I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!



  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Politics do not cause nor put out fires…they just fan them. So to the far right, just shut the hell up, your rhetoric is fanning the flames.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015
  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015
  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015
  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Did not re-size this one. I saw it earlier and hoped it was some kind of joke. Apparently, this is it. A presidential portrait of someone who is a lunatic. What person (hint: he's only barely one right now and for most of his life too) would allow a picture like this to grace the U.S.

    Not sure what he is trying to prove but it was pointed out that this is much like his "mugshot", and it is. Not sure what's going on with the squinted eye but wonder if this is a part of the dementia or something. The hair is a mess and the make-up job not too attractive either. Head is tilted forward so we at least don't have to look at a neck bulging around a shirt collar and wrinkles in the middle of same.

    There should be la huge outcry about this but there won't be — but it truly is a PICTURE of the horror show that is on the way.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Good for you and he also says he is not watching tv on the 20th. and may leave his flags at half staff for the next four years. We needed so many more people like you and after the next four years hopefully we will have them and a lot more.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    He's a real billionaire — souless.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,424

    Thank you , Ruth! I had actually seen this info on another forum I participate in. This, of course, gives rise to the issue of whether or not cursive should be taught in public schools. For the record, 24 states include cursive as part of their curriculum content standards, so let’s call it 50%.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    These two and others like them are ridiculous — so set on monetary acquisition, nothing or no one else matters at all. Apparently, they never heard the phrase, you can't take it with you. When they are old and decrepit and finally leave the earth, they will go with nothing, but the skin they came in. Except they will be stupid, greedy and horrid wealth hoarders then. Gentlemen, remember how you started out — that's exactly how you will end. Lift others up — it will do wonder for the resume when you go.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Nothing like sharing hate to bind you together.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    I'd love to see someone run up and bend this guy's thumb back toward his nose, wouldn't you ??

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Maybe that will give her a clue as to whom to CHOOSE to rub shoulders with.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Definitely time for Mr. Mullen to NOT get rehired and he can just go home to the wife that loves him and we'll all hope that he doesn't cheat on her or get too physical either.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    You know — when your just too good to hob-nob with GOOD solid people. Ego you know — some people have it and some people don't. The Trumps can take their ego's and shove them (along with a red-hot poker) right up the old kazoo.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Giant polluter.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    We've heard this plenty already but I'm highlighting the tattoos. As I've sometimes been know to say Je*** H. Christ.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Should already be thinking impeachment, but that won't happen.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited January 17

    BREAKING: MAGA billionaire Elon Musk gets rocked by a nightmare PR scandal as Los Angeles wildfire cleanup gets hampered by toxic fumes released by Teslas and other electric vehicles. This is an absolute disaster…

    According to Jacqui Irwin, a state assembly member representing the Pacific Palisades, many of the lithium batteries in the cars require special removal. The burning of such batteries releases a dangerous mix of gases and chemicals that are unsafe for humans to breathe. They can cause health issues in the lungs and eyes and even burn the skin.

    Fire from such batteries can take as much as 40 times longer to extinguish.

    “We’ve heard from firefighters that those lithium batteries burned fires near homes—like those with power walls—for much longer,” said Irwin. This in turn means that victims affected by the historic fired will have to wait even longer to return to their properties.

    Meanwhile, Musk’s Republican allies in Washington are threatening to withhold federal aid to California as a bargaining chip.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Hoping it doesn't take long for M. Johnson to crash and burn which should happen to all known BUTT kissers.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Just an afterthought here. I really think cursive writing should be taught in schools. It seems that a lot of people after my children went through just didn't much have too. I have been surprised at a number of young people I've met who find the use of cursive hard to read and even more difficult to write.

    I actually attribute (age has hampered the abilities greatly though) my reading spelling and writing as having had great value to me, especially in the art of understanding a lot of written materials when I don't know what all the words mean. Also, I think it as well helped me become a fairly proficient typist. I really never learned the 'numbers', but I never used them much and knew I wouldn't way back when.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,049

    Well, I guess Hell is freezing over. It's too cold out for Baby-in-Chief & he's moving the ceremonies indoors.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,049
  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    My daughter learned cursive and has beautiful penmanship. My DS did not and can barely print legibly. This was just a difference in 4 years between their educational training. Both are excellent typists/keyboardists but your cursive signature is part of your identity and is required for legal documents such as a passport and a real ID. It used to be required for voter registration, too, but I no longer go to polling sites. So cursive is needed. I don't know that a printed name on a passport will cut it. Plus there are times you still have to complete forms, etc.

    Unfortunately my arthritis is hampering my ability to write in cursive for prolonged periods and on some days it is even difficult to sign my name if I have been using my hands a lot. The arthritis in my right thumb is severe so even holding a pen can be a challenge. It can be "fixed" with a fusion of my thumb joint but I am not interested just yet because the recovery is 2 months. When I thought about how many times I use my thumb each day, I thought 2 months is an eternity. I would need help with just about everything from dressing to eating. I used to have beautiful handwriting…

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,424

    Not sure, as an educator, why cursive should be taught when it no longer serves much of a purpose and is increasingly not used. Typing/keyboarding, though fine motor skills, are unrelated to cursive and are taught in most schools as this is a necessary skill. I love cursive but instructional minutes in the classroom are precious and it becomes difficult to justify their use for subjects/skills that are no longer necessary. We do teach cursive in my state but as its usefulness declines, I suspect it will become even less important. I know that most of us will fondly cling to cursive, myself included, but from an educators perspective I have yet to see a compelling reason to keep teaching it.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited January 17

    Seems if the Reps. get their way no one is going to learn much of ANYTHING important anymore but thank goodness they might be good typists. Being expected to write cursive encouraged me (I have no idea if it did others) to work harder at spelling. While doing that I looked up more words to learn how to pronounce them and would get to see their meanings. I didn't retain all of the 'learning', but more than if I hadn't done it at all.

    I type (last test long ago was 112) a lot now but still feel typing did nothing for me necessarily as far as spelling and learning what words meant. Writing cursive had a lot more to do with that and is not something I'd wish to give up. I'm thrilled both of my children were able to have the same school experience. I also think my spell checker may not have to work so hard right now either.

    And I might as well admit that I don't have a phone and therefore don't text. I hate the fact that words are drastically changed in texting such you which comes out as U.

    ETA : This isn't to be argumentative in any way but just adding to and providing a bit more information for my personal viewpoints and feelings. I have respect for how others feel and hope everyone knows it is clarification only here.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,424

    I don’t see your post as argumentative at all! Obviously, this was your learning style and it worked for you. From a linguistic point of view, whether printing, cursive or typed, there is no advantage nor relationship to spelling or other written language skills. Our brains learn the symbol to sound relationships regardless of how that symbol looks or how it is generated. So for the vast majority of folks the symbol or how it’s generated makes no difference in terms of spelling or grammar.
    That doesn’t meaning everyone’s learning style fits that model and that’s ok! Unfortunately because there is no relationship between sound symbols and spelling/grammar (for most people), cursive really has no advantage over typed or handwritten print.
    BTW, my approach to all things language related is very far from typical but as a linguist and teacher, I am very familiar with the typical.