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Surgeries in November 2019 support group



  • So pleased for you dvhmouse, you must be so relieved! Time to celebrate.

    I’ve got to wait until 29th Nov for my results. It feels almost the same as when waiting for the original diagnosis - but this time there’s surgery recovery to focus on for distraction.

    Wishing everyone else good results and that the wait isn’t too agonising!

  • dvhmouse
    dvhmouse Posts: 130

    I’m still recovering from surgery - it feels like someone strung guitar wire from the top of my pelvic bones to the bottom of my ribs. The plastic surgeon said it was very tight and would take awhile to loosen up enough for me to stand up straight. I had the drain out yesterday which was wonderful! All in all, each day is an improvement on the previous one. One day, one step at a time.


  • Yup, just had my surgery (lumpectomy + SNB) this week and feel pretty good. BS took 5 lymph nodes because they were "stuck together" (that's the report from my hubs, who got it directly from the BS). So far, the only unexpected thing I notice is that my L arm (where the SNB was) now has some shooting pains on the outside of the arm, so I think there may be some nerve damage. Hopefully it will improve. Now just waiting for path report which may be available just before Thanksgiving.

  • dvhmouse
    dvhmouse Posts: 130

    Hope everyone is recovering well from surgery and that those waiting on their path results haven’t chewed their nails to the quick!


  • my path results were clear, NED. Im getting pretty swollen and overall discomfort but nothing horrible. Hopefully my drains come out tomorrow.

  • Scheduled for lumpectomy on Wed. 11/27 after being delayed a week due to finding another tumor and waiting for pathology report.
    Not sure what to expect as far as recovery but hoping for the best. Good luck to the rest of you with surgeries still to come.

  • Just had my double mastectomy on Monday. Day surgery, started at 1pm, and I was home by 7pm. No reconstruction.

    From all accounts it went really well. I do have some pain that is being controlled well with alternating ibuprofen and Tramadol. Codeine makes my nose itch, and this Tramadol doesn't, so that's good.

    I've been hungry and very thirsty all day. I can only sleep about an hour at a time. I am at least comfortable, as we have a split king adjustable bed and I have raised the feet and head. I did get pillows for each arm, and a travel pillow for my head (I normally sleep flat on my side, so this is a new experience).

    I'm getting around pretty well, hubby takes me to the bathroom, but I just went by myself with no issues. I'm really surprised that I can move my arms pretty well. Though sometimes my arm pit hurts. And occasionally, I'll have a burning sensation, or a stabbing pain when I move certain ways. It's surprising what you use your chest muscles for.

    I was told no shower at all until the drains come out. Not sure when that is. One drain doesn't seem to be producing much (20ml at 11pm), but the other drain is (60ml).

    I wasn't given a weight limit to lift, but wont be lifting anything for a while. In fact, I wasn't given any restrictions except the shower.

    Of course here I am in the middle of the night, but I think I'm doing pretty good.

  • Congrats geneso on completing the surgery. Lucky you for going home straight after.

    One of the weirdest things I have observed from reading in this forum and reading the internet in general is how different the instructions are given to people post surgery. There are some that say you should start some exercises the day after surgery. I got also very little instructions, but the instructions I did get is not to move my arms too much, and especially not overhead. No specific exercises and no repetitive movements until the drains come out. They explained it such that the more I move my arms, the more fluids are generated and the more needs to be drained. Since there is no more "resistance" from the breast tissue, the body fluids just get trapped in that area. I did do a lot of walking while my drains were still in, but kept my affected arm in a pocket, so that it would not swing too much.

    I guess in my case (only UMX, no recosntruction and small breasted) it worked. I got my drains out after 5 days. On day 7 I started the stretching exercises. This is just one case example and I guess you just have to do what feels right to you and your body.

    I was able to shower the day after surgery. I guess it depends on the type of bandage you have. Mine was water proof and I had no problems with it. But if they specifically said not to shower than I guess you have to take their instructions at heart.

  • I had not heard that about the arms. I thought it would just be too painful to move them. I'll limit the movement!

    I may have shower restrictions due to the closing of the incision she used. I am allergic to steri-strips, so she had to use something else.

  • I’ve found so much conflicting advice given to people on on this forum and all over the internet. Like you say, it may depend on dressings used. I had internal stitches and surgical glue, and was told to shower after 3 days. Also told to start arm exercises day after surgery.

    I’ve had oncoplastic surgery on one side, told not to drive for 4 weeks and no work for 6 weeks. I have read on this forum that people are back to work after 2 weeks - that seems so hard to understand. Unless it’s down to different country’s employment rights? ( I’m entitled to 6 months full pay, 6 months half pay if signed off as ‘not fit’ by Doctor

    The surgery recovery had been weird,I was expecting more pain, but after 48 hours all seemed okay re pain, and discomfort went after a week.

  • Had sentinel nodes and lumpectomy surgery on 11/12 and was hoping that would be it but had to have 2nd surgery today 11/26 to re-execise tissue for clean margins. Guess I'm one of the lucky 25% who have to have it again. Not general anesthesia this time so that's better.

    Sending healing thoughts and strength to this new community that none of us ever wanted to join.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843

    JavaJana and GenX68 -- welcome to you both from all of us here at!

    We're so sorry for the reason that brings you here, but we're really glad you've found us. You're sure to find this community a wonderful source of advice, information, and support -- we're all here for you!

    Thank you for sharing your stories thus far -- you're sure to make great connections here. So, we encourage you to come back often, ask lots of questions, and gain powerful knowledge.

    We look forward to seeing you around the boards!

    --The Mods

  • Finally got my drains pulled yesterday. I feel a million times better. Still tender of course, but not as painful as it was with those drains.

    Hope everyone is healing up well enough to enjoy the holidays!

  • Two days in and I'm feeling really good. Not a lot of pain, but I'm just incredibly sleepy, but yet can't sleep for more than 10 minutes at a time.

    Got the pathology back, and as expected, the right breast was completely free of cancer. Birth sides lymph nodes were also clear. The left breast had several very small (largest was 3mm) scattered residual cancer. I'm not sure what that means... Does that mean a lumpectomy would have not worked? Mastectomy was the right call after all? I was really stressing that I was overreacting with having a double mastectomy with such a tiny tumor in one breast.

    I do hope that doesn't mean I'll have to have chemo. The plan was to do the Oncotype dx, and the doctor said there was a 70% chance of no chemo. So I'm hoping that holds true even with this residual cancer.

    I can't wait to have these drains out, but that will be awhile. Last two days have been over 40 ml on each side.

    I think the most surprising thing is the lack of pain I've had, but yet still not "getting around" very well.

  • Just got my pathology results back. Clear margins and clear lymph nodes BUT precancerous’nodules’ that double the risk of recurrence, if they’re in the remaining breast tissue. I’ve been given option of living with the risk or mastectomy.

    Geneseo, your ‘scattered residual cancer’ might be something similar. I’m going for the mastectomy. Further surgery I do not want but am not willing to gamble when the stakes are so high! I think you made a good call!

    Researching now re bilateral mastectomy. Cancer was only found in one breast, but it would be heaven not to have to go through this again. It might be overkill, and Tamoxifen may manage the risks - lots of thinking to do

  • Nomader: I had a double mastectomy even though cancer was found in only one breast (at doctor's recommendation because other side had high risk of cancer). At 2 months out, I am having complications with preventative side (infection, chronic pain, swelling, cording). I can only speak from my own experience but, given the discomfort that I have now, I would not have done it and instead pursued aggressive screening. Of course, I had the bi-mastectomy because I spoke with several women who did it and told me it was the best decision they ever made. But not for me. Good luck in your decision!

  • hi dono7392, sorry to hear about your complications. The risks of surgery/healing etc when it may not be necessary is something I’ve been thinking about - especially as I’m not feeling particularly lucky at the moment. Also, that a mastectomy and reconstruction could be done in 3 hours, but double that for bilateral. I’ve got a meeting with the surgeon next week and will see what he thinks. Although, everyone so far has left the final decisions to me, which is how it should be, but hard work

    I saw a physiotherapist last week who said cording is very treatable - I hope all your complications settle and you can become more comfortable soon.

  • 2 weeks out and I"m feeling pretty good. Nice to see everyone else doing so well after surgery. some bruising and swelling but nothing horribly painful, just irritating.

    Hope everyone was able to have a nice Thanksgiving.

  • panky
    panky Posts: 11

    Hi All,

    I'm home recovering from surgery on Monday. It's my second go-around with bc- had lumpectomy with reduction on both breasts four years ago for papillary carcinoma and DCIS. I also had radiation on the right breast. This time around I had a bilateral mastectomy and ALND because of cancer in the lymph nodes. My surgeons did a skin and nipple sparing mx with over the muscle implants wrapped in Alloderm. I will need targeted radiation to lymph nodes. Still waiting for path report.

    Drains are scheduled to come out on Monday and I'll be able to take a shower then. I don't have a huge amount of pain except around the drain incisions. But I do have a question: My wraps came off and I was "placed" (that sounds so funny) in a surgical bra on Wednesday. It's killing me, it feels so tight and horrible. I had one the last time around and it wasn't as uncomfortable. (Of course I since got rid of it, both thinking I'd ever need it again). Ugh, has anyone taken theirs off for a brief break?!

  • panky... I took the compression garment off briefly to relieve some pressure. I was allowed to shower with the drains though so that was usually my break.

  • I had surgery on Monday as well. I think I might get my drains out on Monday. I was told when they get down to 10cc or less. They've been going down steadily every day, and last night's was 20cc and 15cc. Today, over 12 hours later, there is very little in each drain. But hubby has to go in to work on Monday - and my surgeon is in surgery on Mondays - so it may have to wait until Tuesday. ugh - I want them out!

    At the surgery, the surgeon asked if I brought a bra - I didn't, as the nurse that had called me said I didn't need one. The surgeon said she likes everyone to have their own bra, as they are better than the ones they give you. Anyway - I went home in the hospital issued one, and it really wasn't that bad, and had little velcro loops for the drains. But they stuffed the bra - I looked I had stuffed my bra for the high school dance... The gauze they used was very itchy. So I took it all off after a couple of days, and wrapped my chest with a giant ace bandage (it was what they used to apply pressure to my breast after biopsy). It's about 6 inches wide, and long enough to wrap around my chest twice. And then I got a regular front closing sports type bra at Walmart and put that on. The combination of softer materials and no scratchy padding has made a big difference in my comfort level. I do take it all off once a day just to check and make sure there is no bleeding or redness - and then a quick wash under the pits and elsewhere (no shower until the drains are out). Hubby did wash my hair at the sink yesterday. It's cleaner. But not as clean. I'm thinking of going to a salon in town and getting my hair washed in their bowl by someone who has had lessons on hair washing.... Hubby was sweet to wash my hair, but it's not clean, just cleaner.

    I'm very surprised at the range of feelings I've had (pain wise). The first few days were easy. I'm wondering if I was still numb from the surgery (I was home by 7pm the day of the surgery). I was able to use my arms pretty much freely. But now , almost a week later, the pain has really set in - and it's all different kinds of pains. The worst is when it feels like someone is stabbing me in my arm pits. My arm pits have no incision, so it's surprising. And I can breath deep and yawn without pain - but a little wiggle to change positions can send all sorts of pains through my chest.

    Pain pills have been iffy. They do make the pain better, but so does staying absolutely still. But the pain pills also sometimes make my head hurt. I went off the pain pills for over 24 hours (more like 36), and my head finally stopped hurting and I felt a lot better, but then I moved and hurt so bad... I finally took another pain pill today. So far, so good with the head.

  • geneso, yes, this sounds exactly how I progressed. The first days were fine, but then the inflammation set in. It is a normal part of the healing and it may be here to stay for a few weeks. In my case, I had that inflamed feeling for about 2.5 weeks, then it suddenly disappeared. With respect to the pains in your chest, it is hard to give advice. Have you started the stretching exercises yet? This will help a lot once you start doing those (i started as soon as my drains were out, after 6 days). If you have specific movements, that cause specific pains, like I did, you may try the following: perform the move until you feel the pain, retreat to just before the pain appears and then gently stretch into the pain and hold for a few seconds and see if pains subsides, then release and repeat a couple times. It is some sort of desensibilitation, or getting the nerves used to those now inputs. This is what I did. But warning: this may or may not help you, so be gentle and don't overdo if the pain is increasing or such. You are still very early in the process, so mostly you just need time. I am 3.5 weeks out from UMX (NO RECONSTRUCTION) and the inflammation and pain is pretty much gone.

    Edit to add, I did not wear any sort of compression garnement, no bra, nothing. I don't know what those are supposed to achieve? Maybe for more comfort? The downside may be that they restrict your normal movement and blood flow. I don't know. I just was never told to wear anything like that.

  • I got very little discharge instructions. Maybe I'll get more when I have my drains removed. But I was pretty much just told to not take a shower until the drains were removed, and to come back for removal when it's less than 10cc. That's it. No weight restrictions, no exercises. Not even call the doctor if you are oozing puss with a 105 fever... (which I'm not).

  • geneseo. Your pain sounds just like mine. The first 5 days were fine then all sorts of swelling and feeling bruised set in. Big movements are fine, but one wrong wiggle on the couch would hurt.

    And for the hair, after my lumpectomies back in April, I just went to one of those cheap hair places, Great Clips, and she washed my hair and combed it and just a little blow dry to remove the dampness. It was $10.

    This time around I’ve been thru chemo so my little crew cut doesn’t need much maintaining. I also picked up spray deodorant which is easy to just aim and spray.

    I’m ready to feel better. I’m still sleeping a lot as well.

  • Bah! I thought my dressings would be coming out very soon. One has almost no drainage now, but the other seems to have increased today. This morning after 12 hours it looks like it has a much as it had over a 24 hour period yesterday. I'm so discouraged. It's bad enough most of the info on the internet says they can find out at 20-30ml per 24 hours, but my doc said 10ml. As I got closer to 10 and 15 last night, one has suddenly shot up...

  • This is my first post in here, my surgery was 11/14 this year, I opted to have double mastectomy's with immediate reconstruction . I have had several surgeries over the years and I have to say that this is the most painful I have experienced. I have such a tightening under my breasts and if I have on PJ's or a shirt on, I have such a burning feeling anywhere the fabric touches. It sounds like so many of you are doing so much better. I'm happy to hear this, it gives my hope that it will get better. I was able to take a shower the day after surgery, I had waterproof tape over the drains. I got the drains out on my first post surgery appt with PS, one week out. On the second week I had my first fill appt, and will have an appt. every week for 7 weeks, with implants to be placed on 2/3.

    If anyone else has dealt with the pain and has any advise, I would appreciate it.

  • If I could ask another question, how do you get your diagnosis and treatment to show up on the bottom of your texts? I filled out the information in my treatment already.

    Also my final path came back and said that my margin was CLOSE, it was 0.1MM, does anyone know how close is to close?

    My diagnosis was DCIS stage 0, grade 2 with ER+,PR+, HER2+

  • mh1019, welcome! I'm sorry you aren't healing as quickly as you would like, or are taking longer to recover. It's frustrating for sure, but everyone heals differently. As far as pain, are your TE under the pec muscle or over? I could be wrong, but I believe under the muscle is more painful.

    I'm not sure about the margins, seems to matter who the surgeon is and what they consider "too" close. When is your next appointment and with who? Maybe the BS will be able to give you more information.

    Hang in there!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843

    mh1019, welcome to! We're glad to see that you found us and decided to reach out to others for support. Seems like you've already added your diagnosis and treatment information to your signature. If you need some other help figuring out how to navigate the discussion boards, it's all detailed in our Help section over there on the left of your screen.

    Also, here is some information on Surgical Margins from our main site that you may find interesting.

    We hope this helps, and again, welcome to the Community!

    The Mods

  • Hi April, my TE is under the muscle. I'm sure that has to be why it is so painful. I've been lucky in that I can use my arms pretty well, I can even get on a t-shirt now! YEAH! The little things that make us happy!