Starting Radiation Sept. 2019
laurencl - No PT for me. But there is a cancer resource center across from the clinic I go to and they have all kinds of resources available to cancer patients and some are massages and yoga and classes on the different drugs we have to take- all free. I am going tomorrow and sign up for the massage and see about yoga. I think that could be a great class to start with for the horrible position they put you in for radiation- to help loosen the muscles. They can also help financially as well to find resources for help with different costs.
Yndorian1- I hope your SE with both the drug and rads are very little. I also started turning just a bit pink as well after 4 tx. The gel I use has lots of aloe so I think that should help you. I hope you get to feeling better. I have been a little tired as well but didn't know if it was rads or the anastrazole I take. Could be both I guess.
UpstateNYer - let me know how you do with the anastrazole - I have been on it since 8/21.
Hope we all have a good (kind to our bodies kinda) week!
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UpstateNYer- for between the surgery and hospital, the ER visit, the PS office, the wound care clinic, the MO & RO and now rads - there have been males tech and Drs everywhere looking at them. I truly have lost count. Between that and the entire shelf of my pantry being taken up by MY meds alone - I just have to laugh or I might just cry.
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6/33 done! Thank you for your good wishes. Last Friday I was a little pink, and I had a rash but the rest of the weekend helped a lot. Today my skin is normal...
Someone said it is an initial skin reaction, and then it calmed down until the true effect appeared. I hope it's like that.
Pink Armor: Yoga seems like a great idea. I used to practice regularly, but since chemo I have been so weak and sore that I have not done it again.
Good start to the week for all of you ladies!❤😘👍
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Hi everyone! I went to my mapping session today. They did a CT scan as part of the prep to make sure that I was moving my chest high enough to get the left boob (rogue boob) away from the heart. It was cold and even though I'm not claustrophobic it was nerve wracking. Now I have blue sharpie marks down to my ribs and around my side. And I got groped by two men. So all in all, a productive morning. 😜
UpstateNYer - I am tired of some of the chemo SE. I have a cough and still the bloody nose. But the fatigue is getting better and almost no neuropathy in the feet. Hands have never been a problem.
Yndorian - I'm glad that the radiation is going a bit better. We are following in your footsteps here. I've heard that fatigue is a big SE for radiation so I (we) really appreciate your posts. And congrats on getting number 6 out of the way!
Wow smackan- I may have to come to your place - free massages! It's pretty muchhere's your hat, what's your hurry around here.
PinkArmor - I hope your skin doesn't get too pink! And sorry about the headache. I have a feeling I will be getting those too. Add college frat party to your list of potential grope arenas. I don't care how crowded the dance floor is, keep your hands to yourself!
rlws- I am also having to hold my breath. That part scares me a bit because right now I have a cough and I can just see me coughing and moving through the whole session.
Laurencl- I went to a lymphadema therapist after my surgery for about 4 appointments, but no PT.
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DogMomRunner- LOL - forgot all about frat parties been too many years. But you are right! So when do you start your rads? Did they tell you how many you would need yet? I didn't know till the 1st tx. Hope it goes well for you. I have 5 down woot woot!
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Thanks everyone for your input and experiences. It certainly helps to know a little about what to expect. I got my first radiation treatment done today. Not too bad overall. I was pretty apprehensive and the position I laid in bothered my neck but nothing I can’t deal with. 1 down and 15 to go!! They gave me lotion to use and a prescription of hydrocortisone cream so hoping it won’t get too bad. Best of luck to us all!
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I am right behind you, Polkadot. I have some mapping to be done tomorrow then officially start rads this Wednesday. I also have 16 of them as well. Glad you got through ok today. Pat
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Hi PinkArmor - the intern/resident working with the RO said that they usually have a 7-10 day timeline to work out my plan. 😕 I thought I would start on Monday of next week but he said that it may not be until the week after. I thought the plan seemed pretty definite when I went for the original consult. So I don't now.but probably in two weeks. I have a Herceptin infusion next Thursday and I've been trying to coordinate it with the rad treatments. I'm kind of in limbo right now
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DogMomRunner: My wait also seemed to last forever. I hope you can start as soon as possible, so you will finish as soon as possible too! ❤
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Reporting: 7/33 done. I will see my RO tomorrow. My skin is doing fine. "You don't have to be brave, you just have to show up!
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I know this is weird to say but I am jealous of everyone who has started already! I was so ready to start with all of you. At least I know I am starting on September 20th (if the open incision spots are healed enough) so not too far behind. I am so happy that no one is seeing any major side effects! It definitely eases my mind.
DogRunnerMom - looks like we might start at the same time!
PinkArmour and Yndorian1 - glad you are holding up well
UpstateNYer and Polkadot1 - good luck with starting
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I agree with you all that waiting to start is a challenge! I waiting for my phone to ring to say that have my set up complete and I can do the trial run! They said possibly this week but who knows.
smacken - I also thought I would have started by now! Patience is far from a strength of mine:)
DogMomRunner - holding breathe with a cough sounds tough! I am sure they will help with that.
When I held my breathe for my planning I was given this binocular thing to look through to make my breath go to a certain line, anyone else do that? I wonder if I will have that when I actually start!
Good luck to all. Keep the positive energy! I am doing my best to know that this too will pass with time and I do truly believe the battles of life make us all stronger.
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Smackan: What you feel is not weird, it is perfectly normal. I am jealous of all my rad mates who have to do fewer sessions than me! 😊😊😊 We will continue supporting each others throughout the process ❤❤❤
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Well, I am surprised but just got the call about when I will start my Rad. I have a dry run today and will start on Thursday.
I am happy to get to start but also nervous. I was told I would be practicing my breathe holding today, hope it goes well.
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Rlws: Sending good vibres. Good luck with your app today! 👍👍
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rlws - Glad you are going to get started. I am also doing the breath hold and it is not difficult at all so try not to worry about that part. I was extremely nervous yesterday at my first one and am hoping to be a little calmer today. Hope everything goes well for you!
smacken- I know how you feel. Once I had my head wrapped around having to get the treatments, I was ready to just get on with it. But believe me, your time will be here before you know it and we will be here to cheer you on.
UpstateNYer- Good luck at your mapping today- we will be on a pretty close schedule for sure!
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6 down just 14 more to go! Feeling ok today. I get scans and meet with the RO on Tues. He said everything looked good and didn't see any issues with the one small open wound I have left on the right- rad side. Hoping it stays that way. They said that the rads could stop the healing process. I certainly hope not. It's taken me 4 months to get it healed this far. Saw the wound care DR today and she said that it looked good and hoped for the same but she'd be there to treat it if something did happen. That made me feel a bit better. Left side wound still a mess. I have a bacterial infection; probably from all the dead blood in the heamatoma that has been escaping little by little. She pressed and prodded today and got more out of the hemamtoma.(dang that hurts) It's getting smaller and I did heal a whole 1/2 of a cm. I called it progress. Should go better now that I am on amoxicillin.
I was thinking last night trying to fall asleep that I will be glad when this is past and I can get back to a somewhat normal life. But then I thought the dreaded mamo will be around the corner. The first after all of this and I am so afraid that this will have all been for nothing. What does that thought have to keep lurking? I try to chase it away. I know how lucky I am; why can't I just go with that and be happy and stop worrying. I don't know maybe it's time I saw a counselor. Been trying to make it on my own. Thanks ladies for listening.
yndorian1, hope things continue to go well. Yea on # 7 down. Go girl!
Polkadot1- here is to no bad SE! My neck bothers me as well. It's that whole neck cradle thing for me. Think I am getting use to it tho'
rlws, Dogmomrunner, UpstateNYer - might sound weird but glad you get to start or have started your rads. Here's to no SE or very little.
smackan - At least you have a date now. Something they all told me about wound healing - eat plenty of protein and drink lots of water. (still not doing the latter). I also found a supplement that was called Heal Fast on Amazon. I swear it helped with the right side. I ran out and haven't taken it in 3 weeks. Maybe why I slowed down on healing. I will reorder just in case and start taking again.
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Hi fellow RADs warriors! Hope you don't mind me stopping in to say hi. I just wanted to stop by and wish you all good luck on your RADS journey. Though my experience in RADs was a "bit" rough, and I ended up with Fibrosis, LE, and Rib Dysfunction/Costochondritis, many others in our Oct group did just fine and so have many other members since . The odds are in the favor of y'all having minimal SEs .
I was given many stretches and exercises by my PT and RO that helped me to keep from losing range of motion and manage the LE that developed during my RADs treatments, which I had posted in my RADs group and I'll share here too in case anyone might find them helpful. Two rules of thumb - go slow and gentle andiIf in doubt, ask your team. Always.
Oh and before I forget, there's a really great link about What To Expect During Radiation from the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute that MissouriCatLady in her June RADs thread and she was right!! it's really full of good stuff, things I wished someone had told me before I started too. Give it a look see, can't hurt.
Also, if you've not read this thread yet, List of what to do/get/pack to prep for Radiation Therapy, it's also a good place to go for tips and tricks on what helps during the next few weeks.
Like I said, I hope all of you will sail through treatments with the minimum of SEs. This was our thread Radiation October 2018 and we discussed quite a few things that were very helpful along the way - including different creams, hydration, NAPS, exercise, etc. Maybe it might be helpful to you on your journey.
My best advice that I can pass on, that helped me is this:
1) Start using Calendula or other creams 2 weeks prior to treatments on the area of RADs (if one breast, be sure to get up into the armpit and into the ribs as well). This is what my RO asked me to do. Continue as your team directs you, most of ours seemed to say 2- 4 times depending on various SEs.
2) Drink lots of water.
3) Walk or move as much as you can, given your own limitations.
4) Double check with your RO/team about meds you are on, as some on my list were ones I shouldn't take before AND during RADs & after for at least 2 weeks (antioxidants especially).
5) Everyone is different. Some experience SEs immediately (like me lol), others sail by with very minimal SEs. If you are concerned or experiencing pain/redness/swelling/heavy feeling/etc, don't be afraid to speak up to your team. That's what they are there for!
6) If you do experience SEs, one of the things that SAVED me was "Boob Lasagna" - Aloe Vesta layered on with special gauze and then wrapped under a compression bra. I think I would have lost my mind the last 2 weeks without it. Ask your team. Also, on page 6 of the Oct Rads Group.
Wishing you all the best and quick healing after you get to ring the bell! Good luck Warriors! You got this!
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I was told the same thing, 7 to 10 day planning....hurry up and wait again
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smackan - I too am anxious to get this going. And yes jealous of all those already started. I kind of wonder why, since the Herceptin continues until next year so it's not like I will be finished even after radiation.
rlws- I am glad you are getting started. Yay!
Polkadot - good to hear that you got your first one done.
Yay to PinkArmor on number 6! I hope your skin and wounds do ok though all of this.
Hi Yndorian! I hope you are doing well.
Thanks Spoonie for all of the info and support
Laurencl- I know, right? And now I have blue sharpie "Xs" all over my left chest and side. I was hoping to be done before the end of October. Maybe not.
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DogMomRunner: Maybe a few more days of waiting and resting are good for your body ... even if it isn't for the anxienty. After the initial nerves I have entered into a kind of routine ...
You didn't have positive nodes so they won't give you as many sessions as I do, I imagine. I hope you are doing well of neuropathy ❤
Spoonie: Thanks for the info. You are very kind
Pink Armor: sending healing thoughts to you.
Good luck to all of you with app and rads today.
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Good Morning!
I had the dry run yesterday and it was much better than I though with the breath holding, they helped ease my anxiety. I have so many marks on my chest that I have to be particular about what I wear but that is fine!
Polkadot - hope your rads continues to go well and thanks for breath hold help!
Spoonie - thanks for all that information, very helpful!
PinkArmor - congrats on 6 down! I can totally relate to the worry feeling of that mamo that will come after 6 months and sometimes it keeps me up. I had mine caught so early, I do feel that I should be simply grateful but sometimes struggle with the worry!
Smacken - I hope you get your call to start earlier, I was also told a week but it came back way faster.
I appreciate this group very much, nice to know we are all in this together. Prayers for all for healing and no SE's or little if they come.
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8/33 done! Today I saw my RO. She had chemo, surgery and rads a year ago! She was very kind to me and answered all my questions. To me, rads are an easier experience than chemotherapy (at least so far) We all can with this, rads warriors! ❤❤❤
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Hello all..
Had my mapping done yesterday and today was my first of 16 treatments. I am a day ahead of you, rwls. Everything went great. I swear it took less than 5 minutes! My 2 techs were wonderful. I think it took more time to position me on the table than it did to do the rads. Hoping the rest of my txts. go as well. 😊
Spoonie- thanks for the helpful info. I already do some of those exercises.
Pink Armor-hope txts. keep up going well for you. Hoping those wounds heal up and don't cause you more problems. When I first got diagnosed in February, I also had the dreaded fears of recurrence. When my margins were not clear, and then found out about my high onco score, I got those dreaded feelings again. But now after 3 surgeries, chemo, rads, and being put on the AI, have really come to terms with it all. I was offered counseling, but did not go. If the feelings start to overwhelm you, you can always seek counseling. Just know one thing, you are doing everything on God's green earth that is medically indicated for you. That is all any of us can do, right? I know whatever happens is in God's hands. I hope that you can find some comfort and peace during treatments in fighting this ugly cancer beast. Know you are NOT alone. Feel free to PM me anytime. I am a good listener.
Smackan-Hoping continued healing. You soon will be starting txt. It will be here before you know it.
yndorian1- you are 1/4 through with txts! Nice that your RO went through all of this herself. She can really empathize with what her patients are going through.
DogMomRunner & Laurencl, I know waiting can be hard, but it does take a week to 10 days to do your planning. There is so much technically that needs to be perfected with rads. You want everything to go perfectly for you.
Polkadot-How are you doing today?
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UpstateNYer- thanks for the offer of an shoulder to cry on. Feeling better today. Yesterday was just one of those bad days. I felt so beat up. I had the xrays and doctor visit at rads and then I had to go to the wound clinic. She pressed and pushed and beat on my poor breast trying to get the yucky stuff out and my blood pressure had dropped really low. Then of course I had to go to work and work an 8 hr day so I was feeling bad. Much better today. Usually I am much more upbeat and happy. Of course rads is in the opposite direction of work, so i spend a lot of time on the road as well. I probably would have lost it a long time ago if I didn't have my faith. Prayer really has helped me thru it.
Yndorian1- you are 1 ahead of me! 7 today. I seem to be holding at just barely pink so that's good. Hope you are still doing good.
rlws- Most days are good and I don't think about it.
Hope the rest of the week is good for everyone Rad warriors! Here's to no SE!
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Driving to work this morning I was thinking -I have plenty of time for that- (uh oh) that worry just steals all the joy and good things of the day. None of us know what tomorrow holds. I think about all those people on the morning of 9/11 that got up worrying about things that were in the future or even the rest of their day and they never saw it. It stole their joy in that moment. I am determined that I am not going to allow that to happen. I don't know what is beyond today and I refuse to let it take over my life. I will deal with whatever is in the tomorrows when I get there. Life is about today. I will find good in everything. Just this morning as I was leaving my husband said "see you tonight pretty girl" - made my heart happy. I had the nurses laughing with my "how many men have seen your boobs, l bet not as many as has seen mine" line.I think about how much sadness they see every day and I am determined each day I am there to make them smile or laugh. I made an employee feel better this morning- and it made me happy. I was able to crochet last night. I read a great book the day before. I talked to my Mama in the nursing home and made her laugh. My dog made me roll on the floor laughing this morning. These are the things that I will look for in each day. Cancer will not steal my joy. This isn't easy by a long shot but I am determined to not let any of it take from the joy that I can find in the little things of each day. I have much to be thankful for and I truly am thankful.
So today I choose Joy- and tomorrow I will choose joy.
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Good morning all- So I've got 3 treatments under my belt and saw the RO yesterday afterwards. I am a tiny bit pink, which does not surprise me and he said he didn't expect it to get any worse as long as I use the creams and cortisone they gave me. Here's hoping he's right. I am a little tight under my arm like I was after surgery and he said that is perfectly normal too and to just keep stretching. So far everything is going as well as can be expected. My days are longer due to my treatments being after work, which puts me in a bad commute afterwards due to the time I get done. So by the time I get home, I'm pretty worn out. Starting tomorrow, they will be a little earlier in the afternoon and that should help a LOT.
Pink Armor - I'm glad you are having a better day and your post was very uplifting. I too am trying to focus on the positive and not sweat the small stuff. You are right about there being so much joy in each day...we just have to look for it!
UpstateNYer - How wonderful you got your first treatment done and can start checking off the number of treatments. I am literally doing that on my personal calendar and it feels so empowering to cross one off
Yndorian1 - That really is special that your RO can relate to everything you are going through. I am sure that makes her so much more compassionate to her patients needs and feelings. Hope your treatments continue to go well!
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9/33 done and counting. The skin is still fine, I'm a little tired.
Pink Armor: What you wrote is wise and beautiful. I will strive to do the same ... 😘
Polkadot1: My skin was a little pink in the first treatments too, then it returned to its normal color. Now there is a little pink in the area around the scar. I hope you continue well, without SEs.
Have a nice day rads warriors!
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yndorian1-You are moving right along. I had my 2nd treatment today. All is going great. I am only getting rads for about 5 minutes. Moves so fast, no se's so far.
PinkArmor- Love your words. I choose joy as well. F..k cancer. We should not fear it, it should fear us, as we are doing everything to beat the beast.
Polkadot- hope that your skin does not get any pinker. Glad your treatment will be earlier in the afternoon. Hopefully your commute will not be as hard. Yes, it is empowering to check off each day completed.
Thinking also of DogMomRunner, Laurencl, rlws, and Smackan - sending positive vibes. 👍
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Love to see the posts about living in the moment and finding slices of joy! Definitely a great mind set to strive for when able.
Just wanted to pop in and say that one of the positive silver-lining I came out of RADs with is that I no longer need to shave my left armpit! Now I'm half French. Lol!
That being said, seriously though, no one told me my armpit would be getting treatment. It was a shock to me that my armpit started getting pink. I'm very glad that I followed the wise advice of many RADs threads here as I was checking off another session.. They suggested ensuring my armpit got its fair share of calendula a few times a day.
If you have any doubt, give your own armpit some love!
Keep on being strong and taking care of yourselves too! Gentle hugs everyone.