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March 2019 Surgery Support Group



  • bli2018
    bli2018 Member Posts: 5

    Hello ladies - 

    Rt mx w/ reconstruction was 3/5. Last drain was removed 3 days ago. Drain site is still tender and any bra including the surgical bra from the hospital is very uncomfortable, rubbing and just plain sore.  Any ideas would be appreciated.  Still tender under my arm but that seems to be calming down each day.  I've had minimal issues with the incision, just those drains....  

  • midatlanticmom
    midatlanticmom Member Posts: 4

    Tomorrow 3/21 is the big day....wish me luck. I'll check back in a few days :) Glad to hear so many of you are on the path to recovery already.

  • Darnit_DDD
    Darnit_DDD Member Posts: 21

    Best of luck to you midatlanticmom, let us know how it’s going. We’ll be thinking of you

    Bli2018, my surgery was 3/6 and I had my drains pulled Monday. I put gauze with paper tape over the wounds, which are healing up. One of my bras covers one wound but the gauze cushions it so it is bearable. I’m able to go without any bra and that is most comfortable but I did no reconstruction and not sure if that is a comfortable option for you.

    They’ll heal in time but hope you figure something out in the interim that gives you relief!

  • Darnit_DDD
    Darnit_DDD Member Posts: 21

    congrats creaturekeeper on your good news and best of luck with the secondary procedure.

    Hope everyone is still recovering nicely.

    It’s been two weeks, I’m going to drive tomorrow!

  • beep7bop
    beep7bop Member Posts: 45

    my surgery is April 1, 2019 DMX . It is good to see everyone is doing good for the most part. PS and BS said I will be in hospital for at least 24 hrs. Surgery would be 5 hrs. Haven't gotten pillows yet but I did get the thebrobe robe, a heal in comfort shirt with inside pockets and a kit with sox ,recovery pouch, mesh pouch for shower. I  also bought a grown that snaps at shoulders and down back.  Probably over kill!     But if I have to have cancer WHY NOT!!          God Bless everyone and I wish you happy healing. Fight, Fight, Fight                                          

  • Cin17
    Cin17 Member Posts: 41

    CreatureKeeper, sorry about the re-excision but glad to hear your nodes were clear.

    bli2018, I have the same problem. My plastic surgeon said to either cut perpendicular notches along the band where it hits your incision, or leave the bottom hooks undone, or go braless. For the most part, I've been going braless.

    midatlantic, sending healing thoughts and gentle hugs your way!

    Darnit_DDD, enjoy your drive!

    beep7bop, I definitely over-prepared but don't regret it. The drain belt and mastectomy pillow have had the most use. I never used the zip up shirt (size medium, fits a little snug though so I think it's closer to a small, with drain pockets so if anyone needs it, I'd be happy to mail it, just message me). The one thing I'd overlooked though was button-up PJs. Doh!

    Had a reaction to the Keflex and the rash is driving me crazy. It's all over my upper body and kinda moves around. Beyond annoying. I have a follow-up appointment with the plastic surgeon tomorrow, hopefully she'll take my drain out and give me something heavy duty for this rash.

    Has anyone had pain come back with a vengeance? Yesterday my new boob was hurting like crazy (and it's not even a real boob!) and I had to take an oxycontin to sleep, hadn't had one since Saturday afternoon so it feels like a step backwards. To cheer myself up, I told my husband I want a puppy, which will also give me an incentive to walk every day.

    Hugs to all!


  • Darnit_DDD
    Darnit_DDD Member Posts: 21

    Hi cin17, It’s been just over two weeks and my pain intensity comes and goes, I am pretty sore tonight but this morning woke up with no pain. Maybe it’s healing and nerve pain?

    I get tired fast too. I was also noticing on the Fitbit how much harder my body is working on walks.

    I wonder how long until I can pull a shirt over my head?i tried it today and still no dice.

    Hang in there one and all!!

  • beep7bop
    beep7bop Member Posts: 45

    You sure it is Keflex reaction? Because shingles can cause a lot of pain and if it is wrapping around could be. I'd ask doctor.

  • dhbbfh1999
    dhbbfh1999 Member Posts: 11

    midatlanticmom hope all went well for you today! YAY! Fast healing prayers to you and everyone else. I was 8 days post op and drove an automatic car to pick dd up from school early for a dental appt. (Mine is a stick shift) Sat in car waiting. She came and got me and I had to go in to talk to him about her wisdom teeth UGH. Went home and felt like I had run a marathon. Bragged on here that I didn't have pain meds after Saturday night which was 4 days post op. That didn't last long, ha ha. I feel like a baby but I don't like pain. I tried two days of extra strength Tylenol. I couldn't sleep. I still can't sleep on my damn back and haven't my whole life so now I feel like I have to drug myself to sleep at all. The last two nights I have taken one Percocet, one valium, one vistaril, my antibiotics of course, and Colace. At least then I pass out in a drug induced sleep somewhat.

    Gina, my pain has changed over the days too. Now I am feeling incisional pain and I think the nerves are healing and I am getting some feeling back, hence the uncomfortableness. I am watching the drain sites like crazy because the clear tegaderm (like saran wrap) has pulled away from where it covered the biodisks (That's the medicated round pad we put around the drain incision site and suture holding it in) and it ITCHES! I know it itches because it is healing but I am also watching it for redness or heat. Always the nurse in me haha. I feel like I have heavy pillows on my chest. I wonder how long it will take to get used to these new cohesive textured shaped implants! Anyone?

    My PS told me the day after surgery while I was still in the hospital that I could raise my arms to 90° but not above that and definitely not over my head. What sucks is I have the ability to do it, just have to remind myself STOP IT PUT YOUR ARM DOWN and ask for help. SO hard to do!

    I can't wait for him to tell me how long I have to be off work. What is the average? 6 weeks or 8 weeks? I have enough time saved for 8 but know that the other 24 hr charge nurses covering my shifts want me back ASAP. The lifting restrictions will dictate that. What has everyone else dr's said?

    FYI I have used only the safety pins to pin the four drains to the base of my surgical bra or I have put in the inside pockets of my Dansko zip up hoodie. I have worn leggings and soft sweat pants and button down soft shirts. I cut up the IV tubing a friend gave me an extra one in the hospital and I string the drains on it and put around my neck like a necklace. I have not showered. I have kneeled in the tub using the hand held sprayer. Hubby washed my back and back of my neck and I wash my pits and my face standing at the sink afterwards. I am still afraid to get drain sites wet since tegaderm is coming off so haven't showered. Today I had my every 6 week hair appt with color cut style and MAN DID THAT FEEL GOOD! I had him scrub my scalp and wash my hair TWICE.

    Darnit_DDD I have weird pains that come and go behind the implants. Oh and if anyone feels like you are taking a step back because you took a pain med or a valium, don't feel bad. If they didn't want us to take them they wouldn't have given us that whole prescription. One thing my PS said and I hadn't heard mentioned here is, KEEP IMPLANTS WARM but do not use a heating pad, that would be bad and he said no burns! I just keep a warm sheepskin lined throw blanket all scrunched up over my chest wherever I am. My husband said I look like an old woman with a shawl. I DON'T care! HAHA HA He said the silicon/gummy/cohesive stuff the impants are made of will be colder than our body temp and he does not want me "contracting" like your body does when you shiver and try to warm yourself. Makes sense.

    I am missing MY FAVORITE BAND OF ALL TIME in Nashville tomorrow night and I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bummed out. I gave my ticket to hubby's friend whose lake house we are staying at for the weekend in Nashville. I bought the four tickets ONE YEAR ago in the pre-fan sale and I am just heartbroken. But as much as I love Mumford & Sons (we are major groupies) I know in my gut that I cannot risk getting elbowed in the chest or heaven forbid a drain get yanked out. I also know after already having seen them in Denver and St. Louis in the past, that I physically am UNABLE TO STAND STILL the entire concert and I dance and jump and clap and sing my heart out because I know every word to every song they have ever done. Tomorrow when I see the PS I am sure he will be happy to hear this. :(

    Keep healing and happy thoughts to you all!


    Gia <3<3

  • beep7bop
    beep7bop Member Posts: 45

    Also meant to say hope your pain and rash gets better real soon. Puppies are so sweet, but a lot of work. Be sure your able first.

  • dhbbfh1999
    dhbbfh1999 Member Posts: 11

    Yes yes I agree too. My dear sweet Frani, named after my mom who died from breast cancer at age 50, is now six months old and quite a handful. She daily jumps up on me and I have to walk around with my knee going up to her chest to protect myself from her jumps.But those sweet puppy kisses snuggles and licks sure are nice :)

  • Arya44
    Arya44 Member Posts: 30

    Hi March 2019 friends, just found the group!

    I had BMX with tissue expanders under pecs March 7/2019, P.S added salene during surgery.

    Recovering very well, drains were out in 4 days, able to get out walking, go for lunch, drive etc.

    Since drains were gone have had pockets of painful swelling underneath/sides of 'breasts', and t.e's feel pinchy at times, often uncomfortable especially by the end of the day but now just taking advil which seems to be enough to manage the pain, and some days seem to be worse than others. Eventually fluid is supposed to be absorbed into body I guess. Have been looking through other forums to find out how long this will last. Getting expanding salene injection on Tuesday.

    Waiting anxiously for results of lymph node and tumour analysis after surgery and treatment plan which I get back on the 27th.

    Mostly feel positive and strong, that this is a 'bump' in the road I;ll put behind me! But yesterday had a rough day emotionally feeling kind of lost missing routine of working/'normal life' I was living, being uncomfortable and knowing I'll never have my old breasts back even though I don't regret decision, just general stress of not knowing. Have supportive husband and family, friends so I know I am fortunate and they help keep me feeling strong.

    Reading forums of people who've done this a year ago or so is helpful as many are moving on well with their lives:)

  • nanette7fl
    nanette7fl Member Posts: 412

    Hello all. I'm having my BMX and SNB (on Left side) on April 2nd. Worried is my new middle name. I've been reading a lot of the posts here learning what to expect.

    Have a great day!!

  • Cin17
    Cin17 Member Posts: 41

    Hi Everyone!

    I had my first follow-up with my plastic surgeon today and she removed my drain which left me feeling festive and celebratory so my husband and I went out to lunch. Yay! Amazing how much I relish simple things now. My PS said I'd probably need more surgery "tweaks" which should be expected. I wanted to hug her and kept thanking her because I'm amazed at the wonderful job she and my breast surgeon did.

    Just adopted a cute little guy, he'll be coming home next Friday. Fortunately, I live with my retired mother and my husband so there will be puppy help. Oscar is toy size so he shouldn't give me too much trouble on the leash. (Famous last words!) Looking forward to puppy kisses.

    Dhbbfh_1999, my surgeon gave me disability for four weeks, returning to work on April 11 (single mastectomy with immediate reconstruction on March 14). I have disability insurance through my company but, like you, I have a dear co-worker/friend (he's been one of my biggest supporters through all this) who is carrying the burden of my absence so hopefully that won't change when I find out my treatment plan on Tuesday.

    beep7bop, I was wondering about shingles. The rash is from the waist up in patches, mostly on my upper belly, neck, underarms and shoulders, and it moves from one spot to the other. When I saw the surgeon today she still diagnosed it as a drug reaction and said it would take "awhile" to clear up. As soon as I'm back to driving, I may make an appointment with my GP to confirm. It's still bothersome but nothing like the torment earlier this week.

    Darnit_DDD, I'm easily exhausted too. By the middle of the day, it's back to bed. Probably because our bodies are devoting so much energy to healing.

    nanette7fl, the waiting is so stressful. It sounds like hyperbole, but it's the hardest part. After surgery, the anger and angst dissipated and a sort of calm settled over me. There is a weight lifted when that first hurdle is cleared.

    Hugs and healing thoughts to all!


    P.S.: I didn't use the zip up shirt with drain pockets (long sleeve) so if anyone needs it, I will gladly mail free of charge. It's a size medium but it's a little snug around my generous size 6/8 hips.

  • Cin17
    Cin17 Member Posts: 41

    snowflake22…, same for me. Less pain earlier in the day, by late afternoon the pain has ratcheted up. As comfortable and at peace with losing a breast (and I'm grateful to my surgical team for that), every now and then I find myself startled at the realization that this is new normal.

  • Darnit_DDD
    Darnit_DDD Member Posts: 21

    Best of luck to you nanette7fl, very similar to my procedure. The waiting is nerve wracking, hang in there!

    I’m learning patience and to pace myself. I miss feeling “normal” meaning, being able to sleep how I want, etc. I’m at peace with my decision not to reconstruct, but it is an adjustment. I’ve rediscovered my abdomen lol!

    I haven’t had any trouble breathing and I don’t feel tightness in my chest as some have reported, I’m grateful for that, but I do have a sensation like there is a band around my armpit areas, where it’s numb. It isn’t painful but feels restrictive at times.

    In the days leading up to surgery I took extra note of long luxurious stretches in bed... I am looking forward to that level of freedom of movement. Patience

  • Cin17
    Cin17 Member Posts: 41

    How's everyone doing? I find I still need a pain pill at night to help me sleep. Tomorrow I will meet with my oncologist for the first time to discuss treatment recommendations and options. It's a big day and I'm still easily fatigued.

  • Arya44
    Arya44 Member Posts: 30


    Good luck tomorrow, I know how you feel -I go for my first time meeting oncologist on Wednesday, and the day couldn't come soon enough to know which way this journey will go next. Do you have someone to go with you? I hear it can be emotional and alot of information.

    I have pain and easily fatigue too, and swelling-I blame the tissue expanders and hope this doesn't mean they are not going to work out for me, but maybe this is normal, after all surgery was less than 3 weeks ago, and the body needs time to heal.

    Fingers crossed for you, keep us posted on how it goes tomorrow!

  • Cin17
    Cin17 Member Posts: 41

    Thanks, snowflake22…! Sending good vibes for your onco visit tomorrow!

    Met my oncologist today and, as with my surgical team, instantly liked him. He was all up to date on current approaches to treatment. One of my two sentinel nodes tested positive for cancer so I was classified as 2B. The Oncotype score hadn't come back yet. If it's 26 or over, I'll need five months of chemo. Fingers crossed for 25 or lower so I can go straight to hormone blockers. (It's amazing how they can customize your treatment plan to your tumor pathology.) There's also a PET scan or CAT scan in my near future just to make sure it hasn't spread.

    Hope everyone is doing well and recovering quickly. Hugs to all!


  • bli2018
    bli2018 Member Posts: 5

    snowflake22  Hope your fill went well.  I had my second yesterday, first was a mini-fill, only 30cc.  I asked the PS about the swelling under my arm and around to my back.  He said it was common, he recommended massage for a few minutes and it does help.  He also said it will come and ago for several weeks or months.  Good wishes for the onco appt.   

  • Darnit_DDD
    Darnit_DDD Member Posts: 21

    Wow best of luck with everything moving forward cin17, thanks for the update...definitely sending out a prayer that your number 25 or less!

  • Meesha1978
    Meesha1978 Member Posts: 5

    Thank you!

    All went well! Pain management has just been Tylenol. It’s weird to have a 12-inch incision that is completely numb and does not cause problems, and then this tiny 1/2-inch incision at the drain exit site that is painful. I am one week post-op and already driving and going back to work on Monday. If I had to suggest an item for anyone dealing g with this, I would suggest baby wet wipes for armpits! I’m not allowed to shave or wear deodorant until the drain comes out. Ack! I’m draining about 45ml per day now.

    I did not start reconstruction because of too high risk for complications. So I will have tissue expander placement in May.

    My final pathology report was great! Pure DCIS, no invasion, negative nodes, wide clear margins. No radiation or chemo! Just tamoxifen. I feel very fortunate as some of our sisters are dealing with so much more.

    I am glad to read that everyone is doing ok. Keeping the good vibes flowing!

  • nanette7fl
    nanette7fl Member Posts: 412

    Meesha thanks for the tip... I just got 450 baby wipes today so that should hold me for a couple of weeks. Good luck at work and remember to take care of YOU first

  • Arya44
    Arya44 Member Posts: 30

    Hi Ladies! Had my visit with onco surgeon on wednesday, staged it at 2a just because of the size. clear lymph nodes and clear margins so doing a happy dance! It was a grade 3 in aggressiveness and both breasts (but not a metastasis) had it so they are sending it for genetic testing. Fingers and toes crossed the score is low.

    Cin17-sorry to hear the was lymph node involvement and need for chemo but it's important to bring out the best ammo for this crap! How is your new addition to the family? Glad to hear your hubby is celebrating with you through your journey.

    bli2018-I had an appointment set up for lymphatic massage to help with swelling but had to cancel because of conflicting medical views on massage-plastic surgeon was all for it and wrote a note to get lymph therapy for the swelling, and the next day the onco surgeon said absolutely not-that she sees too many hematomas from this, and that this is not lymphadema but just swelling that will go away. I was kind of stunned but don't want to second guess her. The swelling is still so uncomfortable at night-ugh!

    I tried swimming today (moving arms slowly) at the gym and that felt like the best thing I've done/felt since surgery-mind you my drains have been out for over 2 weeks and I haven't been overly tired, or I would have waited. Thinking of trying acupuncture.

  • Bebop10
    Bebop10 Member Posts: 1

    Hi D,

    Are you having reconstructive surgery at the same time? I had a double mastectomy with no reconstruction last April 2018.

  • Cin17
    Cin17 Member Posts: 41

    My oncologist's office called and my Oncotype DX score is 20. Not super low but under 26, so if the PET scan that I had today looks good, then it sounds like it will just be radiation and hormone therapy. I'm going to ask him to extend my disability as long as radiation, as I still hurt and am easily fatigued.

    Oscar is adorable and he's keeping me busy/active which was the point.

    snowflake22…, glad for the great news on clear margins and clear lymph nodes. Fingers crossed for a low Oncotype score!

    Hope everyone is doing well!

    Hugs to all,


  • Christene502
    Christene502 Member Posts: 47

    For all those who had surgery and those who will be having one can you please list all the useful items you have purchased to make it easier to go through the healing process.

    I don't know why wet wipes, is there a reason for this?

    What size pillows?

  • dhbbfh1999
    dhbbfh1999 Member Posts: 11

    christene502 I had surgery 3/12. I went to goodwill and for $26 purchased a lot! I got two (larger than my normal size) zip up nice hoodies, one of which had a pair of matching comfy but nice leisure pants. I wouldn’t call them sweatpants because I wore the outfit out in public including to a restaurant, so not the type you’d work out in. I bought two button down shirts to wear with the grey leisure pants. At home I wore any of my Lu La Roe leggings with above tops. I bought an XL soft cami top at Kohl’s to step into and pull up. I’ve also worn hubbys button up casual collared shirts around the house. I did not purchase anything for holding the drains, as I continued to keep the four drains safety pinned to the bottom of my post-op Surgical bra. PS wanted/wants me in that bra 24/7 so I did not purchase any other bras. I’ve had no issues doing this.

    I used a lanyard once to pin drains to it when I showered (when I was out of town and the hotel gave it to me) and then otherwise I asked for extra IV tubing when I was in the hospital and I cut the valves off of it and made it into my own little necklace to thread my loops of my drains through, and I wore it around my neck in the shower.

    I never did buy any special pillows, all I did was sleep in a recliner in the beginning probably 7 to 10 days because you can’t sleep on your side, then I moved to the couch and propped myself up with pillows behind my back and pillows under my knees. now I’m three weeks out and I sleep in my bed with pillows under my knees and pillows propped up behind my back and I’m still sleeping on my back. :)

    Hope all this helps

    Gia muah

  • Meesha1978
    Meesha1978 Member Posts: 5

    hi christene,

    I am not allowed to shave or wear deodorant until the drain comes out. The wet wipes help with keeping body odor in check between showers.

    I would also recommend a small, travel size pillow to place under your arm. I find the most uncomfortable aspect is the arm bumping up against the drain exit site. The pillow helps cushion that. I use it in the car, the bed, and if I’m just sitting on the couch.

    My mastectomy was only one side so I did not purchase shirts that button in the front. If I were having a double mx, I definitely would consider button-up shirts. I basically lived in athletic pants, camisoles, baggy t-shirts, and the surgical bra. I bought a couple of Valetta Amoena camisoles for work that have shelf bras and use a featherweight fiber prosthesis from tlcdirect. It was lightweight so could be used after mx, cheap, and the size can be adjusted for when I finally get expanders. The camisoles are super soft against my skin. I have also removed the underwire from the mx side of several of my regular bras to see if the prosthesis works, and it does! There is no pocket but I will safety pin it. There are stores that sell pockets if you have a knack for sewing!

    I have a ledge in my shower that I set the drain bulb on. If you don’t have this, something in the shower is a must to hold the drain.

    It’s also important to prepare emotionally. I prepared for losing my breast by reading other people’s experiences so I had some idea what to expect. The first time looking at myself in the mirror did not bother my much, nor did the numbness, both because I knew it could from other women’s experiences. Only my skin is numb. The muscle underneath still feels pressure and touch. I am a bit shocked (although that might be too strong of a word) at the concavity just under my collarbone. Hopefully this will disappear with reconstruction. I have also found humor in the strangest peeing blue for a day after sentinel node biopsy. It was bizarre.

    I hope someof this helps you or anyone else trying to navigate this new normal.

  • Meesha1978
    Meesha1978 Member Posts: 5


    Best wishes for your surgery today!