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  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,866
    edited October 2020

    Oh I have heard that it will be over in November quite a few times around here. After laughing hysterically, I say that I certainly HOPE that will be the case, but I hardly think that every country in the world is letting their own citizens get sick and die just to mess with our elections.Cov-idiots.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,866
    edited October 2020


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,742
    edited October 2020

    This is an eternal and fundamental principle, inherent in all things, in every system of philosophy, in every religion and in every science. There is no getting away from the law of love. It is feeling that imparts vitality to thought. Feeling is desire, and desire is love. Thought impregnated with love becomes invincible. -Charles Haanel

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,734
    edited October 2020

    Let him enjoy the euphoria of the dexamethasone and the side effect of increased hunger. Let him gobble down all those burgers he so loves and throw a fat emboli as a result. Cain thought he was invincible and look at what happened to him. The drumph should remember how his arch supporter ended up pushing up daisies.

    I do not believe a word coming from the WR physician. After it was revealed that drumpf written the letter written supposedly by his physician stating in glowing terms his "great" health, I am sure drumpf is the ventriloquist behind this dummy as well. He is provided with a script, he reads it and by doing so soundly violates his Hippocratic oath...first do no harm. The harm he is doing is not to the drumpf but to the American public. 210,000 have died from this disease and this physician's silence makes him complicit in more deaths.

    My PCP is a DO and I love her. She listens, works with you and I feel our relationship is more a partnership than a paternalistic approach. Took me a while to find her but feel I finally have someone who is not dictatorial, dismissive or rushing me.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,742
    edited October 2020

    Gave up last night and went to bed. We are watching the downfall of Trump who is doing more to aide and abet this himself with everything he does. Some Reps. ( not always enough to suit me ) see where they are at ( John Cornyn from Texas ) and are able to look at the red flags in a bit more realistic fashion. Cornyn knows that he is on the line for his re-election and the line stands right now on some really shaky ground.

    Sandy, you are likely right about the WH setting up a far better situation for Trump on the way of ICU materials --- and it would allow Trump ( not that he should in any way be ) to be re-installed at the WH. Well, the way I see it -- he has likely saved himself the possibility of being removed from the WH by stretcher in the next 28 days while he waits to lose the election. Yes, I do think if it is allowed to go on ALL legally counted votes he will definitely lose. It just remains to be seen how he and his cohorts will try to cheat him back into ofc. Will that work ??? Well, I can't say, but I also think since it would be a transparent transaction there are many reasons to believe it wouldn't. The bottom like is that no matter how this goes one side is bound to feel cheated -- whether they have been or not. It seems to me it will come down to who rules in the end about who won and they arrive at that answer.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,742
    edited October 2020

    Image may contain: text that says 'Middle Age Riot @middleageriot If you're worried about Donald Trump gasping for air, don't think of his lungs as half empty. Think of them as half full.'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,742
    edited October 2020

    Likely speaks for all of us here:

    Image may contain: text that says 'Never in my life would I have believed that the biggest threat to America would be its own president.'

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,866
    edited October 2020


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,742
    edited October 2020

    Seriously thought about dropping this on my FB page but the people who should see it and THINK very deeply about what it says would even look knowing that it was going to be derogatory toward their dear but VERY sick in many ways, leader.

    Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'Imagine being so stupid that you look at this treasonous, traitorous, totally corrupt, self-serving, ignorant clown, this racist, semi- literate moron, this sexually assaulting, pathologically lying, feeble-minded, morally bankrupt, constitutionallyilliterate simpleton, this bloated nitwit with his cotton candy hair, radioactive tinted skin and obese dishevelment and think "Now that is a guy really admire".'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,742
    edited October 2020

    The contrast as of late is sooo stark. Go Biden:

    Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'BREAKING LMSNBC Biden just knocked his Town Hall out of the Park He had a message for young voters: "You're the future... You're the best educated; You're the most open; You're the least prejudiced generation in American history. The future is yours and I'm counting on you." Great job Joe! CALL TO ACTIVISM'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,742
    edited October 2020

    One thing I do believe deeply -- Trump arranges to get PRESS coverage. The upside right now is that I think it has been damaging him way more than helping him -- but the media has playes into his grubby covid-diseased little hands. They have been doing since before tainted election 2016.

    Image may contain: 2 people, text that says 'NEXT BREAKING R.ANTHONYFAUCI LIVE Cuomo: Trump's Photo-Op is Bullshit "Propaganda...I'm not going to play it for you Why should I? How much bullshit do you need in your life? Don't let Covid control your life? We don't have a choice! Hospital suite, 24-hour care, and experimental drugs... I'm not saying he shouldn't have it. I'm saying YOU should." This is a message we all need to see CALL TO ACTIVISM'

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2020


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2020


    Drove my ballot to election office yesterday. Don’t trust mail. Was busy there, all went smoothly. I put the sticker on my car. Didn’t tell DH, who got his ballot out. He asked me about a few local issues, then took his to post office. Knew he would

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,734
    edited October 2020

    ThumbsUpThumbsUp Go Chris!!!!!!!!!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,866
    edited October 2020


  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited October 2020
    "Don't let the bastards grind you down."

    Margaret Atwood


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,742
    edited October 2020

    Another Trump full of delusions, Serenity.


    Fauci Says Trump Could See "Reversal" of His COVID Recovery This Week or Next

    Chris Walker, Truthout

    The infectious diseases expert suggested Trump's improvements could change "five to eight days" into his recovery.
    Read the Article →

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,742
    edited October 2020

    This would definitely be sweet irony:

    The Republican Plan To Quickly Confirm Amy Coney Barrett Is Now In Doubt

    Doubts are growing as more Senators go into quarantine that the GOP will be able to confirm Amy Coney Barrett before Election Day.

    Read more »

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    Since his office is in the SW suburbs, most of Bob's patients are Trumpers--he insists they wear masks, so they wear ones printed with MAGA or TRUMP. They know he's a Democrat, and they agree to disagree on everything except COVID precautions in the office--those are non-negotiable.

    But he may now be accused of racism. He was the attending physician for a COVID in-patient at Little Company of Mary. Hospital protocol is that everyone must wear masks, taking them off (temporarily) only when the mouth or the skin on the bottom half of the face is being treated or tested. But this patient refused to wear a mask, saying she already has COVID and he was wearing PPE, so she doesn't have to protect herself or him. Amazingly, the nurse backed her up. They're both Latina, and Bob (although 1/4 Peruvian and therefore part Latino himself) is white--so they actually called him a racist, even though he pointed out that everybody, regardless of race or ethnicity, must follow hospital protocols. As the attending, he was required to and simply needed to listen to her lungs & heart, so there was no reason she couldn't wear a mask; he had to examine her, despite her noncompliance, to avoid being disciplined by HR. His colleague was just the consultant, so as such was able to stand in the doorway 15 feet away and just ask questions. I told Bob to pre-emptively go to the HR director (employed by the nuns of the Order of St. Francis, who bought the place last year from the Order of the Venerable Mary Potter) to head off any complaints that might otherwise stick.

    I know this might make me sound bigoted, but I think there are people in every "protected class" (race, ethnicity, gender, religion) who are calling anyone who makes them do something they don't want to do, or forbids them from doing whatever the hell they want, a racist/bigot/sexist/ homophobe/anti-Semite, etc. A case in point is an extreme and rarely performed part of the Jewish circumcision ritual, which part is practiced only by extremely Orthodox Hasidim, in which the "mohel" (religious circumciser) sucks a drop of the newborn's penile blood immediately after "making the cut." (No, the mohel we used for Gordy did not). When in some Brooklyn Hasidic neighborhoods there was a spate of genital herpes among newborn baby boys, the mayor ordered that part of the circumcision banned, and the City Council agreed. But a Hasidic state Assemblyman--who controls a large part of the ultra-orthodox voting bloc--called the mayor and the City Council a bunch of anti-Semites, and threatened to order his constituents to denounce and vote against them; and so they reluctantly reversed the ban. And now that COVID is spiking in Hasidic neighborhoods in Brooklyn & Queens--due to huge indoor gatherings and refusal to wear masks--the mayor ordered businesses and synagogues that facilitate that illegal misbehavior to either comply or close, he once again is being called a bigot because he allows protest marches by BLM and its allies. Of course, those protests are outdoors, with all participants masked and most trying to social distance, but that point is lost on the Hasidim (who, no surprise, are Trumpers). But Gov. Cuomo ordered those enforcement measures be rescinded--and no similar ones imposed on the upstate NY COVID hotspots like Monsey and New Square.

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited October 2020

    What a jerk of a patient.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,742
    edited October 2020

    Sandy I think you are quite right so I guess I would be a racist too. It is easy to see with the Rose Garden fiasco as well as Trump's return to the WH last night. There are people who seem to have an over-powering need to PROVE that you can't or shouldn't make them do things they don't like. Ordinarily they might agree to do these things even if somewhat reluctantly. Trump has given them reign to choose over even those who try to help protect them and that is the actual sad part of things.

    Just because this woman has covid I don't think she automatically goes into some " don't have to " category from that fact alone. I hope Bob seeing HR in advance will set the record straight so that his record is not taqinted.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,734
    edited October 2020

    Sandy: The nurse and the patient are not correct in this instance. I would also discuss this issue with the person responsible for Infection Control within the hospital. There should not be any exclusions to the rules even in Bob was wearing PPE. It is a barrier but not fully protective unless he was wearing a "space suit" and two wrongs (the ignoramus) do not make a right. Anyone observing this care delivery could then feel that they could follow suit and that's how breaks in transmission occur.

    So it is far better for an Hasidic male child to develop genital herpes which could persist into a lifetime sexually transmissible disease, then to alter tradition? So he can infect his future wife and their children. Hard sell from my perspective. Herpes infections can be killers especially in infants with immature and unfully developed immune systems. Herpes encephaitis can leave them severely cognitively impaired if they manage to survive.

    I do have a question for you regarding Hasidic women? Are they permitted to vote? Please excuse my lack of knowledge on this point but since they are Trumpers I was curious. Thanks.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,866
    edited October 2020

    There are jerks of every race, creed and color. If I, for instance, did something reprehensible and, when questioned, accused those who confronted me of being sexist, I would be damaging the cause of all women who are fighting against real sexism.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,866
    edited October 2020

    Fill in your Stephen Miller square on your Trump Covid Bingo card. It couldn't happen to a more deserving guy!!!!!!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,866
    edited October 2020


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited October 2020

    Actually, dt was quoted as saying he would resume rallied talks after he is reelected!

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited October 2020

    I'm okay with him experiencing the suffering he has inflicted on others.


  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited October 2020

    Sandy, what an unbelievable story! I think the advice you gave him was perfect....

    God, what is WITH people that they can't perform this very simple task?

    This woman should have been handed a mask and ordered to PUT THE DAMNED THING ON!!


  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited October 2020


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,866
    edited October 2020
