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Starting Chemo May 2019



  • UpstateNYer
    UpstateNYer Posts: 331

    hi all... Happyanyway, sorry to hear of your low wbc count. Mine was at 2.2 this week . I am supposed to avoid public places for a few days too. Hope you can attend your daughter's event on Monday. Could you wear a surgical mask?

    April0315- sorry that you are feeling badly. I was on my back with horrific headache pain on day 3, hope you will be feeling better soon.

    Mountainmia- did your infusion go as planned?

    Hope everyone has a relaxing, pain-free week-end. 😊

  • UpstateNYer
    UpstateNYer Posts: 331

    hi all... Happyanyway, sorry to hear of your low wbc count. Mine was at 2.2 this week . I am supposed to avoid public places for a few days too. Hope you can attend your daughter's event on Monday. Could you wear a surgical mask?

    April0315- sorry that you are feeling badly. I was on my back with horrific headache pain on day 3, hope you will be feeling better soon.

    Mountainmia- did your infusion go as planned?

    Hope everyone has a relaxing, pain-free week-end. 😊

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Posts: 857

    UpstateNYer, no, I reacted to the taxotere again. I'm pretty bummed.

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Posts: 380

    MountainMia, ugh! I am frustrated for you.

    Hi UpstateNYer! I'll talk to my little one and see how she feels about me wearing a mask around her buddies. The Neupogen worked really well for me last time. My spine is starting to ache, which is actually a good sign.

    If anyone has any good news to share, I'm all ears! I love to hear positive stories. Feel free to share if you're not well, too! Misery loves company!

    I'm really not miserable. Just a little stir crazy.

  • mpv459
    mpv459 Posts: 83

    I have a question... I have my second AC on Thursday and I am already starting to dread it. My last session went well and I avoided most of the side effects and just felt tired and a little out of my body. Are we supposed to stay home the week after infusion and avoid people completely or is it okay to just go on with your normal activities.. I am not working right now but I get very antsy.. I am wondering also if the side effects from AC are consistent from infusion to infusion or does it build up and get worse with each one.. Glad we are all getting through this... Can't wait til it is over.

  • G1973
    G1973 Posts: 49

    Hoping everyone is doing well. Mpv I am wondering the same. I hope that our side effects are about the same each time. I am ready for round two. Going in on Wednesday. Has anyone tried editable? I choose not to take the anti nausea meds as the side effects was what was making me nauseated. I already felt dizzy. Anywho I am not one for using cannibias but if is all natural and helps I am willing to try.... anyone??

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Posts: 380

    Mpv459, my nurse said that SE can be cumulative. My SE haven't been that bad either. From my understanding, days 7-10 after chemo are the worst for wbc, platelets and rbc. If anyone has heard otherwise, please let me know.

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Posts: 857

    AC treatment users, there is a topic on just AC that might help you with more info. It is called AC Treatment.

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Posts: 857

    OKAY, question about AC. Did you have an echocardiogram prior to beginning?

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Posts: 380

    MountainMia, yes, I did have an echocardiogram.

  • UpstateNYer
    UpstateNYer Posts: 331

    Happyanyway.. I am also going stir crazy, but at least I feel well and am eating well. I also am not looking forward to next chemo on May 29th. Worried about additional se's, even though I am only on the C/T regimen.

    Mountainmia.. What is the plan for you now? I am soooo sorry to hear that you could not withstand treatment. Prayers going out to you.

    Those of you dreading next A/C , hope all goes smoothly with minimal se's.

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Posts: 857

    UpstateNYer, no solid plan yet. I'll meet with MO on Tuesday. I expect (because we talked about this last time) I will switch to AC followed by taxol. Research shows that TC > AC, and adding taxol brings it to about the same efficacy. It also adds several weeks and a lot more potential for side effects, so obviously not ideal.

    On the bright side, I've had a good day today, after yesterday was so frustrating and discouraging. I got out for a fast-paced walk for really the first time since surgery, without getting winded. I didn't get very far because the rain let loose, but probably totaled a mile and a half. And I managed to work on a new quilt for quite a while. Better still, 2 girlfriends are coming over this evening for snacks and a movie and a lot of laughter. And tomorrow ALL my steroid buzz will have worn off, and I'll be EXHAUSTED! :)

  • April0315
    April0315 Posts: 167

    @MountainMia, thanks for the link on the AC treatment thread. I had a MUGA scan prior to my first AC infusion, it's similar to an echo. Sorry you seem to be walking down that treatment path. It's not been fun for me at all.

    I came to the realization that I am not one of those that can take or leave the nausea meds, I'm taking them round the clock and am now able to get out and about a bit. I went to a full moon labyrinth walk last night with my oldest daughter. Was a gorgeous night here in AZ and it felt really good to spend some time reflecting on where I am and where I need to go.

    HappyAnyway... so sorry that WBC was low again. Glad the insurance approved the Neupogen (is that the same as Neulasta?) I got that last week and my pelvis was the part of me that was achey.

    I'm really hopeful that this coming week is one where I feel somewhat normal so I can tackle session 2 of AC on the 28th with grace and strength.

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Posts: 380

    Hello. April0315. I get Neulasta Onpro with each AC treatment and my WBC still plummets. Neupogen is different. I'm amazed at how well it works for me. The last time I took it, my WBC went from 1.3 to 6.5 in three days. My case manager suggested I talk to my MO about getting a Neulasta injection versus the device since it's apparently not working well for me. The low WBC is definitely the worst SE to me. My third treatment is on May 24th. That's my 22nd anniversary. My husband will be going with me for that treatment. How romantic. Lol

  • UpstateNYer
    UpstateNYer Posts: 331

    mountainmia-- hope the next regimen will work for you, lucky that there are alternative drugs out there. You should do fine. I am so happy that you were able to get out and walk and were able to have an enjoyable evening with your friends. Hope you're not too tired out today.

    April0315- glad you could take a nice walk with your daughter. I took a 3 mile walk last night with my son. It felt great. Glad you're feeling better. Yes, definitely keep on the anti nausea pills. I took them on and off, but they helped. Good luck on your next txt on the 28th. I will be praying for you. My 2nd T/C txt is May 29th.

    Happyanyway- Nice that the Neupogen worked for you. Why can't you continue with it seeing as it works so well? I did not like the Neulasta patch. It gave me a horrible migraine that lasted 2 days. I guess I will take Claritin to reduce histamines. NP suggested it, as others on these boards. What a bummer to have to have txt on your 22nd anniversary. Perhaps you can still do something fun that week. My last txt in July will be on my son's birthday.

    Hope everyone has a good week.

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Posts: 857

    I've gone back through and re-read our first few pages. Let me just say, YOU ARE ALL SPECTACULAR PEOPLE. Really, you rock! So kind and sturdy and determined. I am so impressed and inspired.

    HappyAnyway, you were sort of the vanguard for this group, first into the chemo chair IIRC. How are you feeling now after 2, heading into your third?

    Several others of you have one down. Depending on your tx cycling maybe having a second this week.

    I'm still trying to mark one off and don't have a solid plan yet. Trying to be patient.

    In the meantime I started a new quilt. I think I'll call it "Shadows on the Mountain."

    Wishing everyone a good week. Peace and hugs.

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Posts: 857

    Oh yeah, I wanted to share this item with you on preventing permanent peripheral neuropathy. Many of us will use taxanes (taxol and taxotere,) which often cause at least temporary neuropathy. Cold treatment DOES work to diminish the effect.

    Does anyone already have a plan in place for managing this?

  • Thank you...tomorrow is round 2 . I was ok with round 1

  • Thank you...tomorrow is round 2 . I was ok with round 1

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Posts: 857

    good luck, Buttercup. I hope this one goes well, too.

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Posts: 380

    UpstateNYer, I will ask a nurse tomorrow when I get my labs about the Neupogen. I'll let you know what I find out.

    MountainMia, I appreciate all of the information that you post. You're so helpful and kind. Regarding Taxol, I ordered socks with inserts for cold packs. I'm also going to ice my hands. Hopefully that will prevent neuropathy and nail damage. I can't wait until you get a treatment plan that works well for you. I feel a bond with you and so many other wonderful people on this forum.

    Buttercup2101, I hope tomorrow goes well for you with minimal SE.

    Be well, everyone.

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Posts: 857

    Happy, do you have a link for the sox you bought? Do the cold packs come with them?

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Posts: 380

    NatraCure Cold Therapy Socks

    I wear a size 8.5, but ordered the next size up, size large. Some of the reviews mentioned they run small. They come with the cold packs. I bought them through Amazon. They should arrive tomorrow.

  • lacombattante
    lacombattante Posts: 187

    Writing from the chemo chair, the second EC treatment underway, epirubicin (the European version of the red devil) is running through my veins already :)

    I hope everyone is doing OK - I have quite some catch up to do!

    This time around, I decided to try short term fasting: water fast 36 hours before the infusion and 24 hours after (unless I get ravenous:)). I will share how it goes SE wise.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Posts: 2,311

    I fasted and it helped a lot. My first chemo was the worst, thereafter fasting made the SEs a lot better...

    You can also do "fasting mimicing" which is 5 days very low cal diet with about half carbs and half fats and very low protein. Chemo day in the middle.

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Posts: 380

    Best wishes , LaCombattante!

    My daughter shaved my head without a guard on Thursday. I'm out for the first time with a bare head. It's a little scary, but I'm owning it! I'm waiting on my blood draw now.

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Posts: 857

    HappyAnyway, I bet you look great. Hugs!

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Posts: 380

    Thank you, MountainMia!

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Posts: 2,311

    A woman in my chemo group called going out with a shaved head "Sinead-ing around" -- :-)

  • lacombattante
    lacombattante Posts: 187

    HappyAnyway, I am sure you look great! Love your attitude!

    My crew cut is still holding on, perhaps the 2nd EC will will do us part :)

    Santabarbarian, thank you, and your advice on fasting was and is very helpful! I had very little SE after the first round of chemo, even my MO was positively surprised. The fact is, I inadvertently fasted for nearly 40 hours before due to port placement. That got me thinking about trying again this time. We'll see but so far I am doing not too bad.

    MountainMia, sorry to read about your reaction to Taxotere, I am sure that your MO will have a new treatment plan soon. For what it's worth, my mO prefers Taxol over Taxotere side effects wise. Still a Taxane though.