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Terrified continued



  • rlmessy
    rlmessy Member Posts: 97

    Slg...I am scheduled for Dec. 18...71 days from dx!! For the most part I am at peace with that. On the dark days I freak out about how long it is.

    But like you with your daughters birthday, my surgery will be during my oldest son's winter break from college. Any earlier and it would have been right during his finals. He was already planning to come home even though we had tried to reassure him that his Dad would take care of me.

    I am determined to lessen the impact on my family as much as I can. I am not an great sick person and I hate being a burden on someone. So this is all taking me into a place where I have alot to learn.

    Holding your virtual hand while we wait!!

  • Slg1324
    Slg1324 Member Posts: 106

    awww Rlm virtually holding your hand as well.

    Sorry you have to wait so long (mine is 51 days from DX) but happy you are at peace with it for the most part and trust in your team . I’m so glad you have your husband for help as I do .I like that your son will be home too . Here’s to more waiting 🌿

  • L-O-R-I
    L-O-R-I Member Posts: 56

    Hi Slg, Will they be doing the surgery regardless of how the 2nd MRI guided biopsy comes back?

  • Slg1324
    Slg1324 Member Posts: 106

    Hi L.O.R.I

    yes I will be having surgery regardless of the upcoming biopsy i am having on Monday Nov 18th - theplan so far is a lumpectomy on December 5th.

  • L-O-R-I
    L-O-R-I Member Posts: 56

    The reason I am asking, Slg, is because I'm wondering why they are doing the biopsy if they already know it is cancer and know that they will be removing it. Why don't they just do the surgery and then test the specimen at that point? The 2 MRI's are delaying your surgery and causing a lot of stress to you, and the outcome to have surgery has already been decided. Am I missing something?

  • Slg1324
    Slg1324 Member Posts: 106

    hi L.O.R.I

    It is quite confusing really. The mri guided biopsy I am having tomorrow(Nov. 18th) is actually a re-biopsy of a second spot that was found via MRI in the same breast(left) that the cancer was found.i had a mammogram guided biopsy for that second spot back on November 8th - it came back benign BUT the doctors are not confident that they got the right spot so they want to go in again more accurately with the MRI guided really I don’t know what kind of surgery I’ll be having at this point -VERY UNNERVING!!! So as I said earlier the plan so far is a lumpectomy on December 5th to remove what has already been found .I hope i’mmaking sense .

  • Slg1324
    Slg1324 Member Posts: 106

    L.O.R.i ,

    Also yes this re-biopsy did delay my surgery- it was originally scheduled for Nov 19 th . Thank you for thinking of me

  • L-O-R-I
    L-O-R-I Member Posts: 56

    Hi Slg, I usually only go on the site when I'm sitting at work waiting to get busy, so I just saw this now. How did your guided biopsy go this time? Hoping they didn't find anything more!

  • Slg1324
    Slg1324 Member Posts: 106

    Hi L-O-R-I

    Thanks for checking back 😊

    Although the procedure was physically painful and emotionally stressful, I’m very happy and grateful to report the results were benign for that second spot in question

  • L-O-R-I
    L-O-R-I Member Posts: 56

    That is great Slg! I guess the first biopsy was accurate. It's hard when Dr.'s doubt their own tests. It kind of shakes your faith a bit. Now you can move forward and get the surgery done. What a relief!

  • Slg1324
    Slg1324 Member Posts: 106


    Actually what was discovered with that prior biopsy is that they got the wrong spot - so yes that did shake my faith in that doctor some but moving forward.It's good that both spots were benign anyway. 😃yes now I can plan for the surgery.

  • WorryThePooh
    WorryThePooh Member Posts: 378

    That's good news Sig! I don't blame you for being concerned they got it wrong.

  • Slg1324
    Slg1324 Member Posts: 106

    thank you Worry! Yes it did make me question that doctor a little bit but it also make me feel like they are really paying attention because, there were 3 doctors involved in saying it needs to be biopsied again.

    How are you doing? Feeling any better

  • WorryThePooh
    WorryThePooh Member Posts: 378

    Thanks for asking Sig, some days I think I am better than others. The Tamoxifen has some annoying side effects such as big mood swings and hot flushes, which often come over me very unexpectedly. Just have to live with it.


  • Slg1324
    Slg1324 Member Posts: 106

    wow! I haven’t written on here in a very long time . I’ve been reading through some of the posts and have never forgotten how supportive so many people are on here.forever grateful to all who all whosupport me , shared stories , wisdom and beyond to everyone here .

    It’s almost the two year mark for me since my diagnosis . I would say I’m no longer terrified (very thankful for that ) I am however somewhat scared at getting my annual check ups that are coming up and I am like everyone else on the planet FOREVER CHANGED since 2019 . Not just because of Covid but I lost my dad on Christmas Eve 2019 (in the middle of getting fully diagnosed )to complications of dementia. I’m still in grief over the loss, still trying to understand that I was diagnosed with cancer and went through treatment . I also lost my job because of my diagnosis as I had I long commute that I could no longer do .I am so grateful that I got through surgery and radiation . I am doing well now and much better🙏but not super great . I’m now taking care of my mom partime as she has been diagnosed with dementia and Alzheimer’s 😔😔😔last year my siblings and decovered that she had been scammed out of most of her life savings so we’ve had To make some big changes.We can no longer allow her to drive. My sister who has power of attorney has had to take over her finances. My mom has a PhD in psychology and I had been estranged from her for quite a few years because she was not interested in being a part of my children’s lives but now here I am caring for her .it’s so beautiful ( new bond with mom❤️)but so painful at the same time This is where I am now . Just wanted to give an update. Anyone experiencing something similar?

    Love and healing to all on here !

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568

    Wow you are going through a lot. So sorry for the loss of your Dad and your mother being so ill. My MIL died from Alzheimer's. It's such a cruel and insidious disease.

    I lost my sister 2 years ago last month to breast cancer. It has been beyond painful for me. She was DX in 2012 - me in 2011. Her's came back twice and the last time it moved to her kidneys. She was my only sister.

    My husband has been DX with Parkinson's disease but is still working and thankfully only showing mild symptoms of the disease. Hopefully that's all he hasto deal with.

    My family is fractured probably forever from the loss of my sister. She was the glue that held us together after our parents died.

    I have 3 brothers still living but one ditched the family and haven't heard from him in years.

    Not trying to compare pain just letting you know I feel yours too.


  • Slg1324
    Slg1324 Member Posts: 106

    Nice hearing from you Diane . Sounds like you have been through and are going through a lot . I’m so sorry about your losses . I know losing your sister must be so difficult for you and your family .💔that must have been really something with the both of you having bc . This such an awful disease :

    I hope your husband’s symptoms continue to be mild.My husband had a stroke in 2017 and it was so scary .thankfully he’s pretty much made a full recovery .I’m am also not comparing pain just reaching out and letting you know that I feel you too,Diane 💜