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February 2020 Surgery Group



  • dots74
    dots74 Member Posts: 23
    edited February 2020

    My surgery went well. I had expanders places at the same time. My chest just feels tight and sore. I had some major pain in my armpit where they removed 2 nodes. He said the first one looked cancerous (on spot check). But he sent them both to pathology. Anyone out there know if radiation will be warranted due to two nodes? I will find out more next week at my follow up appointment, I just wondered if anyone here had experiences like that

  • bubblybubbles_1
    bubblybubbles_1 Member Posts: 10
    edited February 2020

    hi everyone. My surgery is on 19th . I am really nervous. I know pain will be worse when I come back home from hospital.

  • sashimi1973
    sashimi1973 Member Posts: 8
    edited February 2020

    dots74 hope your surgery went well.

    scoop glad to hear your surgery went well.

    deedeeT704 sounds like everything went well for you as well!

    I have been taking melatonin to help me sleep. Helps me relax and helps anxiety. CBD would probably help as well if melatonin doesn't cut it. When I was doing my Granix injections(to up my white cell count) I had terrible bone pain, and CBD was the only thing that helped me sleep and with the pain. I would check with your surgeon on the CBD. You don't want to take it with other pain meds, and you just want to make sure there aren't any contraindications.

  • scoop
    scoop Member Posts: 20
    edited February 2020

    I am one week out of the double MX and have struggled more emotionally than I expected. I feel gross and pathetic, and I hate these drains and having to get my sister to wrap me up three times a day. I knew it would be hard physically but the depression is much worse than I expected. I don't deal well with these emotions.

    Does anyone know how low drain output has to be before they will remove them?

  • dots74
    dots74 Member Posts: 23
    edited February 2020

    Scoop I am so sorry you are feeling this way. I’m 4 days out. I had 4 drains and they removed 1 at my follow up yesterday because it was putting out ten or less per day. I was really struggling a lot mentally as well yesterday. I think we’re going to have good and bad days. I did talk to the doctor about reducing the pain meds because I feel like that’s what is causing a lot of my bad feelings. Today I’ve mostly just taken ibuprofen. I plan to take the heavy stuff tonight, but honestly don’t see too much if a difference in pain. Just and idea. Best wishes to you!!

  • LiveLoveLaugh2020
    LiveLoveLaugh2020 Member Posts: 173
    edited February 2020

    I had my bil NSM is September but just wanted to comment after seeing your posts.

    Scoop and dots I went through a phase like that as well (as I'm sure a majority of us do). I don't think we realize how traumatizing it's going to be and the impact it's going to have on us emotionally/physically.

    I hated those dreadful drains, they were the worst, actually tied with those dreadful expanders. I had my drains for almost 3 weeks (1st two removed at 10 days). You're going to feel so much better once they're removed!

    Feeling down is normal, this is not easy. Try not to be hard on yourself. It gets better. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  • armom4
    armom4 Member Posts: 82
    edited February 2020

    Saw my surgeon for 1 week follow up today. She said drain output has to be less than 25 per day total(both drains). I was at 90 yesterday. So, WAY off. I go back in another week.

    I have been feeling the same way scoop and dots. I feel gross and helpless. If I could only wrap myself, I could shower without help. I can't lean down and reach the clothes in the washer, I can't scratch my own back, and I can't reach things. I had to take over my daughter's room because I'm afraid if I sleep with someone, my drains will get yanked out. I'm so over it!

  • deedeet405
    deedeet405 Member Posts: 27
    edited February 2020

    I’m one week past my bilateral NSM, and I was feeling pretty positive. I got the pathology report back today and although my lymph node was negative, one of my margins was not. They said they will take a little more when they go back in for my DIEP or exchange procedure. It also said there was DCIS found in my cancerous breast which was unexpected, and radial scars in the other- which helps to confirm my decision was the right one to have the mastectomies and not just a lumpectomy. My surgeon says the DCIS shouldn’t change any of my treatment. Any thoughts on this? The Oncotype was sent today. Just feeling down with this setback. I really was blindsided that it isn’t all gone

  • Badluckbdaygirl
    Badluckbdaygirl Member Posts: 55
    edited February 2020


    Sorry your margins were not clear. It sounds like they have a plan to remove the rest. Although my margins were clear, after my BMX, they found both DCIS and LCIS in one breast in addition to my IDC (none of it seen on pre-surgery imaging because of density) and my BS says he was very glad I was insistent on the mastectomies. Both he and my MO said having both those did not change my proposed treatment. Hopefully when they get it, that will be the same for you. That being said, I’m still waiting on my Oncotype and I pray for low scores for us both

  • ReeaRite
    ReeaRite Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2020

    Just wanted to say Thank You to everyone here as your posts are wonderfully informative and helped me feel not so alone. I had my lumpectomy today with no complications, guide wire was easy, slept through the entire surgery. Packed my extra large bra cup with baggie of ice chips and all is well so far. Been walking around at home but I know pain may start tomorrow as I can see the bruising already. If I can help anyone just let me know or PM me. Again, thank you all for sharing stories that helped me achieve my comfort in this journey

  • dots74
    dots74 Member Posts: 23
    edited February 2020

    I just saw this ARmom4. I hope you are feeling better. I certainly have seen my fair share of ups and downs all week long. The drain tubes are the worst. I have found that I’m finally able to shower completely alone but I still can’t brush my hair or fix it at all. I have also worn a robe almost all week. Ikeep trying to keep positive, but it’s not always easy. I think the emotional toll of this has far outweighed anything physical. I still have 2 drains in down from 4. I went to the doctor yesterday because I thought my expander had shifted but it was a drain tube that had moved from the pocket into my underarm. Ouch!!!! He took that one out. I feel like I’m improving every single day. But I understand where you are coming from. Those bad days can be really hard.

  • julyidcIIIc
    julyidcIIIc Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2020

    Hello all

    I had my BMX with right ALND on 2/7/20. As most of you know it's a process but luckily I'm at the 2 weeks post op stage:) Received my latest path report this past week. (I was aware I had two breast tumors on the right). Tumor 1 was bx in July and was triple neg. Tumor 2 was not bx because oncologist knew I needed to start chemo for tumor 1. Tumor 2 is estrogen positive and I had 4 positive lymph nodes. (PET scan 1/24/20 did not show any positive nodes.) After full recovery, I will start xeloda for 6 months. I'll also have radiation and hormone therapy in my future. Anyone else have two separate tumors?

  • sashimi1973
    sashimi1973 Member Posts: 8
    edited February 2020

    Scoop and ARmom4-I know how you feel. I luckily got my drains out this past Friday, and I feel so much better. I find that stools and grabbers help a lot. I am 2 ½ weeks post op, and they told me that I can do whatever now, and I need to work my muscles so they don't stiffen up. I have to keep wearing my binder for 4 more weeks. Not thrilled about that. Have a long road ahead of me yet.

    DeeDeeT405-Sorry that they didn't get it all, but they will. Sounds like everything else went well. At least you have the DIEP planned and they can get the rest then. You shouldn't need additional surgery on top of what you already planned. Hope you get good results on your oncotype.

    ReeaRite-Glad all went well, hope you heal quickly and don't have too much pain.

    dots74-Glad they could get that drain out that was bothering you. Range of motion is a challenge, and frustrating. Just have to do what we can.

  • striveforhealth
    striveforhealth Member Posts: 59
    edited February 2020

    It sounds like all the Feb surgery folks are doing pretty well. This is great to hear about. What comes through loud and clear in these posts is that recovery from breast cancer surgery is a process that takes some patience on our part. Kudos to everyone for their patience, and especially for their support of one another here.

    I'm ready for surgery on Wednesday. It's been a long wait so now it's just time to get this show on the road. lol

    Continued blessings with recovery.

  • wulfgirl4
    wulfgirl4 Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2020

    Hello! This site has been so helpful! Thank you! I had a bilateral mastectomy on Feb. 11 w/ sentinel lymph node dissection in both armpits....

    I had 2 drains. I got one out today (Feb. 26.) I’m right handed and was told to basically have “T-Rex arms” and quit reaching and using my arms because it creates more fluid. Tired of sitting still!
    Oh yeh, I have Tissue Expanders in too. Today the PS said limit activity and then the physical therapist gave me exercises to help w/ range of motion. Whaaaa?? I’m so confused. I thought I was suppose to have TRex arms and now I’m suppose to do exercises? I’m not going to until I get the drain out!

  • armom4
    armom4 Member Posts: 82
    edited February 2020

    Hey ladies! Had my consult with MO today. He's consulting with the Mayo Clinic about my treatment options. We're on the fence about whether chemo is needed or not. Quick question, has anybody been told to avoid having blood pressure checked on the cancer side? My BS never told me that, I just read it somewhere. Well, I messed around and forgot about it today and they took my blood pressure on the side with lymph node removal. Should I be worried?

  • sashimi1973
    sashimi1973 Member Posts: 8
    edited February 2020

    ARmom4-I hadn't been told that, but read it also. They checked it on the side I had nodes removed a week ago. I have tendon issues on that arm (cording?), and it hurt when they did it, so that will be my reason not to have my bp checked on that side.

  • lovehard
    lovehard Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2020

    Good morning everyone!

    I've been following the group, but I've not chimed in until now. I hope you don't mind. I felt compelled to say range of motion excercises are essential! I had BMX 2/13 and the very next day my BS and PT had me moving my arms despite having 2 drains. I was encouraged to do a set of 10 every hour. Of course I haven't done this religiously but close too. At my f/u appt I was told I was doing good. I have good range of motion but a little tightness when raising my arms straight up so my armpit is at my ear. I am to continue the arm exercises and f/u again in 2 weeks. I was not told to avoid having my BP taken in the arm where the nodes were taken -- I wonder if it depends on the number removed? I'll ask at my next visit.

    Thank you for letting me add my two cents. I hope those of you recovering continue to progress daily and those of you approaching the big day, I hope you sail through smoothly!

    Take care

  • TrixieBlue
    TrixieBlue Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2020

    Hello, this is my first post, but I have been reading for awhile.

    I had a lumpectomy yesterday afternoon. It was a very long day with a needle localization, lymphoscintigraphy, and finally the lumpectomy with sentinel node biopsy. I had an emotional breakdown right before the surgery because I was just so tired, hungry, thirsty, and over it all. I had a prescription for pain relief filled in the hospital pharmacy, but took extra-strength Tylenol instead when we got home and at midnight, and got a good night's sleep. Today I'm managing with ice packs and planning to go for a walk later.

    My surgeon was very happy with how things went and I have a follow-up with her and the oncologist in a couple of weeks to go over the pathology and decide next steps. My appointment with the genetic counselor this Friday was postponed because the results aren't available yet.

  • cokimbro721
    cokimbro721 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2020

    Hello everyone, its that time again for my 5th surgery but this time it is an breast tissue exchange with a reduction and a tummy tuck. Basically as my children say a mommy makeover, but I am scared, for this to be my 5th one you would think that I am a pro. I feel that surgery is a setback because I have healed and is working on recovery that to be down again makes me sad. I know that I should be rejoicing that my reconstruction journey is coming to an end. So, I need some words of encouragement that this too shall pass and I will be okay. Recovery will be good, cause I pray that I do not have a hiccup like I did before with the implant coming out of my chest. I have PTSD, I am a breast cancer survivor of two years.

  • striveforhealth
    striveforhealth Member Posts: 59
    edited February 2020

    Had my surgery yesterday morning. I had a lumpectomy and with oncoplastic reduction. Surgeons said everything went well. I got back home after 6:00 pm. Getting some rest today. Less pain today than yesterday which is good. The patch prevented nausea. Now my next steps are surgeon follow-up's, and getting the pathology report. Going to rest now...just wanted to report that I'm doing well.

  • armom4
    armom4 Member Posts: 82
    edited February 2020

    Drains finally came out yesterday! 16 days seemed like forever and it feels soo much better having them out. I'll go back to my MO in 3 weeks to make a final decision on chemo. He's consulting with the Mayo Clinic to get a second opinion on if I need it or not. Just wanted to update.

    Sounds like everyone who's already had their surgery are all doing well. I'm so glad!

    Cokimbro- You've got this. You will overcome. Good luck to you!

  • striveforhealth
    striveforhealth Member Posts: 59
    edited February 2020

    I'm doing pretty well 2 days post surgery for lumpectomy and oncoplastic bilateral reduction. Drains are working well and pain has subsided to discomfort only. I slept in a recliner chair on and off for most of the day today which tells me that surgery kicked my butt. I typically never sleep during the day. All in all, I'm feeling that the surgery wasn't as challenging as I anticipated. Grateful for that.

    Welcome to the new folks here. Keeping everyone in mind every day and praying for good results for our group.

  • boston2015
    boston2015 Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2020

    I had a single mastectomy on February 12th with two lymph nodes removed. This is my second time around, first time was a lumpectomy and radiation. Invasive and DCIS was found in the same breast 4 years later this past January. I have had my drain in now for almost 3 weeks. Doctor said he is going to pull it Tuesday regardless of drain levels. I am scared of developing a seroma. I am still draining 35-55 depending on day. It goes up and down.

  • bubblybubbles_1
    bubblybubbles_1 Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2020

    hi guys. Sorry I am not a regular here but try to post as much info as I can. Just to brief you all, I had my double mastectomy and immediate silicon implants with skin sparing nipple sparing surgery done on 19th feb.

    i have 4 drains that I carry everywhere. I will hopefully get rid of them on 4th March. I have a question: I am having a lot of upper body pain. My doctor says this is normal. Any of you having this? I honestly can not get up from bed alone and if I sleep on recliner, I get terrible back pain. I am on 1000mg Tylenol + oxycodone every 6 to 8 hours.

  • Mamags
    Mamags Member Posts: 12
    edited March 2020

    Bubblybubbles1- I had skin/nipple sparing DMX on Feb 25, scheduled for TE on March 4, so right now I have no implant or expander, I am essentially flat. Anyway, I do have some upper body pain and some shooting pain certain ways I move, but I am able to get out of bed on my own. Before I left the hospital they told me if my pain got worse instead of better that I should call my doctor. Do you have a follow up visit scheduled soon? Is your pain getting worse instead of better? Do you have a fever? If it were me, I would call or message my doctor to let them know how you are feeling. I hope you feel better!

  • bubblybubbles_1
    bubblybubbles_1 Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2020

    mamags: thanks for your concern. I have actually talk to my doctor and she said this is normal to feel at this stage of recovery. It was a big surgery and recovery will be long too. With implants already on my breasts, it gets very heavy which puts strain on my back. So I will have this for some time until my body adjusts it. I have follow up appointment on 4th March. So so I will see doctor. For fever, I actually had fever this Saturday and visited emergency. They ran all types of test - X-ray, ultrasound, urine test. Everything came back normal so doctor put me on antibiotics for precaution.

  • Mamags
    Mamags Member Posts: 12
    edited March 2020

    Bubblybubbles1- I'm glad you have the all clear that this is normal. Hopefully you can get your drains out tomorrow and that will help too. My recovery hasn't been too bad so far, but I am so nervous that will all change once I have the tissue expanders put in tomorrow.

  • striveforhealth
    striveforhealth Member Posts: 59
    edited March 2020

    Tomorrow is one week post surgery and my post-op followup with the PA for my PS. I have been so ready for the last 3 days to have these drains removed. They aren't painful, but the discomfort is getting to me. Drainage had been between 10 - 5 ml per day so I'm expecting that they will be removed tomorrow. Looking forward to getting out of this surgical bra and taking a good look at "everything". Hoping that everyone is feeling better with each day.

  • ReeaRite
    ReeaRite Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2020

    My Feb 21 lumpectomy had positive margins in one area so I will be back in next week. At least I know the routine now so it will be easier. Also spoke with BS about the discomfort, which I may have for a few more months. At least I know nothing is wrong and I am healing properly (which will be cut again and then reheal). Thank you all so much for listening. Best wishes toyou all.