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Surgeries in November 2019 support group



  • GenX68
    GenX68 Member Posts: 7

    Glad you're feeling better. Don't overdue it! Enjoy your Christmas.

  • Ashawk
    Ashawk Member Posts: 1

    Mammoplasty 11 Sept. Subsequent delays. Axillary clearance 18 Dec. Pain (increasing) by day - Medics not interested in draining ‘massive’ and increasing size seroma - what should I request?

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,792

    Dear Ashawk,

    Welcome to the BCO community. We are sorry that you are in pain but glad that you reached out for some help. There is a whole topic devoted to Seromas. You can also do a search on the blue tool bar using the word seroma and find others who have dealt with such. Let us know how we can further assist you in getting the information that you are in need of.

    The Mods

  • I had left lumpectomy 11/22. I had 180cc fluid drained 12/3. I (have) had a terrible time with a hypersensitive nipple. Have to cover it when showering (still) but finally today it feels less sensitive. Called BS, nurse said this was normal. That's what she said about the fluid, which ended up having to be drained, so IDK if it is or not. Surgical area still tender but getting better. I would think a mastectomy would take longer to recover from.

  • dvhmouse
    dvhmouse Member Posts: 130

    Two months post-surgery, how are folks doing? My left reconstructed breast is settling and the PS did a good job. I’ve got some annoying symptoms - neuropathy, pain and hardness around the outside of the left breast, about which I’m going to see my PS and hopefully get some useful information. I’d like him to do some minor corrections on the non-surgical breast and get rid of the muffin top made by the abdominal incision. Don’t know if those things are covered by my insurance, so I’ll need to check first. More surgery doesn’t hold much appeal, though. On the plus side, I’m moving around okay, despite no exercise regimen, but then a nine-month puppy will help with that too 😋!

    I hope folks’ seromas have healed and that no one has ended up back in the hospital. Particularly over the holidays. How many of you are still getting some form of ongoing treatment? I’m getting Herceptin every three weeks, with its own lovely side effects.

    Anyone have fun things you are looking forward toor are really excited about - trips, visits, concerts, weddings, grandchildren? Right now the thought of Spring, hiking, tennis and visiting give me targets to get organized, excited, social, and spend time outside and absorb a little sun ☀️!



  • mightlybird01
    mightlybird01 Member Posts: 161

    dvhmouse, thanks for checking in. The other day I was wondering about the same thing. I had UMX without reconstruction and I would say that I am very happy how things turned out. I have zero pain, but of course the area where there used to be a breast feels different now. It is mostly the numbness of the skin. When I wear my breastform and I am out and active, I must say I notice no difference between my real and false breast. I can do everything what I could do before, including lifting 50 pounds feed bags, and I have even started trimming my horse's hooves again a little (very demanding on my upper body). I am doing Pilates every other day, I feel this keeps my body strong and flexible. I would say I also have a little bit of neuropathy but it is so minor, I don't notice it really.

    dvhmouse, where in Chicago are you located? I had my mastectomy at U of C and live in NW Indiana.

  • dvhmouse
    dvhmouse Member Posts: 130

    Mightlybird01, I’m in Hyde Park. All my medical care has been at UofC. Want to compare notes in PM?


  • dvhmouse
    dvhmouse Member Posts: 130

    MightlyBird01, Hyde Park. All my cancer treatment is at U of C.


  • mightlybird01
    mightlybird01 Member Posts: 161

    dvhmouse, I sent you a PN.

  • April0315
    April0315 Member Posts: 167

    Hey dvhmouse

    I'm doing great! I"m still working to get back to prior cancer fitness and weight, but I"m back at my hot yoga and going to the gym. I always loved the rower and that is a tough one for me. My upper body strength was never great and it's pretty weak now, but each day I add another minute (only up to 7 minutes). I've had no complications. At some point this year I'll go back in for some fat transfer and tweak the L side a little (it is a little lower than the R side). I'm back at work full-time and enjoyed a week in Hawaii after New Years.

    All of my treatments are behind me, just taking my AI. I see oncologist tomorrow and hopefully he doesn't have any surprises for me :)