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Chemo starting April 2018

leli Member Posts: 25

I am very new to these boards so I am not too familiar with all the terms and abbreviations but I do find the posts very helpful. I've been lurking around but have never posted anything until now.

I had a mastectomy on my left breast on March 5th and reconstructive surgery at the same time. Surgery wasnt too bad and recovery was better than I expected. Next on the treatment plan is 4 rounds of taxotere cytoxan (TC?). My first round is on April 5th. After reading the other topics from previous months, I really wanted to be part of the April 2018 group but didnt see one. Looking forward to hearing from others.



  • SARxMan
    SARxMan Member Posts: 1

    Hi LELI. My wife begins her ACT regimen next week. Looking forward to hearing responses as well. MY thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family as you begin your journey :)

  • Weeeddie
    Weeeddie Member Posts: 17

    Hi Leli and SARxMAN,

    I'm going to be joing the April Chemo club, My Onco score came back 20. So I'm not taking any chances. I'm a peace with my decision. My ACT will starting hopefully next week. My journey to here has been awhile from diagnosis on 6th Dec 17. I know my team have left no stone unturned and I am grateful that I fit to have this treatment.

  • leli
    leli Member Posts: 25

    SARxMAN and Weeeddie, Thanks for joining!

    AC+T seems to be a common treatment. All the ladies I've met in my support group are also doing AC+T. I wonder why some go on AC+T versus TC (which I am on).

    Looking forward to hearing more about your journeys!

  • Weeeddie
    Weeeddie Member Posts: 17

    Leli, I think it depends on your diagnosis what treatment is given.

    My chemo starting 9th April

  • linda2119
    linda2119 Member Posts: 60

    Hi, everyone!

    Thanks for starting this group. I had surgery on 3/20 with a less than ideal pathology report. I'll be starting chemo toward the end of April - AC + T. Waiting for my PS to give me the OK to start. He said he tends to be conservative and wait as long as possible to begin chemo.

    Wish we didn't have to share this journey, but I'm glad to know others in the same situation.


  • Debsta
    Debsta Member Posts: 6

    hi everyone, I started my first round of Chemo today - joined this forum since March is just about over. I didn’t expect to need Chemo, my surgeon was pretty certain it wouldn’t be needed, but my medical oncologist and radiation oncologist both felt strongly it was needed. I’ll be going thru 4 AC and 4 T every 2 weeks. Doc told me I didn’t need a port - the nurses said I should get one since all blood draws and ivs need to be in my right arm. I also ended up with a flare and hives from the Adriamycin (it is fine now) but they don’t want a repeat next time.

    Overall today I’ve felt anxious, even with the adivan. I think it’s more the waiting for things to happen. I did feel really tired when I first got home, took a nap, and then woke up feeling a little dizzy, made myself a smoothie and started to feel better. I did take an anti-nausea pill and considering Pepcid to get rid of the heartburn. Planning on getting to bed early and seeing what day 2 will bring. I’m hoping to feel ok since I have a short paper to write - just 4 more weeks of my class and I get my MBA.

    Good luck to everyone going thru this journey


  • leli
    leli Member Posts: 25

    Debsta - I, also, will not have a port. How was the infusion via IV? Why are all the draws and infusions on the right arm? I was thinking of bringing my laptop so I can do some work but will the IV give me limited movement? Hope the next few days wont be as bad as others have mentioned so you can finish your paper. Good Luck!

  • Floffy
    Floffy Member Posts: 1

    I'm starting this Thursday, April 5th. Same treatment but I do have a port. How long does it take? And how are you feeling?

  • Debsta
    Debsta Member Posts: 6

    Hi Leli, I had to have the IV and Lab work done on the right arm only because I had some lymph nodes removed from the left. It wasn't too bad getting the IV in my arm, but the flare up was a little frightening, but that does not happen to everyone.

    Floffy, My first treatment lasted about 4 hours. I had lab work first, waited a 1/2 hour, met with the nurse and my doc for about 1/2 hour, then I went into the "treatment room" and picked a seat. It took the nurse about 15 minutes to set up the IV, and then they started a benedryl and steroid drip which took about 1/2 hour. The nurse then suited up and administered the Adriamycin directly into the IV (this took about 20 minutes), and finally they started the Cytoxan drip and saline which took about an hour.

    Overall I'm feeling ok. I was really tired when I got home on Friday, took an hour nap, and then rested for most of the day. Saturday I felt great, went for a walk, shopping/laundry etc, and then crashed around 6pm. Today has started out a lot slower, my energy level is not great, but I haven't been nauseous at all, just a bit of heartburn in the evenings.

    And still suffering from hives on my arm, I'm waiting for a call back from the Dr. It just makes me nervous, and want to make sure its nothing serious.

  • ElizB
    ElizB Member Posts: 28


    I will be starting my chemo next Thurs April 12. Chemo class tomorrow, port and echo early next week. I am so thankful to have found this site and forum. I am so overwhelmed but ready for the fight ( i hope). I was diagnosed late February. Lt Br- Stage 1 IDC stage 3. March 12 lumpectomy and one negative sentinel node removed. Initially was told surgery and radiation- but due to Mammoprint score will have chemo. ER+ PR- HERS2- I am reading everything I can on this thread and all the others to get ready for this. It has been so helpful.

    My doctor initially recommended the port be put in my left arm vs. chest- but that it was my choice. It doesn't look too common to put it in arm? Any thoughts??

  • leli
    leli Member Posts: 25

    ElizB - welcome! What will they be giving you during chemo and for how long? I didnt get a port so I dont know where it should be placed but the women I have met, have them on their chest.

    So tomorrow is the big day for me. I had my hair cut short today - donated my hair to 'Locks of Love'. I took my steriods, went to the gym and had a decent workout. I'm hoping that I will be able to get a good night's sleep.

    I packed my backpack with all kinds of of things - lip balm, dry mouth spray, iPad, chargers, snacks.

    Any other suggestions before I go to bed?

  • ElizB
    ElizB Member Posts: 28


    Hope you have a restful night and are sleeping as I post this!!!

    I am wishing you all the best tomorrow!

  • Weeeddie
    Weeeddie Member Posts: 17

    Leli and Floffy, Good luck today ,

    SARxMAN your wife is starting tomorrow I hope it to goes well for her.

    ElizB I a little a head of you , I'm starting 9th Apr got my wig yesterday and you know what it better then my own!

    Debate, hope your doing ok since you started your treatment last Saturday, appreciate if you are comfortable to share how your getting on

    Linda2119, hope your wait won't be to long for your start date.

  • mdevroy
    mdevroy Member Posts: 5

    ElizB I start the same day as you April 12.

    I don't know yet what they will use since the have to do a biopsy of a lymph gland that has a growth on it. I have not had surgery yet they want to see if they can shrink my mass right know its 2.87 CM. I"am triple positive with IDC in the left breast. I go in tomorrow for the biopsy and the echo. I'am going to let my hair go and rock the bald head.

  • leli
    leli Member Posts: 25

    1 down 3 to go!

    So the infusion went well today - no bad reactions. My husband and I were hoping that it would be somewhat uneventful and it was. We started around 9:30am and we left around 2:00pm. They said it will go faster next time - they gave me the Taxotere slowly because it is the one that is most problematic. I have a Neulasta patch which will trigger tomorrow around 5:30pm. We'll see how that goes...

    I was hoping to take a nap when I got home but the steroids are making me wired. I hope I will be able to sleep tonight. I havent felt any nausea yet (knock on wood) - there was anti-nausea meds in my IV. I feel a little weird physically like when you are coming down with a cold but nothing painful or anything to worry about at this point.

    I will let you know how I feel in the next few days.

    Floffy, I hope your first infusion went OK.

    SARxMan, how is your wife doing?

  • Debsta
    Debsta Member Posts: 6

    Hi everyone - this week has been interesting for sure. I think I spent most of it waiting for side effects to happen, although for the most part the week went very well. Although my mouth is starting to get a little sore, and I'm noticing a difference in food taste. I had my Neulasta shot on Monday, and I think Wednesday was probably my worst day for this cycle. I just felt really tired, and my body wasn't exactly achy, but just tender when touched (not sure if that makes sense). I was able to work all three days though, I just ended up leaving early on Wednesday and working from home. Today I had my port placed. I'm really relieved that it will reduce the amount of needles in the future. This week I've had 5 total and I'm already done with them, can't imagine how I would feel by the end of the treatments.

    The port placement was super easy, and a really quick procedure. I was under conscious sedation, so awake throughout, but under enough pain meds throughout. The follow up pain is minimal, only using Tylenol, and I think the worst part of it is the sticky tape they use to cover it. I am considering getting a prescription for the lidocain cream though (not sure if anyone is familiar with it), because the nurse said there could be some discomfort when they access the port each time for the chemo.

    I'm looking forward to feeling better this week, and my next treatment is on the 12th. I'm getting my hair chopped on the 13th so it doesn't come out in clumps. For the most part, I think I'm ok with it, but I guess I have to be right?

    Leli, I'm glad everything went well for you today, hopefully you can rest.

    Prayers and good wishes for everyone starting this week. I'm happy to share my experiences with everyone, it makes it easier to know that I'm not alone during this journey.

  • ElizB
    ElizB Member Posts: 28


    I am also glad to see all of your post and know I am not alone and that everyone is doing well!!

    I had my chemo class today- very informative. Then got a super short hair cut! Wig appointment tomorrow and Sunday (MDevroy Im not sold on the wig idea either-want to see how they look and $!!) Debsta I hope your feel better- Am I correct your have your treatments on Saturday? I am trying to figure out the best day for me (My choice Weds,Thurs Fri) My youngest plays baseball every weekend in the summer (travel) and I want to try to feel my best Sat/Sun) Looks like the 3-5 day rule of thumb for worst day fairly accurate?. I also spoke with a friends daughter today who is a chemo nurse and she offered this tip:

    Take any of the nausea meds offered- don't be afraid! ( i guess this is obvious) And stay on top of it.

    She also said never hesitate to call if you feel you need IV fluids. She said as we continue on we will learn our bodies/reaction will learn our bodies hydration needs and that it is very common get additional IV fluids that week ( 2 liters is almost standard) and she said you will feel amazingly better. She even told me if you have a week you know you will be very busy/potentialto over do it you can get fluids preventatively . You will start to know. Just want to throw that out there!!

  • Debsta
    Debsta Member Posts: 6

    Elizb - My first treatment was on a Friday, with the Neulasta shot on Monday (the office is technically closed on weekends). My next treatment is on Thursday w/the Neulasta on Friday because of my Dr's schedule. For me the worst day of the week was the second day after my Neulasta shot (Wednesday)

  • ElizB
    ElizB Member Posts: 28

    Thank you Debsta. I will be thinking of you Thursday.

  • leli
    leli Member Posts: 25

    Had the Neulasta shot on Friday evening. I was fine on Saturday morning - went to the gym, ran some errands. By the afternoon I was tired. Then it really hit me on Saturday night. The sensitivity in the back of the neck - like a bad sunburn. Some achiness everywhere but not all at once - I would feel something on one side then it would move somewhere else. Eating sucks - nothing tastes right - UGH! I hope these feelings subside as the days go by.

  • ElizB
    ElizB Member Posts: 28

    Thank you for the info- I am almost thinking that Fridays would be the best chemo day for me during baseball season. But not sure if Fridays are the best day to have any medical procedure/chemo in case you need to see the doctor or call for any reason..... Just trying so hard to keep my kids life as normal as possible!!

    I think I will see how this first cycle goes Thursday (since i have no idea how this is really going to be) and worry about it then. Thanks very much for the input.

    Leli I really hope you feel better soon. I admire you for going to the gym!! It can't be easy to keep moving and thats what my nurse told me to do- keep moving. Hope your appetite comes back soon too.


  • ksusan
    ksusan Member Posts: 461

    Stopping in from the April 2015 chemo group to cheer you all on! You'll get through this.

  • EncoreKennel
    EncoreKennel Member Posts: 5

    Debsta,  I had hives reactions to the blue gel they use for ultrasounds... believe it or not... Milk of Magnesia TOPICALLY (on the hives, not by mouth!) worked great to take away the itch and drop down the hives in moments.  Hopefully that can work for you too if you ever have them again.   :)  


  • EncoreKennel
    EncoreKennel Member Posts: 5

    Hi Ladies!   My first AC is scheduled for April 25th... so lots to do between now and then.  Had the chemo teaching yesterday.... and a huge binder came home in case I forget anything!  Thursday is the cardiac flow Doppler echo, then Monday is a visit with my surgeon to schedule the port .... likely next Thurs/Fri, and finally the following Wednesday starts the AC.   I am also a bit apprehensive about it, mainly because I have diabetes (steroids are not good for diabetes!) and MS with lots of hand and feet neuropathy.   My neuropathy is from decades of diabetes and MS and I fall a lot with that and the balance issues... so am strongly considering opting out of the Taxol for that reason, and going on to radiation after my 4 rounds of AC.   Got a new bag for my chemo "dates" and am stocking up with suggested supplies!   The bad thing is I am moving to another city mid way through the AC (this means different doctors, but same hospital network, so records/care will remain constant), but it can't be helped.  We sold our house and are moving home as soon as school lets out.   I worry about the fatigue during that, but my sister will come for a week to help us get settled.    God's got this!   Hugs!

  • astyanax66
    astyanax66 Member Posts: 223

    Hi, Ladies, hope you are well. I had my first chemo yesterday--Taxol and Herceptin. I had my lumpectomy at the end of February. The initial report (pre-surgery, from the core needle biopsy) was E+/P+/Her2-, so surgery and rads and done. But final pathology and Mammoprint was triple positive Luminal B subtype, so chemo will benefit me. I'll have 12 infusions of Taxol and Herceptin, then Herceptin alone every 3 weeks, plus radiation and 10 years of an aromatase inhibitor. Long story short--this went from something maybe that would take 8 weeks to resolve to a long process. The good news is it was caught early and small and no lymph nodes involved.

    Today the only side effects are no taste buds. It's okay. I'm working a modified schedule from home. I'm nibbling on snacks and drinking as much water as I can. I am starting to feel a little tired now, but I suspect it's as much from 9 hours driving and at the infusion center yesterday as the chemo itself.

    I did get a port because I have awful veins--it worked quite well for me yesterday.

    Good luck and hope April continues to go well for everyone.

    Dee (In Georgia)

  • leli
    leli Member Posts: 25

    Welcome astyanax66! Definitely take advantage if you are feeling good right now. My first couple of days were good as well. I'm sorry to hear you have to drive 9 hrs for your treatments. Maybe you can find something fun to do in that area to make the trip more worthwhile. Especially if treatment day isnt too bad. Hopefully, you are not the one who is doing the driving.

    I, too, am not enjoying food these days. You would think I'd get excited everytime I got weighed and my weight has gone down. But now I am just tired of looking. At least I can look forward to gaining the weight back during the holidays :-)

    Anyway, hope the next few days are manageable. Good luck with everything!

  • astyanax66
    astyanax66 Member Posts: 223

    Thanks, Leli! I would be okay dropping 10 pounds or so. That would get me back into the "overweight, but not badly" category. But of course, no one should lose so much weight as to not be as healthy as possible...Luckily the drive is only an hour each way, and yes, either a friend or DH is taking me each time. Yesterday being the first day was all the education and very slow infusions to monitor for side effects, etc. It'll be less time in the future...:)

  • tsp4420
    tsp4420 Member Posts: 4

    My mom was just diagnosed in March 2018 with Breast Cancer with Neuroendocrine features. She had a lumpectomy with sental lymph node testing. Nothing spread, her pet scan came back clean. We had our Second Opinion at Ohio State University. Her oncologist actually worked there and transferred to a smaller hospital. So everyone is on board with her chemo treatments. When we first visited her we were told that she would have AC every 2 weeks for 4 cylces and T every 2 weeks for 4 cycles. My mom went to see where she will be having her treatments and she met her nurses yesterday and they did a great job of showing her what would happen the day she came for chemo. Her onocologist also told her that she would have treatment 3 days in a row every 3 weeks. Has anyone heard of this? My mom is 76 and is pretty healthy, only surgery was in the 70's, so she is not use to her having something wrong with her, it was always my dad with his heart issues. I guess I want to know a reasoning on why they do this. That is a lot to get in 1 week for a 76 year old, let alone anyone else. They told her that the first day would take 7hours, next day about 1-2 hours and then the next day 1-2 hours. Why?? Again she is so overwhelmed, my dad too, that she may have misunderstood. Hoping to check with my mom today to see if she has heard anything different. Let me know what you guys think.. The blogs on here are amazing!!! I have read and reread and made a chemo bag and bought all the stuff she may need to get through this. I wish and pray for you all.

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Hi Y'all!

    Sadly, I'm joining the group, too. I wish none of us had to be here.

    astyanax66, I'm in GA with you. :)

    I was diagnosed with TNBC in the right breast last month and have been waiting to get test results back before starting anything. They're calling me stage I (1.7 cm) with no nodes involved, but won't know for sure until I have surgery. Because I'm triple negative, they're doing neoadjuvant chemo before surgery. My MRI showed a second area in the same breast, so I am having an MRI-guided biopsy on Monday to check it out, then will start chemo on Thurs (19th). We do one round, then I leave for a cruise that's been planned for over a year (I'm not missing that, especially since I REALLY need a vacation after the past month of life kicking me in the face). I'll get Round Two in early May when I come back.

    I've been reading the chemo boards and have gotten a ton of great tips from the pinned posts at the beginning of the section. My oncologist says I'll be able to work (mostly) through chemo - gosh I hope that's true. I've been anxiously waiting for a treatment plan so I can get started, but now that I have it, I'm getting scared.

    He's treating my chemo as if I'm stage II because TN is a more aggressive type of BC. I'm starting with AC for 4 rounds 2 weeks apart, with a Neulesta patch added to the mix, then will get Taxol every week for 12 weeks (possibly with Carboplatin added to the mix). Surgery to follow that. Oh joy!

    Good luck to everyone!

  • astyanax66
    astyanax66 Member Posts: 223

    Hi, tsp4420,

    Wow, that does sound intense, but I'm not a medical doctor, so I certainly don't know all the regimens and such. Is there a nurse navigator or anyone you can call? Most people I've chatted with are getting infusions once a week or once every 2-3 weeks (dose dense), like you mention she'd been told at first. I'd ask because that does seem a bit odd...I hope it works out!
