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  • BlueGirlRedState
    BlueGirlRedState Member Posts: 900
    edited December 2020

    Well, I finally got around to writing a letter to the editor, don't know if/when it will be printed. I wanted to send to state and national reps, but figured this would reach more people since their staffs should be reading the paper. My letter.

    What shenanigan will Donald next attempt? An "Alternate Constitution"? I'm sure Donald would agree that the Constitution we have is fake. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 should read "The President", rather than "the Congress", "shall have the power. …. To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers….". Something was lost in translation.

    The assaults on our democracy must stop. I contacted our delegation and asked them to congratulate Biden and work with him in bringing our Nation together. We need to put aside differences, corral and control the Corona virus and the outfall has had on our sprit, the economy, jobs/unemployment, and homelessness/evictions. We must improve access and affordability to health care, address global warming, and redistribute funds towards essential social services. There was no response from their office. "We The People" must come before Trump, other elected officials or Party affiliation.

    It is sad that Biden's inauguration will be limited by the Corona Virus and that much of it will need to be virtual. I will watch the inauguration. If Trump has a campaign rally on the same day, it will be in the Spam folder where it belongs.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2020


    Maybe Junior dropped it for daddy.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    Image may contain: text that says 'So the voters can't be trusted, the poll workers can't be trusted, the voting machines can't be trusted, the media can't be trusted, Bill Barr can't be trusted, the guy who was in charge of election security can't be trusted, the lower courts can't be trusted the appellate courts can't be trusted, and the Supreme Court can't be trusted. But Donald Trump can be trusted. Roll that around in your head for about 3 minutes and realize how incredibly mind- bogglingly stupid that sounds.'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    Image may contain: text that says 'It always cracks me up when the left is referred to as "radical." Like the left is running around carrying assault rifles, denying science, and discussing not accepting the results of an election.'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    Image may contain: 2 people, text that says 'venmo Donald Trump @Oanald Trump_ Forever venmo Starta payment Pay "He's a billionaire and he keeps asking supporters for like $5. Isn't that just sad? It's like saying, 'For the price of a cup of coffee a day, you can help a desperate old man pretend he's still president." Colin Jost'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    Image may contain: 2 people, text that says '"Remember when you appointed three Justices to the Supreme Court to do your bidding and when you tried use them to overturn the election that Biden won they ruled against you anyway?" "That was awesome."'

    I hate to say, I did hold my breath a time or two -- because while it seemed like it couldn't possibly happen -- I recall how much in this last four yrs. did that I thought would be impossible.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    Good question:

    Image may contain: 2 people, meme, text that says 'THE ONLY QUESTION NOW WILL TRUMP BE TRIED AS AN ADULT?'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    That puts it in a nutshell: So, I would like to know how all those people who did vote for the orange jerk come to their decision. They certainly failed to recognize these attributes properly.

    Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'Why would anyone believe: a heathen when he says he's a Christian; a draft-dodger when he says he's a patriot; a cheater when he says he's honest; an imbecile when he says he's a genius; a debtor when he says he's rich; a coward when he says he's brave; or, a liar when he says he's truthful? American News'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    Image may contain: text that says 'Catherynne Valente @catvalente Genie: you have three wishes Me: make Mitch McConnell a real turtle and leave him in a dry kiddie pool in rural Kentucky on the hottest day of summer and his owner is Sid from Toy Story Genie: ...ok that one's on on me. You still have three wishes.'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    Divine: You have a real point there. I really do wonder about our news. I generally have some trust for the left although I don't think even they are above having to shade things for their ratings. That is VERY sad. If you are going to make a life-altering decision you need the best information as soon as possible -- and ratings should not matter.

    I also think we will be treated to a lot of Trump information along the way. He is going to want to keep as much of the spotlight as possible. I read in passing coming here that he had even entertained the idea of some kind of sit-in on Inauguration Day. I'll have to look around more seemed it only seemed to indicate it as an idea. I do think if there is a way to upset the apple cart and put himself in the limelight he will.

    It is preposterous to me that so many of the Reps. have babied and enabled Trump so long that he is not bothered ( I think truly un-tethered now for the most part ) by what he wants/hopes to do at this point. Anyone with brain cells would slink away after losing well over 50 times -- the same thing. I guess that is one of the outstanding features of the mentally challenged. They are not always easy to shame.

    Just have to hope and pray that the worst things will not be possible and that some of those Reps. when the dust settles are able to see enough light to back off ( not that I think anyone should forget how eager they were to clean up after Trump ) and maybe not be too harsh about the roadblocks they might think of trying to throw in Pres. Biden's way. I am hoping that we are able to get those run-off seats and get McConnell turned into a eunuch as far as the Senate goes. Maybe if he had to be minority for four yrs. he will decide to retire. I would not give him another thought. He has been in many ways I've read more destructive than Trump. He certainly did nothing much for anyone but his wants the 8 yrs. Pres. Obama was in office. So, we have had over 12 yrs. of his errant leadership going on. I would like to see Kevin McCarthy lose his job to McConnell. I don't know if anyone recalls, but when K. McCarthy got the minority leader position he wanted to change the " minority " to some other title. He had high hopes of going way up the chain there and it didn't happen. Thank you Nancy P.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,899
    edited December 2020


  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,819
    edited December 2020

    Just remember that "no" is not a word in drumpf's vocabulary. He has never had to accept this as a response to any of his machinations, he uses suing as an alternate mechanism to achieve his desires and has been enabled by his stable of wives. While I think Melania is just as manipulative as he is, if not more so. She is no wilting violet by any way, shape or means. She set her sights on "being" all she could be even if her program was a dud. She's like a cobra.

    I hope Moscow Mitch loses his power in the senate and has to play second fiddle for his remaining time there. He is a ball-less, spineless wonder and will at some point pay for his dissembling.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    Live to experience something new each day -
    to learn something new, to meet a new friend,
    to bring joy into someone's life,
    to feel the wind newly on your skin,
    to touch a new fear and a new anger,
    and with focused intent and good fortune,
    to find an ample measure of your own joy.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    I have to say, Trump doing something to botch things up for his "enemies" was the first thing I thought about when Rachel Maddow talked about the fact that Trump messed up the roll-out as much as he messes most everything he touches. Just like him.

    Image may contain: text that says 'Middle Age Riot @middleageriot The same Republicans who claim to want civility are also trying to overturn a free and fair election in favor of a racist vulgarian who is sabotaging COVID vaccine shipments to blue states.'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    I guess they are passing their loyalty test for now. Ssh -- they have something ( or so they think ) that is bigger than Trump's.

    Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'When the police force wouldn t take you, and you too scared to join the military e There' S always make believe COSPLAYTRIOTS Rok OKeefe'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Bullshit'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    Image may contain: text that says 'Freeze the assets, salaries, property and health benefits of ALL members of Congress, hand them a $600 check and tell them that's all there is for six months. Let's see how THEY do. @mmpadellan'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    Image may contain: text that says 'MAKE ANE AGAIN LivingBlue @LivingBlueinRed As a 50 year old white guy from a red state, I want you to know that I think Biden filling his cabinet with Americans of color, Native Americans, gay Americans and female Americans is fucking awesome.'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    Image may contain: 1 person

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2020

    He’s not only screwing blue states, but red ones too. The shipment to Florida is “delayed”. Desantis is blaming Phizer, they say feds aren’t telling them where to send it.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,819
    edited December 2020

    Here's an opportunity to blow up the last Trump casino in Atlantic City, all bets accepted. It's being done as a fund raiser for the boys and girls club. I think they should paint his picture on it and that would make the deal more inviting.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2020

    It's official: Bob's vaccine appt. is tomorrow!

  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698
    edited December 2020

    Yay, Sandy. One less thing to worry about.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,353
    edited December 2020

    Good for your husband, Sandy! I am hoping teachers are in the next tier.

  • jkl2017
    jkl2017 Member Posts: 279
    edited December 2020

    Great news, Sandy!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,899
    edited December 2020

    Yea, Sandy. Great news!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,899
    edited December 2020

    An interesting article from Huffington Post:

    Meghan McCain Slams Trump After He Rails Against The Late John McCain Again

    The president called the senator, who died more than two years ago, "one of the most overrated people in D.C." in a tweet this week.

    By Jenna Amatulli

    Meghan McCain pushed back on President Donald Trump after he went after her father, the late Sen. John McCain, in a bizarre tweet on Thursday night.

    In the tweet, Trump shared a Breitbart article titled "New Peter Strzok Texts Undermine Official Narrative on Start of 'Russia Collusion' Investigation."

    The president added this editorializing remark: "Check out last in his class John McCain, one of the most overrated people in D.C."

    Meghan McCain fired back at Trump, a longtime critic of her father who has continued to lambast him more than two years after his death:

    McCain's tweet makes reference to her father's military service, as a Navy aviator during the Vietnam War, and Trump's repeated belittling of that service. She also mocked Trump for losing to President-elect Joe Biden in Arizona, a state Trump had won in 2016 and the state her father represented in the House and Senate for over 35 years.

    Trump's tweet also prompted a local Arizona news outlet to publish an op-ed titled, "John McCain once again drops by his condo inside Donald Trump's head."

    The president has made mention of McCain many times since the senator died of cancer in 2018. Elements of their contentious relationship were recently unpacked in a new book from Mark Salter, McCain's longtime confidant and aide, titled "The Luckiest Man: Life With John McCain."

    In the book, Salter explains that Trump was fixated on McCain's withdrawal of his endorsement of Trump in 2016 after the release of the 2005 "Access Hollywood" tape, in which the future president bragged about sexually assaulting women. Salter writes that McCain described a post-inauguration call in which Trump "kept repeating it — three, maybe four times, like he wanted me to apologize before we talked about something else."

  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2020

    next tier are the population in facilities like nursing homes. I have no doubt it's no coincidence that the blue states are getting 40% less vaccines than what they were told.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2020

    Great news Sandy! Are all of you gals getting the vaccine when it is available? And if so, have any of you had allergies, or severe reactions or anaphylactic shock from reactions? And if so, does it depend on what your reactions were from?

    We always get the flu-shot, but just had some concerns about this virus shot. I had asked our Primary Care doc about this, and she said yes, she is getting the shot... I didn't ask her about any concerns about side-effects. Maybe it's like every other drug we take, every person is different, and can react in different ways to ANYthing. Like me and Tamoxifen.. Our genes handle some drugs differently.

    Maybe I could say "different, differently, a few more times... Hah!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,899
    edited December 2020

    I am getting it for sure when it's my turn. I had what would be considered a rather mild case of Covid, and I have felt so miserable for seven days in my life (including when I was doing chemo). SickTired