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Chemo starting April 2018



  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 368

    Hi Life/Julz,

    I also sent you an email about this - I think the problem you had was due to problems they were going through getting the new website to work right. Hopefully it's fized now.

    Meanwhile, to find us quickly the next time, you can use the Search feature on the left side panel or the little magnifying glass at the top of the screen. Just type in Chemo April 2018 and we pop right up. :)

    You can also add us to your favorites, by clicking the Favorites button on the thread screen.

    I hope this helps! I agree - everyone on here has a special place in my heart and I would love to stay connected. :)

    Hugs y'all!


  • Frog-on-the-lilypad
    Frog-on-the-lilypad Member Posts: 159

    Hello lovely people.

    I second your thought from a few posts back Ingerp, I am happy to have you all in my life.

    I thought I would pop in and say hi and happily report that my annual mammo went uneventful. I wanted to come in and say thank you to all of you. This group means a lot to me.
    I started a full time job almost 6 months back.My kid turned 10 in Dec, so very grateful that I am here to see her grow up.

    I went into early menopause due to chemo, so am struggling with insomnia and hot flashes. Apart from that I feel good. Things are boring and uneventful and I like it this way.

    I hope Life figures out how to work the site.

    Hope you guys are doing well. Sending hugs.

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 364

    Hi Gilrs! I am sooo happy that I have figured out how to work this site again. I decided to do it on my computer becasue my cell phone was not corporating at all!!

    A hudge THANK YOU to GaWarrier for reaching to me and helping me find my way back to my favorite group of ladies!

    I am doing good. Loving my new job. I finally got my house done! I can not believe that it took a whole year but it looks so nice. I have actually had friends drive right by my house and then call me. Yep. It changed that much.

    I am heading to Vegal for a bowling tournament next month. I little nervous about being in such a large group of ppl but all the traveling you ladies have been doing is giving me the courage to just do it!

    Hi Frog - Good to see you pop in and say hi. Sounds like life is very peaceful. What a great place to be!

    I will go back and catch up later this week. I just wanted to give it a go on my computer before I take off for the day.

    HAPPY EASTER! (My favorite holdiday of them all)

    Huggs ;)

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    I think we'll all get used to the new look of the site in a while (but *man* does it look different!). All good here. Had two trips to CA the last couple of months. I am looking forward to the rest of this year--I have a week away by myself in late May, a weekend in Northern Virginia with friends in June, am trying to schedule a trip to Michigan (land of my youth) in Aug or Sep, *hopefully* an in-person actuarial meeting in late October in. . . Orlando!! If it happens I'll definitely tack on a few days at WDW. I haven't been since January of 2020. I just planned a trip back to CA for a week in December--I think we'll probably be home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and I'm fine with that. And the end of this year should be the end of full-time work for me. :-D The plan is to work half-time another year or two, but I am *so* looking forward to having the grind behind me.

    I think of you all way more than I actually visit the site (today is the first day I saw the new look). Keep checking in as life continues--I will do the same.

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Hi all. It took me 20 minutes to navigate to here..ugh... im doing well and am going ro read up on how everyone is doing..

    Sending cyber hugs

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 364

    Hi Everyone,

    The last time I was out here I was heading to Vegas for a bowling tournament. Well I ended up catching Covid! Ugg, I started feeling better after 3 weeks and then I had an ingrown toe nail that got infected so a PA removed it, got really infected then! I ended up seeing a foot doctor who tells me he can either cut that part of my toe off of go through 3 months of intravenous antibiotic. We did an MRI and thankfully no bone infection, so it will heal. The toe nail will never grow back as a nice nail, more like a lumpy one. (Poor Thing) Then I was ridding my bike up to the Cheyenne Frontier Days Park and ended up wrecking. Scarred up my right arm, of course, now I have to keep an eye on it to make sure that lymphedema does not sets in, (UGG) and a huge bruise on my right top side thigh.

    I don't about the rest of you but I was kind of grumpy about all of that. I don't have then attitude I used to have before cancer, rub some dirt on it you will be fine. I know it pales in comparison as to what we all have been through but man I was a whiner. LOL

    Hello Underago71 - Good to see you surface again. How are you puppies doing? I bet they are growing fast! My two goobers are turning 13. Part of me wants to get another dog so they can teach the puppy the ropes. However I look at them all cuddled together. They are inseparable. I think the best choice here is to not change things up on them, let them live their senior lives out enjoying each other and having my undivided attention. Have you been taking your campier out on the weekends? Did you every ordered that cup that I find on the internet? I still think it fits you perfect! Any other fun exciting stuff happening?

    Hello Ingerp - Sounds like you have been doing a lot of traveling lately. Sounds pretty exciting for sure! How is your new puppy doing? Yes. This new site will take some getting used to. I can not utilize it on my phone so I need to park my bootie in front of my computer when I reach out to you all. Call it me be a lazy but it was so much easier when I could do this on my phone. LOL

    Hey GaWarrie - How are you doing. How is your summer going? How did your mon and daughter trip go?

    Hey Frog - Good to hear from you! Sounds like you are very busy with your job and a 10 year! That would keep anyone hoping! :)

    Hey InnaB - How are you doing? Have you written any new plays or books lately? Doing any traveling? I want you to know that I proof read and paid attention, as best I could, to my grammar and spelling so that when you read this, you won't be cringing. However, I can honestly tell you I am horrible at trying to determine when it is time for a coma. LOL

    Well, I sat down in front of the computer to pay my bills so I guess I better get on it. I will quit being so lazy and pop in more often. ;)

    Those of you who have not commented in awhile, drop a line so we can all hear how life is treating you!

    Huggs to you all!

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 368

    Hi Ladies!

    Frog and Urdrago, it's good to hear from you and that you are doing well!

    Inger, I hope you've been having fun with all your traveling this summer! You're going to LOVE going part time. I'm working in dental just one day a week now (although I have a blog with a friend and that keeps my super busy - but it's different when you are working for yourself).

    Life, I'm so sorry that you've had so many health glitches lately! I hope you are back to 100% now.

    My mother/daughter trip was great (back in Feb - wow, time flies). We are getting together again in Sept in NYC. I've never been there and my daughter's company is based there. She'll be up for a week for work, so I'm flying up and we'll take the weekend to explore a little.

    I'm doing well. I just had a mammo and MRI because the MO felt a place that he was sure was necrotic tissue, but wanted to be sure. Everything was negative, yay! I am waiting for the results of a Signatera blood test. It is a new test that takes the DNA "signature" of your tumor and searches for it in your blood. It can tell you whether a recurrence is likely in the next two years. Especially for us TNBCers, that gives me peace of mind that I am either fine or we need to start searching for something, somewhere.

    I just came back from seeing Bryce in Colorado. He is doing really well, too!

    Sending giant hugs to you all,



  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 364

    Hi Gawarrior, (Robin)

    My Doctor was telling me about the DNA test as well. I have been struggling with that decision. Not sure I want to know. I do like the way you put it though. Makes sense.

    Anyone else out there been approached by their doctor regarding this test?

    Fun times with your daughter! New York here you come! Great picture with Bryce as well. You are looking good girl!

    I am feeling better and back to myself, still struggle with sleep and joint pain. I think the anastrozole is part of that though. 6 more year to go, so I better just sucked it up! LOL

    Can't believe that summer is almost over, it goes sooo fast!

    Everybody have a great day and I will check in again soon!


  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    life, for me being TNBC its the third thing I had to go thru since it can be linked to hereditary ovarian cancer. I was negative. Also they will ask you if you want additional types of testing done so it truly up to you regarding how indepth you want to look at your DNA.

    I also did it so my family, daughter, grandkids could know advance if something did show up in my DNA..

    Gawarrior get pic your son and you!

    Btw, its not easy to navigate this website..grrrr

    Packing camper up to head to norther country, Ludington for long labor day weekend..

    Have a great Sunday

  • linda2119
    linda2119 Member Posts: 60

    Well, my August CT scan showed bone mets. I'm now Stage IV. Sigh

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 368

    Crap, crap, crap, linda2119, that sucks! I am super sorry to hear this. I remember you did a trial not long after completing treatment in 2018. Maybe another trial can help with your new diagnosis? Please keep us posted on how you are doing with your new treatments. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way!

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    linda2119, I cant imagine how you feel. Has the doctor discussed any new trial or current trials you can do? Here to support you, and listen ! Sending good vibes.

  • linda2119
    linda2119 Member Posts: 60

    Thank you both. One day at a time. My current regimen could keep things stable for a relatively long time, but it is too early to tell. Next scans in November - that will give us more info.

    In the meantime, I'm not in any pain and it's just the emotional toll that is hard to deal with.

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 368

    Linda2119, I can only imagine the emotional toll this has had on you. I'm am very glad that you aren't in pain and it's good to hear that you could stay stable for a long time. I know of several ladies (friends of friends) who have been living with Stage IV for many years. Hopefully your November scans will bring good news.

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 364


    I am so sorry to read this news! What is the plan of action for the newest discovery? Are you doing ok with all considered?

    Please feel free to reach out if you want to chat or vent!

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 364

    Hi Everyone,

    I hope you are all doing well during this holiday season. I keep thinking it maybe updated picture time but I can not figure out how I can do that on the computer when my pictures are all on my phone.

    I am thinking I may have to get another part time job with the expenses continuing to rise. UGG

    No big plan for Thanksgiving for me. Going over to my BF's house and having diner. He is cooking and I will get to clean up the mess. LOL

    My mamo is coming up in December, and then my OC appointment in January. Trying not to stress about it.

    I have started working out again. I needed too! I was getting pretty lazy at night. I went from cleaning every night at my part time job to couch potato city, after sitting all day at work. Needless to say the pounds are showing up! It can't be my eating habits and love for chocolate. (inserting a shrug) LOL

    Linda I hope your test results for November are going to ease some of that stress and give you a solid plan! My prayers are with you.

    Have a wonderful day and a Happy Thanksgiving!

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 368

    I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and got to spend lots of time with loved ones! I jJust wanted to pop in and wish you all a joyful, prosperous, and healthy New Year! We have a year of changes coming up (I retired from my PT job during Christmas week, hubby will retire early in June, 2023, and we'll be moving from Atlanta to Florida after that to be be closer to my daughter.) It's sort of stressful to leave my MO (he seems like a lifeline), but I've decided to come back here for my semi-yearly checkups (and will see a lifetime friend who is here in ATL), so that helps.

    Thinking of you all this new years and sending big hugs,


  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 364

    Hi Everyone!

    GaWarrier: WOW! That is a big change. Climate and all! As I am sitting here in cold, snowy, windy Wyoming. brrrrrr LOL

    I feel a lot of peeps have stopped visiting this site. I really think that the new way they have set things up creates some stress. I know it does for me! I do miss all the updates and pictures. However, it is a good thing too, because everyone is so busy living their lives. I will never forget any of you and how you were all my sanity, entertainment and many times my strength. You took the lonely away. I have learned a lot from those that I have reached out too. Thank you for that! You all are all so beautiful and strong and I wish you all the very best! If anyone wants to stay in touch, but maybe not through this site. Please send me a private message and we can exchange personal information and start communicating that way. :0)

    Prayers for continue health and happiness to you all!


  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Happy 2023 all! Had a clear mammo yesterday so thought I'd pop in and say hi. Everything is good with me, although I keep pushing back my retirement date. I was hoping to go part-time soon but management is dragging their feet on the necessary paperwork/approvals. Other than that my grandson turns two tomorrow, and #2 is due 3/23/23. I just had a fun week in Idaho with most of my family (one kid couldn't make it). My DIL couldn't come either so I was in full grandma the whole time. It was delightful.

    At 65 I am finding an increasing number of people in my inner and outer circles with various types of cancer. I guess that's just what happens as we get older.

    Linda I am so sorry for your news. I am sending good thoughts to all of you.

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500
    edited March 2023

    Linda my thoughts are with you.

    Ive been busy with family. December my middle child moved home as her husband told her thru his mom he wanted divorce.He filed and she stayed here a month moved into apartment. Shes doing well. My son is doing well. My youngest has moved home with her family, three grandbabies all girls . Its been an adventure.

    Meanwhile im still working and cant wait for camping season to get here. Congratulations Gawarrior enjoy the warm weather.

    Ingrep, retire and go on more adventures!! I wld if I cld..

    I'll keep in touch and if anyone want to chat pm me and I'll share my number or email.

    Prayers , send good vibes.


  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 368
    edited April 2023

    Inger, congratulations on Grandbaby #2 (who should be here by now!). I hope your part-time paperwork has managed to get approved and you are enjoying some free time to go see this new little one and your kiddos. Like Karla said, it's time for adventure!

    Wow, Karla, you have a houseful! I'm sorry for your daughter - how nice of him to tell her through his mom (what a wimp). I'm glad your family is doing well.

    Jules/Life, I hope things are going well for you. I know this new version of the website is frustrating, but I really think we are only checking it every so often due to being busy and new things going on in our lives. I know I only check it about every other month myself, so don't give up checking in!

    Linda, I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and sending love.

    We were in Iceland last week (an appropriately named country - at least during this time of year, lol). It was beautiful and an amazing experience! Iceland was on my and my daughter's bucket list, so she went with us. We even saw the northern lights, which was awesome!

    You all are always in my heart,



  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    I've been thinking about you guys—it took me so long to find this group! (Finally tracked it down when I searched on "starting chemo april 2018.")

    Anyway—I hope everyone is doing well. All good here—I'm coming up on five years on the AI and have decided to stop. My MO did mention another 2-5 years but also said it was totally up to me. I don't think I'd heard before that the first five years are to prevent a distant recurrence of your old tumor (metastasis)—any additional years are more about preventing a new primary. I don't remember exactly what she said last time, but I think she mentioned it would drop a 3% probability to 1.5%. I'm turning 66 in late October and my birthday present to myself is to stop then. I'd like to see what life feels like with a little estrogen on board—met with a NP last Friday who confirmed that while I won't get back much, it will be some and it impacts SO many systems in your body.

    So—counting down the days to that, as well as several fun trips to visit family the rest of this year. I've also finally decided to lock in the retirement date that I keep postponing—it'll be end of 2024. Still a ways away but I'm already looking forward to it and thinking about what to do once all this work stuff is behind me!

    My best to you all!!

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 364

    Hi Ladies!

    Just checking in after reading all your comments. Good to see some familiar post and pictures! I wish I could figure out how to download pictures. I did a fun crazy thing for my 60th birthday. I had purple hi-lights put in. I love them, only downfall is that you have to wash your hair in freezing cold water. No biggie for Sept but now that December, NO WAY! LOL Needless to say my purple hi-lights are fading away.

    I am waiting patiently for my mamo to be done. I keep having pictures surface on Facebook back in 2017, weeks before my diagnoses. I keep looking at my eyes wondering if my body was talking to me back then and I was too busy to listen. Ya know?

    I have not done much traveling since my last post. I went to Reno for National Bowling Tournament and camping on Labor Weekend. Not much else. Summer really never showed up and then wham it was over.

    Still with my SO, almost called it quits but we both decided to work on things before throwing in the towel. Hopefully we get things back on track. We have been out of sorts for years now.

    I was thinking about growing my hair back to the length it was before cancer. When ever I do though, I start going down the dark tunnel of what if. Geesh, does that ever go away?

    Ingerp my OC wants me to take the anastrozole for 10 years. I started in 2018. I get the no estrogen deal. I have started using estradiol cream for the super dryness that I am dealing with. It was getting so bad that I was starting to have bladder issues. That seem to help a lot. It was kind of scary at first, but the comfort out ways the fear. I don't know about you, but there are times I wake up at 3 in the morning and realize that I plum forgot to take the pill. MY OC says take it right then but I find if I don't have food on my belly is upset it. I usually take it at 3 in the afternoon. It does not seem to affect my sleep as bad. Joint pain is still a thing and weight gain. I have been hitting the gym and pumping weights. I do seem to feel better but still super duper tired during the day. My hair is thinning out and I get a little fuzzy in the head sometimes as well. It makes work kind of tuff some days. Finally set a retirement date, stick with it girl! Wish I could, but I have to wait until I am 66! Boo! Hiss! LOL

    Karla, Hope everything is settling down with your family and that you are doing good.

    Hey Frog if you pop in, I want to say hope your are doing well.

    Robyn I am living vicariously through you and all your fun trips that you go on. Love the pictures too! Thank you for telling me to keep popping in once in awhile. I really enjoy seeing everyone's post and catching up with what is happening in everyone's lives.

    Linda, I am hoping to hear that your are doing better, and things have settled down for you some. (huggs)

    Well ladies I am signing off for now. I would love to see updated pictures of you all! Oh and your fur babies too! :)

    Everyone have a very Merry Christmas and a safe and blessed New Year!


  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 368

    Hi All,

    Well, half the year is gone - I can't believe July 4th is next week! We're enjoying Florida (despite the heat. Oh well, Hotlanta was toasty, too, so FL really hasn't been much different). We're also enjoying retirement.

    This is our Year Of Travel. We went to Peru in April/May (Machu Picchu was on my bucket list). We have a few other trips scheduled over the next couple of months and then we're going to stay home for 6 months straight, lol. We usually never have so many trips in a year, but opportunities kept popping up and I feel like we need to grab them, since clearly, we never know what's around the corner.

    I'm doing well - 6+ years past diagnosis now! I saw my MO in Atlanta in April when I was back for a visit. It's disconcerting that they really don't do any testing, just a breast exam since I had a double mastectomy. They depend on symptoms. I feel like everything is okay, but how do I KNOW?

    I was diagnosed with osteoporosis in my lower spine around this time last year (ask your MO for a bone density test if you haven't had one in awhile - chemo impacts the bones!). No bisphosphonates for me if I can help it, so I am going to the gym 4 days a week to lift weights and do impact workouts (studies show that jumping, stomping, and heel drops can help). The dr started me on Evista, which is protective against recurrence (sorta similar to AI and Tamoxifin for you ladies with hormone-positive bc) and helps a tiny bit to build bone. We'll see in 2 years - but I do understand your aches and pains a bit better now.

    Linda2119, I hope you are still stable and doing well on the trial RX you had started.

    Karla, I hope some of the family has moved out and given you back your space! I'm sure you're enjoying camping right now.

    Inger, I hope you really do get to retire at the end of this year! Baby #2 is over a year old now, wow! And I hope you're enjoying an AI-free world. :)

    Life, hoping you're doing well and everything has worked out for the best with your SO. You don't need the extra stress! How are you doing with the estradiol cream?

    Frog, I hope things are going well Down Under (does that apply to NZ as well as Australia?). Hug Miss K for me!

    Hugs to you all,


  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    I love the updates and GAWarrior—love the pic!! I have <running to check the countdown app. . .> four months 19 days until retirement. My son, DIL, and two grandkids are in the area—stayed with us for a week, then off to a wedding in GA, now staying with my DIL's mom (she's also from Charlottesville). The older grand is almost 3-1/2, the younger one is almost 1-1/2. So much fun to have around but also exhausting!! Next weekend my two other kids are meeting all of us at an Airbnb in NoVa before everyone flies home. After that a fairly quiet end to the year and no immediate plans for the beginning of retirement (other than a quick trip to Disney World!). I'm throwing myself a retirement party on January 10th, and then hubs will leave for his two-month ski trip. I'm really looking forward to being home alone with the dogs with absolutely nothing to do!

    Healthwise I'm good. I've been at this so long both my MO and RO have retired! I check in with my new MO once a year but that's it. I happen to have a bone density scan tomorrow—throughout all of this they've been saying I'm doing okay—some osteopenia but that's to be expected. I have been going to the gym fairly regularly and <finally> started using calcium supplements consistently this year. I'm hoping to make a little progress going forward.

    I do think about you guys and love that we are still checking in occasionally (once you can figure out the new website!) All good thoughts toward y'all!!!