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Could this indent be something?

Megadoo Member Posts: 30
edited January 2019 in Not Diagnosed But Worried

Three months ago, when I got out of shower, I noticed when I lifted my arms the bottom curve of my L breast had a small indent. I knew this was new since I am very good about my SBE's. At the time I was having trouble with the FA in my R breast and was waiting to see surgeon to discuss removal. Since I was focused on that, I decided to just wait and see if it goes away. I took a picture to reference back to. I had the lumpectomy on the R for the FA two weeks ago today. It's still healing, but all good.

This indent is still there. I know there was not one on the R breast prior to surgery. The indent appears to be slightly more prominent. It is still there when I lean forward, bend over, and flex with arms above and in front. That area of my breasts is so lumpy and bumpy, I really can't tell if there is "a lump". Could this just be the Cooper ligament thing? I feel silly bringing it up to my GP since I just had the lumpectomy and everything. Even tho he is a wonderful doctor. Looking back, I see that I have never had imaging done on the L. Only the R, for past 4 yrs since finding the FA in the R. And I was only 35 at that time. 39 now. No family history of BC.

Just like to hear other's experiences/ideas and maybe reassurance that it is nothing.



  • Sidalee
    Sidalee Member Posts: 113
    edited December 2018

    Hi Megadoo,

    Do not feel silly and do get it checked out ASAP. About 2 months before my baseline mammo I started to notice something similar to what you are describing. My left had this sort of indent/dip below my nipple that I hadn't noticed until I happened to raise my arms up in front of the mirror while doing my hair one day. I even told my husband something seemed different, but I went ahead and waited the two months for my mammo since it was already scheduled. My tumor was found at that first mammo and it was almost 6cm at that point. The tumor was actually above the indent where the tissue had become very dense. You don't know how many times I have wondered if treatment could have been a little easier and my prognosis better if I hadn't waited those two months.

    Hugs, hopefully I haven't made you feel worse and I'm praying that it's just benign lumps and bumps.

  • dani444
    dani444 Member Posts: 216
    edited December 2018

    Please do not feel silly calling to get this checked out. Any changes in your breast need to be addressed and you are your best advocate. While hopefully it is nothing you don't want to let this go on the small chance that it is. I wish you the best.

  • Megadoo
    Megadoo Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2018

    Sidalee, no you didn't make me feel worse. I will make an apt. I see you were diagnosed this year. Thankfully it was picked up on that mammo. I hope you are doing well, and I appreciate your advice very much.

  • Megadoo
    Megadoo Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2018

    Thank you Dani. Just called GP and asked if he would just give me the referral for mam/us to save me a copay. They will call back in a bit, but if not I will make an apt to see him to get referral. I was hoping after the lumpectomy I would heal and be done with all issues. To see the indent remain is a little disappointing. But, bump in the road. It's most likely nothing and this way I get my baseline mammo for the left side out of the way :)

  • Megadoo
    Megadoo Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2018

    Seeing GP tomorrow. Because it's a new finding it has to be documented as "seen" before referral for insurance purposes. Dang, was hoping to save the $35 copay ;)

  • Sidalee
    Sidalee Member Posts: 113
    edited December 2018

    Hugs and prayers, I'm glad you are getting it checked out right away.

  • dani444
    dani444 Member Posts: 216
    edited December 2018

    So glad you are getting it checked! Let us know what you find out.

  • Megadoo
    Megadoo Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2018

    Will do! Thanks for the encouragement!

  • Each_day_2018
    Each_day_2018 Member Posts: 66
    edited December 2018

    Glad you're getting it checked out!

    Mine started off as an indent, maybe 2 inches long and only evident in certain positions. I had some 'thickening' in the breast behind around where the indent was. I went for a mammo and US and both came back clear. Upon followup with a BS, he did not recommend a biopsy and chocked it up to being normal changes as we grow older (I was 29 at the time). Fast forward nearly two years and the indentation was becoming much more pronounced and visible regardless of my position. Went back for a mammo and US. Follow up with the BS recommended an immediate biopsy, which resulted in stage III IDC at age 31.

    If you suspect something is wrong, push and fight for more testing or switch doctors! Just don't wait!

  • Megadoo
    Megadoo Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2018

    Wow! That sounds scary. I hope you are doing well. I see it hasn't been that long since your DX. 4cm not showing up? Wow.

    Thank you for replying. Wishing the best for you.

    I am not exactly sure what "thickening" is supposed to feel like (just looked for lumps), but last night I checked again and I do feel an area near the indent that is flat and smooth, not more rounded like all the rest of the area. Probably nothing, but I will see what GP says about it. I have a good relationship with my GP, so I will ask his thoughts regarding possible MRI if nothing shows on mam/US. But I don't want to get ahead of myself. One step at a time I guess.

  • Megadoo
    Megadoo Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2018

    Well that didn't go as I thought it would, but I guess it's good??? GP said that it is a blood vessel that is causing my indent. He can see the very prominent blue vein leading right to the area. The "flat rubbery" thing I feel is the vessel itself. He said as you get older, breast tissue sags (obviously) and the indent is just my skin settling around the vessel.He said nothing to worry about, no imaging needing, and I will get my left baseline mammo next yr when I turn 40.

    So..........okay I guess? Never heard of that before. I mean I don't want to worry unnecessarily, but I feel weird about this conclusion. Suppose I will just leave it be. He said we will look at it again in April at my next scheduled apt.

    I don't know.

  • dani444
    dani444 Member Posts: 216
    edited December 2018

    Are you OK with waiting? Just curious if it was a breast surgeon that did your lumpectomy recently. I imagine if you wanted to you could get back in with them, or if you are uncomfortable ask for a referral to a breast surgeon. I did have an indent as well, along with an inverted nipple that tipped me off. So do what makes you comfortable. This is your body,your peace of mind and please don't be afraid to speak up if you are wanting testing earlier. Please know I am not trying to sway you or scare you, just want you to be comfortable with their recommendations. All the best.

  • Megadoo
    Megadoo Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2018

    I appreciate that immensely Dani. I honestly don't know how I feel, however I didn't leave the GP's office happy like you would think when someone says "nothing to worry about". It was a general surgeon who did the lumpectomy. I will be seeing him soon for a follow-up. Actually I will probably see him Friday at our kids school basketball game LOL. Our sons are friends and play all the sports together. Was a tad awkward when he saw my boobs the first time LOL. I do plan on asking him to take a look at the indent during the apt tho. I would like some peace of mind. Not really feeling it right now. This feeling sucks. I don't want this to constantly hang in the back of my mind. I also need to schedule my way overdue pap, so I can ask the GYN, however they are kind of useless. Can you make an apt with a breast specialist without a referral? Prob not huh?

    Hmmm, I am torn between "something isn't right" and "is this all in my head". I will say that all of you have been so wonderful for sharing your advice and thoughts. Going to think about this for a bit.

  • Sidalee
    Sidalee Member Posts: 113
    edited December 2018

    Megadoo, I was thinking about you all day yesterday. Totally agree with the other ladies, if you are okay with that explanation then try not to worry and wait for your mammo. If you are going to still worry too much, then don't be afraid to push for a scan or a consult with a breast surgeon. You know your body best.

  • Megadoo
    Megadoo Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2018

    Thank you Sidalee. Appreciate your thoughts so much. Did a lot of thinking last night amd this morning. I did a SBE of the entire breast and things just feel...different. It is frustrating that I can't use my other breast as comparison right now as its still healing, but I think I need to pursue this. HOWEVER, I am not going to freak out and will do my best to not become obsessed over it. That is too exhausting. I will make an apt with the GYN and at the least ask them for a referral.

    You guys are so great. Thankful to have found this forum.

  • Megadoo
    Megadoo Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2018

    I am seeing my GYN tomorrow morning. If she says "no worries" then I am putting this to bed until my apt in April. Being a mom and wife, I feel it would be irresponsible to not get a second opinion and be totally sure :-)

  • Sidalee
    Sidalee Member Posts: 113
    edited December 2018

    Hugs, keep us posted.

  • Megadoo
    Megadoo Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2018

    GYN ordered a mammo and ultra sound. She was a new doc and she was awesome.

  • Sidalee
    Sidalee Member Posts: 113
    edited December 2018

    That's great that she took your concerns seriously and scheduled the scans! I hope you don't have to wait too long for the scans and results and they give you some peace of mind and/or things are caught early. Please let us know how things go, I will be praying for you.


  • Megadoo
    Megadoo Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2018

    Thank you for your prayers Heart. Unfortunately apt isn't until the 21st. Right before Christmas...ugh LOL. But she said call everyday and see if there was a cancellation.

    GYN sees the indent and feels the lump (not near indent). She said she can't determine anything because I am "lumpy" but "Let's get some images to see if there is anything going on or not". She was super cool.

    So for now....I will focus on Christmas shopping for my 3 kids :-)

  • dani444
    dani444 Member Posts: 216
    edited December 2018

    Glad you were able to get the imaging scheduled! Enjoy your Christmas shopping! Let us know how it goes.

  • Megadoo
    Megadoo Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2018

    I will for sure keep everyone updated Smile

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449
    edited December 2018

    I am so glad your gyn is checking things out. Better safe than sorry. I don't want to scare you but my story began with an indentation, not a lump. The tumor was large but deep and very difficult for me to feel - I only felt it one time, under my gyn's nurse practitioner's guiding hands. I didn't take the dent seriously. I assumed it was from weight gain. I put off getting it checked out for almost 4 months. I'm extremely fortunate that my delay didn't cost me. Again, don't want to alarm you, I just want to praise you for advocating for yourself.

  • Megadoo
    Megadoo Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2018

    Thank you Christina! You didn't scare me, but you made me realize getting the second opinion and scans is the right thing to do. The indent did come out of no where. It is 100% better to be sure. I assume you are doing well now? Sorry you had to go thru that, but please know what a service you women do for others who face the unknown, testing, and Heaven forbid, BC. Great feeling knowing there is this place of support Hug

  • Megadoo
    Megadoo Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2018

    I'm glad you guys pushed for me to get imaging done. I am now seeing changes on my areola, above the indent. Still could be nothing of course, but happy I am getting it checked.

  • dani444
    dani444 Member Posts: 216
    edited December 2018

    Megadoo, I am hoping with you that it is nothing, and I am sorry you are seeing more changes. I am sure that is worrisome for you. Hope you got some of your shopping done, I am way behind :)

  • Megadoo
    Megadoo Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2018

    I had a great day shopping over the weekend with my MIL, but I am surely not even half done GAH!! Christmas came up way to quick this year! Good luck getting yours done. My 8yr old daughter reminds me daily how many more days leftWinking

    I have been calling the Breast Center daily (as they told me to) to see if they had any cancellations to get in earlier. No luck so far. So still not until the 21st.

    Thanks Dani. I still know it is most likely nothing, but getting a tad anxious to get the imaging done and over with


  • Sidalee
    Sidalee Member Posts: 113
    edited December 2018

    Thinking of you Megadoo, try to stay busy--I know the waiting is so hard!

  • jessie123
    jessie123 Member Posts: 134
    edited December 2018

    Don't let them do just a mammogram -- my friend had a small indention that her OBGYN disregarded and said it was probably from her bra. She had just had a mammogram -- clean. She finally went back 4 months later and the OBGYN referred her for testing. It was Lobular carcinoma ---- remember Lobular usually doesn't show up on mammograms

  • Megadoo
    Megadoo Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2018

    Thank you Jessie. I hope your friend is doing well now. I am getting an ultra sound done along with the diag mammo. I am going to see what they show, if anything, and go from there. It is quite unsettling to see how many cancers were missed with mamm/US. Very scary.