleaded with me to go. I couldn’t say no! My mommy instinct was stronger than my “take care of myself” instinct. It went ok, but now I’m exhausted! Thank goodness my hubby took day off for the party. They dropped me off at home and went out to lunch. I’m about to take a nice long nap. Hope I don’t pay too hard for going to their party.


  • Walden1
    Walden1 Member Posts: 110

    Congrats! I’m finishing chemo on April 12.Can’t wait! My WBC for treatment #7 is down to 1.5 so I hope it doesn’t drop further before the last treatment. I’m on Nuelasta but it seems to drop each time. Strange because I was super sensitive to Nuelasta for the first 3 rounds of paxlitaxel . Now on AC they have dropped each treatment stating from 16.

  • Walden1
    Walden1 Member Posts: 110

    You pretty much described exactly what I am going through. Including the part about going to school because my son begged me to. Hope you feel better soon. Thought I was the only one with such a messed up sleep schedule. I’m blaming menopause, it’s too coincidental that our patterns are so similar.

  • 22fightfor
    22fightfor Member Posts: 54

    Hi February Beauties. I thought I would join the conversation since there has been so much sharing lately.

    I don’t have chemopause, thanks to the fact that I already reached menopause after a hysterectomy. But I hear from others that this is a real problem. I hope you ladies suffering from this find relief. Sleep issues: definitely. I sleep like a newborn- sometimes a lot of daytime sleeping and very little at night, sometimes I sleep well at night and no matter how tired I feel during the day my eyes won’t close. I might try that podcast Moth!!! I can’t even think of excercise right now, less than a week out from my #2 TCHP infusion, but I’m sure that would help me sleep better. Although this round the sleep issues are not as severe... that’s hopeful at least.

    AMBurt any update on your new port? Ofmiceandmen how are you doing? I noticed it’s been awhile since you’ve checked in, and I’m hoping that means that you are doing well and having some great days. To all the others waiting for the next treatment enjoy feeling well, for those recovering I hope the SE’s are easy on you.

  • Lolotte19
    Lolotte19 Member Posts: 122

    I have also had issue sleeping at night. For me, it is falling asleep but as I sit all day, it should explain why i don't need to sleep! I did nothing though so I might follow some of your suggestions. I am not worried about cancer now, just about having enough time to finish my online course before mid-April knowing that my brain will be fuzzy for almost a week.

    I took birth control pills continuously for over 5 years before ER positive BC to avoid menstruation. But i had to stop because of BC and got my menstruation the day of the first cycle. I'll see at the end of this week if i have my menstruation. I didn't have any hot flashes but I am hoping to have chemopause.

    Good news for me, I saw another surgeon yesterday and he told me I could have lumpectomy instead of mastectomy. So glad!

    Cheers to all!

  • 22fightfor
    22fightfor Member Posts: 54

    Lollotte great news on the lumpectomy, that has to be a big relief!

  • Debsmisto
    Debsmisto Member Posts: 106

    I've been having a hard time sleeping at night too wake up burning up kick off the blankets then get chilled and I went through menopause a while back so it might just be chemo that gives us the hot flashes. I'm still battling the d a little but not as bad as when I was on the perjeta. I'm halfway through my chemo now and starting to think ahead about surgery and what I want to do. I was originally bilateral mastectomy and no reconstruction but now I'm starting to wonder if I can live flat-chested. I guess I got to wrap my head around the rest of this journey now. Great news Lo let on the lumpectomy. I'm afraid to leave any breast tissue for it to come back into especially since I'm her two positive. It's all lso hard to figure out. Hope the rest of you girls are doing okay and I'm hoping I don't regret my decision earlier this evening to eat some pizza my stomach wasn't quite up for it so hope it won't keep me up all night and it didn't taste that good anyway darn it

  • LoveCanada
    LoveCanada Member Posts: 87

    Hi all! I haven’t posted lately because I’ve been back at work so usually either working or exhausted from chemo. I’ve been trying to keep up though! I ended up in the ER Sunday night for a fever and headache. Everything came back clear (thank goodness!) but I noticed someone on here (sorry, can’t remember who) said it’s crazy how all of the small health things matter now and I was thinking the same! Lolotte that’s great news!!I’m not having menopause symptoms but I’ve had a lot more sleep issues and anxiety since my diagnosis. I was taking my melatonin when I couldn’t sleep and that helped, but once I started steroids for chemo, it didn’t help anymore. My MO said the melatonin won’t touch the steroids and prescribed Trazadone. It’s been great. I take it every night that I take steroids and use other nights only if I’m having trouble sleeping. My sleep improved some after I returned to work.

  • Walden1
    Walden1 Member Posts: 110


    That is great news! I saw my surgeon today. Asked him about lumpectomy and he said I would have very little tissue left for a proper breast even with a reduction. Your tumor size is about the same as mine so not sure why he feels the cosmetic result would not be acceptable. Although he did note the location is poor: 3 and 4 oclo

  • Tracyne
    Tracyne Member Posts: 19


    I have trouble staying asleep but this was prior to chemo. I wake up every morning hot and sweaty. Is that menopause or cancer?

    Had my second Treatment yesterday and I feel fine. Which is weird because I was exhausted and nauseous prior to the treatment.

    Sending get well and stay well vibes to everybody,


  • Lolotte19
    Lolotte19 Member Posts: 122

    Walden1, before chemo the other surgeon I saw said mastectomy but now my tumor has shrunk to a 2 cm and the second surgeon who saw me is specialized in breast cancer and said lumpectomy so I want to believe him. My tumor is also at 3 o'clock. I will still have to do MRI before surgery though so it might change but hopefully not.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    I had chemo 3 this afternoon. Just going to have some dinner, take a walk & then I'll go to bed.
    Everything went well, had a super nice nurse and I listened to a comedy radio play from the UK to distract myself during the infusion so it actually was almost pleasant.

  • AMBurt
    AMBurt Member Posts: 72

    22fightfor thank you for asking after me. I will not get a new port until April 10th still have a PICC line for now and will for last of the AC treatments. Hopefully it will work as they are intended to for the 12 taxols. Watching to see how the taxol effects CBOK as she will be starting that part very soon. Hoping it will be easier to get through, I like I am sure many of us are, am so tired of being sick. Haven't posted much because I am having the same SEs I have had each time. Keep telling me self one more AC just one more.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993

    Today is round 3 of TCHP. I'm actually looking forward to it. Once I've completed chemo today I will be 1/2 finished with chemo. I'll still need infusions of the herceptin and perjeta every 3 weeks for a year. My port will stay in for a year. So far, SEs have been minimal. I will turn 59 years old on Saturday. So I've been going out almost every night this past week to celebrate with friends. I used to dread my birthday now I'm enjoying the celebration. In 2 weeks, I fly to Utah for a rehab conference and to do some hiking. My oncologist gave his permission as well as rescheduling my chemo for 5 days later than previously scheduled.. hopefully, there won't be any lymphedema issues. This will be my first flight since I started chemo. And I did have 18 nodes removed.

    and for the many of you who are really having a tough time with your chemo and ports, you are in my thoughts. I hope your SEs diminish. You have been through so much already.

    My chuckle for the day. Tuesday was a very windy day . I decided to go for a run. It was beautiful with the bay on one side and palm trees blowing in the wind. I was running the bridge and feeling quite sporty until my wig blew off. Three or four young men all attempted to retrieve my wig as it bounced along the causeway. Finally, it was retrieved. All of us were laughing hysterically. The whole scene was similar to a spoof you would see on television. They were all very proud as they assisted me and putting that raggedy wig back on my head. You can imagine how the wig look after its Journey . These young men were so proud of themselves Even when I think about it now I still laugh I will stick to very tight beanie caps in the future. I did give the wig a decent burial.

  • Lolotte19
    Lolotte19 Member Posts: 122

    funny story Jo! I am glad that you can still run. That's great!

    I have my 3rd round of AC this afternoon and I am not looking forward to it! I am dreading the SEs.

    Have a good weekend everyone

  • Walden1
    Walden1 Member Posts: 110

    Hi Lolotte,

    I think my situation is more complicated than yours because I have two tumors plus suspected DCIS seen on MRI, all mixed together in the same area. He always told me mastectomy even before we new about the DCIS, but that really sealed the deal. He is a very experienced breast specialist so I trust he is giving me the best solution for my situation, although I suspect he is more conservative than some, . It’s great you have found a breast specialist to guide you.

    When I pressed my surgeon about a lumpectomy he said he could do several surgery’s to show me that I couldn’t make a proper breast, ,but that would result in a mastectomy. He believes that the pattern of shrinkage may have left small dots of cancer behind so he would need to remove the full original area plus margins. Plus I may have the DCIS which extended beyond the tumors. I would desperately prefer a lumpectomy besause I also don’t feel comfortable with the additional surgery required for reconstruction . I know many people have fantastic results, but I know myself and it’s just too much for me to handle right now. It’s been a hard decision but I know I will adjust after the initial shock. I just want to be healthy at the end of the day.

  • Walden1
    Walden1 Member Posts: 110

    Hi again Lolotte,

    I know how you feel. I had treatment 6/7 yesterday and it always stirs up a lot of emotions. I’m up now due to my insomnia, which I can’t shake for 8 weeks or more. That said I’m doing better than I thought with other side effects so fingers crossed.

    Good luck today with your SE.! One day at a time. We both only have one more treatment, so I like to think it’s just 5-6 down days now and 5-6 in a few weeks. it’s less daunting that way.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    jo - your story cracked me up! thanks for sharing it!

    I indulged in french fries last night (haven't had such greasy food in months!) & regretted it in the middle of the night. Ugh indigestion & bit queasy but took my metoclopramide and fell back asleep. Mental note to stick to my healthy low fat vegan meals from now on.

    Forgot to say last night that the family of a lady in the chemo room yesterday came over to wish me well & I thought it was so sweet. We don't know each other at all & hadn't even spoken before but they were in the same 'pod' as I was 3 weeks ago and we'd just smiled at each other from across the room. It was just one of those nice moments where it reminds you how GOOD and kind most people are.

  • nellabella
    nellabella Member Posts: 74
    • hi ladies.
    • Since we all started chemo at the same time some of us might already have started taxol.
    • I already have severe neuropathy and I do not want to take taxol or any other chemo that causes it.
    • Taxol works on neurotransmitters which is why neuropathy occurs.
    • If I take it it will cause debilitating affects in me.
    • Was wondering if anyone refused taxol or knows of an alternative. I’d continue with AC rather than take taxol.
    • Of course onc thinks my fear is exaggerated. They just don’t seem to care.
    • Any alternatives would be helpful.
    • Thank you
  • Walden1
    Walden1 Member Posts: 110


    Sorry you are going through this. I had a small amount of neuropathy in my big toe, from paxlitaxel, but it is going away now. I've heard they can reduce doseage of taxol to stop neuropathy. Are you on paxllitaxel or doclitaxel? I've heard doxlitaxel is stronger but your doctor would know best obviously.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    Idkidk, sorry I think I misunderstood. You already have neuropathy which is not related to chemo & you're worried about making it worse?

    Can you ice during treatment?

    Did your MO talk about the supplements that can help prevent the chemo induced neuropathy? I've seen several mentioned. Maybe pop into the weekly Taxol thread as they have tons of info there...

  • nellabella
    nellabella Member Posts: 74

    No I haven’t started taxol yet. But I’m so afraid of starting it. The electrical shocks are a horror. I took some meds twice that caused neuropathy and I landed in bed for 3 months each time. Couldn’t move, eat or wear clothes cause if also the burning sensations.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993

    Chemo went well. Slept all day. Still hoping minimal side-effects will continue. My MO told me that chemo is cumulative therefore I could start experiencing more side effects. I will have to deal with it. Now I'm officially 1/2 completed with my tchp. Hallelujah.

    I havent experienced any neuropathy. I haven't done any icing in the chemo room. It is something I am considering as a preventive tool. I don't know if it's too late at this point.

    Moth-I'm also going to research vitamin supplements. That was a good suggestion. Continue to feel better.