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Miracle 6 months after diagnosis



  • pipers_dream
    pipers_dream Member Posts: 187
    edited December 2018

    blue pearl I’m too tired tonight to respond to your entire post, and besides the mods have asked us to tone it down. So I’m just going to say make a helluva lot of assumptions but the main one is that those who choose the holistic route to healing are too dumb to research and will fall for any “snake oil” scam out there which tells me that you know virtually nothing about what motivates us. That’s fine...I don’t need you to agree with me or the OP, but please realize that we can think for ourselves and don’t need someone to steer us away from black salve or any other tx we may be investigating. First of all, I don’t think anyone but you even brought up Black salve and for another all you have to do is google search BS and you will find all kinds of gory pix.

    Call me naive but I believe PurpleHair and I don’t think she’s trying to sell anything. It’s her story and that’s it. Also I believe it because I have heard similar stories from other people that I actually know and I’m pretty sure the placebo effect isn’t as temporary as you seem to think.

    As for the power of prayer being harmful? Really? Did I read that correctly? You’ve read different studies than I have. Even mice respond to being prayed over and I’m pretty sure that was not the placebo effect.

    Honestly all I’m asking is that you be more respectful on the alt healing forum. We already hear it from well meaning friends and relatives and here we just want a safe place to discuss these things. Why are you even here if you think it’s all hooey? To save us from ourselves? You know how you hate it when some well meaning acquaintances send you stuff about how some snake oil scam willcure all cancer and you find it annoying and intrusive? That’s what this feels like.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,739
    edited December 2018

    Hello All,

    Stepping in to say that respects the choices of our members, however to remind our readers that we do not recommend or endorse alternative treatment, only complementary medicine. Complementary medicine is not alternative medicine. Complementary medicine is USED WITH evidence-based conventional care. Alternative medicine is USED INSTEAD OF conventional medicine.Because complementary medicine can be combined or integrated with conventional medical treatment, it is also called "integrative medicine." We encourage you to talk with your doctors, and understand the research before making your treatment decisions. Here are a few links containing information that could be helpful:

    Points to Consider If You Want to Add Complementary Medicine to Your Treatment Plan

    Types of Complementary Techniques

    Complementary and Holistic Medicine


    The Mods

  • PurpleHair
    PurpleHair Member Posts: 17
    edited January 2019

    Hello beautiful Souls

    Living with cancer doesn't have to mean living with fear. So I'm inspired to share some insights on this.

  • L-O-R-I
    L-O-R-I Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2019

    VL22, the purpose for juicing is to get a concentrated amount of nutrients into your body quickly.  If you have breast cancer, your body is not in need of excessive amounts of fiber.  Juicing 2 pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables, for example, will yield approx. 1 cup of juice.  If someone is wanting to flood their body with nutrients when fighting any disease, they can have 3 cups of juice per day, as opposed to eating 6 lbs. of fruits and vegetables.  6 lbs. would be very taxing on the digestive system, if that amount is even possible to consume daily.  If someone is perfectly healthy and following the Federal Food Guide, they may not need the extra nutrients that juicing can offer.  If they are not well, they need to determine which additional fruits and vegetables would supply them with the vitamins and minerals that are being depleted while their bodies are trying to fight off their disease.  It is not a myth that juicing is "healthy".  Doing it in moderation is not going to cause any damage, unless allergies are present.  Unfortunately, there just isn't a lot of funded money put towards "Scientific Evidence" promoting juicing or anything else that is considered "Healing" when naturally found in nature.  

    I started juicing upon my diagnosis one year ago and I have never felt better!!  That's all the proof I need :))    Lori

  • 1redgirl
    1redgirl Member Posts: 94
    edited May 2019

    Just finished watching this video. This woman doctor has walked the walk as a stage 4cancer survivor for many years. This might be helpful for those with an open mind.

  • grannyjanie
    grannyjanie Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2019

    I have just been diagnosed with dcis grade 3. Don t have a plan yet. I feel from the beginning ( March 2019 ) I am being pushed into a cookie cutter set of treatments. You story was inspiring and helpful for me. I have another app in 2 hours with a surgeon who is anxious to schedule surgery . I plan to tell him my next step is for a second opinion. I have been following a strict diet and using supplements. The emotional changes and spiritual focus was unexpected but welcome. I see this as a blessing not a curse, but sometimes still get scared. Thank you for sharing your part of your journey.

  • L-O-R-I
    L-O-R-I Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2019

    Hi grannyjane, I know what you mean by cookie cutter.  It doesn't make sense that if there are so many different types of breast cancers and so many different stages/degrees, how come there are so few options given by our oncologists?  Not too many can say that our circumstances can be felt as a blessing instead of a curse, but I feel the same way!  Don't be afraid. Fear is destructive in every way and doesn't help.  A second opinion is always a good thing :)

    Thanks for the video 1redgirl.  I will hopefully have time to watch is later tonight!!

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,956
    edited May 2019

    What cookie cutter treatments? Not everyone gets chemo. Not everyone gets radiation. Not everyone gets hormone blockers. Whatever has been decided for the patient is based on the type of cancer they have, and what will work most effectively. You don't have to go along with it, but please do not post lies about evidence-based treatments.

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363
    edited May 2019

    She is not posting lies. She is frustrated as many of us are probably because tv commercials in particular make it sound like many very specific treatments are available for individualized treatment.

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771
    edited May 2019

    Once again someone that is interested in Alternative Medicine is judged unfairly. There needs to be a safe place for those of us that believe in it to any degree to post freely without being called names. We are here to support each other. Please do not say anything if you cannot be respectful of others' beliefs...

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,739
    edited May 2019

    please keep this cordial and respectful. Thank you.

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,956
    edited May 2019

    I just hate seeing the medical professionals, who, for the most part, work very hard to find the best treatments for us, being maligned and disrespected for not being able to sprinkle fairy dust on us for a magical cure.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,739
    edited May 2019

    AliceBastable, we completely agree that medical professionals should not be maligned. Although does not recommend or endorse alternative medicine, this forum (Alternative Medicine) is the one place within our community where people can safely discuss their opinions and decisions about alternative treatment options, which often includes their reasons to not choose conventional. We do ask that everyone please try to talk from your experience, and your opinions only.

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771
    edited May 2019

    Thank you Mods

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited May 2019

    I second that Alice. It’s like those of us who do go the conventional route are misinformed and too accepting. I don’t agree with their choice to go the alternative methods but it’s their body and their life. The same rule applies to those of us who chose to do otherwise. Personally I didn’t choose to play what I believed was Russian roulette with my life by the alternative drugs/treatments.

    When my mother was DX many years ago all that was offered was a MX. I think BC research and treatments has come a long way since then. Still a long way to go and too many ladies are dying from this disease but they have made progress.


  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771
    edited May 2019

    Edwards750...I'm sorry but there is absolutely no reason why you should go on an alternative thread and say that you believe it's playing Russian roulette. Please be more respectful of others' wishes as the Mods have asked.There are countless threads that are devoted to conventional methods. There is one thread devoted to alternative methods. Those of us that believe in alternative methods or a combination of both need a safe place to discuss it.

  • macb04
    macb04 Member Posts: 756
    edited May 2019

    I really agree that it's important not to be critical when it comes to the alternative thread, or any thread really. We are supposed to be supportive of each other, be able to speak our minds.

    It's not like mainstream Western bc treatment is wildly sucessfully! 44,000 women that they admit die every year from breast cancer. Then there are scores more who do not get counted, but die of some bc treatment related complication. That does not sound like much of an improvement in survival statistics to me for the Western Way.

    So please All, withold the judjement, of Alternative treatment on what is afterall the Alternative Thread.

  • simonerc
    simonerc Member Posts: 155
    edited May 2019

    If you click on this link from the National Cancer Institute and open the section Trends in Rates you can click to open a table titled New Cases, Deaths and Five Year Relative Survival. The data is from 1975 through 2016. The data clearly shows a decrease in deaths from breast cancer and an increase in 5 year relative survival. Advances in the treatment of breast cancer is one of the main contributors to the very positive trend. I am not preaching. We each get to make our own decisions about treatment choices, or lack there of. I just hope that we each make the best, most informed decisions for ourselves. Cancer sucks. Not everyone survives. Treatment sucks. I agree. But the numbers on that table continue to give me hope.

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363
    edited May 2019

    I agree, tired of people that spew off proven conventional treatment. Look at the proof, not too good. I say we are all playing russian roulette. Until a real cure is found this debate will continue.

    SimoneRC, look at what people are suffering through to "save" their lives. Pretty hard choices.

  • Artista964
    Artista964 Member Posts: 376
    edited May 2019

    I'm just curious. If you go stage IV, would you post it?

  • simonerc
    simonerc Member Posts: 155
    edited May 2019

    Hard choices, indeed. Personally, I am grateful to have choices.

  • tb90
    tb90 Member Posts: 297
    edited May 2019

    I totally went conventional. And I am totally satisfied with my decision. That does not mean that others have to support my decisions or beliefs. I am so shocked at the self serving needs of others to claim they are saving others by providing their pathway and beliefs as the right way. People make choices. To smoke. To gain weight. And that may kill them. Yet to practise alternative measures is some how ridiculous. I drink too much. And I accept the consequences. None of us are doing the perfect thing. Lets just support each other in whatever works. After all we have been through, do we really need to prove our way is right? Differing opinions and beliefs should not be a threat to others. If you do not agree, go to another thread. Perhaps some restrictions should apply as they do for Stage IV forums. The insensitive comments need to stop for all. I support and question all beliefs equally. But I only own my own. I learn from everyone whether I am a believer or not. Others beliefs neither threaten mer influence me. But they do make me think. And thinking is good. Too bad it is so much easier to criticize

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771
    edited May 2019

    TB90...I totally agree! Vey well said. I would never go on a conventional thread and make negative comments or not be supportive. I'm only asking for the same in return.

  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019
    edited May 2019
    just curious what people are talking about with regards to the stage 4 thread? Am I missing something?

    I am a practitioner of Classical Chinese medicine, an integrative nutritionist and a body worker. I am fully on board with “alternative medicine” which I hate the name of. It is ALL medicine, just a different way of looking at the body which typically includes that we have a spirit and an energetic body (or bodies) that conventional medicine does not acknowledge as it works from a more mechanical system. Both are good and both have their place in healthcare.

    I would be very sad to not have my “alternative medicines” as part of how I make it through my cancer journey.

    I have my own opinions about whether going full-blown “alternative” is wise or unwise but I keep them to myself at this point because our journeys are our own and I guess I follow more of a Buddhist belief that we each have to experience our own experiences in this lifetime. Our own experiences have their own value and worth and teachings. It is not my place to judge anyone else’s journey. I can only be present for them, should I choose.
  • PurpleHair
    PurpleHair Member Posts: 17
    edited July 2019

    The healing journey requires lots of self love, patience, persistence, self care, spiritual practice, and a willingness to put life first and let go of anything in yourself that does not align with love. I started a YouTube channel to document my healing journey:

    I hope it helps provide some support and insights to those interested in expanding their minds to holistic healing! Honor each individual's unique choice because we are all able to think for ourselves and take responsibility for our own lives. Healing is not an exact science whether conventional or alternative. Much love and blessings to you all on your journeys!

  • RelaxSurf
    RelaxSurf Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2019

    thank you so much for this my mom has metastatic breast cancer and I am very scared I needed to read this i know she can do it she is just very depressed because the cancer came back I’ll tell her about this wonderful blog so she can regain some hope lost thank you so muc

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited August 2019

    This is the internet. Anyone can make any kind of claim they want. And countless people will choose to believe without asking for the proof and without looking at the whole picture. People fake illness, they fake cures, they fake identities, they fake pregnancies, they fake deaths, they fake abductions, they fake their financial situations—either so poor please send money or so rich everyone should buy this book/cds/seminar to learn their secrets, or join this Ponzi scheme. For someone to make a post on this forum claiming miraculous healing, I cannot buy into it because...this is the internet! Anyone can claim anything!

    Saying “everyone has the healing power inside" is a questionable comment. What makes someone think they know how much healing power another person has inside of them? What about all the children dead from cancer? Did they not think the right thoughts? Could they not conjure up the right amount of mojo to cure themselves? It is one thing to say “I could feel the healing power inside me". Yes, I will respect that. But please don't speak for “everyone" because you're only an authority of your own experience, not mine or anyone else's.

  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019
    edited August 2019
    hi purplehair,

    Wondering if you’ve been getting mri’s and/or ct scans to show that the tumor has shrunk as well as the lymph nodes?

    How do you know that your swollen arm is secondary edema and not due to the lymph nodes being invaded with cancerous cells?

    We all choose to approach cancer mentally in different ways. Your approach is, to me, one that sounds like it is filled with hope and optimism and also deep fear. I believe the fear is about actually receiving conventional treatment for the cancer process your body is going through. The thing is, I also see a woman who is expending ALL her energy towards fighting the inevitable, that there is cancer and it is not being treated. And I wonder about how absolutely exhausting that must be for you.

    The thing is, you can go through treatment and still feel the unconditional and beautiful love of the universe. You don’t have to NOT do treatment to feel this.

    I am concerned for you that you are in a HUGE realm of very very strong denial about what your body is going through.

    I probably had cancer growing in my body for 10 years before being diagnosed with MBC. I meditated, ate a clean diet, exercised, did qigong, taichi, felt the love of the universe, found a deep love and acceptance of my family and parents, forgave those who had hurt me, etc etc...and yet I still have cancer and still have to treat it.

  • peregrinelady
    peregrinelady Member Posts: 416
    edited August 2019
    Well said, Philly.
  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited August 2019

    The other thing I find questionable is the claim that six months out = cure. Six months doesn't prove a cure. Those of us familiar with the disease have known many women on this forum who presented with the disease, had treatment, were told they'd been cured and then at some point later, the breast cancer returned. This included women diagnosed stage 0.

    And it's not that I don't believe some people can't be cured either with conventional and in the rare instance, non conventional treatments. I even have a personal story to share. In 1978, my 18 year old brother was diagnosed with terminal testicular cancer and given a year to live. The cancer went from the testes to his stomach and throat. He had the harsh chemo that was available back then, surgery to try to remove what they could, and radiation. He is two years younger than I and lives next door to my sister. Yep. He beat it. I say that's miraculous.

    As many years went by, when he'd tell his medical history to a new doctor, they'd say, “Oh, you're in remission."

    He'd say, “Remission??? —-No, CURED!"

    These days he doesn't even mention it.