I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!
Huge article in the Seattle Times about Trump's people having to refund a ton of money to people who meant to donate once but were billed monthly or weekly because it was so hard to opt out on their website. They kept taking money out of people's accounts until there was no more left. Talk about a scam.
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I saw that in a meme, but did not have time to verify it in any way Wren so glad you shared. It did indeed sound just like the ugly scoundrel Trump and his minions usually were and likely still are. I did note that the person mentioned ( one that was scammed ) was a cancer person ( Stage 1v ) that was in hospice. I hope someone in her family ( our her estate ) gets that money back. I also think ( have to admit I never saw any notices of Trump's asking for any kinds of donations ) that a lot of those things are written up with the - only once or opt out asap or however termed - in very small writing and many people would likely just skip it. Dh got signed into a couple of monthly ( not political donations ) orders of meds done the same way. I convinced him finally that careful wording leaves you open to agreements not intended.
I think Trump has run different forms of scams his whole life -- political ones were as easy as falling off a log with the bunch he runs with as it seems a majority of them are heavwts. on the side of shady doings.
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Sandy, thanks for the book recommendation. I feel like maybe I've heard of it referenced before in a few articles I've read. I will definitely check it out.
Jackie, I saw some headlines about the former guy's Easter rant. I wonder especially if the Evangelical Christians, on what they consider the most holy day of the year, wanted to listen to that ugliness? I wonder if being away from his daily verbal garbage for the past few months makes them hear how toxic it sounds? And deranged. A stuck needle replaying the same line over and over. Can they, can any of the Maga folks see that our country is actually moving forward, being rebuilt due to the vaccine roll-out, passing of the stimulus plan and now all eyes are on the infrastructure plan to further heal and help the nation, making words about Dems destroying our country sound bizarre?
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Over the years I have come to believe that life is full of unchosen circumstances, that being human has to do with the evolution of our individual consciousness and with it, responsibilities for choice. Pain and joy both come with life. I believe that how we respond to what happens to us and around us shapes who we become and has to do with the psyche or the soul's growth. -Jean Shinoda Bolen
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Divine, you have hit it out of the park again I do believe. Trump and many of his ardent followers are sounding more and more wild and un-connected to the realities the rest of us are getting to experience. As for Evangelicals -- I think I read somewhere that so many people are leaving their 'religion behind. It is seen as not being what it was many yrs. ago and certainly highlighting more the evil and un-Christian ways that have been a part of the last four yrs. I do think many have recognized the 'false' prophet and that it has become power and pushing for changes ( control ) that are just too far out to be realistic. People are finding that they can be spiritual on their own and don't need the 'trappings' that they have paid for all along. Especially when it goes towards yachts and 'dates' with women who are not your wife.
I also do very much think people who have been able to be divorced from the daily orange drama have had time to realize that they just may have gotten caught up in something that was un-workable from the very beginning. If they are not total zealots they should be able to appreciate some of the better changes of having things ( good things ) actually take place w/o all the drama and nastiness that happened with the former guy.
I hope people are going to see how government should really work -- even if it is not quite to your liking. Seeing a more concerted, but refined and quiet loving efforts. It does tend to though highlight the antics and lack of bi-partisanship that is going on with the Reps. who look hell bent on destroying themselves almost totally. Interesting time to be watching as the chapters roll out.
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I think once the karma starts it will just keep going.
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Do each day all that can be done that day.You don't need to overwork – or to rush blindly into your work, trying to do the greatest possible number of things in the shortest possible amount of time.Don't try to do tomorrow's – or next week's – work today.It's not so much the number of the things you do but the quality, the efficiency of each separate action that counts. . . . you need only to succeed in the small tasks of each day.This makes a successful day.With enough of these, you have a successful week, month, year – and lifetime. -Earl Nightingale
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When I think of my past, I try to dwell on the good times, the happy moments, and not to be haunted by the bad. . .To me the gift of life is contained in the command, whatever happens: " Don't let it get you. Just keep on going." Thus, I try to think of the good that I have already experienced and what will still be coming. -Rose Kennedy
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Truth in a meme. Jeff Tiedrich is sometimes a little rough around the edges language-wise, but he is not afraid to tell it the way he sees it. I always enjoy seeing his memes.
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Sometimes life frightens me and I'm tempted to retreat instead of risking failure. But when I challenge this fear and choose to take a risk, this stretches my soul. By forging ahead and trying something new—even when I am scared—I perform an act of courage. And this act of courage strengthens my soul and strengthens my character. -John Gray
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Great quote.
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Police officer Chauvin kept knee on neck for 3½ minutes after George Floyd drew last breath, expert says.
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Our language has wisely sensed the two sides of being alone. It has created the word "loneliness" to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word "solitude" to express the glory of being alone. -Paul Tillich
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Great quote because although I do occasionally experience loneliness, I prefer solitude over dealing with some people.
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Yes, the quote is profound. I guess I never realized the different definitions of being alone. I've been working on establishing better boundaries with my siblings for about a year. It's still a work in progress and now I realize I'm experiencing more solitude but not necessarily loneliness.
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I feel the following story is of great importance. It's a continuance of well-known Bible teacher Beth Moore's recent announcement that she left the Southern Baptist Church. Now she's speaking out against the church's theology of complementarianism, which says men and women were created for different roles in the church that compliment each other. True meaning: Men have the power. Women must submit.
Has Moore finally seen the light?
The story was reported in the Washington Post, among other news sources.
Moore is so well-known and respected in evangelical Christians circles that a female historian is quoted as saying, "This is the beginning of the end of complimentarianism."
Dear God, I hope so.
Beth Moore apologizes for elevating complementarianism
WASHINGTON (RNS)—First she shook the evangelical world by leaving the Southern Baptist Convention. Now Beth Moore, arguably the evangelical world's most famous Bible teacher, has begged forgiveness for supporting the theology of male headship rooted in many evangelical cultures.
In an April 7 Twitter thread, Moore took aim at complementarianism, the 20th century theological framework that argues men and women were created for different roles and that effectively champions male headship and female submission.
For some evangelicals, complementarianism is a line in the sand. Those who question it are seen as undermining belief in the Bible. Moore said that was wrong.
"Let me be blunt," Moore tweeted. "When you functionally treat complementarianism—a doctrine of MAN—as if it belongs among the matters of 1st importance, yea, as a litmus test for where one stands on inerrancy & authority of Scripture, you are the ones who have misused Scripture. You went too far."
She also apologized for her past view on the matter.
"I beg your forgiveness where I was complicit," she said on social media. "I could not see it for what it was until 2016. I plead your forgiveness for how I just submitted to it and supported it and taught it."
In an email to Religion News Service, Moore didn't go quite so far as to say she has entirely abandoned complementarianism. But she no longer sees it as essential.
"I'm not going to be pushed into either category right now because that's not my point," Moore wrote in response to a question about whether she was still a complementarian, or its counterpart, an egalitarian. "My point is that it has taken on the importance of a first-tier doctrine."
But apologizing for her role in supporting and elevating the importance of that theology, which she had submitted to, is a major step for Moore.
Some female historians said Moore's tweets were a decisive shift. Beth Allison Barr, a Baylor University historian and author of The Making of Biblical Womanhood: How the Subjugation of Women Became Gospel Truth, likened Moore to the biblical Joshua commanding the people to shout so the walls of Jericho fall down.
"She just shouted," Barr said concerning Moore. "This is going to be the beginning of the end of complementarianism."
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I do indeed hope that is is a 'decisive shift"!
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A sweet photo of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. He dressed in full uniform one day as she was going out for an engagement, and caught her unawares. She broke into a fit of giggles.
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Moore pleads for forgiveness. Repentance without action is just B.S. After 2100 years of that same crap, I sincerely doubt that "This is the beginning of the end of complimentarianism." Not so fast! Look at all the proposed new anti abortion bills, anti transgender legislation, and fear of loosing the male/female dichotomy being promoted by religious zealots - male and female. In many respects complimentarianism is flourishing across most all religious groups because of fear that men might loose their power.
The Owner of Izod and Van Heusen Will Permanently Close 162 Outlet Stores - Karma?
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MSaw a different article, she’s still in the church, but now “disagrees” with this. Can a zebra change it’s stripes? I think not.
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No, Beth Moore has definitely left the Southern Baptist Church.
Beth Moore Says She's No Longer Southern Baptist
The popular Bible teacher, author, and advocate for abuse victims decides to leave the denomination that used to be her "safe place."
I'm not saying she's given up her Christian faith. But she has taken the action to leave the Southern Baptist Church and also took the action to publicly announce it to her followers. Her disillusionment of the SBC began after the church and its leaders embraced Trump even after his “grab 'em by the pussy" tape was revealed. Moore grew up in a troubled home where she experienced sexual abuse.
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Beth Moore is not a politician. She hasn't broken any laws, hasn't committed any crimes. She denounced Trump before he was elected.. She's now asking forgiveness for some of her teachings that she no longer believes in. Why be so harsh on her? She has absolutely nothing to gain by being public about all this. She's not trying to get elected or up for reelection or trying to change legislation or trying to get reduced jail time, no jail time or a pay lesser fine by her admissions. I definitely believe she's sincere. And I believe her actions will be impactful. I hold no grudges towards her.
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I absolutely believe people can grow and change. It takes courage for those in the public eye to admit when they are wrong. Beth Moore has nothing to gain (and much to lose) from speaking out as she has. Kudos to her, and if she can get others to re-examine their beliefs, she will have done a great service.
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I like how you word that, Ruth, getting others to “re-examine" their beliefs.
I believe Beth Moore is sincere in what she's saying because I had my own experience of the blinders falling off my eyes and seeing the patriarchy of Christianity. This was decades after I became a born-again Christian. Beth Moore said the Southern Baptist Church saved her life; that it was a refuge for her in her youth during the time she was experiencing sexual abuse in her home. I did not experience sexual abuse, but have said before that attending a Pentecostal church and being born-again in my early 20s (after being raised Catholic) saved my life and my sanity. That part will never change. However, my religious beliefs have changed, and I am no longer Christian. (I would place myself in the agnostic category).
Once I saw the patriarchy of Christianity, I could never unsee it.
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