I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!
It does not always help to analyze and think about problems with your rational mind. Sometimes it is far more effective to turn to your inner self, to ask the universe for help. Simply sit quietly. Take a few deep breaths and focus your awareness within. Ask your wise inner self, either silently or aloud, for guidance or help in understanding the message. As you get a sense of what feels right, act on this feeling. -Shakti Gawain
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And to boot -- never worked hard at it. He just let stupid stuff escape his mouth.
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Likely the camera angle -- that looks like a whole, whole lot to fit into a corset -- and wow -- no wonder it is hard to manage when he is on tip-toe with his shoe lifts.
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I am actually glad the $2000 was killed in the Senate. If that doesn't send a clear signal to the people of Georgia that they need to vote Democratic, I don't know what will. Plus it keeps things roiling around in the Republican party, as it should. They completely deserve to be blamed for the mess that we are in.
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True Ruth, but many of us really need help. I hope it goes through sometime
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I pray Georgia goes blue, and it's the very first bill the Senate takes up and passes after the new Congress is sworn in.
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Amen, Ruth. I keep checking my son's bank account (joint with me) and the $600 direct deposit has yet to show up.
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Yesterday, I called my credit union to see if a check cleared. The recording at the beginning said checks were beginning to post.
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Will be chilling champagne for tonight. Dh and I take short snoozes in the living room while watching whatever New Year's celebration on TV is most entertaining, but will be awake for the countdown at midnight which I always find exciting, yelling out the numbers down to zero. After that, I open the back door to let the old year out, then head to the front door to let the new year in, running out on the porch screaming “Happy New Year!" over and over at the top of my lungs for anyone to hear. And finish with a glass of champagne.
On New Year's Dy, my preference over Mimosas is champagne and cranberry juice which some call a Poinsettia. I'll have a couple of those.
Happy New Year's Eve, ladies.
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Begin and end each day with an expression of gratitude and thanksgiving. Every morning when you awake you have been given the gift of a sunrise and twenty-four hours to live. This is a precious gift. You have the wonderful opportunity to take this day and live joyously, with appreciation for everything that you encounter. Take a deep breath and be grateful for this exhilarating experience of breathing in life and love. Similarly, end your day with an expression of love, and a repetition of the word for peace, "Shalom."
Wayne Dyer0 -
I can't stand all the Republican Bullshit, turning off the TV until next year.
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Our stimulus checks are at the bank and will be available 1/4. They usually get our SS checks a few days ahead and credit them at the right time. DH's car repair bill was just slightly more than the stimulus check. It's been a very expensive four months. Dental crown, sick cat, license tabs for 2 cars, 2 car repair bills, new controls for the hot water heater and the frig is making ominous sounds. We're hoping 2021 is a little kinder.
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I hope the same thing Wren. I do think 2021 has got to be overall much better -- but now that we are retired it would be nice if things held together ( including old bodies ) a mite better. Here's hoping.
I haven't watched much news today. It gets old while the orange one manages as yet to command a pretty fair share even though he is on the way out. He returned from Fla. early. Excited that Josh Hawley from Mo. is going to contest when Congress meets and Pence reads out the EC votes. I think he is in la-la land and seems to think some how the election will be handed to him. The loonies don't seem to realize how much 'sicker' they help Trump to be, since he does not live in the same Universe as the rest of us. Did I read somewhere that those who contest know it won't go anywhere but they get to set the stage for themselves to run in 2024.
This assumes there will be a Reps. party in 2024. I still feel like most of the outside Trumpers will go back into the woodwork when their favorite reality tv star isn't blabbering the nonsense they love to hear from the Oval or elsewhere. He gave all of them a special club to belong to, but it will be disbanded. I also don't know how much time he will have to try and keep his hands in politics once he is gone. He has not only SDNY to contend with, but other lawsuits from women who are freer to pursue them. Also odd things like resignations by top people from Deutche Bank have taken place and perhaps the Bank will be looking to get its money back. I just don't see Trump playing so much with politics although he may try to keep his hand in for a bit. It seems that Putin has some issues as well because he will not be able to shield his oligarch's if Trump is not around. Biden is not going to put up with Putin -- in fact won't be kissing up to any of the dictator types -- so Putin may be tossing Trump too.
Going to be a dicey time of things for a bit, but seems to me when the dust settles -- so will a lot of the noisemakers and cheerleaders that coddled the orange thing and attended his rallies.
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I don't see how 2021 can be worse considering not just covid stuff.
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Careful, Artista--I said that last year, and God said "here--hold my beer." Between Trump not getting removed by the Senate, COVID (which killed my primary care doc), police brutality and subsequent riots & looting (and cops continuing to get off largely scot-free), more Trump, white supremacist mobs, finding out I have ocular melanoma (which will likely kill me a lot sooner than bc would have), voter suppression, tornado, losing seats in the House and not retaking the Senate, going back into quarantine, restaurants & stores going under, hunger & poverty skyrocketing, and the Russian cyber-hack, 2020 was infinitely worse than 2019. But I'm not gonna tempt fate by saying 2021 has to be better--only hope it will. (Afraid to "give it a kinahurra" by singing "Got a feeling 21 is gonna be a good year" from Tommy, even though it's been an earworm all day).
If everyone in my family can avoid COVID before we're all vaccinated and (hopefully immune), and my melanoma doesn't spread, we will be okay and 2021 won't be worse (though it will before it gets better)--we can help the kids out if Gordy's employer goes under, and when they need to move (they're counting the weeks till their lease is up--what had been a great apt. is a hellhole now that their new upstairs neighbors are slobs who brought waterbugs with them, have an autistic nonverbal son who constantly rides his trike on bare floors and then slams it down the stairs, and have unsavory characters come over--probably their weed dealers or stoner friends; nothing wrong with weed, but just get it at the dispensary).
Some good things did happen: Vaccines began to roll out. My melanoma shrank a little. "Thelma & Louise" are good for another year. I didn't gain the Quarantine 15 (though I did likely gain enough to be the same size as when it started). Gordy & Leslie are still employed and got engaged, Bob's practice got busy again (he was able to give the staff bonuses after all), and our retirement portfolio is doing well. We will be rid of SpongeBlobSquareTan (even if he has to be dragged out of the WH or Biden has to govern from the Naval Observatory). And, to quote Tom Lehrer, we're still "vertical and ambulatory." Knock wood, of course.
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I agree it's not the time to say next year will be better. Not gonna dare anyone or anything to prove me wrong.
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Our facility got the vaccine this past Wednesday. Staff and residents got their first one. I of course didn't because I tested positive on the 21st. Luckily I've (we've) had probably a more mild time of it but can't shake the cough and the headache. I was so close darn it
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That's what I mean. I don't see how 21 could be worse. 20 days is byedon. That alone is hallelujah!
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Happier New Year, everyone!
DogMomRunner, hope you recover soon and fully!
In the last half-hour of 2020, the final blow: our 46" smart TV's remote died. New batteries, trying to reboot it, didn't work--all it would do would turn the TV on & off. Then when I followed directions to power-cycle the TV (cheap Toshiba, out-of-warranty), when I tried to plug it back in it fell over off its stand, and now the pixels in the screen are trashed (rainbow lines, etc.)--and the remote still wouldn't work. One store has the new TV we want but won't do in-home installations due to COVID; another will, but not till Jan. 19! It's not our only TV but it is the one our housekeeper watches because it's near the kitchen; and the only one Bob watches that will do streaming. (I'm in the front room all day long, and the big set upstairs is too old to be "smart"). Very, very minor in the great scheme of things, but still the poison icing on the crap cake that was 2020.
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Happy New Year, and may 2021 be kinder and wiser. JUMANJI!!!
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ChiSandy - your tale of the TV reminded me that when my daughter was a baby our washing machine gave out on Dec 31, on New Years Day we drove to SEARS and bought a new one which was delivered in a few days - the washing machine finally expired after 33 years. Our SEARS is no more, appliances don't last as long and Covid. My son is (probably) moving to Chicago in August to complete his BFA at SAIC. I hope he doesn't end up in your son's apartment!!!
Our vaccine rollout in NYS is stalling, my region, the capital district, has the highest positivity rate in the state and the lowest # of available ICU beds. The repubs in congress can still screw things up, the SCOTUS is 6v3 and with upcoming cases can do a lot of damage. The trump appointees in the federal agencies are on a mission to continue the destruction - how long will it take to weed them out and repair the damage? Patience and Fortitude!! Despair is not an option.
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You think it's bad having your TV die - my "Finishing Touch Flawless Facial Hair Remover" died on me! About 2 days after i started taking letrozole I started sprouting chin hairs that were way beyond what a tweezer could fix and my sister (bless her heart) bought me one of these razors. I love it. Luckily I was able to get another one at the drug store (they're not as easy to find in Canada.) We're in lockdown here so only "necessary" purchases are allowed. I consider this necessary!
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Love is an act of endless forgiveness. -Peter Ustinov