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February 2020 Surgery Group



  • striveforhealth
    striveforhealth Member Posts: 59
    edited March 2020

    ReeaRite, Sorry you need a re-excision. They'll get that clean margin that you need. You are doing a great job moving through the process of this disease.

    Keep us posted. <3

  • scoop
    scoop Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2020

    striveforhealth: Did you get your drains out? What a glorious day that was for me. I know what you mean, not pain just serious discomfort.

    BubblyBubbles: How about you? I got my TEs expanded yesterday and got some serious pain in my chest, arms, and back. It is starting to get a bit better now, but I think it is just muscles all being like WTF ARE YOU DOING??? Hope you are feeling better!

    ReeaRite: Good luck with the second surgery. You've got this! I had to do a second one to relieve a hematoma, and it was much easier the second time around (well, less invasive made it easier too, but just being more comfortable with the process helped).

  • striveforhealth
    striveforhealth Member Posts: 59
    edited March 2020


    YES scoop. PS's PA removed the drains Wednesday one week post surgery and boy oh boy it was wonderful to get rid of those drains. ThumbsUp Everything looked good with incisions. My initial reaction was that my breasts are pretty petite now. Smaller than I thought they would be. I was a 40 DDD. I have no idea how small they are now....maybe a B? Even though they are smaller than I expected, I don't think that's a bad thing. I won't be top heavy which will reduce neck, shoulder and back pain....I hope. The left breast was designed to be ever so slightly larger to accommodate for radiation shrinkage. There is some discomfort with the incisions, but not bad by any means.

    I was told to wear a soft bra with no wire 24/7. After wearing it all day and night I'm feeling some discomfort from that. I removed it this morning and saw some red and irritated skin below the wide band on each of my sides...not anywhere near the incisions. I'll giving that skin some rest right now and put it back on later. I was told not to use any skin creams on the incisions until my next appointment on Mar 17 when if incisions look good I'll get permission to start using scar gel. I do wish I could use some aloe or something natural and gentle on them now but I'm trying to follow instructions for right now.

    I met with my medical oncologist yesterday. We discussed the pathology report from my wire guided left lumpectomy, and reduction mammoplasty of left and right breasts. It appears that the December biopsy got most of the DCIS. Path report states there was small foci of residual DCIS present 1 mm from the posterior inferior margin. There was focal atypical ductal hyperplasia present adjacent to the biopsy site. And...NO evidence of invasive carcinoma in the lumpectomy, and negative for atypical hyperplasia or malignancy in the reduction mammoplasty tissue. Yeah!

    MO discussed the options of no endocrine treatment/tamoxifen vs starting tamoxifen to determine how I handle it re: any side effects. She said she would take me off it immediately if I experienced bad side effects. I'm still mulling over both options. I meet with RO on the 18th and she wants to know what is discussed about radiation. She said there is also a possibility that no radiation will be an option for me.

    From the get go in December, my breast surgeon proposed endocrine treatment/tamoxifen and radiation for me all the while knowing my DCIS was small so the options now of no treatment of any kind is something to give careful consideration. My concerns with choosing the no treatment option would be missing out on the potential for irradiation of remaining left breast tissue that might contain cells too tiny to detect at present, and missing out on the potential for endocrine therapy reducing future cancers in both breasts.

    The MO explained the trend post surgery for patient's with small DCIS is not to over treat the patient/put the patient through treatment with potential harmful side effects. I'd be interested in members opinions about this. Can anyone point me in the direction of any studies?? This is not something I recall reading much about.

  • pinkpigs
    pinkpigs Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2020

    I had a lumpectomy and axillary lymph node removal on Feb. 14th. I had to have a re-excision and fix a hematoma on the 28th. I can't stand the recovery from the lymph node removal.It feels like a pulling all the time in my armpit, my elbow doesn't straighten, my arm cannot lift straight out or even up to my face. The discomfort is like a chameleon - tingling, pulling, just plain pain, shoulder pain, pain in back of upper arm. Any advice surviving this? I am going crazy I think - I am never ever comfortable.....

  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180
    edited March 2020

    Massaging helps!!

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459
    edited March 2020

    hi girls,

    For the bilateral mastectomy women, how long postop until you could drive an automatic car? Obviously, once off pain meds, but aside from medication, how many days should I allow? Thanks!!

  • lovehard
    lovehard Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2020

    I drove for the first time 2 1/2 weeks after surgery; 3 days after my drains were removed and I haven't driven again since! I'd recommend waiting until your range of motion is 100% and the drains are out.

  • armom4
    armom4 Member Posts: 82
    edited March 2020

    I drove short distances (to the pharmacy drive thru) with my drains still in about a week after BMX but had to be extra careful. Drains came out after 16 days but still had to be careful. Now, 24 days after surgery I can drive just fine.

  • scoop
    scoop Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2020

    I think I drove a few places with the drains about 2-2 1/2 weeks after BMX. I drive wherever now, 3 1/2 weeks after surgery. I struggle a little with high arm positions but it gets better every day.

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459
    edited March 2020

    yikes!! I was hoping to drive a few days out - is that impossible? The first 3 nights after surgery I’ll be staying w family, but then day 4 was hoping to drive home and I live in a kind of remote spot. Once I’m home, the house is stocked and I don’t need to move until follow up doctor appt for drain pull. Shall I make alternate plans?? So hard to predict and plan. Thank you for input. I have no husband or kids to run the show - it’s just me.

  • scoop
    scoop Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2020

    How far is the drive? I think it depends a lot on how your surgery goes and how you are feeling. I only took tylenol and advil, and it wasn't that bad as far as discomfort. Mobility was limited with the drains, so driving would be mostly using the bottom area of the steering wheel (not great in case something sudden happens, or sharp turns at speed).

    Be sure to check in here when you are home alone! I had a few days of bad depression. Don't get stuck in a hole!

  • striveforhealth
    striveforhealth Member Posts: 59
    edited March 2020

    Thank you ARmom4 for the links. :-)

  • JLBinPDX
    JLBinPDX Member Posts: 71
    edited March 2020

    This looks like the place to be for surgery Feb 2020-related questions.

    Two weeks ago I had a lumpectomy on one side for a ER+, PR+, HER2- 1.1 cm, grade 2 tumor with a breast reduction and lift on the other side. On the "other" side, I'd already had breast cancer in 2017 (yep, this was my second primary) and radiation. Well, I opted for the reduction (my plastic surgeon (PS) suggested a "lift" as well) so that side would match the new lumpectomy side. Supposedly my cancer is gone (clean lymph nodes/clean margins)--so YES, a big YAY--but I'm not happy with the "other" reduction/lift side. The size of the two is now pretty decent, but the nipple was lifted way too much. It's really different than the lumpectomy side. I'm kinda bummed.

    So, the PS suggested an in office procedure to cut a cresent moon shape above the lumpectomy side and lift that nipple to be close to the already lifted side. I canceled the appointment for a few reasons and would love to have input on any of these. 1) already not too happy with the PS's original intent; I feel that the reduction/lift should've come out closer to the lumpectomy side. Since that reduction/lift side had previous radiation, though, I'm not sure if the PS should've just done better or if it was a hard surgery. 2) I don't want to lose sensation in the lumpectomy side nipple. Would that be the case? 3) Hesitant to go through another surgery even if small. The reduction/lift has been difficult, painful, and a little slow to heal. It's probably good I didn't know how slow and difficult healing would be or I may have just left the two sides quite uneven and then been unhappy. Without knowing how difficult and long the recovery was, I'm decently happy--at least with the reduced size/matching. But the nipple misplacement is bothersome. Thoughts? Similar experiences?

  • bubblybubbles_1
    bubblybubbles_1 Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2020

    Hi everyone. I just would like to say a very big thank you to all the people who have supported me. I am silently following so just know that I read each reply to everyone.

    I am 2w4days after my surgery to DMX + direct to implant + aloederm + node dysection on left arm (sample 2-3viens). I had my 2 week follow up with Nurse on last Wednesday. She removed 2 drains and kept 2 drains as output was more than 20ML. I am definitely feeling better.

    In last 5 days, I am able to sleep and stand up from lying straight on bed to stand up without any help, I am starting to wear mastectomy bra which is BIG help in support of my back muscle, I am down from 2 opioid every 5”6 hour to 1 during the day and sleeping much better. The only things that have not improved is back pain without bra. Man I can feel all the muscle removed when I move.

    Since I am still in pain meds, no driving for me. I have fortunately have great support of family, specially my husband who understands and still finds some sexy :)

    For the last 2 days, one of drain output is less than 20ML so hopefully it will be removed tomorrow. So excited. I can’t wit to feel normal. I have changed my diet and added protein shakes, fruits, vegetables which is giving me energy to play with my 2 year old. I have noticed for the back pain that if I put travel pillow upside down on my back, my chest and breathing feels so normal.

  • armom4
    armom4 Member Posts: 82
    edited March 2020

    Hi ladies! I hope everyone's healing well and feeling okay.

    I had my 4 week follow up Thursday. They aspirated 20cc from a small seroma. She said this is okay because I had my drains removed 2 weeks ago so it was not really that much fluid. I don't have to wrap anymore and we'll follow up again in 6 months. She also wrote a prescription for bras and prostheses. So, on to my next appt with the MO to find out chemo or not. Wish me luck!

  • onlygirlof5
    onlygirlof5 Member Posts: 27
    edited March 2020

    Kind of late to the game as I found this site after surgery. I guess I was in denial right up to the day it happened.

    I had a left mast on 2/27 with TE placement, so 3 weeks has passed. I feel great. Surgery went well. I went from 2.2cm to 3cm so my grade went from to 2. The smaller DCIS .8cm tumor had not changed. The larger tumor was part of a conglomerate and a 1cm tumor was found. Pathology showed negative margins. Sentinel node biopsy 1/3 with micro metastases but EE present. I am ER/PR+, HER2-. I am still a bit confused about the range as my report says 91-100% strong. I've seen others stating 95%.

    I met with MO last Monday and the tumor board recommended Oncotype due to me falling into a "grey" area. Radiation will be determined after chemo is determined. I hope to have the results this week or early part of next. I hate the waiting! Chemo also makes me very nervous with this coronavirus so rampant!

    All of my expander appointments were cancelled due to non-essential medical visit restrictions put into place last week. I was so bummed.That was a monumental date on my calendar. My scar is concave with 2 uncomfortable points on either side which I was told would fill out with the first fill.My shirt is so uncomfortable since the points rub. I was told not to wear a bra for the first 4 weeks. I did find a soft cami that is helping with the rubbing. I am so hoping they do not cancel the tentative appointment on the 3rd. I will feel like falling apart but I won't let myself.

    I am pretty freaked out today though. I posted under the no Dx yet board that I found a lump on the right side this morning. My mammogram in December showed nothing. No additional testing was ordered on the right (so no USN or MRI) before surgery. I asked for an USN to be sure but they assured me 3 radiologists and the tumor board had reviewed it, and it was clear. Now I am regretting I did not fight for myself and insist. I was assured bilateral breast cancer is very rare, so I trusted their expertise. Well now I have a lump and all the same horrific anxieties that I started with over 4 months ago! It has been a very long and anxious day. I will call surgery tomorrow to have it looked at. My husband seems to think it is either a cyst or blocked duct, as he says it is very smooth and feels like a large capsule. He says it doesn't feel like the tumor on my bad boob. I have a history of cysts on the right side. This spot is tender and sore today. Not sure if that is because I keep feeling it. I can't help but have the past 4 months flash before my eyes and all the anxiety provoking weeks of tests, waiting for results, more test, etc. I seriously can't imagine going through this all over again!

    How is everyone else doing? It doesn't look like there has been much activity for a while.

  • Lajonesin
    Lajonesin Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2020

    onlygirlof5 I’m so sorry you’re having such a tough emotional time right now. I had ILC in my left breast and I have fluid filled cysts in my right. You can definitely feel a difference with them. Lumps and cancer stuff is hard and doesn’t really move. My fluid filled cysts are ‘squishy’ and wobble around a lot when I feel them and sometimes they ache.You can have them aspirated (I did) and that does give peace of mind. Zero pain do have that done, btw. My radiologist did it for me in like 2 minutes. Super simple procedure and I didn’t even need a bandaid.

    Hope you’re feeling better soon. 💗

  • onlygirlof5
    onlygirlof5 Member Posts: 27
    edited March 2020

    Thanks for the encouragement, Lajonesin. I had a nurse call me back a few hours ago. She is checking with clinic to see if she can just schedule an USN or if they want to see me in clinic. Our governor declared all non-essential medical visits to be postponed last week and then 30 minutes ago put our whole state on shelter in place for at least 3 weeks. I truly hope this doesn't impact my ability to be seen. Oncology tests, treatment and surgeries were to be excluded. I would think this would be considered essential.

  • striveforhealth
    striveforhealth Member Posts: 59
    edited March 2020

    OnlyGirlof5 - Love your dragonfly! Hope you're doing well.

  • onlygirlof5
    onlygirlof5 Member Posts: 27
    edited March 2020

    I was seen this afternoon. Both a mammogram and USN.I almost passed out during the mammogram due to tenderness. Fortunately it was a cyst. I am beyond relieved. Actually there are several cysts which they say have shown on past scans sometimes smaller, sometimes larger. They want me to follow-up in clinic once things are back to normal. Perhaps discussing having it drained. Right now, I just needs hands off my boobs for a while. I feel beat up!

  • Lajonesin
    Lajonesin Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2020

    That’s great news! You must have dense breasts like I do. What a treat, huh? If they’re offering to drain them, do it once you feel better. It’s such a fast and easy thing to do and doesn’t hurt at all. It gave me relief to know that if I did feel something I’d better get it looked at instead of always wondering if it’s the cysts and I should ignore them. Plus as a bonus, your breast feels great a load was lifted. Just don’t look at the junk coming out. Sooooo gross, like chocolate milk.

  • onlygirlof5
    onlygirlof5 Member Posts: 27
    edited March 2020

    Lajonesin - thanks for the heads up! How gross Sick With all clinics on hold, I don't expect anything to happen in the near future. But I am definitely going to ask about draining when I go in.

  • onlygirlof5
    onlygirlof5 Member Posts: 27
    edited April 2020

    Hey February group! I've had more "movement" to the finish line! I got my oncotype results yesterday. A 4, so no chemo! I am relieved. I also have a video consult scheduled with RO next Thursday. My MO said they likely will not start me on radiation for a while, even if determined it is needed. I am still waiting to see if they cancel next week's fill. I'm frustrated with this flattish misshapen flap of skin and am really looking forward to that first fill! They are going week by week to make cancellation decision. Given we are expecting the peak to hit here in MI in the next 10-14 days, I will be surprised if it happens. I will also be bummed out once again.

    My MO has me starting on tamoxifen for now. We opted to forego ovary suppression for now. She wants to watch my estrogen levels over the next 6-12 months to see if I will go into menopause naturally. She is hoping for less SEs this way.

    I picked up my prescription for Tamoxifen but have not started it yet. Good LORD the SEs sound obnoxious. I made my husband crack up when I showed him the bottle of Replens. He asked what it was for. I told him that I hoped it would prevent by v-jay from turning into sandpaper. He said that belonged as a tag line for the packaging. Hey, gotta find the humor where you can.

    How's everyone else doing?

  • mtnclimber
    mtnclimber Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2020

    I had surgery first in feb, lumpectomy and deduction and then a revision to clear margins and drain a seroma in march. I am trying to decide between mastectomy to avoid radiation or to move forward with the radiation. I'm nervous about some of the long term side effects of radiation: lung fibrosis, lung cancer, heart disease, and chronic pain from skin fibrosis. i would have had a mastectomy to start but there was still a chance of needing radiation. Now that I know my nodes are negative, I'm considering surgery again but I know that has risks too.

    Can you share what helped you make your decision?

    thank you

  • onlygirlof5
    onlygirlof5 Member Posts: 27
    edited April 2020

    Hi mtnclimber,

    I didn't have a choice. I wasn't a candidate for lumpectomy due to the size and locations of my tumors. My breast would have been mangled and reconstruction difficult, if even possible after radiation.

    Even though I had a mastectomy, radiation is likely due to the 1 positive node.

    Do you have any idea if your nodes are clear?

  • mtnclimber
    mtnclimber Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2020

    my nodes are clear. the outcomes are the same for either choice. like i said, i'm nervous about radiation but also feel mastectomy is a big surgery. i didn't recover well from the lumpectomy/reduction. its been 8 weeks and i still have pain. to be fair, its only been 3 weeks since the revision. i wish i could find peace with a decision.

  • mtnclimber
    mtnclimber Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2020

    did you have your surgery yet? if so, how did it go? Are you at peace with your decision? i have been struggling with my decision of radiation vs mastectomy.

  • onlygirlof5
    onlygirlof5 Member Posts: 27
    edited April 2020

    Hi Mtnclimber -

    Did I have my surgery yet? If so, how did it go? Yes, my mastectomy was on Feb 27. It went very well. My surgery was 5 weeks ago. Yes, it is major surgery. But I am quite surprised at how well I have recovered. The first 3-4 days were the worse with discomfort and minor pain. I only took 7/20 oxy given to me at discharge. That was over about 5 days. The last few days, I only needed oxy at night. Otherwise it was managed well with tylenol. I still have aches and occasional zingers.Nothing painful though. I used to operate at 110% with full time work, full time school load and a list of busy hobbies. I am at about 75% now. That is a bit frustrating but I am letting myself heal. I can go back to work whenever I want, but I am going to return part time with only a few half days a week for a few weeks to get rolling. Radiation is still likely with the positive node. I will find out on Thursday. I also have reconstruction surgery on my horizon. I have my fingers crossed that I can get that final surgery before the end of the year.

    Do I feel at peace? Yes. I remember, as if it was yesterday, sitting on the exam table waiting for the OS to come into the room. I had a Dx but was still not really sure what it all meant. We had just had a 45 minute discussion with his fellow about the treatment options. I remember running around in my head "If I have a lumpectomy, will they get it all? What if they don't? Do I want to go through a mastectomy when I am older? What if I don't make the right decision? Will I regret a lumpectomy if I end up needing a mastectomy in the end?" Then the OS came in, pulled up my mammogram imaging to show me the masses, and proceeded to explain why I was not a candidate for lumpectomy. He left the decision up to me, but I trusted his recommendation. We had a long conversation about the possibility of chemo and/or radiation, whether I would and why I might choose to have the other breast removed also. I walked away from that consultation with no doubt in my mind that I would have a mastectomy. I do not regret it because my tissue is gone, and I know it cannot come back on that side. Although I ended up not having the other breast removed, I still question whether I made the right decision. I have to remind myself I made the decision based on facts and not emotions. I am glad I still have one of my own breasts :)

    I hope that answered your questions :)

  • striveforhealth
    striveforhealth Member Posts: 59
    edited June 2020

    UPDATE: I'm glad to write that post "everything", including radiation, I am doing well and feeling fine. The result after lumpectomy on my cancer breast and reduction on both breasts looks great. My skin handled radiation well and it looks back to normal now. It's a relief to have come to this point ladies. This decision about whether to have a reduction was tough but I'm so glad that I had it. I went from an uncomfortable 40DDD to I'm not sure what my breast size is now...but I'm happy with my smaller breasts! lol In fact, I feel like this is the size they should have been all along. :-)

    Both my final PS and RO appointments were pushed ahead but I expect to get thumbs up from both doctors. I do have the BS f/u appt next week.

    I'm taking Tamoxifen now and doing fine with it. It's kind hard to believe that I've come this far from that dreaded appointment on Dec 30, 2019 when this whole journey began. I feel blessed and ready to put it all behind me now.

    Wishing everyone blessings.