Terrified continued



  • Slg1324
    Slg1324 Member Posts: 106

    wonderful ideas Jack-bear ! I love rescue remedy.we have a 14 year old dog and adopted a year old cat in August after suddenly losing our beloved 11 year old” queen of our world CAT” at the beginning of August. Do you have any pets ? :)

  • rlmessy
    rlmessy Member Posts: 97

    Slg...what I call my "rescue Xanax" is a small dose .25mg. That dose has worked for me in the past. It works within 30ish minutes and lasts about 2 hours or so. After that I am super calm and sleep well day or night.

    I am not a medical person but have been told that anti-anxiety meds are not typically matched mg for mg but rather how they work. Short acting vs. Spread out and consistent.

    I am considering something that will level my anxiety for the duration. Maybe Prozac. I am also having a hard time sleeping, thus the 2am posting! LOL! I am going to pick up some Melatonin tomorrow to see how that works. Lack of sleep heightens my anxiety...not a good combo.

  • Slg1324
    Slg1324 Member Posts: 106

    well hello Rim , So Sorry you are having trouble sleeping tonight , so i am I . Woken by the breathing issue once again . I'm going to sit up. And try breathing exercises for awhile and try to calm down although I'm still not sure if this is just anxiety, grrrrrr! Are you having anxiety right now ?hopefully you went to sleep:)

  • Slg1324
    Slg1324 Member Posts: 106

    had another bad night with difficulty breathing and lungs hurting 😔 I was able to get an appointment today with my pcp . I don't know , this really feels like more than just anxiety and acid relux 😥super scared and sad. Sorry I am sounding like a broken record.

  • jack-bear
    jack-bear Member Posts: 169
    Do you feel better after telling us how you are doing?😁
    Don't apologise. Please
    NancyB 🎶🐾
  • rlmessy
    rlmessy Member Posts: 97

    Hi Slg,

    I did finally fall asleep last night. Here's hoping you get some answers today from your PCP.

    Keep us posted!!

    I am in the waiting room for an echocardiogram for my pre-treatment exam. Hoping this is no big deal. They told me I would just have to lay there. I just ate lunch so it better not be anymore or I am throwing up on someone!! LOL!!

    Big hugs!!

  • DeeBB
    DeeBB Member Posts: 71

    Slg, I hope everything is going well with you. Take it one day at a time and accept help from people that want to help you through this. Having my husband and my families support was the best thing for me.

    You can do this! I know it's probably not the path you were expecting to take right now, honestly the hardest part for me was the actually diagnoses, after that there was a plan in place and just moved on and got through it. There were days of course I would be a little down and angry too but I just kept telling myself, you are stronger than this. Keeping busy helped a lot as well and talking about my feelings. My mother in law also bought me a stationary bike so I could try and keep up some strength in the comfort of my own home.

    Try not to google too much, I drove myself crazy with that. Keep a good relationship with your PCP as well as your oncology team, don't be afraid to ask questions.

    Please keep us updated and you will be in my thoughts.

  • Slg1324
    Slg1324 Member Posts: 106


    Yes it helps to tell you all how I'm doing !


    I really hope your echocardiogram goes smoothly!hope you don't throw up either 😆thinking of you !


    That's very good advice all around, thank you 😊dr.goole gets me bad at times I admit, I'm working on not doing it - sometimes when I'm up late at night it's like there's nowhere else to turn .This is a hard time right after being diagnosed. There's so much I need to do and prepare for and I've not been doing it all yet in part because im so exhausted . I hope you are doing we

  • Slg1324
    Slg1324 Member Posts: 106

    well the visit with my PCP didn’t bring me much piece of mind . I really like her she’s very good she is very empathetic , hugged me and was willing to answer any of my questions(very patient)

    Of course she doesn’t know why my lungs are hurting or why I’m having shortness of breath. She prescribed an inhaler , something for acid reflux and a different sleep medication.

  • rlmessy
    rlmessy Member Posts: 97

    Slg, sorry the PCP was not more help. What kind of inhaler did she give you? Albuterol can cause you to feel jittery but it can be a big help. I picked up some melatonin today and am going to try that tonight.

    The echocardiogram was just a 10 minute screening. Took me longer to drive there! Tomorrow is genetic counseling and the start of that process since my mom is a breast cancer survivor and I am only 52 on the fence with menopause.

    Loving thoughts!

  • Slg1324
    Slg1324 Member Posts: 106

    hi Rim ,

    I’m glad your echocardiogram was quick and good thoughts towards your genetic counseling tomorrow.i sure hope the melatonin helps you sleep tonight.

    Yes the inhaler is albuterol.ill only do a small amount in the morning because the doc also said it could make me jittery

    Loving thoughts you too!

  • jack-bear
    jack-bear Member Posts: 169
    Sig, I am glad to hear that it helps to talk to us. We care & we listen
    NancyB ♥️
  • rlmessy
    rlmessy Member Posts: 97

    Good Morning Slg,

    Hope this is a good morning for you. I was just re reading some of these posts and wanted to pop on the say thank you to everyone.

    I was on these boards in 2006 as a caregiver to my mom during her BC battle...she is still going strong 13 years later!!

    But this thread is the reason I came back when I go my own dx. You are all supremely supportive and I love that!!

    Stay strong, Slg!! We are all here for you!!

  • Slg1324
    Slg1324 Member Posts: 106


    Yes thank you . I know people in this forum listen and it's such a good thing to have somewhere to turn , have listeners , feedback and su❤️

  • Slg1324
    Slg1324 Member Posts: 106

    hi Rim

    I hope you are having a good morning too! I got some sleep last night with the new sleep med so I’m feeling a bit better than yesterday.

    So good and encouraging to know your mom is a BC survivor 13 years strong 💪🏼- I do remember you mentioned that before 😊sorry you’ve had to come back to this forum for your own DX but glad we are all here for each other 🤗

  • jack-bear
    jack-bear Member Posts: 169
    Oh, Sig!😘
    So glad you got some sleep!🎶🎶
    NancyB ♥️
  • Slg1324
    Slg1324 Member Posts: 106

    my nurse navigator just called HERS2 is NEGATIVE !

  • jack-bear
    jack-bear Member Posts: 169


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,389

    Good news Sig. Now they can begin to plan the correct treatment.

  • Slg1324
    Slg1324 Member Posts: 106

    Thank you JackBear and Minus , yes the nurse navigator says that’s good news at this point

  • rlmessy
    rlmessy Member Posts: 97

    Great news Slg...start a new list of good things!!

  • Slg1324
    Slg1324 Member Posts: 106

    Thank you Rim.list of good things , yes ! 😊

    Thinking of you too hoping your day went well

  • WorryThePooh
    WorryThePooh Member Posts: 378

    that's great news Sig!

  • San1975
    San1975 Member Posts: 11

    Very good news Sig1324!

  • Yogatyme
    Yogatyme Member Posts: 1,793

    great news sig!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • MassGirl55
    MassGirl55 Member Posts: 12

    Wonderful news Slg1324!!

  • Slg1324
    Slg1324 Member Posts: 106

    thank you Worrythepoo, San, Yoga and Mass!🤗

    Well today was pretty intense.had an apsurgeon and her assistant. My surgery is Nov 19th (the week of my daughter’s birthday 😞)I have to have an mri first on nov 5. My heart and head are just spinning, total information OVERLOAD 😣

  • arizonaboundgal
    arizonaboundgal Member Posts: 38

    Happy to hear the good news, Sig! See, you're doing it....step by step. Keep going, girl.

  • Slg1324
    Slg1324 Member Posts: 106

    thanks Az!

  • rlmessy
    rlmessy Member Posts: 97

    Hi Slg, That first appt with the docs was a doozy for me too! Way too much information. There is a thread here somewhere about starting a notebook. I did this with my Mom when she was going through treatment and it helped so much.

    I have started one for me too and have just been putting stuff in there as I get it. I plan to go through it all this weekend and organize it. I have a 2nd opinion scheduled for Tuesday so I want to have it all together.

    But it sounds like things are moving forward for you and that's a good thing!