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Starting chemo February 2018



  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993

    moth- Good job with the walking.

    Wishing all the rest of you ladies minimal side-effects. Have a great weekend

  • indahood
    indahood Member Posts: 122

    Great job, Moth. Me too I got out and did a long walk, longer than I wanted since my little Terrier, Rosie decided to go a roaming and did not come back when I called so I went back to the car, deposited the shepherd mix, Theo and did the walk a second time. It was beautiful and I agree with you, getting out, no matter how slow I go, or even how far because some days are more like one lap around the dog park, and don't forget how much I didn't want to get off the couch, Despite all this, the fresh air and exercise, has always made me feel better. Where did you walk? I'm just interested because I grew up in Vancouver and want to imagine what it was like for you. ;-) I'll be down on the Wet Coast in June if you want to meet up for a walk sometime. I'll be staying in Dollarton, North Vancouver. (it's near deep cove)

    on the SE effects, last night day 0 chemo day, when I moved my legs just from lying flat to up in a-frame position, I was attacked by what felt like extreme lactic acid pain. It was crazy. Anyway the worst muscle pain I've experienced so far throughout my chemo. That was why I made sure to get a good long walk in today to get the blood moving around my muscles and flush that lactic acid out. Today I feel much better.

    Hope all is well for you Feb ladies, take care.


  • LKinKC
    LKinKC Member Posts: 41

    Hi fellow fighters, I do not post very often but I read your post's and keep up on them daily.. I get so much inspiration from them. I am looking for a book that was recommend by someone not even sure them name of the book but something like living through or growing through cancer. Please let me know.

  • Debsmisto
    Debsmisto Member Posts: 106

    Indiahood congrats on finishing chemo, I cannot wait for that day! And yes I have cut all of my synthetic wigs, just make sure whoever does it has cut wigs before. I worked today a short one but it still wore me out, one more work day before my next chemo next Thursday. It's still very cold and wintry here so no walks for me yet, hoping once I'm up to it next round the weather will be better. Have a good rest of your weekend ladies

  • rockcity
    rockcity Member Posts: 155

    indahood- glad you are feeling better today. I’m just flat out jealous of your pic. Where you live looks like an amazing vacation spot to me. Detroit, Michigan has no scenery. I want to move. The fresh air and scenery you have must be good therapy!

  • indahood
    indahood Member Posts: 122

    DebMisto, thanks for the advice about wig cutting. I think I'll find someone. I do love the colour of my wig and the length is fun but I feel foolish wearing it, so I'll see if making it shorter helps. Good luck Thursday with your chemo.

    RockCity, I do live in a tourist area. Canmore Alberta, Canada. Right in the heart of the Canadian Rockies. Moved here about 25 years ago and still have a huge mortgage, but it pays off when you go out for your walks in sighs and smiles. Once your better, look into a vacation here. Our dollar is low and goes a long way with yours.

    Healthy vibes and loving wishes to all you February Fishes! oh how poetic. Feeling silly, day 3 of steroids can do that.


  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    indahood, I was at Barnet Park this morning looking at Deep Cove & breathing the ocean air! Yesterday was Mundy Park :)

    Hope little Rosie was safe after her adventures! Yay you for being finished chemo! Woot!

  • 22fightfor
    22fightfor Member Posts: 54

    Congrats Indahood on finishing Chemo! Please check back with us and let us know how RADS are going for you. You asked about cold capping- I've been doing it with the Arctic Caps. I've kept quite a bit of hair, but the loss I've had is all at the top, and it has thinned there to the point of my scalp showing through. I haven't found cold capping too hard- I don't mind the cold, it makes the day go by quickly, and it gives my boyfriend something to do, otherwise he would pace around and probably drive me batty. I'm going to keep it up in the hopes that after chemo my hair will grow in quickly.

    I continue to be inspired by you ladies who are walking, and working! I had to take a leave from my substitute teaching job as I was terrified of catching something from the kids. I can't tell you guys how many times I've been sneezed on since starting this job. It just isn't worth the risk right now, and even though I miss it, my job will be there for me in the fall. I'm trying to walk when I can, but spring still hasn't come to Chicago and we've had many days that are barely above freezing. With the wind also blowing it can be so cold! So I've rediscovered the exercise bike that's been hiding in my kids' playroom and I'm making an effort to use that when I can't (or won't) go out for a walk.

    I did break down and buy a wig, and I'm glad I did. It's still a little too Steel Magnolias for my taste, I need to hopefully find someone to thin it out a little bit. All in all I don't mind wearing it out as an alternative to hats. And I bought a wig with a slightly reddish tint since I've always wanted to be a red head. Once the chemo hair grows out a bit I think my colorist will be making that dream come true for me!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone, and may be week ahead be an easy one for all of you. Hugs.

    My new wig:


  • Lolotte19
    Lolotte19 Member Posts: 122

    22fighter, this is a nice wig. You look great!

    I haven't wore my wig yet. I feel that I waste my money. I am wearing bandanas when I am out. But it is always grocery shopping or the cancer center so far. Waiting in the car now for my daughter who is doing ancient swordmanship.

    Have a good Sunday fabulous Feb ladies.

  • indahood
    indahood Member Posts: 122

    22 fighter, your hair looks fabulous, makes me wish I did cold cap. Good for you. I'm a teacher and there is no way I would be teaching through this. I went in after my first chemo and gave the temporary teacher a break and taught 1.5 hour session of art. I started out strong, so happy to be back with my students and teaching something I love, but after the lesson I had to sleep for 20 minutes, and when does that ever happen at school, like never! Also, I too was afraid of the germs, when I was there there were 5 kids missing because of flu and one looking pretty sick. Yikes. I will for sure stick around here cheering the rest of you on.

    thanks for the info about your cold capping.

    take care everyone

  • 22fightfor
    22fightfor Member Posts: 54

    Indahood- I don't want to mirepresent, that's a pic of the new wig I got last week. I wish it was my natural hair, I find myself fighting against jealousy of all things hair related: Hair products, I wish I could use them. Women with beautiful hair (or any old head of hair!), I wish I had your hair right now. Old pictures of myself, why didn't I appreciate my hair back then? It's a bad trait, and I wish I didn't feel that way. Ishould be focused on my fight against cancer and not worrying about vanity. My hair underneath that wig, while some is still there, is pretty scraggly.

    Subbing for the art teacher in any of the schools in my district is one of my very favorite jobs!

  • Lolotte19
    Lolotte19 Member Posts: 122

    well i did some subbing before but honestly i hated it when it wasn't elementary school or French class. Middle schoolers and high schoolers can be a tough crowd.

    I wanted to apply for a French teaching position in our school district for September but with taxol treatment ending in mid July, then surgery, then radiotherapy, i don't see how that will happen. I have read that radiation can be very tiring.

  • Jlove1821
    Jlove1821 Member Posts: 53

    indahood - congrats on being done! That's amazing feeling! 2 more weeks and I'll be done although I think its gonna take at least a month to feel good as it been taking the 3 weeks till my next treatment to feel better but still fatigued then. I have an eye twitch in both eyes that won't quit and have had numerous people tell me I look tired( I hate when people say that as truthful as it is!). My cold capping is going pretty well.. lost maybe 40 -50.%. most on top and in the back where u can see scalp, but have just been covering it up with hair fibers and root spray and styling it as best as I can to cover it. I got a wig but it just doesn't look right to me so I may go back to salon and have them thin it maybe, it just has too much volume and I flip my hair a lot so hate how non messy it is. Im hoping it grows back quicker after! 22fight- I get ur vain thing.. I'm way to vain and wish i wasn't. But I've always been a self cooncious person with low self esteem so this doesn't help! I actually get jealous of those ladies who can just rock those bald scalps with such confidence and look beautiful!! The wig looks great too without knowing you , it looks very natural!

  • rockcity
    rockcity Member Posts: 155

    22fightfor- the wig looks very pretty and natural. The red tint looks good on you. Hopefully you are done with most of the shedding.

    Jlove- my eyes twitch too. I get a bit self conscious when I’m talking to people that they are watching my eyes spaz.

    I hear you both about the hair and the importance of it. Although it’s importance is nothing compared to beating cancer, it does help me to feel a little bit normal during this very abnormal period of life. It is a lot of effort though to try to save the hair. And yes, I look at peoples’ hair now and think I should have appreciated mine a whole lot more when it was thick and healthy.

  • ButterflyLily
    ButterflyLily Member Posts: 101

    indahood- enjoy being done with chemo! You deserve all the beautiful views in the world.

    22fightfor- I couldn't even tell it's a wig. It looks completely natural and good on you.

    Ladies, the taxol and I are not best friends. My hands feel like they are burned, like I touched a hot stove. Anyone experience this before on taxol. Advil seemed to help but just barely.

    And the Neulasta remains the most unpleasant SE for me with the bone pain. Today is day 3 and it's just zapped the energy out of me

  • Pbello
    Pbello Member Posts: 83

    hi ladies!! It's been a while since I last posted. I am trying to catch up on all your posts. My kids have been on spring break so I have been busy trying to keep them entertained and trying to find time to rest. Tomorrow I go for my first taxol round. I’m worried as I don’t know what to expect. I’ll let you know how I feel afterwards.

    JO - I hope your rashes have improved. I got a few spots/blisters on my hands & feet after AC #3. I put hydrocortisone as they hurt & itched. They have gone away. You wig story on Rickenbacker causeway put a smile on me as I was so happy others stopped to help you on such a difficult event on such a busy causeway. I live on South Beach and am very familiar with that causeway.

    AMBURT, CBOK, and others done with AC portion - congratulations!! I'm done too and glad to be halfway done! I got some depression after finishing with AC, though. I felt like I've gone through so much already and yet I'm only halfway done. My thetapist told me this is very common. That the halfway point is the hardest, it's the darkest point in the "tunnel" you don't see the light at the end yet and you are far from the beginning. Hearing that what I’m feeling is normal made me feel so much better. I also thought that if all you other ladies have found the strength to keep going, I can too. So I'm focusing on keeping strong and kicking BC ass!

    Lolette - congratulations on your disappearing tumor!! Such great news!!! So happy for you! :)

    Indahood - congratulations on being done!! What wonderful news!!! :) I've been cold capping. I knew my odds weren't tha good as AC is very harsh on the hair. I lost about 70% of my hair so far. Like rockcity said, cold capping makes infusion day a bit difficult. I get nauseous while cold capping so they give me Ativan to relax and sleep. I have to keep the cap on 1 hour before infusion, during infusion, and then 3 hours after infusion. It's a LONG day. There are a couple good chat threads about cold capping on this website that you can check out if you want more info on it. One is a thread of those who have cold capped and are done. They post the cold capping brand used, chemo type, and pictures of before, during, and after. The other thread is an ongoing chat with ladies doing cold capping.

    Moth & indahood - I am so impressed by your ability to do so much exercise! That's Great! Indahood you mentioned an accumulation of lactic acid. That's how I feel! I woke up today and my leg and arm muscles feel like I did a marathon yesterday. They hurt! I didn't realize that it could be lactic acid build up, but makes total sense. I haven't been working out at all this week as I'm fighting a cold. But will be doing some exercise to improve this. Thanks!!!

    22fightfor - you look amazing with your new wig!! Can’t ever tell it’s a wig! I ordered one too and am waiting for it to get here. I can’t go out without a scarf or a hat at this point. I too have lost a lot on the top of my head. Combovers don’t work anymore.

    Butterfly - I hope the burning sensation stops soon. Sorry you are getting this SE from taxol.

    Hope you all have a great week! Good luck to all of us doing infusions this week. May SEs be at minimum!!


  • lhebs
    lhebs Member Posts: 6

    Hello All,

    I haven't posted much but I have been reading all your posts. Congrats to those that are finished and to those still going through it, you are all amazing!!!!

    I started my first DD of Taxol last Wed after finishing AC, so I have 3 treatments left! I have been cold capping and iced my hands and feet for taxol.  I purchased cryomax ice packs from Walmart but you can get them from amazon too. They say they are to last for 8 hours. My DD taxol is 3 hours and they lasted the whole time and each pack was $15. I got the medium size 12 x 6 but you could purchase the small 4 x 4, since you only need ice your finger tips. I did have pain to my finger tips the day after but I think the ice packs came off while I was drowsy during chemo.  It went away the next day.

    I had tolerated AC well but the joint pain has been difficult the past 2 days after taxol. Hoping it gets better. 

    As for how the cold capping has gone, I probably lost about 70-80% of my hair. My hair was thin and fine before so I figured that would happen. My MO and chemo nurses are still impressed that I have hair at all. It has thinned on the top and I have a few bald spots. The capping has been painful but each session it has gotten easier. I would definitely do it again, plus it takes mind off the chemo, which to me is priceless.

    Hope you all had a great weekend and thanks for sharing!


  • Debsmisto
    Debsmisto Member Posts: 106

    22fightfor, your wig looks great and very natural. I totally understand about being jealous of others with nice hair, or any hair for that matter. I find myself wanting to tell my clients as I'm styling their hair and they complain they can't get their bangs to lay right etc that I'd just like to have hair, but I haven't said it, came close though lol Hope everyone had a good weekend relativly se free

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993

    pbello- I was on South Beach this weekend. I love the craziness of South Beach. Do you go to MSMC for tx? The rash has minimally improved. The hydrocortisone didn't help.Eucerin red reluef gelped some. Initially I was planning to go for a spa day but due to the rush I'll have to wait until I get back from my vacation. I'm really looking forward to hiking . As long as I don't have the more serious side effects with the big D, constipation, nausea port issues, I'm happy. Keep your fingers crossed this rash won't migrate to my face. I have one small mouth sore.

    Indiahoid and moth-keep up the exercise. It isn't always easy to start but once you do you usually feel better.

    22fighterfor-love your wig. After my incident on the bridge, I haven't worn a wig . I went to the theater Saturday evening and I wore a beanie with rhinestones. I'm headed to Utah next Tuesday, so I will wear a wig off and on while I'm there.

    Amburt, cbok- congrats on being finished.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    I've been participating on & off on the daily exercise thread & yesterday I asked there for input about exercise and cardio during chemo. This video was posted in the discussion and it's really eye opening.

  • rockcity
    rockcity Member Posts: 155

    round 4 of 6 tomorrow. Entirely not looking forward to this . I feel like I've been doing chemo forever and have so much more to go. I have been feeling like myself all week, food tastes good again. I hate the thought of making myself feel sick again. It doesn't help that we are adding Perjeta to my regimine. 85%of people on my infusion drugs get diarrhea with Perjeta. I keep thinking of the agony you went thru, Deb. Because I’m getting a loading dose it’s going to be an extra long infusion day and coldcapping day for me. I stocked up on Gatorade, pedialyte, immonium AD and tucks just waiting for tummy trouble. I have got to go on some awesome vacations when treatments are over!

    Good luck to the rest of you ladies having infusions this week and I hope the rest of you are recovering well

  • 22fightfor
    22fightfor Member Posts: 54

    There is some great information in that video Moth- thanks for posting that.

  • Lolotte19
    Lolotte19 Member Posts: 122

    thx for sharing Moth.

    Rockcity, I hope you'll be in the 15% without the big D. Round 4 will be Friday for me. Then 12 rounds of taxol. I am already dreading next week.

    Good luck to everyone who is receiving drugs this week.

  • Calee65
    Calee65 Member Posts: 41

    ladies...I have severe nausea with the AC, so anxious about the Taxol coming soon. Anyone have similar SE with Taxol as the AC

  • Pbello
    Pbello Member Posts: 83

    Hi ladies! Taxol round#1 done! Now just waiting for the SEs...hopefully will be minimal. I’ll post updates of SEs I get.

    Jo - yes, I’m doing my treatment at MSMC. My whole team is there - surgical oncologist, medical oncologist, and plastic surgeon. How about you? I love living in south beach. The Art Deco small area we live in is pretty quiet (except during holiday weekends), and we are close to a lot of great things for he kids. My rashes/blisters stopped growing and appearing about two weeks after they started. Hopefully your will too.

    Moth - great video! You always have such great information to share with us! Thank you!!

    Rockcity- I totally hear you about not looking forward to your next round. That was me yesterday & today. My body is finally feeling well and I have to go and volunteer to make it feel bad again. It’s against our nature! Yet, i thought about why I was doing this (kids, husband, family), thought about all you great ladies who find the strength to keep going....took a deep breath found my inner strengtj and walked into the treatment center ready. After the treatments started, I was relaxed and 100% more positive about all this. It was hard taking that first step, but it got better. I hope you can find your inner strength too. You are strong! I believe in you!

  • 22fightfor
    22fightfor Member Posts: 54

    Rockcity, I also have Perjeta as part of my treatment and I can share that it hasn't been too terrible for me. I've been having D, but it has been pretty mild. I need to take Immodium one time a day or even every other day, and then I'm good the rest of the time. It's gotten so I can even predict when it's likely to happen which helps me plan outings and such. Also I haven't modified my diet at all to help me in this regard (such as following the BRAT diet), except for staying away from fresh fruit as that seems to make matters a little worse. So maybe if I ate more sensibly that would normalize things. I can honestly say that although I would classify what I'm going through as “D", it's not terrible for me like having stomach flu or food poisoning is. I know this can be the case for a few taking Perjeta (like poor Deb), but hopefully you won't have it so bad. I know this is sharing quite a bit of detail about an unpleasant subject- sorry to the rest of our February group- , but I wanted to offer some hope to you Rockcity, and try to ease your mind. Good luck to you tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you and hoping for the best.

    Lollette, Rockcity, and Pbello tonight I’m feeling like all of you have described as I’m getting ready togo in Thursday for another TCHP. I get it every three weeks, so during this week before treatment I'm feeling so so good and normal. Treatment is still a couple of days away and I'm really dreading it, to the point of not being able to sleep tonight, feeling sorry for myself, and even shedding a self-pity tear or two. I've been very positive and upbeat throughout this whole nightmare but sometimes I need a break from all the “rah-rah, I'm a warrior and I got this" stuff. There's really no choice for any of us, so I'm going to pick myself up, put on my pink shirt (the one with the v-neck to make it easier for my nurse to access my port), and show up the the treatment center Thursday morning with a smile on my face and gratitude in my heart for the great medicines and the caring people who are there to help me.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993

    rockcity- I have finished around 3 of tchp a week ago. . I haven't had any issues with the Big D or nausea. Because of the metallic taste in my mouth After round 2 my diet is very Bland, a lot of rice, japanese broth, organic Gatorade and water. Good Luck

    Pbello- I am very happy with my health care team at MSMC. Mesko is my surgeon and Schwartz is my MO.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    I went to Zumba last night for the first time since chemo started Feb 15. I had so much fun. I hope now that I'm almost done AC and the neulasta seems to be working that I will be able to go more often.

    Blood work & MO tomorrow in prep for 4th AC on Thurs. Fingers crossed for good blood tests!

    My eyebrows are thinning but I haven't lost all my body hair yet. Seems weird as most people report it the other way around but hey, I have to be different I guess lol. I wore a Zumba baseball cap in class last night but it was hot so maybe next time I'll rock the bald head instead.

  • indahood
    indahood Member Posts: 122

    Hey girls, feeling kinda down in the dumps today. this round, my last has been the worst for SE's. I'm so sick of feeling sick. After the initial good feelings of the chemo part of my treatment being done, I have kinda hit the wall looking forward. I just want a month with zero side effects to think of. I want to know how my body really feels detoxed. Anyway, I have both oncologists itching to get onto step 3 and 4 of my treatment asap which will last me the next 5-10 years. A pity party of one is never fun so I thought I'd share.

  • Lolotte19
    Lolotte19 Member Posts: 122

    Laurie, hang in there. Next week will be better! I understand your wish to have some reliefs. You can survive the SEs of your last round. Cry, yell, hit the pillow, do whatever it takes to blow up your despair. Take all the time you can possibly take to rest. Don't let your doctors minimize your yucky feeling! Courage!

    Moth you are so full of energy! You make me feel bad about not exercizing😋. It is just I never did it before and honestly people in good shape and loving sports get cancer too so I am not 100% believing in the sport theory that prevent cancer, at least the devil in my head thinks that. The angel is telling me to move my ass😂 oh well maybe another time in another dimension...