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Starting Chemo May 2019



  • lacombattante
    lacombattante Member Posts: 187

    Hi HappyAnyway, thank you for asking! I already had surgery on my lymph nodes, so my next steps are radiation, aromatase inhibitor (probably Aromasin) for a looong time, zoledronic acid twice a year (if insurance approves). Looks like I cannot get a CDK4/6; at this moment they are only approved for use in metastatic breast cancer and while clinical trials are on- going, no results are available yet. I still have a month to go, so it might change.

    I had a uni mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (implant) first time around; because of tumor to tit ratio:) lumpectomy was not an option. It took me a while to get used to loss of sensation, but this did improve with time. I am very comfortable with how I look now and I am worried about radiation damage and a need for a revision... but this is the bridge to cross at a later stage :)

  • lacombattante
    lacombattante Member Posts: 187

    jrominger: congrats on No 6! It is so, so encouraging that the tumor cannot be found and that this is a consistent observation. I am so happy for you and Nat!

  • palmetto
    palmetto Member Posts: 88


    Wanted to share a pic from work on Friday-- my friends wore crazy wigs to support me. Our big boss thought it was HILARIOUS and definitely wants us to have another wig day. Maybe 27 September, when I'm done with chemo! :D

    Jrom- glad to hear Nat's infusion went well and that the tumor is not palpable anymore! Happy, I'll be looking forward to hearing how your surgery consult goes. I'm looking toward my own as well (and getting excited about it). LaCombattante, glad you're doing well.

    Wishing all of you a wonderful day!

  • kimmh012
    kimmh012 Member Posts: 85

    hello Everyone!! I am sorry I dont post much, I have had Vertigo and blurred vision so hard to type, not to mention I loose train of thought.

    Anywho, headed home from my LAST bell .. no celebration dance, nothing from no one, my husband came with me but he is not the openly type.

    I dont understand with the few ppl that know I have BCB (breast cancer bitch) WHY do ppl say good luck on infusions days, they are usually the easiest of days, hmmm..

    Anyway, so glad to read ya all are well and nearing the end of your chemo chapter.

    I have 2 more Taxotere, Herceptin, Perjeta, and then continue HP for a year.

    Meanwhile, since I have no nurse navigator I need to get consults on Oncoplastic #3 lumpectomy with immediate Reduction Lift, trying to find surgeon who will assist and do the oompjectomy at same time as well. I think I might end up traveling to Ohio Cancer Center or John Hopkins... we shall see.

    We got this Ladies and Gentlemen, I went back to our first posts, and then our writing tones have changed alot, for the better ....

    When and where is this After BC Party Jromm? I will hook up our Toy Hauler and come from Central NY.

    Have a Bright, Bright Sun Shining Day 😁

  • mightlybird01
    mightlybird01 Member Posts: 161

    I am going in for #6 tomorrow, and I got to say it is astonishing how these chemo cycles have been designed to work. My last treatment was the hardest one so far for the Taxol part (not nearly as bad as the AC part), although my side effects are really rather mild. Mostly, I just feel I am anemic as it is harder to get up steps, walk uphill, or when I bend down and then get up, I am catching my breath. Other than that it is just hot flushes for me, which are quite annoying. But in any case, I did wonder if I am going to be able to bounce back this time and low and behold, I did again this time. The oncologist have kind of figured that part out, as if we would not be able to bounce back we could not go back and get some more. My red blood count had dropped a bit since AC but the oncologist said he expects them to stay steady at this level for the rest of the treatment. The white blood counts keep dropping a bit, but so far no concern. So today I managed to get house and farm ready for an other weak of exhaustion, just in time! Walked the dog, even trimmed my mares hooves, thoroughly cleaned the barn including all spider webs and even mowed the lawn. All this between 6:30 am and 2pm. And I was not even tired at the end of it. It helps that it has gotten a bit cooler here in the Midwest. For some reason, cleaning the barn is and always has been by mental and physical therapy so I am going tomorrow with renewed energy, hoping for good blood counts and easy recovery.

    I am glad to hear everyone is moving along on this journey and I too am ready for this after party!

  • jrominger
    jrominger Member Posts: 342

    Always good to hear from you santabarbarian!!! How are you doing???

  • jrominger
    jrominger Member Posts: 342

    kimm012 and mightlybird and everyone else. The after BC party should be held in Flagstaff, AZ. Our home is 60 miles from the Grand Canyon and 30 miles from Sedona. We built a house here a year and 1/2 ago. So much to see and do out here!! I think it’s a splendid idea!!!

    Hang tough everyone. Praying for good blood work and minimal SEs for everyone!!!

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    I am doing fabulously. All is well. Feel wonderful. One year out from beginning treatment, I'm NED and have my hair back. Yippeeee!!

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Member Posts: 380

    Jrominger, what college team(s) do you root for?

    Santabarbarian, thank you for the surgery tips. I'm glad that you are well! As far as hair goes, I have been through the Sinead phase, nearly Mr. Clean and am heading towards Annie Lennox.

    LaCombattante, this is a long process, isn't it? It's nice that we all have each other, despite our different types of BC and treatment plans. Makes it all a little easier.

    Palmetto, you work with a wonderful group of people. Love the picture!

    Dang Kimmh012, vertigo and blurred vision. I say you celebrate that last AC, even if you do it alone. If my family doesn't do something for me after chemo, I will do something for myself! Maybe a B&B.

    Mightlybird01, sounds like you have had a productive day!

  • G1973
    G1973 Member Posts: 49

    hello ladies! Wanted to give you an update as we Met with our surgeon today. We were able to go over the last MRI results. I am trying really hard to contain my excitement! My tumor started at a size of 3.1 x 4.2 x 2.8 and is now down to 1.6 x 1.5 x 1.3. The best news is the one lymph node that was involved is now showing no disease! I know the chemo is been hard but seeing these results makes me smile from ear to ear. We are now scheduling my double mastectomy. I should be done within the next 2 to 3 weeks. Radiation is still an unknown at this time :-)

  • UpstateNYer
    UpstateNYer Member Posts: 331

    Hello everyone, Thinking of all of you, even though have not posted in a few days. I went for my simulation today, which is needed before the start of my radiation treatments. I am telling you, Murphy's Law must be my middle name. I went to the hospital, male technician marked me, positioned me on table, etc. Machine went over me for several minutes. I kept thinking, what is taking so long? Several minutes later, the technician informs me that CT machine overheated and broke. He said it has never happened before. Lucky me. Anyway, had to travel several miles to another related facility to finish the scan. At least that part is over and done with. I will get first rads on Sept. 11th, but must also go on the 10th for some additional set up.

    Jrom-glad to hear Nat has finished with #6. Looking forward to the after BC party😍

    Palmetto-loved the pic. Nice to have such supportive coworkers.

    Mightlybird01-wow, what energy you have. You got a lot accomplished. Good luck with #6 tomorrow. Hope your se's are minimal and energy levels remain high.

    Hello Happyanyway. Will be thinking of you on Friday for your next infusion.

    Lacombattant- hoping approvals for meds will come through for you. Insurance should not have such power over our medical care. I will be seeing MO next week to talk about aromitase inhibitors too. Not looking forward to possible se's in taking those.

    Kimm- hope your blurred vision and vertigo subside for you and pray you can find a suitable surgeon to perform your needed surgeries.

    Santabarbarian- always good to hear from you and so thankful that you are doing so well and feeling great.

    Take care everyone..Pat.

  • db4ll
    db4ll Member Posts: 2

    Hi NoteRed! I'll be starting my weekly chemo early September. I wanted to ask about side effects on the weekly. I've heard it's a little easier. My first treatment might be 9/5 and I had out of state visitors for the evening on the 7th. I've fortunately had a very upbeat, optimistic attitude since diagnosis. Hoping this will help me through the chemo as well. Any suggestions to easy the way

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Member Posts: 380

    Fabulous news, G1973!!! Please keep us posted. We're heading down a similar path.

    Hugs UpstateNYer.

  • jrominger
    jrominger Member Posts: 342

    G1973. Such great and encouraging news.

    UpstateNYer good to hear from you!!!!! Geez what a pain with that scan machine. Looking forward to seeing you at the post BC party.

    Santabarbarian you are an inspiration. Please keep hanging around for us stragglers.

    Happyanyway. I’m a U OF AZ and Northern AZ University fan. Also the fighting Irish. I only went to U OF A for one semester as I was in love with Natalie and ran back to NAU to be with her. That all started almost 41 years ago!!

    I am sure proud of this whole group. So much support. Natalie felt great today and we celebrated our daughter’s 35 bday. Hope you all are feeling better all the time.

  • April0315
    April0315 Member Posts: 167

    Had Taxol 8 yesterday. They have me going in at 1245 for the next 2 more sessions. Yesterday was my first one at that time. What an awful time of day for that. I usually sleep for a few hours from that benadryl, but I powered thru the afternoon knowing I'd be up all night if I napped from 3-5. Next week I'm just going to nap. I was so miserably tired. I'd rather have been up in the middle of the night watching netflix on the couch. My labs looked even better than last week so that's reassuring.

    Sounds like everyone is doing well. I'm beginning to realize that another surgery is just around the corner. We have a few vacations planned coming up. One to Santa Cruz in 2 weeks, long weekend, my hubby is doing the half ironman there. then another one in November to Panama City Beach for his full ironman. I'll have the DMX right when we get back, then first week of January a family trip to Kona. It really helps to have somethings to look forward to.

    Upstate.... sorry about the machine malfunction, but glad you got that done and off the "to-do" list.

    Hope everyone has a healthy and productive Wednesday!

  • lacombattante
    lacombattante Member Posts: 187

    HappyAnyway, unless my chemo brain is playing tricks, today is your 9th Taxol &Carbo. I am thinking about you, wishing an easy day with no SEs.

    Palmetto, I think you're Friday girl :) as well - hope all goes well, no SEs, and you will have one more Taxol behind you.

    Everyone, I keep you all in my thoughts and prayers, daily. I will post more later on - all is good here, just crazy busy with work.

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Member Posts: 380

    Jrominger, how sweet of you to go back to NAU to be with Nat!

    April0315, I'm glad that your counts look good, and just in time for vacation!

    Hey LaCombattante! Thanks. My daughter is going to France in October with her school. Hubby is going with her. May I please pm you with a few questions?

    I'm in the office waiting for the NP or MO.

    Hello to everyone else!

    Much love.

  • UpstateNYer
    UpstateNYer Member Posts: 331

    Hi all,

    April, your trips sound amazing. A much needed diversion from what you are experiencing now. Glad to hear your labs are holding up.

    Happyanyway and Palmetto, Thinking of you both today, yipppeee, another one fait accompli. Hoping the weekend brings some rest and relaxation for you.

    Lacombattant- don't work too hard. Glad to hear that you are holding your own.

    Jrom- Thinking of you and Nat. Hoping all is well on your end.

    Hoping everyone has a great se-free weekend.

    Positive thoughts and prayers to all always👍❤

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Member Posts: 380

    Hi UpstateNYer! How are you today?

  • UpstateNYer
    UpstateNYer Member Posts: 331

    Hi Happyanyway, The important question is how are you doing after your infusion? I am feeling very good today. Going to a party tonight. So happy that you are nearing the finish line with Taxol and that your PS appointment is coming up soon. (Hugs) Pat

  • jrominger
    jrominger Member Posts: 342

    Hi everybody. Great to hear from everyone!! Yes the important question of the day is how is everyone, especially those getting infused today. Update from Happyanyway!!🙏 and I think Palmetto 🙏

    UpstateNYer a party tonight sounds fabulous. Lacombattante lots of work not so fabulous 🤪 but it does get your mind off things for awhile. How is the hiking going?

    Natalie has been doing really well this week. We think the pepsid pills helped. Some sharp kidney pains last night but that's about it so far!! Praise God. MO thinks the sharp pains are a form of neuropathy. Zero issues with her hands and feet so far. We are super excited that our son and his family(6) are coming tonight. They will stay with our daughter, his sister just to keep the cooties away 🥺. Nat's WBC's was lower so we just have to be careful. What a waist of our new big home but as they all say, it's just temporary. We have hiked 3 to 4 miles every day so that is also a blessing. We will move to Tuesday infusions due to Labor Day Monday

    Literally praying for everyone here multiple times per day. Hang tough everyone and have a blessed weekend.

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Member Posts: 380

    Party away, UpstateNYer! You deserve a fun night out.

    Jrominger, how are Nat's kidney panels? I hope your daughter enjoyed her 35th! Have a great time with your family. Poor Nat and her WBC.

    Palmetto, how's it going?

    #9, done! Hallelujah. My WBC is 4.2. Not too bad, but enough to warrant Neulasta. Blech. Oh well. I hope I sleep tonight. If not, the blinking Neulasta will drive me bananas. I received copies of all my scans to take to my PS. Looking forward to the overnight trip to Vanderbilt with my sis.

    Keep on keeping on.

  • April0315
    April0315 Member Posts: 167

    Glad everyone is cruising along and enjoying life along the way. Holiday weekends are always good for family and distractions.

    That flashing Neulasta drove me nuts. I haven't had it since I finished the AC.

    Been more tired than "normal" this week. sleeping and napping a lot.

    Trying something fun and different today. I'm meeting with my usual waxing lady that does my eyebrows. She's going to see if she can tint anything that is still there and show me how to fill them in. I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm tired of looking like an alien :)

    Enjoy the holiday weekend everyone!

    Who else is having surgery after chemo? I'll be having a DMX 4-6 weeks post chemo. BS and PS both said to set up appointments with them after my last chemo session. I used both of them for the previous surgery and I'm very comfortable with both of them.

  • jrominger
    jrominger Member Posts: 342

    Happyanyway, Nat's last WBC count was 3.0, RBC was 2.89, Hemo 10.3 (that was up from 9.6), ANC 1.6 :( down from 2.1. Blood urea 16, creatinine .7, Estimated GFR greater than 60, Liver panels all in the normal range. What are you looking for in the kidney panels? Are you having to do the neulasta because of your ANC count?

    April, Natalie will have DMX 3 to 4 weeks after chemo. We meet with the BS on taxol #10. We do #7 on Tuesday

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Member Posts: 380

    April0315, I'm thinking about putting a sticker over the blinking light tonight. My MO and BS both support my decision for a BMX. As it stands now, I am looking at BMX followed by radiation. Reconstruction will likely be next year. I hope the PS agrees. I am going to keep an open mind. I just want what is best in the long run. I'm growing tired of chemo. My mantra "only three left.."

    Jrominger, my infusion nurse told me today that Taxol can take a toll on the kidneys. When you said Nat had kidney pains, I immediately thought of the aforementioned. My ANC is 3.31, but was 7.4 last week. My WBC dropped from 8.6 to 4.1. The Neulasta makes sense now that I see the trend.

    Thank goodness I have next week off. I expect to have a few sleepy days, but want to have at least one good week. I want to purge my house of unnecessary things and give it a thorough cleaning. My girls have been slacking. They are going to help me, whether they want to or not. 😉

  • jrominger
    jrominger Member Posts: 342

    Happyanyway. Glad to see you are doing so well. Those daughters better watch out!!! Your blood counts look great. I think chemo just kicks my scrawny wife’s butt 🤪😩. Hoping she just hangs tough for 6 more!! I think your DMX is a wise choice. We were told it is a must for BRCA2 but it seems maybe the wiser way to go in the long run. But remember I was just a cop so what do I know. Have a blessed weekend. Our son and family are to arrive within the hour. He is also a federal agent. Chip off the old block. Praying for everyone!!!

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Member Posts: 380

    That's great, Jrominger! I appreciate you and your son. Prayers headed your way, too.

  • bamr
    bamr Member Posts: 52

    You all sound like things are going great! I'm happy to have checked off #11 today. Took a much longer time after blood work. They had to get the dr's permission to go forward since my ANC was 1.2. I'm surprised I got out of there without Neulasta. I figured my numbers would be lower because of my poor diet this week. I am having a hard time finding anything that I want to eat. Peanut butter and plain yogurt is about it, and although one of my kids survived on just pb for a short period when she was refusing to eat anything else, I cannot. This week, I'm just going to suck it up and eat those nasty tasting fruits and vegetables. Just read that eating dark chocolate raises your ANC in about 4 hours. That was my favorite vice, before, and now I can't stand it. However, my nurse told me not to eat any of my favorite foods that don't taste good now because it will ruin it for me in the future. Makes sense.

    So, #12 next week! I'm thinking of getting some gift cards and writing a note for my 2 favorite nurses, and ordering some kind of food for the group as a whole. Someone brought Shipley doughnuts today, and they looked gross. I should get more creative, but now there's no time. Hard to believe!

    Football tomorrow! I've decided the UT vs LA Tech game isn't important enough for me to go and sit in the heat, with the crowds (and a low blood count). HappyAnyway, are you going to the Vanderbilt game? You are a Tennessee fan, as I recall. Anyone else going to a game? I'll root for your team, too! I know jrom is U of AZ, and Notre Dame. We always cheer for the Irish. Palmetto, you were Clemson, right? Love them, too.

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Member Posts: 380

    Hey BAMR. Only one more to go! You must be excited. I'm excited for you.

    I'm a Vols fan, although I like Vanderbilt, too. We play Georgia State tomorrow in Knoxville. I'll watch the game on TV.

  • palmetto
    palmetto Member Posts: 88

    Hi everyone! Thanks for checking in- this week at work has been a doozy. Lots of people out so I actually had to do some work for a change— my team has really stepped in over the last few months to make sure my health is my top priority.

    Yesterday was #8. Uneventful, though my ANC is getting in questionable territory. 1.95 x 10^3... I’ll be supplementing my diet with some b12 and folate this week! Hgb was good though.

    I had a late appointment and ended up missing my son’s first HS marching band performance. I’m so bummed. So between that and the Benadryl nap, I slept horribly last night. But I’m awake now and will attempt to mow the lawn. I better do it now before the melt-your-face-off heat comes, so I’ll “chat” with each of you a little later! Be strong, be well!