I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!
If you can't change everything all at once, then at least work on changing something each day. Become aggressive in your battle with the ego. You probably don't need all the things that it wants. You need hope, discipline, creative expression, love, and serenity—these are the important things. Remember, when you are balanced, one stepping stone will lead you to the next. But you will rarely see the whole journey or all the answers at once.
Stuart Wilde0 -
Oh, those pesky, pesky consequences for bad behavior.
His defense for his action was, "I do think that when … the Oregon Constitution says that the legislative proceedings shall be 'open,' it means open."
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Oh don't I hope with every breath in me.
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Just exactly how I've seen this guy from the first day he got sworn in and got on his high horse, never to come down.
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Divine...hoping for a speedy recovery for you.
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Interesting article
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Quite an interesting article, Janett 2014. Seems like the agents weren't always the neatest guys and I sort of questioned why one would have to make use of a 'shower' while on duty but who knows what may go on when you are on detail watching people who are to be kept safe. I would also say that it seems the Kushner people go for expensive high style in homes and neighborhoods. I would have to look it up but will the Kushner, as well as the rest of the Trump children still fall heir to protections after Trump is gone from office. I know Trump gets it although if he ends up in jail he won't need it any longer.
I'm ambivalent to say the least. Trump and his clan seems to me should be able to take care of themselves. I mean doesn't everyone ( or at least 74 million people ) love them.
I do see the point behind good presidents ( who have chidden ) leaving ofc. and having protection for themselves and their children -- but the Trumps. That sort of bugs me. Of course, I'm definitely influenced by the fact that although I was forced into this orange man, I never thought of him as a president. I only referred to him as that a couple of times in the whole four yrs. because in order to complete a sentence and have it correct I had to.
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I find it interesting that some of the Reps. who voted to NOT impeach Trump for the second time did so because they were afraid for themselves and their families. I sort of thought -- well welcome to the real world. You foisted this abomination off on all of us, and now you are cowering -- almost wetting yourself at the idea of un-leasing his fury on yourself or those you care about.
He was incompetent and not mentally sound from the beginning and I think many knew it. I think in fact, his incompetency likely made them think of all the things they might be able to do. I'm pretty sure ( just like us ) no one really thought it would develop into the horror story that has already transpired. Un-fortunately, if Trump has his way it won't be over -- even after he leaves. He truly believes now ( because all his loony friends have continued to present it that way to him ) that somehow the Democrats totally cheated or defrauded their way to the Biden win, and he is viscous with a need for retribution and will never be satisfied.
I still have hopes that he will be far too busy with trying to get his OWN affairs handled -- like finding money sources since his banks bailed on him, and finding lawyers who will sign on since he doesn't pay -- and may have less even to pay with since he won't be able to borrow ahead. I also think in a yr. or so some if not a lot of his debts will be called in -- and I don't see anyone from Russia wanting to finance him in any way. He will have lost the value he possessed as top guy here and will become a zero. He also made the grave mistake of setting himself up for federal criminal charges for Jan 6th. He can try to squeak out of it, but he is not a smart guy -- would be total disaster in a deposition and there is of course a tape of every word he spoke so there is that plus emoluments, plus Ricco and other items from SDNY. His life will not be good and so hopefully he will not have a lot of time to direct his minions. Still because of the gross vindictdiness there will be some.
Sad thing is -- there are people who will possibly just take it on their own because he has opened that can of worms and I worry about that as much. We will have to be really vigilant -- and I do hope we find anyone who aided and abetted from Congress etc. and they get handled as well as those in police depts. or any other agencies ( retired military ) who may have chose to help as well.
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It is as it should be. This criminal con deserves nothing what-s0-ever. I just wonder when and how he is really going to leave.
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Protective services are for the former president and first lady for life. Children up to the age of 16. Thank God the rest of his despicable family doesn't qualify.
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Divine, how are you feeling?
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*the author of this piece is one of my former students!
I have seen wedding photos taken, snowball fights and sledding, picnics and concerts on the lush grass, and the inauguration of the leader of the free world. These are some of the beautiful and inspiring things that I have participated in and witnessed at the U.S. Capitol over 25 years of working and living in Washington, D.C.
In those 25 years, I lived through a lot of different events, but I thought and even dared to hope that the horrific experiences of 9/11 and the threat of an airplane hitting the Capitol dome were the worst things that could ever happen to such a sacred building. I was wrong. Dead wrong. On January 6, 2021, a mob made of domestic terrorists besieged the Capitol building while members of Congress, their staffs, and Capitol building staff were inside, resulting in the deaths of six Americans.
It has taken me days to write this column, partially because I have spent a good amount of time calling my friends and former colleagues to ensure they are okay. And partially because I am really damn mad.
In calls to my friends, most of those minutes were spent listening to their experience, what they saw, heard, and even smelled last week. They were scared. It was chaotic. It was frenetic. One friend hid in the darkness of a supply closet behind a stack of brooms and rolls of hand towels in case someone opened the door. He was alone for 6 hours until police cleared the building. When they knocked on the door to notify him, he did not trust that it was the police. They had to convince him it was safe to come out. Another close friend is a plain clothed Capitol policeman who recently had a baby. As the day unfolded, he was not able to call his family and tell them that he was okay for almost 22 hours.
The young staffers and Hill veterans who went to work in that sacred building all have stories like this. They come to DC and work on Capitol Hill because they love their country and want to serve. We all have a deep love for America and our democracy, and still do. That is why the events of last week were so violating and savage. And it is why I am still so damn angry.
I am angry because I watched someone walk around the Capitol with zip ties in their hand. I watched someone break through a window to get in, while the crowd behind him chanted to hang the Vice President who was inside the building. I watched a policeman be killed with a fire extinguisher. These are not things that happen without intent, support, and instruction. The U.S. Capitol is the home of democracy and the mob affronted the house.
The President of the United States is responsible for this insurrection. His language, lies, and call to action was a ruthless abuse of power – climaxing in the deaths of six Americans and the desecration of the United States Capitol. He must be held accountable. He must be stripped of all benefits. He must be impeached. He must be convicted and removed.
My former boss, U.S. Senator Byron Dorgan would frequently begin his speeches by talking about his daily drive to the Capitol. As the awe and grandeur of the dome came into sight every workday, he felt immense gratitude that a man from rural beginnings in Regent, ND had the opportunity to work in this magnificent building. I loved those opening lines because I knew exactly what he meant. I felt that pride as well, and I am proud to have been a speck of dust in the history of those halls. The U.S. Capitol represents a beacon of democracy and freedom across the world, and we must deliver justice to those responsible for the attack on the home of democracy.
Tessa Gould
Executive Director at One Country Project
Tessa Gould grew up in Jamestown, ND and attended college there. Rumor is that's where her love of the color orange began. She has served four Members of Congress, two U.S. Senators and worked on countless campaigns in flyover country. Her professional work has focused on rural economies, health care delivery and tribal sovereignty. After serving as Senator Heidi Heitkamp's Chief of Staff, she has joined her One Country Project as Executive Director. She is also a partner at Forbes Tate Partners in Washington DC. where she lives with her two bulldogs, Finley and Sully and attends a lot of Nationals games while wearing a Yankees hat.
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Ruth, She does you proud.
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She is an awesome person. We still keep in touch, which is very fun for me.
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Congrats on your student, Ruth! This is a very nice piece!
Poor, poor Donald!
Watch it, ladies---->
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What a psychopath Trump is. He has seen to it that since he could not steal the election, this inauguration could be the most violent event to happen on U.S. soil. How do people not see his diabolic ways? He made sure there is very little celebration and a great deal of fear and anxiety for U.S. citizens He is thrilled to have riled up his base this much that we need an unprecedented show of force in DC and across all State Capitals.
I feel like this is a turning point in our democracy. We will never be the same as a country. Domestic terrorists groups will use Jan 20 as a trial run-through for the next big coup. I fear it will continue endlessly.
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I feel the same way Divine.... Just afraid to think of all the possibilities. So many of "them" just don't care.... they believe in his royal madness, and they are all die-hard Republicans, and that's all they care about. I pray for all of us.
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Leadership must be based on goodwill. Goodwill does not mean posturing and, least of all, pandering to the mob. It means obvious and wholehearted commitment to helping followers. We are tired of leaders we fear, tired of leaders we love, and of tired of leaders who let us take liberties with them. What we need for leaders are people of the heart who are so helpful that they, in effect, do away with the need of their jobs. But leaders like that are never out of a job, never out of followers. Strange as it sounds, great leaders gain authority by giving it away. -James B. Stockdale
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Ruth, I join with the others. How wonderful to count among your former students a true patriot who loves and appreciates all the specialness of democracy as well as the sacred places where it happens and has indeed been able to at times be a huge part of it first hand. Well done. I envy your role in helping to shape this person.
Divine, I fear you are right. We likely are in for a really long run of having to defeat people like Trump. That is painful, but in reality -- it has taken a long time for us to get where we are. I heard someone talking about the federal building in Oklahoma ( recall Timothy McVeigh back then ). This just seems to almost continually spring up from those who see others ( strong racial divide ) as completely inferior. There will always be those who see differences as highly negative -- in race, color, creed, monied versus poor, highly educated or not. That needs to be soooo reduced. Will we ever learn that it is our differences that comprise the whole and not the sameness.
I am glad that Biden will not take the train and like your student Ruth, it is a thing to be angry about that we find ourselves in a position where we will have to celebrate the transfer of power in ways not previously imagined. I am hoping and praying for the total safety of all and at the same time -- that hose who need prosecuted for this will get the harshest penalties possible. Whatever deterrents are needed as I hope they are a prelude to our way to seeking wellness for what went on before this last four yrs. and what we need to do to heal and move forward.
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It will certainly work for me.
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Lowlife for sure and I hope they are all high-lighted totally for this:
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I could not agree more: