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Chemo starting April 2018



  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Di--I believe some women take oral steroids before/after the infusion. I'm getting mine through the IV as part of the pre-meds.

  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Member Posts: 217

    Di- Steriods I take 4 tablets day before, day of and day after plus I receive some in premeds.

    DJT- Glad to see you back on here.

    I'm scheduled for round #4 of TCH today. I'm hoping all blood work gets to office in time. Yesterday was my MO appointment - he's crazy busy and was running late. By time we were finished their lab was closed. So as I'm checking out I'm frantically searching for a lab that is open. Found one and then drove like a race car driver to get there before the closed. I'll go in a little later today so hopefully results are there and there isn't a delay.

    MO wasn't happy about the swelling in my non lymph node removal arm. I'm scheduled for an ultrasound this week to rule out DVT from port.

    Engine sorry to hear about wife's issues. I start Senokot S and prunes before treatment and it keeps things moving (barely) I describe it as pooping cement rabbit turds but the bowels are moving so I discomfort is minimal.

    I can't remember who asked about the MUGA - my 3 month rescan is before round #5. I had no issues on first scan so I'm hoping this one goes well. If I did I definitely look for a different option. I'm already hoping if the 3 and 6 month are good MO stops repeating them unless I show issues.

  • Engine104
    Engine104 Member Posts: 241

    Hi Di356,

    My wife takes a steroid from the day before chemo until the day after. She is on the TC protocol. I think it depends on which chemo you are getting.

  • innab2018
    innab2018 Member Posts: 767

    I take 3 tabs of Dexametazone day 2 and day 3. I do get something as pre-med as well.

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    Helli DI356. I get all steroids through IV on infusion day.

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Hi Di356, I also get steroids via IV on infusion day.

    Duffy sorry to hear you were running around like a crazy person to get your labs done. Hoping you got your TCH #4 today, as planned. Good luck with your ultrasound for your swelling. And - can I just say that cement rabbit turds is a completely perfect description? I swear, I think I'm going to grab Ex-lax tomorrow and try half of one of those. This constipation is a literal pain in the butt.

    Frog, how are you doing?

  • Djt
    Djt Member Posts: 176

    Di356...I also was prescribed the steroids the day before and the day after my chemo, 2x a day. On the day of, it was given intravenously. After 2 times of being so wired up and. No sleep before my treatment , my dr. Took me right off them, other than tne dose in the IV for day of, pre meds. Much better.

  • Djt
    Djt Member Posts: 176

    GAwarrior, Duffysmom, thanks for the kind words, it means a lot. I appreciate and identify with you all. But my cloudy mind has a hard time following and remembering who wrote what, not that that takes away from how much all your posts help and illuminate my days. You are all important to me. This is an amazing group.

    Engine, i don't know if this may help, but a few years ago, not related to camcer, but I had a horrific spell of bad it led to hemmoriods, and severe pain. I finally tried prune juice, warmed up good in the microwave. A good 8 to 10 oz. A couple times a day. ,

    And a small walk after each dose. Also eat real oatmeal same day. Pure fiber. This procedure helped me a lot.

    Prayers, hugs, and, much sincere appreciation to all here.🎀🎀🌸🌸🎀🎀


  • debal
    debal Member Posts: 600

    GAWarrior, you will be proud. All clear at my dentist appt today! And don't be jealous about the hair. I still look like my dad! It's been coming back throughout treatment. I'm filling in my eyebrows now. Prepared for the eyelashes to still go. Di, I took 8mg of dexamethasone the morning and evening b4 and after treatment, only thru the IV day of treatment. It kept me awake but thankfully not wired or jittery. I didn't have the least bit of nausea during my TC treatments. The day after the last steroid I just felt blah. It still seems a bit weird to just be worrying about remembering a pill. Still early, but so far so good. I hope everyone has a nice evening!

  • Engine104
    Engine104 Member Posts: 241

    Thanks, DJT. That's a good tip.

    Things seem to be going in the other direction a bit today, but not too much, thankfully.

  • FDwithfurkids
    FDwithfurkids Member Posts: 24

    Engine- I haven’t tried it yet but I was told to hear a glass of prune juice with a pad or two of butter (real butter). The nurse navigator said she doesn’t really know why it works but she said every patient that had big bad C swears by it.

    Di- I agree with a previous statement that it depend on the tx plan and your MO. I receive mine at the beginning of infusion pushed thru my med port.

    Well, I had 4 of 6 today. Doc is scheduling my pet scan to take place after #5 on the 17th. He believes that it will be loads better. I had my hands and feet iced during the taxotere. The neuropathy is so annoying.

    Thanks for the info on what you guys are doing with diet. My MO reminded me to not worry about it right now. If I want to make a change it’s good but not to force myself to change as it’s too stressful.

  • astyanax66
    astyanax66 Member Posts: 223

    Hi, DJT,

    Like some others, I was getting IV steroids about 20 minutes before treatment...a whopping 20 mg! At round 8/12, I ask for it to be reduced—mo set at 4 mg. Things have been so much better.

    And that’s a wrap on Taxol. I was hoping for a break, but back next week for Herceptin only. Hang in there, everyone!


  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Member Posts: 217

    Round #4 was completed and all seemed to go well yesterday. Not sure how many others are dealing with TCH (Taxotere, Carpoblatin, and Herceptin). But I did a list on my other blog on what seems to be working for me on controlling SEs. It starts a few days before treatment so numbers.

    • Day 17 (-4) -I start the Activia Yogurt ( I do take a daily probiotic as well) I continue the yogurt through Day 5 if I'm tolerating it
    • Day 18 (-3) Prunes ( I do 3 a day until about Day 5 or 6)
    • Day 19 (-2) Begin the Hydration increase ( I try to do 2.5-3 liters of water a day until Day 3)
    • Day 20 (-1) Senokot S 1 tablet daily. I know when to stop. 😉
    • Day 20 (-1) Start the Prilosec OTC
    • Day 21 (0) My steroids begin day before treatment.
    • Day 1 - Treatment day - Snack on ice chips during Taxotere infusion (my mouth sores were minimal after starting this.
    • Also Days 1- 5 Gargle/Swish with 1 TBS baking soda dissolved in 8 ounces of warm water after eating anything. I carry a small bottle of Biotene so I can do this if I eat out during those days as well.
    • Days 1- 3 I start the Zofran/Compazine for nausea at 12 hours post preMeds. I don't miss a dose alternating the two meds and even setting an alarm to wake for them.
    • For me bone pain from the nuelasta is the worst around days 4-6. I've been finding relief with warm soaks in Epsom salt. I take extra strength Tylenol during the day and take Claritan during the week of treatment. On my worst nights I have Tylenol with Codeine. Most rounds I used it on two nights to sleep.
    • Acid is still an issues with the Prilosec on days 5-9 so if it gets bad I supplement with extra strength Pepcid AC or Maalox.
    • As for fatigue - I try to walk at least 4,000 steps even on my bad days and work in a nap.
  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Dee so happy for you!!! Can't wait to join you on the post-Taxol train. (So your first H only is only one week out? Not three? Will they be every three weeks thereafter? Yes--I am obsessing about locking down my 2018-19 calendar.)

  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Member Posts: 217

    Ingerp- same here with adding all my Herceptin infusions for next year into my calendar. Trying to plan winter getaways etc.

  • astyanax66
    astyanax66 Member Posts: 223

    Thanks! Yes, that was weird...I was supposed to get a double batch of Herceptin yesterday and then get a 3 week break. It didn't happen, but it's will be every 3 weeks thereafter.

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    I did T #2/12 today. The Benadryl has me feeling very groggy. I iced through the infusion (plus 10 min before/15 min after). My poor fingers have been so sore despite the icing - very tough when you work with your fingers all day long. I didn't use the gel pads on my hand this time - I brought a plastic container and filled it with ice, then plunged my fingers right into the ice. Sure hoping that helps more. I also started 30g of L-glutamine daily this past weekend (I had only been taking 2grams before, not realizing the calculation difference between mg and g. Can you tell that math is not my strong suit?)...My nails look almost white underneath the nail, with red spots on the more painful nails (despite using OPI nail envy, soaking them in vinegar/water or epsom salts/water). The nice thing is that this was Week #10 or 20, so I am officially beginning the countdown to the finish line now!

    Also, they gave me another B12 shot. The PA couldn't believe that my red blood cells are down to within 0.10 of needing a blood transfusion, yet I ran/walked 3 miles twice in the last few days. She thinks I should be flat on my back from fatigue. Apparently the B12 helped!

    Engine - the PA recommended Smooth Move tea for constipation. It has sennosides in it (like what Sennakot has). You drink a cup at bedtime, then can "go" the next morning. I have seen others on this board who use it and like it. You can get it at Kroger, Walmart, Amazon, etc. She gave my a couple of tea bags to try, so I'll let you know "how it goes" (see what I did there? :) ).

    Dee, yay - congrats on finishing chemo! I feel like a loser since I still have 10 freakin' more infusions to go...

    Duffy, thanks for the list to combat SEs. Re your acid reflux, mine was so bad my MO prescribed an acid blocker for me. OTC Pepcid, etc, just wasn't cutting it. He advised me to take it every day until after treatment ends in 10 weeks because it takes a few days to kick in if I stop taking it between infusions.

    DebAL, glad the dentist appointment went well! I AM proud of you! I laughed at your comment about having your dad's hair because I still have hair and it looks like male pattern baldness (I've got it on the sides, but not much on top, lol) so I can totally see your point.

    I'm quite sure I've missed people in this post. I (always) scroll back through a few of the previous pages to refresh my memory because I can't keep it all straight. I did that this evening and am too groggy to recall what people said after a few entries, so I gave up. If I missed you, know that I'm sending good thoughts to everyone even if I didn't mention you!

    Hugs to all!

  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Member Posts: 217

    So ultrasound update...Jugular Vein Thrombosis. Thankfully I was able to reach on-call oncologist before pharmacy closed because radiologist wanted me to go to ER. Xarelto RX so hopefully it will take care of it and I won't need any further intervention.

  • astyanax66
    astyanax66 Member Posts: 223

    Duffy, good heavens!! I’m so glad you got to the pharmacy. How will you be monitored?

    GAWarrior, hang in there. I swear, week 6 was rough, but the last half went pretty fast. I’m glad the B 12 shots are helping. I’m amazed at your exercise!

    I also recommend Smooth Move...a keeper.


  • Engine104
    Engine104 Member Posts: 241

    Hi GAWarrior,

    Thanks. I've heard of Smooth Move. We have Senacot in the house now. Going to give it a "go" next round. :)

    I hope you feel better soon and this round goes easily.

    I hope everyone else who's dealing with SE's on here starts to feel better soon too. I pray for my wife's recovery and for all of you each morning.

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Gawarrior sounds like you have hit the half way marker of chemo..Congrats!!

    Duffy- whats jugular vein thrombosis, and what causes it?

    Quick update- my Chemo has been stopped due to me finding a tooth abscess Saturday. Im on antibiotics, since Monday extracrion tomorrow. Everyone please check ur month u never know whats happening in there..i say this only bcuz i wasn't in pain or any discomfort. The dog bump the swollen area along my jaw saturday, so than i started the finger feel along jaw line.. yeppers it didnt feel right, a lump runs from outter surface to under jaw.. So i went to a mirror and looked in my mouth.. small discolored blue purple mark on the inner gum near tongue .. oh yes and than googled .. crazy week of ups and downs already but i want to get back on my chemo plan ..

    Hope everyone has minima / NO SE's , stay hydrated..hugs

  • innab2018
    innab2018 Member Posts: 767

    Urdrago, so sorry to hear about your abscess! Chemo is really doing a number on you, doesn’t it? First shingles, now this. Stay strong and feel better

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Oh no, Duffy!! I searched and see that jugular vein thrombosis is rare and means a blood clot in the jugular, hence the blood thinners. What were your symptoms that made them do the ultrasound? Prayers for quick healing!!

    Urdrago, hang in there! You'll do great today and the healing can begin. :)

  • NoteRed
    NoteRed Member Posts: 59

    a question: did anyone had so far vision problems on taxol? I m still 2 weeks off and having a kind of flashes on my right peripheral vision. Went to ophthalmologist nothing there. He also dilated my pupils- my onc says maybe taxol SE but it scares m

  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Member Posts: 217

    GaWarrior, Dee, Urdrago etc. I had been having some edema in my left arm which made no sense since my lymph nodes removed and cancer is on the right. More than likely the clot is due to port placement. Unfortunately, 8 years ago when I had cancer it was also in my right breast (not BC but lymphoma) so when I had more port then it also had to be on the left. Scar tissue was an issue this time placing the port so best guess is that is why I have a clot.

    Not sure how much monitoring they will do. Swelling in my arm had been coming and going last 4 weeks so I'm not too concerned. I'm sure we will reevaluate after the initial 3 week course of Xarelta. And I'm expecting to hear from my MO. Funny thing is the Oncologist on on-call last night is my least favorite at that practice. I had to see him once during my previous cancer and Hubby and I called his downer doctor because he was all doom and gloom compared to my MO who was the most optimistic guy around.

    Udrago- do they think the abscess has anything to do with your shingles? I hope you get relief. Mouth stuff is one of my least favorite things to deal with anytime let along during cancer treatment.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    NoteRed--seems like a lot of us on Taxol have vision changes. Some get worse but I've read about a few who actually get better. Some days I just feel like my distance vision is a little worse than normal, and I could use stronger readers, but I don't think it's even every day. Conventional wisdom is not to make any changes in glasses prescriptions during this--vision impacts are temporary.

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Duffy, nope its nothing to do with shingles. This tooth has had crown and root canal. My dentist didn't ever address the sensitivity or pain i would complain about since it was all completed.all he did was mask it by grinding the tooth down, or did bite adjustments.. but that problem, was this past 2 years the tooth had a crack and needed to be looked at by experienced Endodontics. They deal with root canals.

    So my immune system being low allowed for the infection to show up, and cant heal til the tooth is removed.

    Thank you Gawarrior for help and support!!plus being so great at qhat u do!!

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Urdrago, you're welcome - happy I could help! It's too bad your dentist didn't send you to the endodontist sooner. A root-canaled tooth that is still sensitive that long (and after a few bite adjustments) usually indicates a crack in the root and my docs send the patient to an endo for a scan to rule it out.

    Duffy, I knew you had the edema, but never thought that would be from your neck! Sorry you had to see the downer doc, but I guess it was worth it since you figured out the problem. Hoping the blood thinners will take care of it pronto.

    NoteRed, I occasionally get flashes and have had floaters (spots on my eyes) in my right eye since I started chemo. I had a torn retina in the same eye about 18 months ago, so I thought it might be from that but the retina specialist said no, it's the chemo. I also notice temporary vision changes (trouble adjusting from close up to distance). Hoping it's temporary! If the ophthalmologist dilated your eyes, they should have seen any tears which is what usually causes flashes. I bet it's the chemo.

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    Hello Everyone just trying to catch up on the boards been a busy week. Work is crazy right now. 3 co workers are out. Wednesday my coworkers had a chilli cook off event and silent auction for me. It was so awesome and of course I cried in front of all those ppl. It was hard not too with all the kindness that was being shown through donations and hugs. Just finished up my last chemo yesterday! So happy!! Had as opt with Rads Dr. 33 Rads. She said I can wait till Sept 4th to start rads. However the ON Dr was not to impressed. He thinks I should start in 3 weeks. The BF and myself had a vacation planned last week of Aug that is why I asked if it can wait. Now I am struggling with decision. Any thoughts out there about this dilima are very welcomed!

    Duffy. WOW! I am sorry to hear that. So are you on blood thinners? Can you still continue your treatments? Can they still access your port or will they have to give chemo through another area? How are you feeling otherwise?

    Undrago61. Man I can't believe everything your little body is going through! First shingles and now this! Good Gravy! I truly hope once they get this sistuation under control you can get back to treatments without any more, interruptions and a lot less SE! How are you feeling?

    Engine Thank you for your many prayers! Hope your wife is feeling better and that she too can get through her remaining treatments with no more interruptions and SE! How is she feeling?

    Notered Yes I have been experience vision problems. I had just got a new pair of glasses in last Nov and now I can't see very well with them. Dr told me to wait a couple months after chemo then have eyes check if still having problems. Sometimes eye sight comes goes back to original before chem. I also keep thinking I am seeing things on my side vision that makes me do as double look. One of the many "fun" side effects of chemo world. How are you doing? Hope your having some better days since are last chat.

    GaWarrier. Keep trucking girl you got this! You will be done before ya know it! :)

    Dee. Congrades on your last chemo!!!

    InnaB2016. I was watching that show last night. (Too lazy to type full title) Anyhoo. I about fell off the couch laughing at the aerobic class that they were in!! I have to work out 5 times that hard and I assure you I am not that skinny!! Lol

    Sorry if I missed anyone. You are all such a stronge group and full of kindness! Looking forward to continuing our relationships through the future!

    Hope you all have a great weekend with minimal side effects!

  • Engine104
    Engine104 Member Posts: 241

    Dear Life1963,

    Thanks so much. My wife is feeling much better. We do more labs today and then an onco appointment on Monday. If all is a go, she will have her 3rd treatment in a week and a half or so from now.

    That is so great about the cook off and silent auction. What a wonderful thing for them to do.

    Congrats on finishing the chemo!

    On the rads, my wife thinks you should take a break and go on the vacation. The chemo, she said, is supposed to get rid of anything outside the area of where the tumor was. The radiation is to make sure nothing is still in the area. She said you probably need a break. I agree with her. My suggestion is to speak with your oncologist and see why he wants to start sooner than September.

