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December 2019 Surgery Group



  • PTAmomTX
    PTAmomTX Member Posts: 49

    Hi Shelligirl! I’m your neighbor in Rockwall! I would love to understand my pathology report. And my genetic report too. I haven’t gotten the pathology back from the surgery yet, but I really want to understand it so my sister and daughter will have the information. The more information, the better, I say.

  • rhodygirl55
    rhodygirl55 Member Posts: 30

    hi all!

    It looks like we are all finding that, once we are through it, the surgery isn't the worst part of this journey so far. completely over the drains, one has been out for almost a week, but #2 is still here. Can't wait for a long, long shower!

    Like teriJ, i was ready for my awesome husband to goback to work - he's been so good, cooking, cleaning, shuttling, but boy, I like quiet.

    I got my pathology report and I have to say I'm not too pleased. At first it was supposed to be surgery and done. I knew there were three, but now I have found out that there were SEVEN separate tumors in my rt breast, so chemo and /or radiation are on the horizon. I'm still so happy that the cancer is out of me, and now we work on eliminating recurrence, but how does this happen that all this imaging cannot pick up these tumors? Has anyone else received a surprise like this?

    I'm wishing you all the best for your surgeries, a Merry Christmas if you celebrate, and all of us a healthy New Year!

    2020 - bring it!

  • Flnana2
    Flnana2 Member Posts: 102

    hi rhodygirl155, I can relate. I got my pathology report back yesterday and I was expecting a PCR mainly because my breast surgeon did an ultrasound a couple weeks before and saw nothing in my breast or lymph nodes. My initial diagnosis showed a 3.5 cm tumor in breast with one node infected. My pathology report showed a 1.5 cm in breast cancer with one node with cancer. The good news is the node was encapsulated so they don’t need to take anymore out. I have already had 6 rounds of TCPH so now I will probably have to have 14 sessions of Kadcyla which will take until October to finish...uggh. I will find out later today.

    Hope all surgeries will continue to go well.

  • TeriJ
    TeriJ Member Posts: 44

    Wow! I am just hoping there are no surprises in my pathology. You ladies are so dang strong! Rhodygirl and Flnana, I admire you both for your positivity in dealing with drains and then the chemo.

    I agree, the surgery really was the easy part. I was soooooo worked up about the injections (which were basically nothing) that I couldn’t focus on anything else. My go to was controlling all that I could. I ate more healthy and really increased my strength and stretching and cardio up until hours before surgery.

    A positive mind and attitude really go a long way and I want to help encourage everyone to be as positive as possible. Don’t get me wrong, I cried a LOT of tears too.
    Welcome Shellgirl! I’m glad to hear you aren’t having any pain and am sorry you suffered with chemo.

    Have a great day everyone! May you find a bright spot in your day

  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    Just jumping in to say, three years ago, I was in your shoes. Never a good time for surgery, but December surgery really puts a damper on your holidays. BUT - then it's done and you can move on to your next stage of recovery. Sending hugs and good wishes.


  • texasmama
    texasmama Member Posts: 129

    RhosyGirl55 and Flnana2- I guess we need to form a club because my pathology report was not what I was hoping for either. The tumor in my right breast was expected to be 2.5 cm, but it turned out to be 3.8 cm and there was another 3 cm tumor that we didn’t know about. Crazy!! I also had two infected nodes on that side. I see the breast surgeon in a few hours, but I have a pretty good guess what the next step is going to be. My very best wishes to all!!

  • TeriJ
    TeriJ Member Posts: 44

    Texasmama, I’m sorry to hear your news. It seems like you aren’t even getting a break. I hope there was some sort of positive news in your Dr appointment today.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • marinochka
    marinochka Member Posts: 90

    Hello, my first post here.

    I had a lumpectomy today. Right breast, DCIS at this point(we will see what pathology report would be in 7-10 days.

    I feel fine, not much pain.

    wish everyone speedy recoveries...and no surprises in pathology reports after surgeries.

  • Flnana2
    Flnana2 Member Posts: 102

    texasmama, I’m sorry you will be joining this group of shocked women with surprising pathology reports. Please let us know how your appointment with your BS goes.

    Still waiting to find out when I start Kadcyla but I do have an appointment with my radiation oncologist on January 8th.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  • Shelligirl
    Shelligirl Member Posts: 61

    TexasMama, I’m so sorry to hear you news. It must be mentally exhausting to find out there is another step in this already too long of a process. I will be praying for you.

    TeriJ, thank you! I agree with you about the positive mindset. For me, just finding the tiny spots of brightness and focusing my attention there has helped. Some days are just black though and that’s okay too. Like you, my injection wasn’t a big deal. Wondering if it depends on the technician. Through this process, I’ve noticed that giving a painless shot is an art.

    I had my follow up yesterday and was told that I can schedule a nurse to remove my drains once I go a day with less the 20m. I like having well defined next steps. :-).

  • rlmessy
    rlmessy Member Posts: 97

    Hello from the recliner!! Surgery went well. Only two drains that are already a pain. Overall I feel pretty good. No t-rex arms, doc did not even give me any restrictions. I have a follow up with his nurse practitioner on Monday. I am not supposed to remove the compression wrap. All in all this have not been horrible.

  • PTAmomTX
    PTAmomTX Member Posts: 49

    I just got a call from my doc, my pathology came back clear. I’m hoping for good news for the rest of you too

  • rlmessy
    rlmessy Member Posts: 97

    Well Day 2 post DMX is almost over. I would be doing great if not for these drains. Both sides are painful, non-cancer side is worse.

    I still haven't seen anything yet. Doc said to keep wrap on till Monday when he changes the dressing.

    Overall not too bad.

  • Teslafied
    Teslafied Member Posts: 11

    My BMX is this Monday.  I’m not that nervous about the surgery itself, but now after reading the above posts about unexpected pathology reports, I’m feeling a little worried. My oncologist had said I won’t need radiation after this; my BS said no chemo since I had such a low oncotype score (9); the PS said that I can’t have immediate DIEP surgery because I may need radiation first depending on results of pathology report.  So there’s conflicting info going on here. I’m going to just keep thinking positive that i have good news like you, Brashich.  Not looking forward to the drains. Best wishes to all of you during your recoveries - hope you can enjoy the holidays at least a little bit. 

  • PTAmomTX
    PTAmomTX Member Posts: 49

    Fingers crossed for you Teslafied!

    FYI- I changed my user name from Brashich when I added my signature stuff and made it public.

    Next question, for those that have had surgery, what has been the one tip that you would give those who haven’t yet? Something that has helped you after? Something to take to the hospital? Tips for sleeping?

    Here is mine: a stuffed snowman. He was a gift to cuddle in the hospital, but I learned that facing out in the center of my chest, he keeps the covers from being to heavy on my incisions.

  • PTAmomTX
    PTAmomTX Member Posts: 49

    Also, pack snacks for the hospital. They didn’t have any food for me the night of my surgery when I was cleared to eat- but my mom purse had a bunch of snacks that saved the night

  • Flnana2
    Flnana2 Member Posts: 102


    ptamomtx, I can say without a doubt that my mastectomy pillow is the best thing I had for comfort after my BMX. I’m not sure how to describe it so here’s a picture. I take it in the car to keep the seat belt off my chest, the cat off my incisions and sleep with it every night in my recliner.

    I’m still waiting to get one drain removed. It’s literally producing less than 2 cc in 24 hours but my surgeons and PA were all busy this week. 9:45 Monday morning it’s coming out!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!🙏💪❤️

  • rhodygirl55
    rhodygirl55 Member Posts: 30

    hi all,

    FLnana2 I wish i had known about the pillow, that looks awesome!

    PTAmomtx, so happy that your results came back clear, that must be a big relief for you!

    Best wishes for your surgery teslafied.

    My recommendations for hospital are snacks and earplugs :)

    I had my last drain removed yesterday @ 2 weeks, that was a big step. Still not able to sleep on either side yet, but it will come. I do wish I could drive to wrap up some Christmas gifts, but being chauffeured isn't so bad either.

    I'm still learning all these terms and that everyone's case is just slightly different, stay positive everyone!

  • rlmessy
    rlmessy Member Posts: 97

    Day is a weird day. It's the first day I have felt kind of off kilter. I just feel blah. The drain issue is no joke and a pain in my a**.

    Got prelim pathology back. Sentienal Node was negative...yeah!! But it looks like there might be some lymphovascular invasion. This report says "suspicious." I don't know what to make of that so will wait for final report.

    My non -cancer side had some stuff that could turn nasty so I am glad I chose the DMX.

    I think I am still rocking a stage 1a, but need that clarity from surgeon when I see him on Monday.

    I did not take alot to the hospital. I wore the hospital gowns as they were just easier to deal with. We did take a butch of snacks and those came in handy for my family.

    Take care everyone!!

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328

    Hi ladies, I'm awaiting my surgery date and it looks like it's going to be early January. A couple of weeks late to officially be a part of your December surgery group but I hope you don't mind me following along. I'm getting prepared, scared and a little anxious. I'm having a double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction with tissue expanders.

  • Nibnycgrrl
    Nibnycgrrl Member Posts: 1

    Hi all! Currently recovering from my bilateral mastectomy with tissue expanders on 12/17. Hardest part so far has been dealing with the guilt of banning my (large, clumsy, overenthusiastic) dog from my bedroom until the drains come out. I am having some pain when changing positions - suspect it's where the sentinel node was biopsied.

    I should have the results of my pathology report Monday with my doctor. I did chemo first and I'm hoping that paid off - my pre surgery mammo showed the tumor had shrunk considerably.

    Nice to meet you all and nice to see some other TX ladies present!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,744

    We welcome you Nibnycgrrl to our community. Hopefully your big baby dog will forgive you Winking Thanks for sharing your experiences. Keep us posted. Great pillow and photo, Fianna!

  • PTAmomTX
    PTAmomTX Member Posts: 49

    Hi Sugar77! Welcome!

    Flnana2- great pillow. I’ve been using travel neck pillows under each arm and my snowman stuffy in the center. I wish I’d known about those pillows. We travel a lot so we have tons of these neck pillows. THe doctor wants me to look into getting a compression sleeve for the side that they removed the sentinel node for when we travel/fly. Anyone know where I would get one? And this is weird- the node to be removed was on the left, but it’s my right side, armpit, that has the discomfort that was described for the node removal. Is there a chance they took the wrong side?

    Also, I’m getting phantom nipple sensations. Mine were removed, and I haven’t had feeling on the left side for 10+ years after a surgical biopsy went sideways. I find it hilarious that now I get sensations on that side like it was there.n. Is anyone else having these?


  • texasmama
    texasmama Member Posts: 129

    PTAmomTX- It’s weird you should mention phantom sensations! The other day I told my husband that it felt like it was time to feed the baby. That’s the only way I could describe the sensation.

    I felt like I had been feeling better but suddenly I’m so tired! Anyone else feel like they went backwards

  • PTAmomTX
    PTAmomTX Member Posts: 49

    Texasmama, feed the baby! That’s the feeling exactly! Like the let-down you get when you breast feed. So weird. My pain levels have gone up in the last day and I am definitely feeling more tired. I can do five minutes out of bed walking laps around the house and then I need to sit back down.

    And let’s talk poop. I have been taking the stool softeners like the doctor told me to, on schedule. Nothing. Today I broke down and made hubby buy me an FLEET. I feel so much better. Sorry if its TMI for some folks, but with all the gross stuff that comes with surgery, I felt y’al could handle my honesty. ;)

  • texasmama
    texasmama Member Posts: 129

    PTAmomTX- I’m glad your fleet did the job! We need to celebrate every success, and a bm after surgery is most definitely a victory!

    And yes, my pain level has gone up too. Maybe it’s part of the healing process. Let’s hope in a couple of days we both report that the pain is down and energy is up.

  • texasmama
    texasmama Member Posts: 129

    PTAmomTX- I just realized what you said about the node removal. That is really weird!! I definitely would ask my surgeon about that.

    As far as the compression sleeve, I wonder if you would need to see a lymphedema specialist to get fitted? I’m going to start seeing a physical therapist that specializes in lymphedema so I can do all that I can to avoid a problem.

  • rlmessy
    rlmessy Member Posts: 97

    Hi Ladies.. regarding the sleeve. If you can you should see a lymphedema specialist to be fitted for the sleeve. My mom has several that we get through her OT who also specializes in lymphedema. Some of the special mastectomy shops will also have someone trained in measuring the sleeves. Get a prescription too as insurance might cover it.

    My mom has a pretty serious case after 13 years cancer free. My SLN was only taken but I will be taking precautions because lymphagitis is dangerous.

  • texasmama
    texasmama Member Posts: 129

    teslafied- best wishes to you on your surgery tomorrow!

    Rlmessy- Thanks for the good advice! I was afraid that I was being overly cautious by wanting to see a lymphedema specialist. I’m sorry your mom is still suffering from this.

  • lulu44
    lulu44 Member Posts: 32

    Hi everyone & thank you for the prayers, TexasMama. I hope you’re all feeling better & better. I ended up having the insurance company call & deny my salpingo-oophorectomy via voicemail 16 hours before surgery. Luckily it was a weird mix up & I'm tentatively scheduled for 1/10/19. Lumpectomy & sentinel node removal went great, not having much pain. I’ve kept you ladies in prayer. I’m sorry that I can’t answer you each individually, I still have chemo brain and I have trouble scrolling back and forth only to forget details of what I just read; hoping it resolves soon. I kinda freaks me out. Sending you all good vibes for speedy recoveries & good pathology reports for those still waiting.