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Surgeries in November 2019 support group



  • geneseo.. any update on your drains coming out? Mine were in for 9 days. They were very annoying.

  • mh1019... I had implants way before BC and those were under the muscle. Oh my word it was awful. After the mastectomy he moved them to above the muscle (as my skin was already stretched from the implants we just went a little smaller and he placed them at the same time as the mastectomy). Not nearly as bad as the initial cosmetic augmentation. Hope each day brings you more comfort.

  • oh and this is TMI but along the lines of the little things... my r side was way more painful than the l and I’m right handed. Well today I could reach all the way to my bottom after my bowel movement (I tried really hard to word that gently), but yes... I was really happy :)

  • I have had numerous surgeries too. In fact total laparoscopic hysterectomy on October 1st. My pain control after that surgery was great. I had bilateral mastectomy and sentinel node biopsy on 11/7.   I went directly to implants with nipple sparing, skin sparing. I have burning in left axilla and upper arm, and incisions. This is worse than any abdominal surgeries I have had.  I still take a Percocet occasionally after almost 4 weeks. No one shared with me how painful it could be 

  • April, I still have the drains. I'm on day 9 post op.

    The left one is down to almost nothing, and is very light in color. If it was just this one, I could have had them out on Monday. But the right one has just stopped improving. It's stuck at 15ml a day (doc wants under 10), and is still very dark red, like the first day.

    But I'm going to call the doctor this morning and see what they think. I really want them gone.

    Yay for you on the little things! I had a bm for the first time yesterday, I was happy.

    This week has been my first home alone. It's going ok, except I sleep most of the day. But here I am today, up before 7am.

  • Gen... I have a friend at work who hated her drains and had them removed before the doc thought it was time. She shared with me she developed a very large painful seroma that needed to be drained in the office and it was the most excruciating experience. I tried to reflect on her story when I was going nuts having them. Better to have them a little longer just to be safe. Hang in there.

  • Well the call to the doctor didn't go as expected. She is on a plane right now going out of town. No clue when she'll be back. The receptionist was very nice though, and will talk to her about my drains when she calls in this afternoon. But she did think the doctor needs to know about the one drain that is still dark red.

    I'm sure my doctor has someone on call to cover for her, so not really worried about that. I just hate waiting for answers, lol.

  • dvhmouse
    dvhmouse Posts: 130

    Sorry I checked out a bit and missed extending a welcome to all those who are new to this group. I had my surgery (left mastectomy, immediate DIEP reconstruction) on the November 13th. I stayed in hospital until Friday morning and then was so glad to go home!! I struggled a lot the first week as the pain medication was not helping a lot. I got the one drain that I had out on the one week recheck. Once I went home I had very little fluid ~10ml/day so they didn’t think it worth leaving in. I had a horrible time getting to sleep for about the first 10 days as I normally sleep on my side. With both the abdominal incision and the incision around the breast I could not get comfortable. Also, my abdominal incision was VERY tight and it wasn’t until two weeks out that I could walk around upright. It felt and still does to some extent like I’ve got piano wires or something stretching from the bottom of my ribs to the top of my pubic bones.

    I was told at my recheck appointment, that they would only send me to PT if necessary. The PS did not think I needed it, nor did they give me any exercises to do. I was pretty surprised at that, but know that I now need to start exercising for real to make sure I don’t lose any more muscle mass and that my shoulder stays flexible.

    I hope everyone’s pain is ebbing a little each day. I’m still getting back to some form of normal, but it clearly takes awhile to get there.


  • Hi all! I'm a little late to the party but wanted to see if anyone else in the November group had a NSM? I had a lumpectomy and reduction in August, then NSBMX on November 15th. The reduction in August went well but my incisions didn't look very pretty. I ended up with dog ears and thicker scarring in some areas. I was hoping that the MX would be a bit prettier for lack of a better word since it was using the same infra mammary incision and would be a chance to improve on the areas that were originally a bit rough. I have one side that seems to be healing smooth but the other side is again raised with an even larger dog ear. I'm trying not to get discouraged, but my initial understanding was that my last surgery to exchange would be a very small incision comparatively speaking, so much of my current incision will be the final product. Just wondering if anyone else with NSM had a similar outcome, so perhaps I'm just worrying about things that in time will settle down. It's been 3 weeks, for me. Is anyone else a but disheartened by what they see?

  • Carebear.. I was going to have a NSM but changed my mind. I am using silicone sheets right now for scars, are the dog ears almost under your armpit? I have a little bit on one side but i think it will flatten our once it heals.

    Keep healing everyone!

  • April0315,

    Yes they are on the outer edges two inches or so below the arm pit. Can you please share what kind of scar strips you have used?


  • I’m using the Silagen brand that was sold at the PS office. It was pricey but they are running it thru my insurance company.

  • Finally - tonight when checking my drains, I'm under 10ml!

    I think yesterday I had a bit of a turning point pain wise, and did a little more than I usually do. My daughter took me to get my hair washed. And then today my sisters stopped by and took me out to lunch. I did not look good (I'm wearing one of hubby's button down shirts and a pair of leggings - and my drains hang down in front like saggy boobs - not too unlike what I looked like before the mastectomy) - but it was good to get out of the house. I also picked the house up a little - and made dinner (which was just putting some pre-made food in the oven) - but I'm getting around pretty good.

    I also feel that if I'm doing more activity and my drains were still under 10ml in 24 hours, I shouldn't have any issues once these drains come out. I'll call the doc's office in the morning. I think I'll feel a lot better pain wise once the drain tube is out. They are getting very tender. I just hope I don't have to wait until Monday.

    I asked the doc before surgery about the dog ears - she said she would do her best... I guess we'll see - I have not really looked at my body yet.

  • geneseo... that's a great update! Getting out of the house, while exhausting, is such a boost. I get so bored sitting around, it's just not what I normally choose to do with my day.

    Sounds like the drains should be coming out soon! when is that appointment?

  • April, I called today, and my surgeon is still out of town and had a full day of surgery on Monday, so it will be Tuesday. I'm sure I can cope until then, but I really don't want to wait that long. These things are painful. I think the strain part stuck up in my skin is causing most of the pain I'm having now. I think I can feel it through my skin. I just want them out!


  • geneso, does your surgeon not have a nurse? She took out the drains for me, the nurse. This is a 5 minute procedure. BTW, I was instructed to call immediately when they are below 30cc/24h. I think I had about 20cc when I got them out.

  • I'm going to agree with Mightlybird here. The PA at my PS office pulled them for me bc my PS was in surgery. It is getting late in the day though on a Friday. But maybe Monday?

    Good luck

  • It does seem my surgeon is more strict on volume output - has to be under 10ml in each. And it's a small office - I'm sure she has a nurse, but I never saw one the one time I was in her office - the receptionist took me back, gave me a gown, and then the doctor came in, examined me, discussed options, etc - no nurse ever took vitals or came in at all.

    This surgeon is considered the best in my area - everyone loves her. And her bedside manner is great, and I'm sure she's a good surgeon. But at this point I feel a little abandoned. You would think at a minimum she would have another doctor on call for her.

    I had a day surgery, at 1pm, and I was home by 7pm. I was given very little discharge instructions - not near the instructions I have read about online. The only follow up instructions was to call when the drains got to 10ml. The office did call the day after surgery - I don't even remember the call, but hubby said I told them I felt fine.

    I was going to see if my primary doctor could take them out today - but they aren't answering the phones! I just get a recording that they are with other patients and to call back.

  • Since my diagnosis in October, the worst part has been the waiting and the anxiety while waiting for results. I finally have clear margins, after 2nd lumpectomy, and received low oncotype DX score of 12 so radiation and hormone therapy come next. I'm healing pretty well I think but still a bit of pain and oozing from incision (last surgery 11/26). I am obviously relieved that chemo was not recommended but concerned about skin irritation/burning from radiation as I am very fair skinned/natural redhead. Also heard about the fatigue. Also I still get my period (at 51.5) and it's crazy - went from every 22 days to 18 or 19 days! Anyone else with that?

  • GenX - It's great you have clear margins and no chemo. Waiting is for sure the worst!

  • Is anyone else having your expanders filled once a week? I'm 3 weeks post surgery, but now have to go in every week to have my expanders filled, just about the time where I feel like I have this, its time for another fill and I'm right back where I started. I have 6 more weeks of this and then a couple of weeks off and then my implant surgery. I just don't see any relief in sight yet. Is anyone else still having to take muscle relaxers? BTW! I drove for the first time today, another mile stone!

  • genX, awesome news about no chemo! Agree with you about the waiting being the hardest. I don’t have any rads experience. Hopefully you sail thru it :)

  • These horrid drains are coming out tomorrow! I've got an actual appointment now.

    I am so looking forward to a hot shower!

  • yipee! Geneso. Today is the day!! Enjoy your hot shower!! And many more to come!

  • I did enjoy my shower! Drain tubes did not hurt coming out at all. I didn't even feel it.

    I do still have a good bit of pain that I thought was drain related, but I guess it's just related to having major surgery on my chest. My chest is also lumpy, which I thought was tubes, but is just me being lumpy.

    My doctor did not give me any exercises to do. She said to just go about my normal activities and I'll get my motion back. She said to just move more! Of course also don't over do it either, stop when it hurts, and next time I'll move a little more.

  • geneseo. so glad to hear the drains are out. I'm finally feeling like I can move around and keep up wtih my family, I'm just about 4 weeks out. Hope you continue to feel better each day

  • I am nearly 3 weeks post surgery and met with Radiation Oncologist. Treatment to start on 12/23. I am very fair skinned/natural redhead and super worried about skin irritation and burning. Also, due to meet with Medical Oncologist this week - what questions to ask? Looking for some expert advice.

    Also, and I mean this sincerely, I am sending so much support to all of you. This is so much to go through, and while I don't give a hoot about "the holidays" I know that many people do. This is an especially difficult time of the year to be dealing with breast cancer. Please know you are not alone.

  • GenX68

    best of luck with the rads appointment. I felt like I didn’t have a clue what to ask when I had my consult. Fortunately we decided it wasnt warranted. Hope some others chime in with some good advice.

  • Radiation terrified me so much, I went for a mastectomy to avoid it. 3 weeks post op, I'm sorta regretting it - but not really.

    I had my follow up with my oncologist on Tuesday - and my cancer was so small, she didn't even order the oncotype dx test. We talked about tamoxifen vs the other thing I can't spell - and decided on tamoxifen since I have osteoporosis (which I also can't spell, but got it close enough for spell check to correct). I took my first tamoxifen today.

    I do need to ask about a sleeping pill - I take benadryl nearly every night for sleep, and upon reading up, benadryl should not be taken with tamoxifen. :/

    I am going to get my new fake boobs this Saturday - I have an appointment for prostheses and bra fitting. I'm trying to get all the expensive stuff in before my insurance deductible resets! I'm thinking I'll use insurance for the expensive silicone custom type - but I also want just some very light casual ones as well. I really haven't done much reading up on those.

    I am feeling much better, but still have pain in my chest when I'm moving. If I'm perfectly still, I feel fine. I can reach over my head fairly well - but sometimes the stretching feels like I'm going to tear something! Today I cleaned on the house and way over did it... even when I'm still I have pain. I really wish I could just get rid of the pain and be all recovered already! We were going to have a very low key Christmas (and it still will be), but I invited 4 family members over for the day! Ooops. I'm sure it will be fine. I have 3 grown children who can help!

  • Geneso, 3 weeks is still early. Are you doing your exercises? This is getting really important at this stage. I followed these 2 movies and did these exercises twice a day. Keep doing those for the next 4 weeks.I think in the first movie it is described really well: do the exercise and if you feel pain, hold for a little bit at that position and see if pain goes away. Some pain is normal and you have to exercise through it. But of course not too much. You have to be your own best judge of how much pain is "necessary" to get over the hump and how much is too much. If you are unsure by yourself do go and seek physical therapy for a few sessions. Let me assure you it will get better! At 3 weeks I was still pretty painful, but now at 6 weeks out I am 100% painfree (the skin is still a little sensitive but really really minor).