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Starting Chemo May 2019



  • jrominger
    jrominger Member Posts: 342

    Hi Katiekins. My wife had her 2nd AC chemo on the 30th. She is doing well. She had some acid reflux this time but it went away on it's own. Came back a tad today. She does a ton around the house and got a tad tired today. We only walked for 40 min today. She has upper body bone pain today. Scapula, Jaw and the back of the head. She had the back of the head last time as well. We think this is the neulasta effect. No sore throat, just a stiffness in the neck. Last time it went away within about 36 hours. ANC went to zero on day 7 per blood check but 6 days later was up to 3.9 so we assume this or something like it will happen again. Otherwise her SE have not been bad. We are half done with AC! and you are only 2 weeks behind us. So we will get this done together. Hang tough. The walks sure seem to help her mind and soul. God bless.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    Walks are so good during chemo. Even if its just twice around the block on a bad day. Helps digestion, gives vitamin D through sunlight, and it tells your body to fight!

  • SJWhitten
    SJWhitten Member Posts: 39

    Santabarbarian - I second your thoughts on walks! I think they've kept me sane. My hubby has been a great encourager - just enough but not too much! We haven't missed many days, even on the worst days.

  • G1973
    G1973 Member Posts: 49

    katieins - I had a super sore shoulder for about a week after my port went in. Probably due to to positioning due to surgery. Not sure if your chemo added to it. I am on A/C now. Round three tomorrow. Ready to kill some cancer!❤️❤️

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Member Posts: 857

    Jim and I cut my hair this morning, to about an inch long. It looks okay. I'd probably think it is cute on someone else. :)

  • Katiekins
    Katiekins Member Posts: 32

    Good morning 😃 feeling so much better today. Just went out for a nice long walk, my daughter and son in law are coming over for dinner. Happy to have a good day. Hope you all find some peace and happiness today as well

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Member Posts: 380

    Hugs, MountainMia!

  • brittandherboobs
    brittandherboobs Member Posts: 26

    hi all, hope everyone’s feeling ok today.

    I’ve been reacting to my filgrastim injections and they’ve been getting progressively worse everyday so my MO told me to stop until further notice :( he said we may have to change up my whole regimen? I’m trying not to panic but the fear of the unknown is getting to me.

    MountainMia, I bet your hair looks cute. I plan on chopping mine off this week ☺️

  • Alicesneed
    Alicesneed Member Posts: 78

    Dinner with a dear friend tonight - helps rejuvenate the soul and get my mind straight. Headed to a conference tomorrow. Feeling insecure but will try and face it head on. (I strongly dislike the bald look - but purchased a few new hats to help easy the 'pain')

    Hope you all are hanging in there. I bet you are rocking your new hair MountainMia and I bet Jim thinks so too.

    Hang in there Britt - no panic! Shifts can be good - you never know.

    Sounds like everyone is getting their walks in. I did so with the neighbors this morning. We usually walk Tuesday's and Thursday's. Going to try and squeeze one in tomorrow before hitting the road for Indy.

    Best wishes everyone! Hang in there!

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Member Posts: 857

    Good morning. It's a little before 5am as I write. I haven't check in much over the last few days, so I did go back through the last few pages and feel a bit more caught up now.

    We've moved out of May now, so might not have new joiners to the May-start group. There is a June one up and running. I had imagined being active in both since 2 of my 4 sessions are in June, but frankly don't have the capacity to do that.

    Today is day 13 for me after 1/4 AC. Things have gone quite well in general, better than I'd expected. The first few days were least comfortable, but mostly with mild and ongoing queasiness and indigestion. Lots of sleep on days 2 and 3, especially, maybe related to the compazine. The Neulasta OnPro went off without a hitch. I'll find out Friday if it did it's thing. I didn't have any bone/muscle pain related to it, but I take Claritin every day this time of year and took an extra on the Neulasta day. My mouth tasted kind of icky the first few days, and rather than having dry mouth, it seemed like my mouth was extra wet. I had tinnitus for a few days, with real sounds seeming extra loud, but that settled down, too. At this point it seems my main SE is that my skin is very tender. Skin on my right bunion tore off without even blistering the other day, when I was wearing shoes that shouldn't have done that. That made me MAD because since then my foot has been too sore to be able to go out for walks.

    But honestly, that said, it has all been pretty tolerable. I'm eager to have #2 on Friday.

    Yesterday my husband and I cut my hair. He really didn't want to do it but I finally convinced him that I needed that small measure of control, and not to look in the mirror and push my hands through my hair and have the hair come out in big clumps. So first we just took scissors to it, cutting it all rather haphazardly a couple of inches long and dropping it into the wastebasket. Then we went onto the front porch with the clippers. He buzzed it using the 7/8" guard, leaving the strands in front of my ears so I could trim them after.

    I'm surprised to say I rather like it!

    This morning husband and I will go to the English class where we volunteer. It's adult English learners from other countries. They will be surprised to see my hair cut short, so I wrote up a short essay for them, to explain what's going on. It will be interesting to see how that goes.

  • jrominger
    jrominger Member Posts: 342

    What kind of reaction? Nat has strong bone and muscle ache about day 4 and 5 after neulasta onpro. But it appears to diminish on day 6. Hang tough. They will know exactly what to do and how to get things straightened out. Hope everyone is doing well.

  • kimmh012
    kimmh012 Member Posts: 85

    Hello everyone, we are all moving forward... whoop whoop, keep on keeping on...

    jrominger, as for the Bone pain, have her take regular Claritin, it works well.. I take it every day now and twice a day on the day of the Neulasta shot and the next day ...

    I just got out of the ER, I may have gotten a little dehydrated, damn 8 hours to get 1 bag if fluids, uggg... but my WBC was 31 WOW, again no answers as to why. Yesterday I did have the generic/biosimilar Udenyca instead of the Nuelesta because my Onc office are idiots, lol, getting new ONC on the 19th, thank goodness ... who knows ... not a good start to my vaca..

  • brittandherboobs
    brittandherboobs Member Posts: 26

    jrominger, My throat/nose air ways start closing up about 40 mins after the injection. It got progressively worse every day I took it.

    Aaaand now I’ve come down with a cold (no fever though). But other than that... day 6 out of my first AC and I’m feeling pretty good! Hopefully I can get the next one.

    Hope all you lovely people are having a good day out there

  • jrominger
    jrominger Member Posts: 342

    ok. Hang tough. Let me know what they change you to. Day 6 is nat’s hardest day. More nausea than all the other days. And we think her WBC count is lower so more tired. No walk today. But if like last time she’ll improve until infusion a week from tomorrow.

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Member Posts: 857

    This was an interesting podcast from the current ASCO conference, about a study currently running on the benefits of weight loss (in those overweight) and exercise to prevent recurrence. The podcast is less than 17 minutes.

    The oncologist in the interview recommends we keep moving through treatment so we don't lose muscle mass, and maintain our strength and stamina. But listen to the whole thing. Audio quality is variable but I thought it was interesting enough to stick with it.

    As I write this, I'm thinking about how I can get more exercise. We've had such crap weather, so much rain, that it's been hard to get out for walks. Then on Saturday, my skin tore off on my right foot, on my bunion, without even blistering first. It still hurts too much to be able to go for a walk, which sucks because since Saturday we've had several days nice enough to get out.

    So I'll go downstairs and see if I can do some leg extensions on the weight machine, and a few other things. I had been going to the gym about 3 times a week but suspended my membership starting in April, since we were gone half the month and as soon as we came back I had surgery. Guess I need to start it up again for July and just make myself get in there. And in the meantime, be more creative about working out from home.

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Member Posts: 857

    Okay, I went downstairs and found yes I can use the weight machine to do leg extensions. Also I can do squats (of course!! why didn't I think of that sooner?) and using the elliptical machine doesn't seem to bother the bunion much. Of course I am a wimp so didn't last long on it! I've been doing more with dumbbells, too, so did a few biceps curls and overhead presses.

  • tennisgirl1
    tennisgirl1 Member Posts: 30

    stayingposi, Thank you for your post. In 3 hours I’m going for my first round of chemo. I’m scared but I know it’ll get better after I get through it. I have a wonderful friend who will be by my side for the 3+ hrs. (My husband has a cough and is on his second round of antibiotics, so he has to steer clear.) We’re bringing loaded iPads, earbuds and will watch shows to get through the time. I don’t even know if I’ll be up to watching shows, but I’m thinking positive. My iced socks are in the freezer, and they’ll give me baggies there to dig my fingers in during the Taxotere. I think I’m set. I’ll check in after and let you know how it goes. Thank you and all the others for the wonderful support. I got this💪🏻!

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Member Posts: 857

    tennisgirl, you'll do great.

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Member Posts: 857

    Tomorrow HappyAnyway has her 4th and final AC, and I'll have my 2nd of 4. Today tennisgirl is in the chair. Who else has/had treatment this week? How's everyone doing?

  • SJWhitten
    SJWhitten Member Posts: 39

    TC 3 of 4 Tuesday for me. Tired and headache yesterday, but I managed to work all day. I did the Neulasta On Pro, which gave me my dose at 9:00 last night. It was nice to not have to go back to the doc yesterday for an injection, so I guess it was worth the hassle of having that thing stuck to me for 28 hours. Just a little odd. Sick today but not awful. Just feel like the truck hit me. Going to work for a few them crash. Thankfully I work from home.

    It's so wonderful to be with this group and celebrate and commiserate. I don't always post or respond to everyone, but I am following along, and you all offer me encouragement in so many ways. Thank you!

    I do have a weird and funny SE question. My iPad provides great entertainment/distraction when I'm stuck sitting in my recliner. A few days after my first treatment, I realized my touch screen was being sluggish/not responding well, and I was concerned that my trusty friend was dying; it's a few years old. I rebooted it a few times over the next week, and it got better. Then I noticed the same think after treatment #2. Now after treatment #3 it's back. I do feel like my body is just exuding drugs (can't stand the smell of my pee). I wonder if it affects touch screen too? :) I haven't changed anything with my lotion usage or anything on my hands to explain the difference otherwise. Anybody else experienced this?

  • lacombattante
    lacombattante Member Posts: 187


    Good luck on your 2nd treatment, you will be at mid point! A milestone!

    HappyAnyway, you will be finishing your AC tomorrow- I will be thinking about you!

    Tennisgirl, wishing you all the best and minimal SEs, we are here for you!

    I had my 3rd EC this Monday. SE were manageable so far, although fatigue has been more pronounced. However, I continued with my daily walks which, I find, help a lot to manage the fatigue.

    Interestingly, Neulasta was found to be too strong for me, my onco took me off it and will use a biosimilar instead next week. We’ll see how it goes, I just hope that my last treatment will go as scheduled on June 17 and then the heavy part is done.

  • G1973
    G1973 Member Posts: 49

    sjwhitten - you made me laugh. What is up with our pee? The smell makes nauseous!

    Had round three of A/C yesterday. Super tired yesterday. Foggy today but still trying to go for frequent walks and of course lots of water. Oncologist says I am on track,yea! Big Bertha is still there my MO says that ER+ it takes a bit longer to shrink them. Anyone else experience this?

    Love reading and catching up with everyone! Keep the positive vibes going❤️❤️

  • UpstateNYer
    UpstateNYer Member Posts: 331

    hi all, glad to hear most of you are doing well. I think that I will be stopping chemo. Dr will speak to me on June 19th. This second chemo has thrown me for a loop. I have been unable to bounce back due to nausea, numb mouth, no nerves in fingers, overall malaise. Last chemo was 8 days ago. Dr called in script for stronger anti nausea meds. I hate feeling this way. My genetic tests came back negative. It is the first good news received since diagnosis. Anyway, love, luck and prayers for all of you each and every night. I spend several minutes in intensive prayer for all of you. Hope you don't think I am weak and a quitter. Hugs. Pat

  • Katiekins
    Katiekins Member Posts: 32

    Hello all, heading in tomorrow for a second treatment of Taxol. Overall feeling pretty good today aside from a queasy stomach. Heading out for my walk....Stay Strong💪🏼💪🏼

  • jrominger
    jrominger Member Posts: 342

    Good luck with everyone. It’s exciting to hear that people are getting closer to ending there 4 AC’s. Nat had a weird bad SE last night and this am. She had bad stomach cramps and eventually passed out twice. Absolutely frightening. Went to ER and still here. They did CT scan, ultrasound and EKG. ER is very busy so waiting for results before we they release us. Quite the bummer as things were going quite well. Possibly a burst ovarian cyst?? Bad timing if so. Ovaries will come out at the end because of BRCA2 mutation. What the heck.

  • UpstateNYer
    UpstateNYer Member Posts: 331

    hello Jrom, Hope Nat will be ok. Sending you prayers. Let us know how she makes out.

  • kimmh012
    kimmh012 Member Posts: 85

    UpstateNYer WHOOP WHOOP on the genetics... sorry your having a rough time, have you tried icing hand and feet during the chemo and chewing in ice... I did better this past Monday for my #2/6 TCHP... ICING REALLY HELPS with numbness and tingling ... for your mouth I make the magic mouthwash, mylaxx and liquid Benadryl and a squirt or two of oralgel, I almost gave up 1st round my mouth was so bad... for nausea maybe try the Tramsderm patch behind your ear and seabond wrist bands ... always tips and tricks to help us through this...

    Jrom, sorry about Nat ... I had no problem with the neulesta 1st treatment, but this 2nd one they switched to Udenyca, because it's cheaper (pissed me off) and 12 hour later I was in the ER, they did blood test, WBC 31, way to high but no fever, then ultrasound of all my organs, gallbbladder, liver etc etc, yet again no answers for the debilitating stomach cramps ...

    Today is my day 4, uggg, 3-5 are pretty rough for me, always tired and cry at a drop of the dime for no reason..

    Sending healing hugs and postive vibes to everyone..

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Member Posts: 380

    Sounds like several of us are struggling. You're all on my mind.

    Looking forward to my last AC.

    Prayers and good vibes to everyone.

  • jrominger
    jrominger Member Posts: 342

    Thank you everyone. It was the hardest day for me when she passed out in my arms. Don’t ever want that to happen again. So it was caused by the pain from diverticulitis!!! She has never had this before and a clean colonoscopy 5 yrs ago. So weird. They are keeping her in the hospital for 2 days on Iv antibiotics. Wanting no infection in colon and for her blood cells to come up. She feels a lot better but this going to be a long 4 months. You all hangtough. We can have a celebration at our house. 70 miles from the Grand Canyon!! When this is all behind us!!!

  • lacombattante
    lacombattante Member Posts: 187


    Sorry that you are having such a tough time, please do discuss the situation with your doctor - they are there to help and to find a better way to (hopefully) control side effects.

    Icing is an option for sure, if this does not work perhaps lowering the dose to reduce neuropathy?

    I see from your signature that your tumor was grade 3, usually grade 3 tumors respond very well to chemo. I wonder what type of genetic testing they run, did they do Oncotype Dx or alike test as well and if yes - what was your score?

    When I was dealing with he beast first time (in 2011) the decision tree (very simplified version, of course there were more factors included, such as tumor size, HER status, etc)was: grade 3 - chemo; grade 2 or 1 and nodes - chemo. Oncotype was in its infancy here but my onco ordered it for me and it came back low. Since my sentinel node was negative and the tumor was grade 2, I escaped the chemo and went on to Tamoxifen and then Femara... until my unfortunate recurrence this year.

    I wish you strength and please be assured that you and your decision, whatever it will be, will never be judged! We are here to support each other through this.


    So sorry to hear about Nat and that they keep her in the hospital, but they are trying to avoid the complications at all cost. please keep us posted!

    All: wishing you strength and courage! It is a tough road for sure, but then we are tough ladies!