I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!
Art, I live in a Deep Red State, and we are getting a lot less than promised too. I believe it's more a matter of mismanagement.......surprise, surprise.....
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I work in a skilled nursing facility (red state this time around) and we should be getting our vaccines in the next two weeks. There are a decent number of nurses who are saying that they are not going to take it. We have had 3 outbreaks, two of which have been unit wide (almost every resident on that unit). We are in one of those right now. I am taking it as soon as it's offered.
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My nephew is doing his physician's internship at a hospital in Huntington, WV. Medical workers there all received an appointment via email to get the vaccine tho are not required to get it. If you don't show for your appt, your name goes to the bottom of the list and you have to wait until another shipment of vaccine if you then decide you want to get it, and they can't say when that will be. Nephew was scheduled and got his first shot on Tuesday. My sister is grateful he will have the protection of the vaccine.
I will get it as soon as it's available to me.
I'm not a fan of Meghan McCain. She still defended some of Trump's actions during the 2020 campaign. She always rides the fence and seems to follow whatever gives her the most publicity. You will see her denounce him one week and then support him the next. Cindy McCain publicly threw her support to Biden but her daughter never made such definitive statements. Not sure how Meghan justifies her stance after the way her father was treated by Trump, knowing what a good working relationship John had with Joe.
https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5f5bb3c4c5b6b4850800139a/amp0 -
I will get the shot, eventually. There is people who need it first before me. DD is a teacher, they should be towards the top. I saw where each disease association is yelling to get their disease moved up. I have a boatload of stuff wrong. Patience people!! Your group will get it.
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We share with all life the capacity for feeling, the experience of having a body, mind, and heart in continual interface with countless other bodies, minds, and hearts. Our capacity to feel deeply means we share with all life the possibility of experiencing delight, joy, trust, and intimacy, just as we share in the capacity to experience pain, sorrow, grief, and fear. Living within a physical body, we all share the experience of aging, frailty, illness, and death, just as we share the precious times of strength, health, safety, and vitality. Through our minds we share the capacity to experience confusion, agitation, and complexity, just as we share the possibilities of serenity, clarity, and balance. An understanding of this profound interconnectedness of all life is at the root of the compassionate heart dedicated to alleviating suffering without reservation or exception. -Christina Feldman
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I too will take it ( the vaccine ) as soon as its offered. I do understand I won't be in the first group and that is okay. I do feel fortunate ( though it seems to have increased way more than I feel comfortable about ) that we are in a secluded area where we live, but do encounter people yet in town who do not bother with masks. I'm not really sure why since they often do not look like rebellious types. Who can know for sure.
As to so much of what is going on. I too think a lot of it is incompetence as to the vaccines etc. Then again, there are a number of things that I think have happened or will happen just due to the vindictiveness and evilness of Trump. He will want to do as much damage as possible just because that is who he is, and also will want to make it as hard as possible for Pres. Biden.
Trump has been a monumental failure, no matter how many people try to ignore that fact -- and there are a lot of Reps. in that group. I would hope that many would come around even if at the last minute, but at the same time, I would see it as a mistake to let them off the hook. They should in turn, lose their seats if they have know-towed to Trump and fostered such near criminal allegiance to him and what he has done or tried to do.
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Love the meme Ruth. I think that what should happen to any and ALL of the books that the Trumps have written or ghost-written.
As to the Arkansas story -- almost could have been written by my mom. I had Rheumatic Fever at 8 yrs. old ( before word of a polio vaccine ) and because my knees hurt so badly I could not bend my legs w/o screaming my mother was terrified that it might be polio. She knew more about polio than the Fever so while she was still quite anxious, she was relieved to find I didn't have polio. I was in flat in bed for 6 mos. and then up for brief periods a couple more months. Then slowly was able to return to school and childhood activities. So, right before I was nine we got the polio vaccine at last.
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Yes, we (DH and I) will get the vaccine when available. Our county health department does not yet know when the county will get vaccines(and we are a red county in a red state).
They are not certain what in the vaccine triggers a severe allergic reaction. However, the reaction appears to come on quickly and respond well to treatment which is why everyone is to wait 15 minutes before leaving the area after receiving the vaccine. I've had an anaphylactic reaction once, do not want to repeat the experience but am not concerned about this vaccine.
Guess most of us will be waiting in line.
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If you chose as an author to write about the hideous and embarrassing and critically dangerous time this last four yrs. would turn out to be, where in the hell would you start.
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Ya’ll are killin’ it with the memes! 2020 vs 2021 says it all, doesn’t it?
btw, I have always had a huge crush on Bradley Whitford.
I’m allergic to aspirin, ibuprofen and penicillin. I went in to anaphylactic shock when I took aspirin. I do not know if this would affect taking the Pfiser covid vaccine. I get a flu vaccine every year and had the H1N1 vaccine and the ole swine flu vaccine with nary a problem, so not sure what they mean by allergic reaction, i.e., allergic to what exactly?
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Divine, that is just it--what in the vaccine causes the anaphylactic reaction in some people is not known. Thus, the advice for those with a strong history allergies who carry an epi pen to avoid the vaccine. The most recent report (nurse in Alaska) indicated no such history. Pfizer has announced they are working on identifying the allergic trigger. Meanwhile, if you are fortunate enough to get the vaccine, calmly wait the recommended wait time.
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Most immunologists are now saying that anyone who has ever had a severe allergic reaction to a food or drug should not avoid the vaccine, but rather get it at a health care facility capable of nipping anaphylaxis in the bud. I've gotten mild forearm rashes (like prickly heat) from penicillin & Cipro, and turned hot & red from Sulfa (but I had pneumonia & a fever at the time, so it could have been toxic shock unrelated to the drug--I get no reactions to hydrochlorthiazide and celecoxib, with which sulfa-allergic people are supposed to be cross-sensitive).
My husband Bob got his first Pfizer shot today and is calling all his friends urging them to take the vax as soon as it's offered. (He thinks that because of my two cancers I should have a higher priority than other seniors not in congregate-living, but that's up to my oncologists & PCP).
I think Little Company of Mary realized that if it limited its vaccinations to only its own employed critical care staff, the attending specialists in private practice would refuse to come in--and it can't spare any critical-care or other LCM-employed docs for non-COVID patients. That, and the discovery that each Pfizer vial contains not 5 but 6 or even 7 doses; and maybe they had doses left over that would be useless if not administered w/in 5 days of receipt. (To paraphrase Lin-Manuel Miranda, "they are not throwing away their shots").
Pfizer says it still has millions of doses sitting in its warehouses, and hasn't heard squat from the Fed. gov't about deploying it. The reduced allocation is across-the-board in all 50 states. Not malice, but sheer incompetence is to blame. What else is new? It's Operation Warped Speed.
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Okay Sandy, I was waiting to hear from you! I am also allergic to Penicillin and Sulfa drugs...And I WILL make sure I get the shot at our Doc's or wherever it is offered...
I wonder if our allergies are a build-up of drugs we were given when we were kids? Like when I had ruptured appendix with peritonitis? The anti-biotics? And then the series of shots I had twice for allergies?
It just seems like politics have taken over our lives! And everybody is blaming each other!
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I know the penicillin sensitivity must have come from all those penicillin shots we got as kids. Every time we got "the grippe," my mom would call and the doctor would make a house call and give us a shot in the rump because that's what parents demanded. When I was 12, and had an infected knee, I was given oral penicillin and got that rash on day 10 of the 10-day course. With cipro, same thing--it was the abx of choice for infections normally treated with penicillin; and after 10 yrs of being able to take it, I got that forearm rash on day 7. So for me now, it's the "-mycins," "-cyclines," Keflex or nothing. (And the last couple of times I took azithromycin--Z-pack--I got a fleeting arrhythmia. Looking back, whenever it happened I'd been having wine with dinner, so maybe it was the combo of Z-pack & alcohol--but not gonna take any chances). Come to think of it, I never had a problem with Keflex (other than the capsules' rotten-egg aroma), and penicillin-allergic people are also supposed to be Keflex-intolerant, so I think I will take that penicillin-allergy-challenge test as soon as a month after getting my COVID vaccines and NorthShore is offering elective procedures again.
Allergy shots, if anything, de-sensitize you to the specific allergen in them. So if you had a series of shots for pollens, it would make you less allergic to them. They have nothing to do with antibiotics. (There is a cat vet in a nearby suburb who will actually take samples of your cat's hair & dander and send them to a lab to be made into an extract for an allergist to administer. The hard part is finding a willing allergist, since most will just advise giving away the cat).
Personally, when it comes to antibiotics, I fear development of resistant bacteria or a c. diff infection more than I do developing an allergy. So I don't take them unless absolutely necessary. Back in the '50s & '60s, there was no such thing as MRSA, and even for viral infections pediatricians & GPs would administer antibiotics "just in case." Because of the metal in my arm, knees & leg, my dentist insists I take a bolus of clindamycin an hour before any appointment that might draw blood (even a cleaning). Before COVID, I had to be sick as a dog and bringing up Technicolor stuff before I'd call a doctor for a URI--one of the reasons for the development of stuff like MRSA is patients demanding antibiotic prescriptions for clearly viral ailments. (That, and routine use of abx in grain-fed feedlot cattle due to the fact that bovine intestines were not designed to handle corn or soy--which is why ever since reading Michael Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma I eat only grass-fed beef and pasture-raised poultry, pork & eggs).
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I am getting the vaccine when it is offered to me and will wait a full 30 minutes in the office. Received a very informative email from my pcp's group explaining how it will work, the five sites in the multi county area where it will be administered and that I will be contacted to setup an appt. The email contained many pleas not to call to get put on a waiting list!! I got a hive after taking sulfa drugs orally and was told not to take ever again. I had a systemic reaction to multiple yellow-jacket stings - immediate hives/itching and lip swelling for which I went to the ER, I don't think that would qualify as anaphlaxis. Then I had another sting which caused my arm to swell up alarmingly after which I went to the allergist who said he ignores the arm swelling/localized reaction, but was more concerned about the body/lip swelling from years before. I received 5 years of shots for a variety of hornets, wasps and bees. After each series of shots (a minimum of 3 - at first 9, in one arm due to my lymphadema concern) I had to wait in the office for a half hour. Well into the 5 years as I sat out my 30 minutes reading a book in the waiting room, I began to cough/clear my throat and suddenly was surrounded by nurses who whisked me back into the treatment area for closer observation, I thought what the fuss, but I will certainly wait in the office for thirty minutes after my vaccine!
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Count me as another with penicillin allergy. I still remember the Dr coming in the driveway in his big black Buick and carrying his little black bag. And screaming cause I knew he was going to stick me. And he always did. So after too much of that, one time I developed welts size of half dollars. Remember them? That was the end of penicillin for me. I can do sulfa drugs, and keflex but that can really mess up your tendon.
As an overweight insulin dependent smoking cancer survivor with cardiac issues, I figure I should be near the top of the high risk list. Who knows.
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It's possible to have too much in life. Too many clothes jade our appreciation for new ones; too much money can put us out of touch with life; too much free time can dull the edge of the soul. We need sometimes to come very near the bone so that we can taste the marrow of life rather than its superfluities.
Joan Chittister0