I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!
I absolutely love this one.
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Generally speaking, if we view human nature as dominated by
destructive tendencies, our ethics will most likely be grounded in
something outside ourselves. We will understand ethics as a means
for keeping those destructive tendencies in check in the name of
some greater good. If, however, we view human nature as
predominantly oriented toward kindness and the desire for a peaceful
life, then we can consider ethics an entirely natural and rational means
for pursuing our innate potential. On this understanding, ethics consists
less of rules to be obeyed than of principles for inner self-regulation to
promote those aspects of our nature which we recognize as conducive
to our own well-being and that of others. This second approach
is in tune with my own.
The Dalai Lama0 -
Throughout our lives, the moment we bring our awareness fully into
the Now, we enter the domain of the true self, and our immediate
conscious reality is once again that of sensation and perception. As
I sit in the park, the sunlight brightens the leaves and casts shadows
on the ground. I have a feeling of contentment. And as long as “I”
don’t create stories about what I am seeing or about the fact that I
am feeling content, which leads me away from my immediate experience,
what I experience remains simply perception and sensation. The same is
true for any feeling, any emotion. In the Now, it is just what it is. In the
Now, I “go back” to my original awareness “by the way that [I] have
come.” When we directly perceive and experience whatever is present
in our larger fields of awareness, it is possible to have a relationship with
it without becoming lost in it or defined by it.
Richard Moss
The Mandala of Being0 -
There is no time I haven't loved Wanda Sykes. Those are the kind of people that make it all a lot easier to get through now and then. Thanks Ruth.
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And sure you could sing Jailhouse Rock — if you could only remember the words. You don't look much like Elvis in this picture. Maybe the sweat. The ORANGE sweat.
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And trying to convince you they are Elvis's look-alike. Not happening dude.
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Missed when the Donald said he looked like Elvis but I bet Elvis is rolling over in his grave. Loved Elvis as he was a large part in the music available when I was growing up. Sad how his life ended but that was based on his poor decisions. Elvis still has a following after death which I don't think will happen to the donald. In that case I think people would be lining up to piss on his grave.
Love Wanda Sykes and she always seems to have a message that is spot on.
I doubt if donald could remember the words to Jailhouse Rock but it is befitting what I hope his future holds.
Thanks for the laughs today.
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I love this!
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I love it too, Ruth. I don't plant flowers, but I do encourage hope to grow. While I am nervous in many ways about this upcoming future and election, I still think there are way too many news people using negative news to keep viewership alive and not near enough news about the amt. of people who would not at this point dream of voting for Trump whether he is convicted before the election or now.
Even most of his own don't want him. They just don't have the spine to let it be widely known. So I have hope that as we get closer that the Democrats who are being errant to a degree right now will get over it and we will get more truth in media. We have quite a road in front of us of things that need to be done and we need to be as united as possible. We really need to get more members on the SC and we need to erase some of the ambiguities that have developed during the last so-called presidency of the orange one and the Biden presidency. Also need to get out many of the current Reps from the right who are only there to make trouble.
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What I spoke about. The media is doing a super cherry-picking in the orchard, and it needs to stop.
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Too bad he is not still around.
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for fun — but we sure could have off-loaded some crazy Reps.
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Saying you are well informed because you watched Fox News is like saying you are well hydrated because you drank sewer water.
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I just cackled over this.
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I guess this amounts to whether you want to wreck the Reps. party good, better or best.
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Reps. party — the world's biggest DUDS.
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Truth in advertising.
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I watched SNL’s “Weekend Update” from Saturday; Collin Jost read the following news item:
“In some great economic news for President Biden, U.S. oil production hit an all time high this week and the economy added a surprisingly robust 350,000 jobs. Or as Fox News reported it, ‘Are migrant workers turning your kids trans?’”
LOL! Truth!
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That explains FOX News perfectly!
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I just sent this message to my stupid, horrible 'Representative': How can the House of Representatives NOT even vote on the BIPARTISAN border security bill, which has been endorsed by the National Border Patrol Council??? If you and the other Republicans really, truly cared about border security, you would do something NOW. Not use it as a wedge issue in the upcoming election. I find this 'politics as usual' appalling.
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Senate Republican Tells Trump, ‘Don’t Be Ignorant, Read the Bill’ After Ex-President Slams It
Alex GriffingJan 31st, 2024, 6:12 pmSen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) urged former President Donald Trump to actually read the Senate’s bipartisan border security bill before continuing to oppose it. Cassidy and other GOP senators were asked by CNN on Wednesday to respond to remarks Trump made over the weekend, slamming any kind of border deal with Democrats, who currently control the U.S. Senate.
“As the leader of our party, there is zero chance I will support this horrible open borders betrayal of America,” Trump told supporters Saturday. “I’ll fight it all the way. A lot of the senators are trying to say, respectfully, they’re blaming it on me. I say, that’s okay. Please blame it on me. Please.”
CNN’s Manu Raju introduced his report, saying, “Top Senate GOP negotiator,James Lankford, told me earlier today that the criticisms that this bill would not clamp down on border crossings is simply wrong.”
“The former president calls this a betrayal. Is that it? What do you think of that characterization,” Raju asked Lankford in a clip from earlier in the day.
“It’s certainly not a betrayal. Actually, we’ve got to be able to deal with issues in law. That’s how we actually deal with things in America,” Lankford replied.
“Does he have access to the bill?” Raju then asks Cassidy in a separate clip.
“It doesn’t seem that way,” replied Cassidy.
“It hasn’t been released. How does he know it’s a betrayal if he hasn’t read it? I mean, don’t be ignorant. Read the bill,” Cassidy added, raising his voice.
“The last comments from Senator Cassidy, referring to a comment that former President Donald Trump made over the weekend, referring to that Senate bipartisan deal as a betrayal. But you’re hearing pushback from there,” Raju added.
“But nevertheless, that is really driving so much of the discussion, debate that is happening behind closed doors and expect that debate to continue in just a matter of minutes when Senate Republicans gather behind closed doors to figure out whether to abandon this bipartisan deal altogether because of Trump’s opposition and also the speaker’s opposition,” Raju concluded.